The reason so many MDs and medico-regulatory bureaucrats won't speak out even though they know the vaccines are very dangerous and deadly has to do with the selection process by which these people get where they are. The NUMBER ONE personality trait for advancing in government bureaucracies and professions governed by them is COMPLIANCE. This is not to say such people are not intelligent. Most of them are quite intelligent. Its not to say they are incompetent, a theory many have put forward. The sort who rise to the top in bureaucracies are both very competent and highly intelligent. The REAL problem is that these two traits, no matter how pronounced, are invariably SUBORDINATED to the dominant trait of COMPLIANCE. What is killing so many people is the fact that those who are most adept at working their way up the 'technocratic' ladder are the most conformist, the most compliant. They simply do not have it in them to go against the dominant narrative, to challenge the consensus. This is why politically controlled societies are always so dangerous and so deadly. A professor named R J Rummel from Hawaii wrote a book about the the tens of millions killed by government, a phenomenon he termed 'democide'. Unfortunately the only really safe society is the anarcho capitalist society where it is the consumer who is the vested power, where the corporation and its products must either pass muster with the consumer or be driven from the market. Government is best understood not as an impartial umpire concerned to help peaceably resolve disputes - the junior high civics class model of government. To the contrary REAL government actually functions as a defense on the part of the crony capitalist class AGAINST the sovereignty of the consumer.

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Very good post today. The "deceived" article is very interesting expect it is too long for me. I will try to read it in parts if I can. Thanks for everything you do Steve!

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Unbelievable that the Medical community continues to deny what is in plane site. I have had many of my friends injured after the vaccine. They get diagnosed with the same diseases that are side effects from the shots but the doctors just keep trying to figure out what has happened. The amount of money being charged the insurance companies for this blinded-practice is astounding. Test after Test, medication after medication and still no answers. Plus it is hard to get into the specialists due to how busy they are. Diagnoses that don't make sense. Sad times. But some of my friends are starting to wake up due to the people they are meeting with the same issues and no answers from Drs. Praying for all who are going to be affected and for those who are going to wake up and be really angry.

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Your comment echoes what’s been going through my mind too.

It’s the sheer numbers. Keep track of these on paper or in your head.

As I wrote on Steve’s recent post about Deion Sanders, individual cases may or may not be jab injuries. Someone commented Deion’s could have been just his body, his family history. The problem is that in a population where we might see a few of these injuries in each 1000 people, now we are seeing far more.

The example I gave was Jessica Rose, Phd citing that in a group of 183 professional athletes and coaches there were 108 cardiac events when there should have been 5. So maybe Deion was one of the 5 (he’d have gotten clots anyway) but there were 103 more. Where did those come from? Sarc: long-covid? And for you OCD types I’m using Deion as an example, yes, I know His is clotting, not Precisely a cardiac event. But the idea is the same.

In my clinic (I work admin in ophthalmology) we do see Neuro events that precipitate eye problems but highly uncommon and more often 6th nerve palsy in older people. I’m supposed to be exceedingly careful about HIPAA so I have to be careful here but we have two odd cases going on right now one right on top of the other. The first far more troubling than the second.

Just look up demyelination.

Anyway, again, it’s numbers.

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Yeah, these "clot shots" make no sense at all,( neither do flu shots...never had one of either). So explain why these damnable shots are required to enter 3/4 of the countries around the world??? That makes no sense, unless of course you are one of the Global Elites! Of course WWIII will come to America soon, and we won't even miss each other! We'll all be dead! Sorry I'm in a bad mood this morning.👵🤬

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“I know what you're thinking. Did you need five boosters or six? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is the worlds most powerful experimental synthetic mRNA vaccine, with no success in animal trials in the past decade, and no human trials prior to COVID, and would bury you very quickly when it causes blood clots or ADE, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya punk?”

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Fool me once ....

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5th dose, same vaccine. Remind me again how the mRNA platform would allow them to quickly roll-out variant specific vaccines. Why is it that they haven't brought another to market? Too much current stock on hand? Would require further testing and scrutiny? Surely droves would line up for an omicron specific vaccine.

On the Florida model, poor kid. Just awful. Always covid caused, never even vaccine correlated. Maybe if more people stood up against these vaccines, especially for kids, she would still be standing with us.

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Again I direct you and others to FDA’s actual bulletin authorizing the fourth jab. It’s so illogical as to be amusing if it weren’t so deadly. Read the whole thing. It’s seriously funny it’s so illogical. Unfortunately it’s not an April Fools joke.

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The answer as to why you should get the flu shot (or any vaccine) will be " because the CDC recommends it. ". No one questions why they recommend them. Robotic thinking: its what we've always done.

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The Joomi piece is a first-rate comprehensive compilation of the key data and well-chosen video clips. Great that you helped her out and thanks for sharing. Someone should turn it into a PowerPoint presentation etc. Could be a very effective tool. Even now, a great link to share with your local friendly ostriches.

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People don't want to be confused by the facts. They believe what they want to believe, and what they want to believe is that these clot shots work because as long as they believe that they work, they can serve the only god that matters to them, Mammon. This isn't just the case for the elite, or their stooges in government, the media, etc. It includes the doctors and nurses who are still doing their best to intubate anyone who comes into their hospital with a head cold or a skinned knee.

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I’m sure the leg was exasperated by the vaccine, but I think exacerbated was meant…

I collect malapropisms, and that is a beauty!

Still love the site though, Steve. And all you are doing.

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If it weren’t tragic, I’d be giving you an LOL emoji. It’s too tragic for that. But still the word choice is funny.

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That 21-year-old aspiring model who had her legs amputated should never have been given the vaccines, as she had a congenital heart defect, probably cyanotic heart disease. The article starts out by saying her amputations were the results of extreme Covid complications. Later it says, without putting the blame on the vaccines, but perhaps structuring it so the readers can draw their own conclusions:

"The 21-year-old is fully vaccinated and doctors soon identified her intense leg pain was a result of myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanotic and acidosis."

Myocarditis it is a known side effect of the mRNA vaccines, especially in young people, and there are quite a few case reports of rhabdomyolysis following vaccination also.

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Can anyone open the cdc wonder website? Take it off the air?

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RE: The issue of the flu numbers and flu shots. Dr. Bryan Ardis has pointed out that flu numbers are very low, but made to look larger because lumped together with other respiratory ailments like pneumonia. (Hear it here at 28:30 about: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/everything-home-61782/260-dr-bryan-ardis-covid19-plandemic-hospital-concentration-camps-vaccines-886941740 )

No one in the virology cult would want to do that study and highlight those ACTUAL flu numbers which indicate flu shots are an unnecessary and wasteful use of public health funds!

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How convenient for the pandemic profiteers and the virology cult that Fauci and Walensky stopped gathering data from hospitals. Only then can they pursue these 4th and 5th boosters. (How newspeak/doublespeak that word "booster" is, because these booster shots are depressors -- in effect depressing the immune system's proper response.)

Must read here, a report that explains that in the UK -- where hospital data on covid is still being collected -- data indicates that over 92% of covid deaths are in the vaccinated patients. So, the vaccines are not just failing, they are failing with the "omicron variant" wave that all agree is no more serious than a common cold. And regarding UK hospitalizations and deaths among those receiving the 3rd injection, data show even more hospitalizations and deaths which surely must indicate lessening vaccine protection. https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/30/distracted-russia-will-smith-uk-gov-data-92-percent-covid-deaths-vaccinated/

And even with these horrid deaths, the UK is STILL pushing another booster. And, as Steve points out above, the USA is pushing the next boosters too, completely ignoring UK data while the CDC is making sure NO DATA IS COLLECTED in the USA.

Why aren't Washington legislators interested in these deaths? Why aren't they calling for a halt to this booster madness and an investigation into the CDC failure to meet the responsibilities it was created to meet?

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