I tried to show someone data that athletes have been dying in record numbers, and she pointed out to me that the Good Sciencing post Steve linked to, as well as his post doesn't have any athlete data from 2007 to 2019. Then I went looking. I found 12 articles all showing the same data with the big missing gap. Has anyone ever seen the data for these missing years?

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Gomer Pyle was smarter then Glen Pyle.

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I find Prof. Glen's "facts" to be a pyle of ...

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Always the same problem: Once they inject almost EVERYONE (before anyone can examine the effects) there aren't enough controls left TO compare against, not that they would ever ALLOW the controls to be examined. Nice trick huh?

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Some of us are members of an official online control group; occasionally we are surveyed to update the database.

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Watch the vid, VAERS DEADLY PFIZER SWISS VAX BATCH # "EJ6796" @ https://www.bitchute.com/video/aHUt3uLjSSwd/

via a reply to

COVID-19 is not the problem


Dec 29

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“In fact, peer-reviewed studies of COVID-19 trials report no connections between the vaccines and sudden cardiac arrest in any population.”

It is absurd to make such a broad claim that the peer-reviewed studies cover the athlete or pregnant women population when no such trials exist. His statement should have failed fact-check.

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Well, on the bright side, it looks like WAY MORE PEOPLE have read this article than have read Gomer Pyle's. Also on the bright side, the comments under Pyle's article denounce his hand-waving blabber pretty much to a head.

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When we look at what the criminals behind all this are prepared to pay for the blessing of an academic with NO CONSCIENCE, this bs makes perfect sense.It's amazing what you get for your buck in the Judas market:


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Well done, Steve. Thanks.

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Another person of the lie. I cannot understand how these people live with themselves.

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Narcissists sleep just fine, thriving as they do on lies, death and just plain evil.

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As Groucho Marx, a famous Hollywood philosopher, once said, "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"

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Obviously not a soccer fan! I have more respect for those who are afraid to make the link to the unusual cases they are seeing and the vaccine. This guy could learn the facts with little effort. I doubt he actually reviewed the stories about the dead athletes. Most academic physicians live in a bubble and are lousy clinicians. Here's what you do doctor to rejoin the compassionate: personally interview some of those destroyed by the vaccine or family members who lost children - at first your defense mechanism will disqualify their stories but little by little that creeping fear that you are wrong will mount and you will realize that your actions were not only unethical but morally indefensible. When this is over, my profession needs a deep house cleaning.

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"And with 92% of the deaths after the vaccine caused by the vaccine, it’s pretty darn likely there was no connection."

Didn't you mean to say that there WAS a connection?

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The phrase “no connection” was in the original disputed claim so maybe it started out as “unlikely there was no connection” which got only half-corrected in trying to factor out the double negative.

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I've seen him commenting about on Twitter, comes off as a prick. No doubt he is very distinguished but if he's not willing to come forward for a debate, especially with Dr. Bridle then that's just weak and chickenshit.

To me it's an indication that he's not confident with his position. If his goal is to save lives then he should grow some balls and jump in the ring.

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I love the very first retort to anything challenging the MSM / Government narrative will be "Misinformation". How about counterpoint, alternate perspective or other way we used to challenge findings of any report leading up to debate and peer reviews. Seems like politics has a firm death grip on "The Science" aka Anthony Fauci. Good, smart people are drinking this large glass of Cool Aide. Wake up. These instances of suddenly died among the vaxxed will continue and accelerate. Watch. Part of the plan. Black Swan / Economic re-set on the horizon. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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I remember from books read before Covid-19, that experts called Fauci "The doctor that always make failures", among other after in 2002/2003 warning that then there would start an epidemic which would kill 300 millions, around 300-700 died. And by other persons he is called "Faust", probably mostly because 330,000 dead by his pathended AZT drug against HIV, whiched he forced hospitals to use instead of ivermectin. To be prduced the AZT kost 5$ and price for 1 year 10,000$.

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Steve - there is a typo on the first sentence after the first image: "Pyle concludes that the vaccines are perfectly *save*".

Also, this sentence may be missing an "it": "I’m sure Glen never looked at it… *he didn’t mention.*"

Lastly, for the "Myocarditis rates" section, it may also strengthen it to include a direct link to Dr. Malone's post going through the paper which showed "1 in 2680 young men develop acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Hong Kong" https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/1-in-2680-young-men-develop-acute

Keep up the amazing work.

Professor Pyle would crumble in minutes debating you and the rebel alliance (against the Pfizer Empire). Witness how Joe Rogan, by simply asking basic questions, quickly exposed Sanjay Gupta's ignorance and fallacious reasoning. Anyone can bloviate like Pyle online and repeat disingenuous talking points, ducking and avoiding the slightest confrontation. Withstanding cross-examination in real life? They'd tap out before you could even hit record.

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