Lies, damned lies and... How did 500,000 people die in late December of 2020 (more than 9 times the statistical average) and it didn't make the news? How did CDC completely reconfigure all the death data from 2020, long after the books were closed? How is it that MORE people died in 2021 (the jab year) than in 2020 and yet they tell you the jabs work?
The CDC, FDA, NIH have been putting out deliberately false studies for decades, especially when they need to contradict what their own scientists have found. Look up Judy Mikovits.
I think it is interesting that your non-Covid mortality per 100 life years was 1.11 if you refused the mRNA vaccines. But if you refused the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, your mortality on this statistic was 1.47. So all you unvaccinated people out there, be sure to refuse the mRNA vaccines and not the J&J !!!! Refusing the Pfizer or Moderna shots can give you at least 25% less chance of death over refusing the J&J shot! This assumes, of course, that you don't get jabbed with any of them. But apparently, what you report as your refusal counts.
Um... "[T]he study was observational, and individual-level confounders that were not adjusted for might affect mortality risk, including baseline health status, underlying conditions, health care utilization, and socioeconomic status." Correlation, once again, is not causation. The authors know this; the only conclusion they draw is that they found no evidence that vaccination _increases_ mortality risk.
Yep, that makes sense. We all know how it works now. the CDC or "Science" writes some BS and then corporate media BLASTS it out over and over. Reassuring the audiences that the JAB IS GOOD, YOU MUST TAKE THE JAB, THE JAB SAVES YOU. Alex Berenson just had us read the below article. It was a deep dive into the brainwashed upper middle class. It's astonishing to me that people actually live this way. As a poor normie I just assumed the wealthy were in on it, and wouldn't be taken in by all of this nonsense. I'd now say they are the most devout and I doubt we will ever be able to convince them otherwise.
Steve - she is going to be speaking at Stanford on November 14. Scroll down to the last event - it’s the fourth of a four part series. You can register - a “free virtual symposium.” Hosted by the med school and the business school!
I worked with someone from a small MSM outlet for months. I could tell she wanted to go right through my throat—at first—but then she softened a bit.
We were both mothers, you see… She had a downs-syndrome child and my children were/are vaccine-injured. I told her, at the very least, she may want the information to protect her own children.
I fed her information for months and met with her a few times. She stuck it to me in the end. Here is our story including screenshots of our emails. I sent a lot more than she did. I suppose I should have known…
My Response to “New Rules on Vaccine Exemptions Sought” Take 2
I think the issue with this study isn't that the numbers are made up, but that it's a weak study design and bad conclusions from the data:
The authors themselves say that the people who chose to get the vaccine may be the ones that lead healthier lives to begin with; that's one of the limitations they admit. Given that's the most plausible reason for the discrepancy: why publish the study? Take the Pfizer group in the 18-44 age bracket: 93 people died vaccinated vs 161 unvaccinated. What if 3 of the 93 died due to the vaccine itself, and only 90 would have died among the vaccinated otherwise? The authors would still be concluding the safety profile of the vaccine is demonstrated here. It's just not adequate data to make that point.
so heartbreaking to watch. And I'm not new to vax injury stories. Thousands of families have dealt with them since 1986. But Covidians are truly toxic and will stop at nothing to destroy the truth about the toxic jabs.
"This proves that the CDC can put absurd shit out, and the medical community and the press just eats it up without question. " Hardly a new problem with propaganda media but maybe time to revisit the covert ties and note the NatSec "experts" openly featured on MSM news-ish platforms. Reprinted from 1976 Carl Bernstein ~ CIA Media the Watergate - Church/Pike Committee findings.
Lies, damned lies and... How did 500,000 people die in late December of 2020 (more than 9 times the statistical average) and it didn't make the news? How did CDC completely reconfigure all the death data from 2020, long after the books were closed? How is it that MORE people died in 2021 (the jab year) than in 2020 and yet they tell you the jabs work?
If such a miracle cure existed, the medical profession would surely suppress it. It would significantly cut into their profits if everyone were well.
Fauci & Nancy Pelosi must be guzzling it ... in their 80's?
And of course, they messed with one of the links, so I had to go in and do a fix... For those of you who looked, Japan is back...
My Response to “New Rules on Vaccine Exemptions Sought” Take 2
The CDC, FDA, NIH have been putting out deliberately false studies for decades, especially when they need to contradict what their own scientists have found. Look up Judy Mikovits.
I think it is interesting that your non-Covid mortality per 100 life years was 1.11 if you refused the mRNA vaccines. But if you refused the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, your mortality on this statistic was 1.47. So all you unvaccinated people out there, be sure to refuse the mRNA vaccines and not the J&J !!!! Refusing the Pfizer or Moderna shots can give you at least 25% less chance of death over refusing the J&J shot! This assumes, of course, that you don't get jabbed with any of them. But apparently, what you report as your refusal counts.
Um... "[T]he study was observational, and individual-level confounders that were not adjusted for might affect mortality risk, including baseline health status, underlying conditions, health care utilization, and socioeconomic status." Correlation, once again, is not causation. The authors know this; the only conclusion they draw is that they found no evidence that vaccination _increases_ mortality risk.
Steve I have a way to stop all this. But we need your help.
Please review this site
I'm looking forward to your help Steve.
Frank Waldo
Direct: 573-292-1280
Office: 800-459-1215
Fax: 844-318-3941
Yep, that makes sense. We all know how it works now. the CDC or "Science" writes some BS and then corporate media BLASTS it out over and over. Reassuring the audiences that the JAB IS GOOD, YOU MUST TAKE THE JAB, THE JAB SAVES YOU. Alex Berenson just had us read the below article. It was a deep dive into the brainwashed upper middle class. It's astonishing to me that people actually live this way. As a poor normie I just assumed the wealthy were in on it, and wouldn't be taken in by all of this nonsense. I'd now say they are the most devout and I doubt we will ever be able to convince them otherwise.
Steve - she is going to be speaking at Stanford on November 14. Scroll down to the last event - it’s the fourth of a four part series. You can register - a “free virtual symposium.” Hosted by the med school and the business school!
So what’s the wonder drug?
the covid vaccines
I worked with someone from a small MSM outlet for months. I could tell she wanted to go right through my throat—at first—but then she softened a bit.
We were both mothers, you see… She had a downs-syndrome child and my children were/are vaccine-injured. I told her, at the very least, she may want the information to protect her own children.
I fed her information for months and met with her a few times. She stuck it to me in the end. Here is our story including screenshots of our emails. I sent a lot more than she did. I suppose I should have known…
My Response to “New Rules on Vaccine Exemptions Sought” Take 2
Might the CDC numbers be plausible if the vaccines are bringing back the dead?
I think there is a popular tv series about that... it was on AMC. =)
Didn't think of that one. I'll check ;)
I think the issue with this study isn't that the numbers are made up, but that it's a weak study design and bad conclusions from the data:
The authors themselves say that the people who chose to get the vaccine may be the ones that lead healthier lives to begin with; that's one of the limitations they admit. Given that's the most plausible reason for the discrepancy: why publish the study? Take the Pfizer group in the 18-44 age bracket: 93 people died vaccinated vs 161 unvaccinated. What if 3 of the 93 died due to the vaccine itself, and only 90 would have died among the vaccinated otherwise? The authors would still be concluding the safety profile of the vaccine is demonstrated here. It's just not adequate data to make that point.
so heartbreaking to watch. And I'm not new to vax injury stories. Thousands of families have dealt with them since 1986. But Covidians are truly toxic and will stop at nothing to destroy the truth about the toxic jabs.
Same thing happened to me and I'm not vaccine injured (other than my insulin requirements shot up 4X after vaccination).
"This proves that the CDC can put absurd shit out, and the medical community and the press just eats it up without question. " Hardly a new problem with propaganda media but maybe time to revisit the covert ties and note the NatSec "experts" openly featured on MSM news-ish platforms. Reprinted from 1976 Carl Bernstein ~ CIA Media the Watergate - Church/Pike Committee findings.
And against the vaccine injured. This is Kyle Warner who testified at Sen. Ron Johnson’s hearing: