I didn't mean doctors should go to the gallows. I meant the people who planned this thing. Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Soros, etc. The globalist population reducers. As for the doctors who continued pushing it for money after knowing the truth, well, they should have their medical degrees revoked, and be fined 10 times their net worth. If mone…
I didn't mean doctors should go to the gallows. I meant the people who planned this thing. Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Soros, etc. The globalist population reducers. As for the doctors who continued pushing it for money after knowing the truth, well, they should have their medical degrees revoked, and be fined 10 times their net worth. If money was the be-all and end-all of their existence, even if it meant murder for hire, make them poor.
I didn't mean doctors should go to the gallows. I meant the people who planned this thing. Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Soros, etc. The globalist population reducers. As for the doctors who continued pushing it for money after knowing the truth, well, they should have their medical degrees revoked, and be fined 10 times their net worth. If money was the be-all and end-all of their existence, even if it meant murder for hire, make them poor.