On their Substack Trust The Evidence, Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson from the Oxford University Centre for Evidence Based Medicine debunked this weeks ago. They show, from the NHS’s own data, statin prescriptions never dropped and related consultations for heart conditions were back to normal no later than December 2021.
Humans you have a choice. Trust the BBC, social media, your smartphone, internet etc to control you or make your own decisions. The above entities do not care about you anyhow. But they do want to control you.
It's the same in most other countries. Be an adult and do what you believe is correct or do what the media tells you what to do. Most people have outsourced their brains to this scam. For those that are left and can still think. Resist at all costs.
We are living out Fahrenheit 451 except nobody seems interested in burning books anymore since everyone turns to their devices. Maybe this is a clue to start holding onto hard copies - Maybe even print up things that we want to pass on to future generations. They will need to know what has happened to human beings who were so easily tricked by slime balls, hucksters and nihilists. I grew up in the aftermath of WW2 and everyone used to say that we must take notice of we learned so it will never happen again. Well somehow we fell for it all over again. And when you try to convey this to many people, they become hostile and call you a racist or granny killers.
Gazprom(Russia) has been running oil to Europe via Ukraine for most,if not all, the duration of the war. Russia is paying Ukraine to keep the gas flowing, while the US pays Ukraine to fight Russia. What???
Not only living in Fahrenheit 451 but also Orwells .1984 and the Brave New World. We need to understand we are also living in the days of Noah and I choose the Ark. I also grew up post WWII where my father was a pilot of B-17 in Europe. We should have taken notince and some did. Problem is most didn't. History is repeating right before our eyes and most just will never get it. Pray for them cause that is all they have left.
https://alphaandomegacloud.wordpress.com/2023/01/06/2022-a-review/ I really liked this article Baldmichael, think I will visit your site more often. I love to read everyday experiences like that, especially from the other side of the world. NEBULIZE WITH H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) once a day and you will never catch a virus again. Nebulize about 5 minutes. I have been doing it forever and never get a cold (covid)/flu (covid)/stuffy nose/green stuff out of nose. I STAKE MY LIFE ON IT IT WORKS! A friend and I buy nebulizers and give them away in our community. The friend gave one to his 84 year old uncle cause could not breathe nose stopped. Uncle called him next day said it was a miracle, said he wished he knew this 60 years ago! Ken, my friend, gave a nebulizer to one of his aunts, she gave one to her adult 3 sons, they in turn gave one to each of their children. For initial investment under $30.00 and about $0.05 a day never catch any virus, never ever never. Have a blessed day Baldmichael, hoss PS. My middle name is Michael.
Thing is (IMHO) people are still clinging to the old ways of thinking like along national borderlines whereas I think it is more the uber-elites are all in it together and the remaining 99.5% of us are literally worthless shit to them.
I think about things like the disgusting example of the British Empire and rather than be proud of it (like we are conditioned to be "Rule Britannia") I am saddened that people all over the world were basically abused and robbed in the name of the Empire.
I think about WMDs in Iraq and wonder what was that all about really??
I think about the Falkland Islands (1982) and wonder why on Earth some British people were celebrating the deaths of people in a place they couldn't point out on a map and the billions of pounds that it cost when more than 3 million people in the UK were unemployed and nothing was done to help them.
I am from the UK as perhaps you may remember. I do not consider the British Empire a disgusting example as you do and neither do others who came from India for example.
You should look at the French Empire which was quite cruel and clung on far longer to colonies.
And are you aware of the Belgian Congo and the huge numbers killed?
The British Empire had its problems and all too often it was the rather dim sons who went out to make their mark which wasn't always good.
And we must not forget the USSR and the pogroms of Stalin which killed millions and more than Hitler's regime.
I think you should reevaluate the British Empire; perfect it was not, but a lot better than most.
Finally, we need to realise that the Nazis are alive and kicking which is why we have all this evil now. The Nazis have permeated societies across the world and they originated from Germany where Karl Marx came from.
They are the ones trying to denigrate this country of ours as they wanted the UK to be in their control within the EU which was set up for Germany's benefit, a long term plan.
Then there is the Roman Catholic Church, a different type of empire. It is well said all roads lead to Rome. 'Vaccination is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' a big clue to what's happening today.
Given your user name, I'm shocked that you didn't consider those empires that preceded the British one. How about the Persian one, for instance? Or the Macedonian, the Roman, the Moorish... Were they all somehow less exploitative?
WMDs in Iraq were, quite simply, the result of a pathetic worm called Blair who wanted to be one of Dubya's best mates, and the only way to achieve that was by producing dodgy documents and then killing large numbers of innocent people (along with some guilty ones).
As for the Falklands, that's a bit less clear. As you point out, many in the UK had never heard of the place, but it did have a long relationship with Britain, the population of the island considered themselves British and had been invaded by Argentinian forces. Moreover, there were two unpopular governments that needed a win to cement their power. We know which one managed to do that, while the other crumbled and was dispatched. As for the cost; when did politicians ever stop to think about that, once they set out on the path of self-aggrandisement? So long as the 'diversion' works on the general public, it's worth the money. Galtieri's expenditure (of money and lives) was wasted, while Thatcher went on to win two further General Elections.
I wrote about the Falkland's. Mine is an unusual approach but I basically agree with your analysis. Also many Nazis went to the Falklands and I believe they were influencing the move to attack the Falklands.
Yep, the lessons weren't learned. But in part that was because the Nazis were not eliminated completely, the job was not completed which was hardly surprising.
Here is a very long documentary that woke me up about a lot of what happened in the last century. I think everyone should view it. The producer and narrator is now a friend of mine
Many thanks. I don't know if you would be interested but I did this on Hitler in 2020. I realised as you will see if you do read that my suspicions were up.
But I do believe he went to Argentina with Eva Braun. The circumstance of their death were not conclusive so one has to retain doubts whatever else.
You stirred some old memories in me. I remember killing hogs amongst our neighborhood in cold January days. My Ma would slip around and put some meat in each vehicle as pay for helping. We would have two or three households we would go to to put up Hogs. We would have two or three community fish fries every year. I miss those days, Never locked our doors at night. I cannot believe what it has come to, people killing people with vax/men can have babies/we used to have a man and a woman-male female, last I heard some say there are 75 genders. What next? How did we get to this place?
The language got confused by Satan. He is transgender by the way, a crazy mixed up kid to put it mildly. I call him (I use 'him' advisedly) Loopy Lucy.
I believe that millions would perish if they could no longer live their lives on their smart phones. Big pharma would invent another new mental disease, CPDS (cell phone deprivation syndrome) and then would sell new drugs to combat this terrible affliction.
The internet, everyone feels like their voice is being heard when they have a platform to share their thoughts, the keyboard warrior syndrome.
Growing up we went to people's home for cake and sweet tea on the porch and vice versa on Saturday nights. We would play in the yard while the adults "visited". Laughter and tears were had by all, everyone went home feeling better and got a good night rest and then got up to go church on Sunday. More human connection and fellowship, back then people went to real jobs during the week.
Call waiting was the beginning of the end. I can remember as a kid we had a party line and we thought it was a big deal to get private lines, funny that the gummint is still listening. Anyway, technology can be great and it can destroy.
When I grew up we had front porches where neighbors stopped by and sat a spell. Now we have 8 ft. privacy fences back decks. Not a summer afternoon went by that we didn't get up a baseball game with all the neighborhood kids. One thing positive about today's youth is their thumbs work good.
It's not too late, but yes, currently it's definitely the largest factor contributing to the demise of consciousness and Earth, along with laziness. Here's to a brighter version of Humanity we can all create!
Whatever facts we throw out there, it's ultimately the TV and media that are the issue, combined with people's lack of self-worth and trust in the system over themselves. All we can do is lift all ships with our rising tide.
I don't necessarily think it's people's lack of self worth and trust in the system.
I'd go with trust in the system and simple intellectual laziness.
The tv (remember when it was nicknamed the idiot box?) tells them what they want to hear. So they believe it. The tv tells them they will not face Death by COVID if they take the shot. They want an easy solution, so they believe it, rather than doing their own research.
I agree wholeheartedly, brilliant comment! In my community- with a few exceptions- people are 100% blind to what’s going on. Blissful ignorance?. Or conscious blindness.. I don’t know.
I'd say blissful ignorance that's lead to conscious blindness, which is being held onto dearly to maintain a false sense of blissful ignorance, which will have to be dealt with, in this life or the next.
People have been conditioned to believe C0VID = death. The vaxx will save them from death.
If you take away their binkie (aka the vaxx) they might have to consider they could get sick from C0VID and die. They won't believe that their death is highly unlikely. They just believe the vaxx will save them.
Logan's Run The TV Show he goes back to Dome City and the crowd is heading toward Carousal. He yells from a balcony that it's all a lie - they're just going to die, not be renewed - very dramatic. They all stop and listen. Then in a chilling scene the crowd turns and starts walking to Carousal again.
I remember that Casandra warning scene. The only way to break the spell for Logan was to destroy it all. An Armageddon for dome city.
The risk of destroying the system entirely is what you get next? They’re doing it now to implement their Great Reset/6uild 6ack 6etter Panopticon Hell that the population itself wouldn’t want. If only they would listen to our warnings on their plans.
Catch-22. Warn of impending doom. Destroyed. Warn of the plans. But Ignored.
If they knew, besides the use of immune boosting homeopathy that we already successfully used Hyperbaric oxygen therapy on hypoxic, intubated pateints, the emergency would have been over in mid to late 2020.. Instead we got the plandemic of the Bush Jr's continued, nazi-like, national state of emergency. It diverted more tax dollars to the banksters in two years than the illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (If we cannot prosecute Bush and his poodle Blair, I have little hope for prosecuting Bourla, the Generals involved at the DOD, Fauci, et. al.
The only explanation I'm left with sometimes is that many are under some dark kind of spell, in a trance-formation via the tell-a-vision. Only love and art of a more awakened parallel society have any chance of breaking those people loose.
Fear of death by C0VID. Even when someone close to them dies after the vaxx, or if a loved one is vaxx injured, they still will not stop taking the vaxx. Because it protects THEM from death.
Let em go. More resources for us pure blooded! There`re all around me . Masked sickly, dead, stupid, scared. They know they screwed up but won`t admit it
Your comment reinforces what keeps crossing my thoughts:
We must ask ourselves how we will deal with widespread policing of the internet for ‘malinformation’ aka inconvenient facts. When rather than if, this occurs, how will you deal with the dearth of facts? No substack. No alt media. No open source journalists like Whitney Webb and James Corbett, or geopolitical analysis from UK Column, Hrvoje Moric’, The Duran, TNT radio etc.
Start preparing now. Sharpen your critical thinking skills. You will be acting on your own conclusions.
Note: if they lied about this, should you trust them that they’re telling the truth about that?
Exercise the body first and foremost, breathe, drink pure water, meditate and pray. Go straight to the source- the Sun that provides health for us all, and clears our thoughts when we let it.
Comcast recently stopped all of Steve's emails from getting to me. They did the same with Jeff Berwick. Actually, I just realized it's not just Steve, it's all Substacks.
Join some groups or chats and find closest group and see if you can connect with the members and if the network will reach you. Start your own network of people who want to have a backup communication system and see if you can motivate to invest in mesh nodes.
yes! I have been working on this for about 6 months now. Setup pirate repeaters around using tbeams. The farthest contact I've had has been 22.5 miles. Now that winter hit I'm have issues with lion batteries charging in sub freezing temps. Its been a lot of fun and struggle.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: After I transcribed several of these in late December, I returned in January 2023 to find that the video had been uploaded again to the same link but missing the first testimony by Dr. Ayiesha Malik. A few days later, I found that the entire video and channel had been removed.
DR. AYIESHA MALIK: Hello. I'm Dr. Ayiesha Malik and I'm a GP in the Midlands. I'm recording this video as I've been concerned that so many patients have reported side effects since having an mRNA injection including the boosters. Patients are reporting many symptoms including myocarditis, which is a serious heart condition, and menstrual irregularities. I've discussed this with other GPs and medical specialists across the country who are also observing a similar pattern on a regular basis. Many doctors have spent years reassuring patients about the safety of vaccines, but in the case of the covid vaccines, there is something different. If you as a patient have developed new symptoms consider if and when you a vaccination or booster and when your symptoms started. This is also a question doctors should be asking. There is international concern amongst the medical profession and studies are also showing that there are more cases of adverse reactions than there should be. We want our patients to stay safe. When we became doctors we took an oath to do no harm and that oath needs to be honored. And that's why I, alongside other medical colleagues, are asking the government to halt the vaccination program and investigate these serious concerns.
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DR. ROS JONES: I'm Dr. Ros Jones. I'm a pediatrician and I've been speaking out against covid 19 vaccinations for children for the last 18 months. But we've got way beyond that now. There's an increased all cause mortality, there are increased side effects from the booster shots, and apart from anything else they're not effective against any of the current variants. It's simply time to stop the shots.
"Ros is a retired Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in neonatal intensive care and paediatric HIV. She has served on the Advisory Committee of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit and on the Education & Training committee of the RCPCH. An active member for many years in the British Perinatal Trials Group, she was also involved in reviewing NICE guidelines alongside some time editorial. Since retiring from the NHS, she has undertaken several tours teaching on SAFE Obstetrics courses in countries in Africa."
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DR. ROHAAN SETH: Hi, my name is Dr. Rohaan Seth. I'm a former GP. I relinquished my license to practice medicine in 2021 because I did not agree with many of the covid policies, the lockdowns, the masking, and primarily because of the vaccine rollout. I think these vaccines are unsafe, they're not effective, the rollout is unethical and unnecessary. It's unnecessary to vaccinate children for covid. It's unethical to vaccinate pregnant women without any long term studies. The harms being caused by these vaccines are quite apparent now. The excess deaths around the globe correlating with this vaccine rollout, the media are silent about this, the data is alarming, and the vaccines need to be stopped.
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PROFESSOR ANGUS DALGLEISH (ONCOLOGIST): I'm Angus Dalgleish, I'm professor of oncology at St. George's and a consultant medical oncologist and I have started to notice that several of my patients have melanoma who've been stable, stage IV disease, they've had very good immunotherapy or other treatments and I've been reviewing them from 5 to 20 years, I've noticed that I have now over 6, possibly 7, even an 8th yesterday, who've clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine. At first we didn't put the two together. But one patient said, I felt awful since the vaccine, I've just been drained. They describe symptoms of like a long covid, and the next thing we know, 2, 3 weeks, couple of months later, they've got clear evidence of relapse. And these relapses are quite aggressive. They're not a gentle relapse. They're relapses that are requiring systemic therapy, as opposed to a little nodule that requires a surgical excision.
But it's not just this. I'm now very much aware in my own circle of many people who are having, they haven't had melanoma but they've never had anything before, but they've got lumps and bumps and they're not feeling well. And two people I've interviewed at great length they all put it down to feeling awful after their booster. They were fine with the first two vaccines, or just had their shivers, flu, etcetera, but they've described being very tired, very fatigued, wanted to stay in bed, and this has dragged on to the point where they're going to the doctor and they've had blood counts and investigations. And I now know 7 of them. Two of them have leukemias and the others have lymphomas and one of them has a very bad myeloma which he is absolutely sure was instigated by the booster as he developed dreadful symptoms. So really I want to bring to everybody's attention that I think this does not look like a coincidence to me and we need to join forces and see if this is a real effect, and if it is, we must stop all the boosters immediately. Thank you.
DR. FIONA MARTINDALE: My name is Fiona. I'm a GP and I'm really concerned about the deterioration I've seen in the health of many of my patients since the rollout of the covid 19 vaccinations and in particularly as people have accumulated more doses. The problems include several heart attacks in fit and healthy 40 and 50 year olds, neurasthmaic symptoms in adults with no previous diagnosis. People getting getting chronic fatigue type symptoms, shoulder pains and inflammation that are continuing months after their jab. I'm also concerned about the national and international safety data that suggests something may be terribly wrong with these vaccines and possibly may be causing changes to the immune and the vascular systems that could be long-standing. We're beginning to hear from oncologists and hematologists about unexpected and aggressive cancers and surgeons and pathologists are talking about multiple blood clotting issues. I believe it's time we stopped the vaccination program and give weight and consideration to the data. It's unethical for us to vaccinate people or indeed treat people with any medical intervention without being sure that the benefits outweigh the risks. At present I'm concerned that the risks of continuing this program greatly outweigh the benefits for the vast majority of patients. Thank you.
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DR. DAVID CARTLAND: My name is Dr. David Cartland. As a GP and a father I'm astounded and angry this vaccine has been rolled out to younger and younger cohorts and has recently been authorized for use in the 6 month old baby to 5 year old child category. The adverse events data is unprecedented and stacking up week by week in systems that are likely underreported such as the VAER system and Yellow Card system. Medicine is all about safety and given the huge safety signals of the mRNA injections are giving off we need to stop these shots immediately pending urgent investigation for the sake of our next generation and children.
Being American you probably don't know this - most Brits don't either.
The BBC (and anyone else who operates under OFCOM rules but that is slightly different) are actually obliged to broadcast whatever the Government wants them to in their charter when requested to do so by a UK Government minister.
Here’s a couple of posts I have written on the subject:
Included within this Framework Agreement 2016 is section “67. Defence and Emergency Arrangements."
This states:
"67.Defence and Emergency Arrangements
(1) Any UK Government Minister-(a) may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement; and(b) may, if that Minister has requested that the announcement be broadcast or otherwise distributed on television or by means of an online service, request that the BBC accompany that announcement with a visual image (moving or still) of anything mentioned in the announcement.(2) If it appears to any UK Government Minister that an emergency has arisen, that Minister may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement or other programme.
(3) A request under paragraph (1) or (2) must be made in writing, and the BBC-(a) must comply with the request in the timescales specified by the Minister;(b) mustmeet the cost of doing so itself; and(c) may, when broadcasting or distributing the announcement or other programme, announce that it is doing so pursuant to such a request
(4) The Secretary of State may give the BBC a direction in writing that the BBC must not broadcast or otherwise distribute any matter, or class of matter, specified in the direction, whether at a time or times so specified or at any time.
(5) The BBC may, if it wishes, announce that such a direction has been given, varied or revoked"
And from OFCOM notice to broadcasters 23rd March 2020:
"we remind all broadcasters of the significant potential harm that can be caused by material relating to the Coronavirus.
This could include:
• Health claims related to the virus which may be harmful.
• Medical advice which may be harmful.
• Accuracy or material misleadingness in programmes in relation to the virus or public policy regarding it.
We will be prioritising our enforcement of broadcast standards in relation to the above issues. In these cases, it may be necessary for Ofcom to act quickly to determine the outcome in a proportionate and transparent manner, and broadcasters should be prepared to engage with Ofcom on short timescales.
Ofcom will consider any breach arising from harmful Coronavirus-related programming to be potentially serious and will consider taking appropriate regulatory action, which could include the imposition of a statutory sanction."
All these documents can be downloaded as a pdf from the various official websites.
Hope this helps your understanding of how and more importantly why the BBC are doing what they are doing.
The BBC have always been biased - look at "The Battle Of Orgreave" and anything to do with The Troubles (but there are so many more examples).
Another issue with the BBC is the the way in which it is funded through the "almost compulsory" TV licence.
It a criminal offence to watch live TV (all UK live TV not just BBC) without a TV licence.
Now lots of things are criminal offences but no-one gives a shit about them but people can and are still sent to prison for TV licence offences (it is rare but it does happen).
Anyway as the BBC depends on the TV licence money from the Government, all that happens if the BBC starts to stray in an "undesired direction" is that the Government will start to talk about changing thge funding model for the BBC.
TV Licensing don't "catch" you - they get you to admit you are watching live TV without a licence.
They know you don't have a licence as they have the list with your name on it already, they just need you to confirm your name matches the name on the list and that you are watching live TV.
It's like signing "it was me I'm guilty" on the FPNs for speeding etc. You admit your guilt.
TV licensing come to your door, don't answer them when they say a name and ask who they are (TV licensing should be on their jacket but ask anyway even if officially they are employed by Capita who also run the benefits system), they MUST show you their ID card just answer "I refuse to answer any questions" and shut the door.
The thing is you are absolutely right here yet for a lot of people (and I have been guilty of this in the past) it is worth paying the monthly DD just for lack of hassle.
That might seem pathetic to some people but many people who work in certain "authoritative positions" would have been better suited to working in the Stasi and when you are elderly or vulnerable in some other way these people at your door can be intimidating.
I copied the above link and got this WARNING that the website contains "deceptive information" as well as "phishing malware." Maybe so, but more likely, "their" side is poisoning the links or just plain lying about what's really there and blocking our entry, not unlike the teenage thugs my high school recruited to guard the gym doors so that you couldn't leave the gym during an idiotic mock "convention," complete with stupid ancient folk "singers," strumming gee-tars, singing political farce songs, the death throes of the 60s. I faked a headache and nausea and slipped by the goddamned jerk. I hope he's got some kind of idiotic job, the brainless order-following lout. Damned muscle-headed upitty jock classman.
Yes, this is the video, thank you so much! As I explained in the transcript, I had transcribed it from a vimeo page, but then that disappeared and I could not find another link. Again, many thanks!
DR. DEAN PATTERSON: Good evening. My name is Dr. Dean Patterson. I am a consultant general physician and cardiologist. Since the covid 19 vaccines have been launched, I have noticed an increasing signal of both myocarditis and myocardial injury. In conjunction with this I've noticed an increasing signal of thrombosis and other serious adverse events. Prior to the vaccine roll out I didn't witness any evidence of myocarditis in relation to the covid infection itself. Over the last two years we've witnessed an increase in the loss of the efficacy of the covid 19 vaccines. The covid 19 vaccines clearly lack durability and hence the recommendation has constantly been amended to go from first two vaccinations followed by a booster to regular campaigning for ongoing booster vaccination. If there was a very clear absence of serious harms then this strategy might be acceptable, however, in light of my serious concerns I think we should halt the roll out of the vaccination program and perform a thorough investigation into the serious adverse events.
After all the preliminary studies that have been done in these vaccines are yet to be completed in 2023 and almost the entire placebo group in these studies has now been vaccinated, making extrapolation of the harms extremely difficult. At present we're seeing a wave of noncovid excess mortality which brings me to my conclusion that there is serious harm in association with the vaccine roll out and until proven otherwise these vaccines are not safe.
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DR ANNA FORBES: My name is Dr. Anna Forbes and I place tremendous importance on listening to what my patients have to say to me. And many of my patients have been telling me that they've been feeling increasingly unwell to varying degrees since their covid 19 vaccinations and that they have not been listened to by their usual doctors. And this is not been investigated any further. And I believe that this whole situation demands immediate and deep investigation.
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DR. TONY HINTON: Hello, I'm Tony Hinton, a London surgeon. I know many people who've had the covid vaccine and then caught covid. I also know a lot of people that have had side effects from the covid vaccine. So what do we think? Safe and effective? Or just stop the shots.
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DR. JULIA WILKENS: My name is Dr. Julia Wilkens and I'm consultant in obstetrics and gynecology. In the UK the MHRA* is tasked with the monitoring of adverse evens related to the use of medicines or devices in healthcare. As a regulator, they are supposed to take action when significant safety signals are recognized. The MHRA has regularly published summaries of Yellow Card reports submitted by people who have experienced adverse events after a covid 19 vaccine.
The summary published on the 1st of December 2022 indicates almost half a million reports, which is about 1 in 114 people who have received the vaccine. This includes 2,362 deaths. It also includes over 30,000 acute cardiac events and almost 300,000 nervous system disorders as well as many more serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. Whilst this report obviously cannot be taken as proof of causality, these numbers are huge and as such unprecedented, and also reflected in the adverse events reporting systems in the US, in Europe, and by the WHO.
Meanwhile it has become clear that covid 19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. They are meant to reduce hospitalization and death but even compared to the first year of the pandemic a significant increase in excess mortality has been observed in the last two years. This increase across all age groups has occurred at least in Scotland in temporal association with the covid 19 vaccine roll out.
There has also been a significant increase in cardiac morbidity and now several studies indicating covid 19 vaccines to increase the risks of myocarditis.
Unprecedented numbers of sudden death in all age groups including children have been reported. Also including many athletes suddenly collapsing in training or on the playing field.
Post-marketing surveillance is essential when a new pharmaceutical product is given to the majority of populations without robust and long-term safety data, as even the regulatory trials were ended prematurely. If this was taken as seriously as we have always assumed it would be, these numerous and alarming safety signals should have led to a thorough investigation whilst halting any further administrations. It is inconceivable that to date this has not been pursued. And so in the interest of the safety of our population we must call for an immediate and comprehensive evaluation of all the available data and whilst this investigation is ongoing we must stop the shots.
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*The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK.
DR. CLARE CRAIG: Hello. I'm Dr. Clare Craig, co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team*. I want to talk to you about why what you've been told about these covid vaccines does not stand up to scrutiny.
First of all, regarding safety, there are a number of problems that have been recognized as linked to vaccination with people who have been injured by them. But there's also reason to be concerned about cardiac disease risk as a result of vaccination and this needs to be investigated.
So the reasons for concern are as follows.
First of all, there was a paper that showed people who had been vaccinated had higher scores on risk factors that lead to coronary artery disease.
Secondly, there was a study that came out in Israel showing a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and coronary syndromes in 16 to 39 year-olds. We saw in England a 14,000 more cardiac arrests in 2021 than there were in 2020. We've seen a rise in cardiac excess deaths which has happened since the beginning of the vaccine roll outs and continues now with no other explanation for them.
We've seen post-mortem studies that have linked vaccine to such cardiac deaths including one where vaccine-induced spike proteins present in the muscle of the heart and another where there was vaccine-induced inflammation of the arteries of the heart that caused death in somebody 4 months after their last dose.
We've also had a problem with data not being shared. And one concern I have is that the Office of National Statistics were producing regularly data on deaths by vaccination status, but have produced nothing since May 2022.
Finally, you may have heard the claim that 20 million lives have been saved by these vaccines, but that does not hold up to scrutiny, it is another fantasy based yet again on modeling that bears no relation to the real world data.
So it's time to stop these shots and start an investigation into these cardiac excess deaths.
"Clare has been a pathologist since 2001 working in the NHS and reaching consultant level in 2009. She specialized in cancer diagnostics including diagnostic testing for cancer within mass screening programmes. She was the day to day pathology lead for the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project. She was clinical lead for the data team and led on research and development projects at Genomics England and wrote national guidance and helped build bespoke software, working closely with NHSE. Subsequently she has worked on artificial intelligence for cancer diagnostics. She is contributing to HART in a personal capacity."
DR. CAROLINE LAPWORTH: It's not possible and irresponsible to declare a new pharmaceutical product safe in pregnancy. Time is needed to monitor the unborn baby and then the growing child. Have we forgotten thalidomide*? It's not evidence-based medicine to tell pregnant women to take these shots. We have got to stop the shots.
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DR. ELIZABETH EVANS: Dr. Elizabeth Evans, retired doctor and director of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance.* There is now overwhelming evidence showing that the covid vaccines are neither safe enough nor effective and that the risks far outweigh the benefits, particularly for the young and healthy. This violates a fundamental principle of medical ethics, that we must first do no harm. The roll out has also been carried out in a way that undermines the ethical process of informed consent with coercive policies and messaging, exaggeration of benefits and failure to fully disclose risks. It is time to halt the roll out. We must stop the shots.
DR. ANGELA MUSSO: Hi, I'm Dr. Angela Musso, international GP, former UK HSA*
public health officer. Covid 19 vaccines are not safe or effective due to insufficient evidence.
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*HSA Health Security Agency (UK)
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DR. BILLY RALPH: Billy Ralph. I'm a physician, Ireland. These jabs, these covid vaccines, are not as safe and effective as alleged and they're especially not safe or effective for children. So stop the jabs.
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DR. ALI AJAZ: Dr. Ali Ajaz, consulting forensic psychiatrist, lecturer, researcher. I left the NHS* because I refused to take the covid 19 jab. I refused to take the jab because I did my own research. Covid 19 jabs are not safe and they are not proven effective and this is the experience of front line doctors across the world and published scientific research. If you look for it, you will see it. It's time to do the right thing. Let's stop the jabs now.
Thank you, PersianCat. Actually I'm not finding so many down (yet) because I have been mainly looking since 2021 on alternative sites such as rumble and bitchute -- I don't usually bother with FaceBook and YT-- some exceptions, of course. The main thing is, many testimonies worthy of transcription are hard to find in the first place, no matter where they are posted they do not come up on searches, as they are shadow-banned. This UK doctor video was unusual in that it was so difficult to get a working link. I first found it on vimeo and that was quickly taken down.
THEY also know that those who get vaxxed are superspreaders of the spike protein. That's the same spike protein in the Covid 19 virus. They also knew from the beginning that those who are infected through shedding can continue to infect others even causing miscarriages. They also knew from the beginning that they only had to inject 30% in order to infect the rest of the population. Unless you're a hermit, there are no "pure blooded".
Hard to convince folks that all choice was removed, due to this transfection of the badness to the uninjected. In this sense this fight is like the organic foods fight, those who choose to 'believe in manmade chemicals' can wreck the existance of choice for all. I guess we uninjected might be dying slower, but I don't think it will be much of a distinction as the years roll by. Thanks Shnarkle. Chelating foods...
1. Unfortunately there are still many people in the UK who are fooled.
2. Your annotated worldwide death records are probably not proof of much - I would remove that from the article - or at least acknowledge the weaknesses. You frequently over-state your case and it weakens your argument in the eyes of many casual readers. There's a reasonable chance that people who know someone who dies shortly after vaccination are more likely to become readers of your substack. There are lots of other potentially confounding factors too. Trying to unconfound them all is probably impossible.
It's so obvious these mRNA covaxxines/boosters are being used with intent to harm and to 'cull' world pop plus use them to be able to turn on a kill or sicken switch remotely or to download what thoughts and feelings we are allowed to have , and to control fertility as well.
Thusly, as they , the elites, own the media, they are using the media to attack anyone who is critical of and questions these faux vaccines.
So these federal agencies have mostly been co-opted and corrupted by the elites.
Thank you for all you're doing.
In case the entire substack gets pulled, is there some other non internet resource we can connect to?
In case of a global internet outage?
Is there a BBS old fashioned resource we could dial-up via phone? Even if there is just an informational short message of hi this is SK, keep the faith, this too shall pass. Etc.
On their Substack Trust The Evidence, Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson from the Oxford University Centre for Evidence Based Medicine debunked this weeks ago. They show, from the NHS’s own data, statin prescriptions never dropped and related consultations for heart conditions were back to normal no later than December 2021.
Humans you have a choice. Trust the BBC, social media, your smartphone, internet etc to control you or make your own decisions. The above entities do not care about you anyhow. But they do want to control you.
It's the same in most other countries. Be an adult and do what you believe is correct or do what the media tells you what to do. Most people have outsourced their brains to this scam. For those that are left and can still think. Resist at all costs.
We are living out Fahrenheit 451 except nobody seems interested in burning books anymore since everyone turns to their devices. Maybe this is a clue to start holding onto hard copies - Maybe even print up things that we want to pass on to future generations. They will need to know what has happened to human beings who were so easily tricked by slime balls, hucksters and nihilists. I grew up in the aftermath of WW2 and everyone used to say that we must take notice of we learned so it will never happen again. Well somehow we fell for it all over again. And when you try to convey this to many people, they become hostile and call you a racist or granny killers.
Gazprom(Russia) has been running oil to Europe via Ukraine for most,if not all, the duration of the war. Russia is paying Ukraine to keep the gas flowing, while the US pays Ukraine to fight Russia. What???
It's all a pantomime, really it is.
Yes it is a clusterbucf!
Not only living in Fahrenheit 451 but also Orwells .1984 and the Brave New World. We need to understand we are also living in the days of Noah and I choose the Ark. I also grew up post WWII where my father was a pilot of B-17 in Europe. We should have taken notince and some did. Problem is most didn't. History is repeating right before our eyes and most just will never get it. Pray for them cause that is all they have left.
I believe you are 100% right.
Well said. I think it might be added that we are rerunning a whole plethora of books and also films and plays.
We are I observed following a timeline similar to WW2. I consider the USA also follows the American Civil War. For consideration.
https://alphaandomegacloud.wordpress.com/2023/01/06/2022-a-review/ I really liked this article Baldmichael, think I will visit your site more often. I love to read everyday experiences like that, especially from the other side of the world. NEBULIZE WITH H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) once a day and you will never catch a virus again. Nebulize about 5 minutes. I have been doing it forever and never get a cold (covid)/flu (covid)/stuffy nose/green stuff out of nose. I STAKE MY LIFE ON IT IT WORKS! A friend and I buy nebulizers and give them away in our community. The friend gave one to his 84 year old uncle cause could not breathe nose stopped. Uncle called him next day said it was a miracle, said he wished he knew this 60 years ago! Ken, my friend, gave a nebulizer to one of his aunts, she gave one to her adult 3 sons, they in turn gave one to each of their children. For initial investment under $30.00 and about $0.05 a day never catch any virus, never ever never. Have a blessed day Baldmichael, hoss PS. My middle name is Michael.
Thing is (IMHO) people are still clinging to the old ways of thinking like along national borderlines whereas I think it is more the uber-elites are all in it together and the remaining 99.5% of us are literally worthless shit to them.
I think about things like the disgusting example of the British Empire and rather than be proud of it (like we are conditioned to be "Rule Britannia") I am saddened that people all over the world were basically abused and robbed in the name of the Empire.
I think about WMDs in Iraq and wonder what was that all about really??
I think about the Falkland Islands (1982) and wonder why on Earth some British people were celebrating the deaths of people in a place they couldn't point out on a map and the billions of pounds that it cost when more than 3 million people in the UK were unemployed and nothing was done to help them.
I am from the UK as perhaps you may remember. I do not consider the British Empire a disgusting example as you do and neither do others who came from India for example.
You should look at the French Empire which was quite cruel and clung on far longer to colonies.
And are you aware of the Belgian Congo and the huge numbers killed?
The British Empire had its problems and all too often it was the rather dim sons who went out to make their mark which wasn't always good.
And we must not forget the USSR and the pogroms of Stalin which killed millions and more than Hitler's regime.
I think you should reevaluate the British Empire; perfect it was not, but a lot better than most.
Finally, we need to realise that the Nazis are alive and kicking which is why we have all this evil now. The Nazis have permeated societies across the world and they originated from Germany where Karl Marx came from.
They are the ones trying to denigrate this country of ours as they wanted the UK to be in their control within the EU which was set up for Germany's benefit, a long term plan.
Then there is the Roman Catholic Church, a different type of empire. It is well said all roads lead to Rome. 'Vaccination is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' a big clue to what's happening today.
No I DO NOT need to reevaluate anything but thank you.
Sorry but you are still looking at things through the idea of nations when it is so far beyond that now.
Given your user name, I'm shocked that you didn't consider those empires that preceded the British one. How about the Persian one, for instance? Or the Macedonian, the Roman, the Moorish... Were they all somehow less exploitative?
WMDs in Iraq were, quite simply, the result of a pathetic worm called Blair who wanted to be one of Dubya's best mates, and the only way to achieve that was by producing dodgy documents and then killing large numbers of innocent people (along with some guilty ones).
As for the Falklands, that's a bit less clear. As you point out, many in the UK had never heard of the place, but it did have a long relationship with Britain, the population of the island considered themselves British and had been invaded by Argentinian forces. Moreover, there were two unpopular governments that needed a win to cement their power. We know which one managed to do that, while the other crumbled and was dispatched. As for the cost; when did politicians ever stop to think about that, once they set out on the path of self-aggrandisement? So long as the 'diversion' works on the general public, it's worth the money. Galtieri's expenditure (of money and lives) was wasted, while Thatcher went on to win two further General Elections.
I wrote about the Falkland's. Mine is an unusual approach but I basically agree with your analysis. Also many Nazis went to the Falklands and I believe they were influencing the move to attack the Falklands.
I am from the UK so nothing odd in the fact that I choose to talk about the country that I have spent my entire life in.
Also, Blair wanted to be BFF's with Bush - how do you KNOW that?
Yep, the lessons weren't learned. But in part that was because the Nazis were not eliminated completely, the job was not completed which was hardly surprising.
Indeed the Nazis were not eliminated. Many of their greatest minds were brought to America in Operation Paperclip - https://youtu.be/HHs5M3pyd3Q
And many went to Argentina where they were quite welcome. According to this film, even the Hitler himself- https://youtu.be/LXuKk0tHtnY https://youtu.be/HHs5M3pyd3Q
Here is a very long documentary that woke me up about a lot of what happened in the last century. I think everyone should view it. The producer and narrator is now a friend of mine
Many thanks. I don't know if you would be interested but I did this on Hitler in 2020. I realised as you will see if you do read that my suspicions were up.
But I do believe he went to Argentina with Eva Braun. The circumstance of their death were not conclusive so one has to retain doubts whatever else.
"Operation Paperclip"
You mean Gates and Microsoft were behind that, too?
Just figured out a year ago that we still have lots of Nazis.
They are alive and well all around the world.
You stirred some old memories in me. I remember killing hogs amongst our neighborhood in cold January days. My Ma would slip around and put some meat in each vehicle as pay for helping. We would have two or three households we would go to to put up Hogs. We would have two or three community fish fries every year. I miss those days, Never locked our doors at night. I cannot believe what it has come to, people killing people with vax/men can have babies/we used to have a man and a woman-male female, last I heard some say there are 75 genders. What next? How did we get to this place?
Karl Marx.
Indeed so. One of the Marx (sic) of the Beast. Many of these like Karl can be found in Germany. Where the Nazis came from. Coincidence of course.
And the Ukraine is packed full of them. They dont even hide it, they have Nazi arm bands!
Have not thought about that!
The language got confused by Satan. He is transgender by the way, a crazy mixed up kid to put it mildly. I call him (I use 'him' advisedly) Loopy Lucy.
That is quality!
The problem seems to be that a significant portion of the population likes being controlled.... when their guys are in charge.
That's good!
Hoss liked this post.
I believe that millions would perish if they could no longer live their lives on their smart phones. Big pharma would invent another new mental disease, CPDS (cell phone deprivation syndrome) and then would sell new drugs to combat this terrible affliction.
Sadly Telephone technology is the Demise of Humanity.
The internet, everyone feels like their voice is being heard when they have a platform to share their thoughts, the keyboard warrior syndrome.
Growing up we went to people's home for cake and sweet tea on the porch and vice versa on Saturday nights. We would play in the yard while the adults "visited". Laughter and tears were had by all, everyone went home feeling better and got a good night rest and then got up to go church on Sunday. More human connection and fellowship, back then people went to real jobs during the week.
Call waiting was the beginning of the end. I can remember as a kid we had a party line and we thought it was a big deal to get private lines, funny that the gummint is still listening. Anyway, technology can be great and it can destroy.
When I grew up we had front porches where neighbors stopped by and sat a spell. Now we have 8 ft. privacy fences back decks. Not a summer afternoon went by that we didn't get up a baseball game with all the neighborhood kids. One thing positive about today's youth is their thumbs work good.
It's not too late, but yes, currently it's definitely the largest factor contributing to the demise of consciousness and Earth, along with laziness. Here's to a brighter version of Humanity we can all create!
Agreed. Sadly millions will perish either way.
I hate to agree with you, but it's funny, because it's true. I see a business opportunity (:
Whatever facts we throw out there, it's ultimately the TV and media that are the issue, combined with people's lack of self-worth and trust in the system over themselves. All we can do is lift all ships with our rising tide.
I don't necessarily think it's people's lack of self worth and trust in the system.
I'd go with trust in the system and simple intellectual laziness.
The tv (remember when it was nicknamed the idiot box?) tells them what they want to hear. So they believe it. The tv tells them they will not face Death by COVID if they take the shot. They want an easy solution, so they believe it, rather than doing their own research.
And then they die. But probably not of C0VID.
Tele-vision. It tells you what to do.
No, just stupidity or Stupid 20 as I call it. By my reckoning we are now on the Pi variant as in Complete Pi-llocks Stupid 20. From
EXCELLENT POST Greg! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👍
I agree wholeheartedly, brilliant comment! In my community- with a few exceptions- people are 100% blind to what’s going on. Blissful ignorance?. Or conscious blindness.. I don’t know.
I'd say blissful ignorance that's lead to conscious blindness, which is being held onto dearly to maintain a false sense of blissful ignorance, which will have to be dealt with, in this life or the next.
People have been conditioned to believe C0VID = death. The vaxx will save them from death.
If you take away their binkie (aka the vaxx) they might have to consider they could get sick from C0VID and die. They won't believe that their death is highly unlikely. They just believe the vaxx will save them.
Logan's Run The TV Show he goes back to Dome City and the crowd is heading toward Carousal. He yells from a balcony that it's all a lie - they're just going to die, not be renewed - very dramatic. They all stop and listen. Then in a chilling scene the crowd turns and starts walking to Carousal again.
I remember that Casandra warning scene. The only way to break the spell for Logan was to destroy it all. An Armageddon for dome city.
The risk of destroying the system entirely is what you get next? They’re doing it now to implement their Great Reset/6uild 6ack 6etter Panopticon Hell that the population itself wouldn’t want. If only they would listen to our warnings on their plans.
Catch-22. Warn of impending doom. Destroyed. Warn of the plans. But Ignored.
I’m reminded of Jeremiah!
We have sent reams of studies, articles, essays, book titles, Govn’t reports etc anc still they’ve lined up for number five with flu at the same time.
And what with Govn’t propaganda repeating ad nauseum to dismiss truth tellers as ‘conspiracy theorists’ or worse—
They ignore us.
To their demise I'm afraid..
If they knew, besides the use of immune boosting homeopathy that we already successfully used Hyperbaric oxygen therapy on hypoxic, intubated pateints, the emergency would have been over in mid to late 2020.. Instead we got the plandemic of the Bush Jr's continued, nazi-like, national state of emergency. It diverted more tax dollars to the banksters in two years than the illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (If we cannot prosecute Bush and his poodle Blair, I have little hope for prosecuting Bourla, the Generals involved at the DOD, Fauci, et. al.
The only explanation I'm left with sometimes is that many are under some dark kind of spell, in a trance-formation via the tell-a-vision. Only love and art of a more awakened parallel society have any chance of breaking those people loose.
Fear of death by C0VID. Even when someone close to them dies after the vaxx, or if a loved one is vaxx injured, they still will not stop taking the vaxx. Because it protects THEM from death.
Let em go. More resources for us pure blooded! There`re all around me . Masked sickly, dead, stupid, scared. They know they screwed up but won`t admit it
Sad but true. Where one door closes, another eye opens.
Your comment reinforces what keeps crossing my thoughts:
We must ask ourselves how we will deal with widespread policing of the internet for ‘malinformation’ aka inconvenient facts. When rather than if, this occurs, how will you deal with the dearth of facts? No substack. No alt media. No open source journalists like Whitney Webb and James Corbett, or geopolitical analysis from UK Column, Hrvoje Moric’, The Duran, TNT radio etc.
Start preparing now. Sharpen your critical thinking skills. You will be acting on your own conclusions.
Note: if they lied about this, should you trust them that they’re telling the truth about that?
Exercise the body first and foremost, breathe, drink pure water, meditate and pray. Go straight to the source- the Sun that provides health for us all, and clears our thoughts when we let it.
Comcast recently stopped all of Steve's emails from getting to me. They did the same with Jeff Berwick. Actually, I just realized it's not just Steve, it's all Substacks.
Send a news tip to Gateway Pundit. They stopped T-Mobile in their tracks for blocking texts.
Good to know, thanks.
Learn how to set up distributed mesh networks in your communities.
Where is a good source you trust?
I would start here.
Join some groups or chats and find closest group and see if you can connect with the members and if the network will reach you. Start your own network of people who want to have a backup communication system and see if you can motivate to invest in mesh nodes.
yes! I have been working on this for about 6 months now. Setup pirate repeaters around using tbeams. The farthest contact I've had has been 22.5 miles. Now that winter hit I'm have issues with lion batteries charging in sub freezing temps. Its been a lot of fun and struggle.
wow, I knew nothing of mesh nodes. Have you used them?
I will look into these. Thank you.
Press Release 21.12.22 - Doctors For Patients UK
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: After I transcribed several of these in late December, I returned in January 2023 to find that the video had been uploaded again to the same link but missing the first testimony by Dr. Ayiesha Malik. A few days later, I found that the entire video and channel had been removed.
DR. AYIESHA MALIK: Hello. I'm Dr. Ayiesha Malik and I'm a GP in the Midlands. I'm recording this video as I've been concerned that so many patients have reported side effects since having an mRNA injection including the boosters. Patients are reporting many symptoms including myocarditis, which is a serious heart condition, and menstrual irregularities. I've discussed this with other GPs and medical specialists across the country who are also observing a similar pattern on a regular basis. Many doctors have spent years reassuring patients about the safety of vaccines, but in the case of the covid vaccines, there is something different. If you as a patient have developed new symptoms consider if and when you a vaccination or booster and when your symptoms started. This is also a question doctors should be asking. There is international concern amongst the medical profession and studies are also showing that there are more cases of adverse reactions than there should be. We want our patients to stay safe. When we became doctors we took an oath to do no harm and that oath needs to be honored. And that's why I, alongside other medical colleagues, are asking the government to halt the vaccination program and investigate these serious concerns.
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DR. ROS JONES: I'm Dr. Ros Jones. I'm a pediatrician and I've been speaking out against covid 19 vaccinations for children for the last 18 months. But we've got way beyond that now. There's an increased all cause mortality, there are increased side effects from the booster shots, and apart from anything else they're not effective against any of the current variants. It's simply time to stop the shots.
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Archive of articles by Dr. Ros Jones:
Dr. Ros Jones is a member of The Hart Group
Her bio reads:
"Ros is a retired Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in neonatal intensive care and paediatric HIV. She has served on the Advisory Committee of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit and on the Education & Training committee of the RCPCH. An active member for many years in the British Perinatal Trials Group, she was also involved in reviewing NICE guidelines alongside some time editorial. Since retiring from the NHS, she has undertaken several tours teaching on SAFE Obstetrics courses in countries in Africa."
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DR. ROHAAN SETH: Hi, my name is Dr. Rohaan Seth. I'm a former GP. I relinquished my license to practice medicine in 2021 because I did not agree with many of the covid policies, the lockdowns, the masking, and primarily because of the vaccine rollout. I think these vaccines are unsafe, they're not effective, the rollout is unethical and unnecessary. It's unnecessary to vaccinate children for covid. It's unethical to vaccinate pregnant women without any long term studies. The harms being caused by these vaccines are quite apparent now. The excess deaths around the globe correlating with this vaccine rollout, the media are silent about this, the data is alarming, and the vaccines need to be stopped.
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PROFESSOR ANGUS DALGLEISH (ONCOLOGIST): I'm Angus Dalgleish, I'm professor of oncology at St. George's and a consultant medical oncologist and I have started to notice that several of my patients have melanoma who've been stable, stage IV disease, they've had very good immunotherapy or other treatments and I've been reviewing them from 5 to 20 years, I've noticed that I have now over 6, possibly 7, even an 8th yesterday, who've clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine. At first we didn't put the two together. But one patient said, I felt awful since the vaccine, I've just been drained. They describe symptoms of like a long covid, and the next thing we know, 2, 3 weeks, couple of months later, they've got clear evidence of relapse. And these relapses are quite aggressive. They're not a gentle relapse. They're relapses that are requiring systemic therapy, as opposed to a little nodule that requires a surgical excision.
But it's not just this. I'm now very much aware in my own circle of many people who are having, they haven't had melanoma but they've never had anything before, but they've got lumps and bumps and they're not feeling well. And two people I've interviewed at great length they all put it down to feeling awful after their booster. They were fine with the first two vaccines, or just had their shivers, flu, etcetera, but they've described being very tired, very fatigued, wanted to stay in bed, and this has dragged on to the point where they're going to the doctor and they've had blood counts and investigations. And I now know 7 of them. Two of them have leukemias and the others have lymphomas and one of them has a very bad myeloma which he is absolutely sure was instigated by the booster as he developed dreadful symptoms. So really I want to bring to everybody's attention that I think this does not look like a coincidence to me and we need to join forces and see if this is a real effect, and if it is, we must stop all the boosters immediately. Thank you.
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DR. FIONA MARTINDALE: My name is Fiona. I'm a GP and I'm really concerned about the deterioration I've seen in the health of many of my patients since the rollout of the covid 19 vaccinations and in particularly as people have accumulated more doses. The problems include several heart attacks in fit and healthy 40 and 50 year olds, neurasthmaic symptoms in adults with no previous diagnosis. People getting getting chronic fatigue type symptoms, shoulder pains and inflammation that are continuing months after their jab. I'm also concerned about the national and international safety data that suggests something may be terribly wrong with these vaccines and possibly may be causing changes to the immune and the vascular systems that could be long-standing. We're beginning to hear from oncologists and hematologists about unexpected and aggressive cancers and surgeons and pathologists are talking about multiple blood clotting issues. I believe it's time we stopped the vaccination program and give weight and consideration to the data. It's unethical for us to vaccinate people or indeed treat people with any medical intervention without being sure that the benefits outweigh the risks. At present I'm concerned that the risks of continuing this program greatly outweigh the benefits for the vast majority of patients. Thank you.
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DR. DAVID CARTLAND: My name is Dr. David Cartland. As a GP and a father I'm astounded and angry this vaccine has been rolled out to younger and younger cohorts and has recently been authorized for use in the 6 month old baby to 5 year old child category. The adverse events data is unprecedented and stacking up week by week in systems that are likely underreported such as the VAER system and Yellow Card system. Medicine is all about safety and given the huge safety signals of the mRNA injections are giving off we need to stop these shots immediately pending urgent investigation for the sake of our next generation and children.
Video is removed...
Try these:
Thank you for this!
The safest conclusion: ALL vaccines and mRNA gene altering injections are not safe nor effective.
Or most big pharma drugs, the ones that are neuro-toxic anyway which is the vast majority.
It won’t let me view video
This one works:
Being American you probably don't know this - most Brits don't either.
The BBC (and anyone else who operates under OFCOM rules but that is slightly different) are actually obliged to broadcast whatever the Government wants them to in their charter when requested to do so by a UK Government minister.
Here’s a couple of posts I have written on the subject:
This is the latest BBC Charter issued in 2016 is a Framework Agreement.
Included within this Framework Agreement 2016 is section “67. Defence and Emergency Arrangements."
This states:
"67.Defence and Emergency Arrangements
(1) Any UK Government Minister-(a) may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement; and(b) may, if that Minister has requested that the announcement be broadcast or otherwise distributed on television or by means of an online service, request that the BBC accompany that announcement with a visual image (moving or still) of anything mentioned in the announcement.(2) If it appears to any UK Government Minister that an emergency has arisen, that Minister may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement or other programme.
(3) A request under paragraph (1) or (2) must be made in writing, and the BBC-(a) must comply with the request in the timescales specified by the Minister;(b) mustmeet the cost of doing so itself; and(c) may, when broadcasting or distributing the announcement or other programme, announce that it is doing so pursuant to such a request
(4) The Secretary of State may give the BBC a direction in writing that the BBC must not broadcast or otherwise distribute any matter, or class of matter, specified in the direction, whether at a time or times so specified or at any time.
(5) The BBC may, if it wishes, announce that such a direction has been given, varied or revoked"
And from OFCOM notice to broadcasters 23rd March 2020:
"we remind all broadcasters of the significant potential harm that can be caused by material relating to the Coronavirus.
This could include:
• Health claims related to the virus which may be harmful.
• Medical advice which may be harmful.
• Accuracy or material misleadingness in programmes in relation to the virus or public policy regarding it.
We will be prioritising our enforcement of broadcast standards in relation to the above issues. In these cases, it may be necessary for Ofcom to act quickly to determine the outcome in a proportionate and transparent manner, and broadcasters should be prepared to engage with Ofcom on short timescales.
Ofcom will consider any breach arising from harmful Coronavirus-related programming to be potentially serious and will consider taking appropriate regulatory action, which could include the imposition of a statutory sanction."
All these documents can be downloaded as a pdf from the various official websites.
Hope this helps your understanding of how and more importantly why the BBC are doing what they are doing.
The BBC have always been biased - look at "The Battle Of Orgreave" and anything to do with The Troubles (but there are so many more examples).
Another issue with the BBC is the the way in which it is funded through the "almost compulsory" TV licence.
It a criminal offence to watch live TV (all UK live TV not just BBC) without a TV licence.
Now lots of things are criminal offences but no-one gives a shit about them but people can and are still sent to prison for TV licence offences (it is rare but it does happen).
Anyway as the BBC depends on the TV licence money from the Government, all that happens if the BBC starts to stray in an "undesired direction" is that the Government will start to talk about changing thge funding model for the BBC.
TV Licensing don't "catch" you - they get you to admit you are watching live TV without a licence.
They know you don't have a licence as they have the list with your name on it already, they just need you to confirm your name matches the name on the list and that you are watching live TV.
It's like signing "it was me I'm guilty" on the FPNs for speeding etc. You admit your guilt.
TV licensing come to your door, don't answer them when they say a name and ask who they are (TV licensing should be on their jacket but ask anyway even if officially they are employed by Capita who also run the benefits system), they MUST show you their ID card just answer "I refuse to answer any questions" and shut the door.
There is nothing (at the moment) they can do.
No licence or TV here although we listen to BBC4 radio to be somewhat up to date with the current propaganda lines.
However, you may go around this if you don't identify with your legal persona. Read 'Living in the private' https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/p/home.html
You have no obligation to tell your name to anyone (you may say your first name). Never tell your full name, that's a joinder.
And to questions, you have to reply WITH questions!
I've been telling people this for years but sadly many still believe in the mythical 'TV detector vans'.
The thing is you are absolutely right here yet for a lot of people (and I have been guilty of this in the past) it is worth paying the monthly DD just for lack of hassle.
That might seem pathetic to some people but many people who work in certain "authoritative positions" would have been better suited to working in the Stasi and when you are elderly or vulnerable in some other way these people at your door can be intimidating.
This one works and it is disturbing
it comes up as "Error establishing a database connection" -
I copied the above link and got this WARNING that the website contains "deceptive information" as well as "phishing malware." Maybe so, but more likely, "their" side is poisoning the links or just plain lying about what's really there and blocking our entry, not unlike the teenage thugs my high school recruited to guard the gym doors so that you couldn't leave the gym during an idiotic mock "convention," complete with stupid ancient folk "singers," strumming gee-tars, singing political farce songs, the death throes of the 60s. I faked a headache and nausea and slipped by the goddamned jerk. I hope he's got some kind of idiotic job, the brainless order-following lout. Damned muscle-headed upitty jock classman.
Thank you for this. Alas, I cannot get the mute button on this to unmute, strangely.
The link given by "Former UK resident" below I find good. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/news-releases/uk-doctors-investigation-c19-vaccines/
also https://twitter.com/i/status/1615247675078631425
On the world council for health site. With the embedded video clip. Hope this is the same stuff Transcriber B is referring to.
Yes, this is the video, thank you so much! As I explained in the transcript, I had transcribed it from a vimeo page, but then that disappeared and I could not find another link. Again, many thanks!
Time to repost to bitchute.com gab.com rumble.com …
We need (as in anyone) to be documenting the evidence in a way in a more robust way than relying on bookmarking and online videos.
It seems to me that these bastards are removing anything that they want to whenever they wish.
Print to PDF and then making copies of the digital file to robust media or even paper is good for documents.
Downloading any online videos to local storage and then making copies is good for videos.
I found another link!
Audio is completely blocked for me and I am unable to unblock it. First time ever it has happened to me.
Thanks! Great to see all those free thinking doctors speaking out 👩⚕️ 👨⚕️
weirdly I cannot get it to unmute.
Also missing the first doctor, she seems to have been edited out for some reason, as I had mentioned.
The video has been removed since I transcribed it, as I explained.
The source, as I noted, is:
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DR. DEAN PATTERSON: Good evening. My name is Dr. Dean Patterson. I am a consultant general physician and cardiologist. Since the covid 19 vaccines have been launched, I have noticed an increasing signal of both myocarditis and myocardial injury. In conjunction with this I've noticed an increasing signal of thrombosis and other serious adverse events. Prior to the vaccine roll out I didn't witness any evidence of myocarditis in relation to the covid infection itself. Over the last two years we've witnessed an increase in the loss of the efficacy of the covid 19 vaccines. The covid 19 vaccines clearly lack durability and hence the recommendation has constantly been amended to go from first two vaccinations followed by a booster to regular campaigning for ongoing booster vaccination. If there was a very clear absence of serious harms then this strategy might be acceptable, however, in light of my serious concerns I think we should halt the roll out of the vaccination program and perform a thorough investigation into the serious adverse events.
After all the preliminary studies that have been done in these vaccines are yet to be completed in 2023 and almost the entire placebo group in these studies has now been vaccinated, making extrapolation of the harms extremely difficult. At present we're seeing a wave of noncovid excess mortality which brings me to my conclusion that there is serious harm in association with the vaccine roll out and until proven otherwise these vaccines are not safe.
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DR ANNA FORBES: My name is Dr. Anna Forbes and I place tremendous importance on listening to what my patients have to say to me. And many of my patients have been telling me that they've been feeling increasingly unwell to varying degrees since their covid 19 vaccinations and that they have not been listened to by their usual doctors. And this is not been investigated any further. And I believe that this whole situation demands immediate and deep investigation.
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DR. TONY HINTON: Hello, I'm Tony Hinton, a London surgeon. I know many people who've had the covid vaccine and then caught covid. I also know a lot of people that have had side effects from the covid vaccine. So what do we think? Safe and effective? Or just stop the shots.
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DR. JULIA WILKENS: My name is Dr. Julia Wilkens and I'm consultant in obstetrics and gynecology. In the UK the MHRA* is tasked with the monitoring of adverse evens related to the use of medicines or devices in healthcare. As a regulator, they are supposed to take action when significant safety signals are recognized. The MHRA has regularly published summaries of Yellow Card reports submitted by people who have experienced adverse events after a covid 19 vaccine.
The summary published on the 1st of December 2022 indicates almost half a million reports, which is about 1 in 114 people who have received the vaccine. This includes 2,362 deaths. It also includes over 30,000 acute cardiac events and almost 300,000 nervous system disorders as well as many more serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. Whilst this report obviously cannot be taken as proof of causality, these numbers are huge and as such unprecedented, and also reflected in the adverse events reporting systems in the US, in Europe, and by the WHO.
Meanwhile it has become clear that covid 19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. They are meant to reduce hospitalization and death but even compared to the first year of the pandemic a significant increase in excess mortality has been observed in the last two years. This increase across all age groups has occurred at least in Scotland in temporal association with the covid 19 vaccine roll out.
There has also been a significant increase in cardiac morbidity and now several studies indicating covid 19 vaccines to increase the risks of myocarditis.
Unprecedented numbers of sudden death in all age groups including children have been reported. Also including many athletes suddenly collapsing in training or on the playing field.
Post-marketing surveillance is essential when a new pharmaceutical product is given to the majority of populations without robust and long-term safety data, as even the regulatory trials were ended prematurely. If this was taken as seriously as we have always assumed it would be, these numerous and alarming safety signals should have led to a thorough investigation whilst halting any further administrations. It is inconceivable that to date this has not been pursued. And so in the interest of the safety of our population we must call for an immediate and comprehensive evaluation of all the available data and whilst this investigation is ongoing we must stop the shots.
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*The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK.
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DR. CLARE CRAIG: Hello. I'm Dr. Clare Craig, co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team*. I want to talk to you about why what you've been told about these covid vaccines does not stand up to scrutiny.
First of all, regarding safety, there are a number of problems that have been recognized as linked to vaccination with people who have been injured by them. But there's also reason to be concerned about cardiac disease risk as a result of vaccination and this needs to be investigated.
So the reasons for concern are as follows.
First of all, there was a paper that showed people who had been vaccinated had higher scores on risk factors that lead to coronary artery disease.
Secondly, there was a study that came out in Israel showing a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and coronary syndromes in 16 to 39 year-olds. We saw in England a 14,000 more cardiac arrests in 2021 than there were in 2020. We've seen a rise in cardiac excess deaths which has happened since the beginning of the vaccine roll outs and continues now with no other explanation for them.
We've seen post-mortem studies that have linked vaccine to such cardiac deaths including one where vaccine-induced spike proteins present in the muscle of the heart and another where there was vaccine-induced inflammation of the arteries of the heart that caused death in somebody 4 months after their last dose.
We've also had a problem with data not being shared. And one concern I have is that the Office of National Statistics were producing regularly data on deaths by vaccination status, but have produced nothing since May 2022.
Finally, you may have heard the claim that 20 million lives have been saved by these vaccines, but that does not hold up to scrutiny, it is another fantasy based yet again on modeling that bears no relation to the real world data.
So it's time to stop these shots and start an investigation into these cardiac excess deaths.
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Dr. Clare Craig is a diagnostic pathologist. From her biographical note at https://www.hartgroup.org/bios/ :
"Clare has been a pathologist since 2001 working in the NHS and reaching consultant level in 2009. She specialized in cancer diagnostics including diagnostic testing for cancer within mass screening programmes. She was the day to day pathology lead for the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project. She was clinical lead for the data team and led on research and development projects at Genomics England and wrote national guidance and helped build bespoke software, working closely with NHSE. Subsequently she has worked on artificial intelligence for cancer diagnostics. She is contributing to HART in a personal capacity."
*HART https://www.hartgroup.org
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DR. CAROLINE LAPWORTH: It's not possible and irresponsible to declare a new pharmaceutical product safe in pregnancy. Time is needed to monitor the unborn baby and then the growing child. Have we forgotten thalidomide*? It's not evidence-based medicine to tell pregnant women to take these shots. We have got to stop the shots.
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DR. ELIZABETH EVANS: Dr. Elizabeth Evans, retired doctor and director of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance.* There is now overwhelming evidence showing that the covid vaccines are neither safe enough nor effective and that the risks far outweigh the benefits, particularly for the young and healthy. This violates a fundamental principle of medical ethics, that we must first do no harm. The roll out has also been carried out in a way that undermines the ethical process of informed consent with coercive policies and messaging, exaggeration of benefits and failure to fully disclose risks. It is time to halt the roll out. We must stop the shots.
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DR. ANGELA MUSSO: Hi, I'm Dr. Angela Musso, international GP, former UK HSA*
public health officer. Covid 19 vaccines are not safe or effective due to insufficient evidence.
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*HSA Health Security Agency (UK)
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DR. BILLY RALPH: Billy Ralph. I'm a physician, Ireland. These jabs, these covid vaccines, are not as safe and effective as alleged and they're especially not safe or effective for children. So stop the jabs.
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DR. ALI AJAZ: Dr. Ali Ajaz, consulting forensic psychiatrist, lecturer, researcher. I left the NHS* because I refused to take the covid 19 jab. I refused to take the jab because I did my own research. Covid 19 jabs are not safe and they are not proven effective and this is the experience of front line doctors across the world and published scientific research. If you look for it, you will see it. It's time to do the right thing. Let's stop the jabs now.
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*NHS National Health service (UK)
Transcriber B - You are a legend for doing all of this transcribing work, thank you.
Also, may I ask - are you finding that more and more frequently you are getting 404 errors when visiting links that worked previously?
I only ask because I am getting it A LOT now.
Thank you, PersianCat. Actually I'm not finding so many down (yet) because I have been mainly looking since 2021 on alternative sites such as rumble and bitchute -- I don't usually bother with FaceBook and YT-- some exceptions, of course. The main thing is, many testimonies worthy of transcription are hard to find in the first place, no matter where they are posted they do not come up on searches, as they are shadow-banned. This UK doctor video was unusual in that it was so difficult to get a working link. I first found it on vimeo and that was quickly taken down.
That sounds like hard work but you clearly know exactly what you are doing because you find things that no-one seems to find.
They knew.
They knew everything.
At all times.
And every step of the way.
so did I. Now i`m pure blooded. Intuition baby
THEY also know that those who get vaxxed are superspreaders of the spike protein. That's the same spike protein in the Covid 19 virus. They also knew from the beginning that those who are infected through shedding can continue to infect others even causing miscarriages. They also knew from the beginning that they only had to inject 30% in order to infect the rest of the population. Unless you're a hermit, there are no "pure blooded".
Hard to convince folks that all choice was removed, due to this transfection of the badness to the uninjected. In this sense this fight is like the organic foods fight, those who choose to 'believe in manmade chemicals' can wreck the existance of choice for all. I guess we uninjected might be dying slower, but I don't think it will be much of a distinction as the years roll by. Thanks Shnarkle. Chelating foods...
You're wrong about two things.
1. Unfortunately there are still many people in the UK who are fooled.
2. Your annotated worldwide death records are probably not proof of much - I would remove that from the article - or at least acknowledge the weaknesses. You frequently over-state your case and it weakens your argument in the eyes of many casual readers. There's a reasonable chance that people who know someone who dies shortly after vaccination are more likely to become readers of your substack. There are lots of other potentially confounding factors too. Trying to unconfound them all is probably impossible.
Hi Steve,
It's so obvious these mRNA covaxxines/boosters are being used with intent to harm and to 'cull' world pop plus use them to be able to turn on a kill or sicken switch remotely or to download what thoughts and feelings we are allowed to have , and to control fertility as well.
Thusly, as they , the elites, own the media, they are using the media to attack anyone who is critical of and questions these faux vaccines.
So these federal agencies have mostly been co-opted and corrupted by the elites.
Thank you for all you're doing.
In case the entire substack gets pulled, is there some other non internet resource we can connect to?
In case of a global internet outage?
Is there a BBS old fashioned resource we could dial-up via phone? Even if there is just an informational short message of hi this is SK, keep the faith, this too shall pass. Etc.
Thank you
Thanks for writing this, important we have the tools and reasoning to refute these smoke screen articles!
State Moves to Revoke Dr. Ryan Cole’s License for Prescribing Ivermectin, COVID-19 Vaccine Comments