Israel wasn’t aware. Netanyahu made the worst decision of his entire career. Very disappointing. He thought he would be a trailblazer and garner re-election while he was being sabotaged. He screwed over his exceptional Covid advisor, Nobel Laureate Stanford icon Dr. Michael Levitt., who had it right from the start. Israel would have beaten Covid without insane llockdowns, mask mandates, protecting the compromised and using HCQ prophylactically for those in risk professions and the combo for those infected as early treatmen. He got screwed royally by Bourla and Fauci and betrayed his own people. His actions specifically targeted the Orthodox. It was shocklngly reminiscent of footage of persecuted Jews in early Nazi Germany. Worse still, he cut a deal with Bourla provided data from the Israeli vaccine recipients. Essentially, the information, though without personal identification provided genetic markers. IBM abetted the Nazis by providing computerized Census info identifying Jews to round up. And the forced vaccinations, green passes and ostecization of the unvaccinated again was a Nazi-like ploy to paint the Jews as unclean disease carriers. But the ultimate betrayal were the vaccines. Experimental. A specific issue that was written into the Nuremberg Code to assure” Never Again!”.
Meanwhile, with all the coercive , extortion from Bourla, Israel was charged triple the price per vaccine than everybody else. And Israel honored Faustus with the prestigious 1 million dollar Dan David Award. With all the pandering and throwing countless people under the bus driven by blind ambition, Bibi lost and Israel now has the most incompetent, incoherent government in her history and breakthrough cases mirroring all the Faustian nations.
Thank God children and pregnant women were exempt.
I’m Jewish, though not terribly observant, always supported Israel. I still do, but have lost respect for the leadership, the leftward lurch and lack of appreciation for Trump acting upon what every prior President promised and building the never even imaginable Abraham Accords.
They’re out of their fucking minds. Israel has taken a far left turn and are literally becoming the architect of their own demise. It’s a contagion. The year before, Fauci was honored with the esteemed Dan David Award. Next, they’ll hold an honorarium for Tedros. Probably name a synagogue for him.
The emails I receive are almost satirical. Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, Israel Times.. even the Jewish Press, an American publication may as well endorse Omar.
World Israel News isn't a lot better, but the comments are golden, just like they are here, the only difference being that Steve's articles are also golden.
But you may still get idiotic replies, it's not a private site or anything, and it takes all kinds, but there are some really good commenters who have been on there for years and " They know stuff"!
What is going on in Israel today boggles my mind, Gail. It breaks my heart. I did know about the Fauci award -- and one million dollars that went with it.
I truly worry about and wonder what is going to happen to the people of Israel...
They are going to be surrounded on all sides, and all the nations will attack, and when all hope is gone and Israel is on the verge of being erased, the Armies of Heaven will intervene, creating a river of Gentile blood as high as a horse's bridle and stretching for 5,000 miles.
Israel wasn’t aware. Netanyahu made the worst decision of his entire career. Very disappointing. He thought he would be a trailblazer and garner re-election while he was being sabotaged. He screwed over his exceptional Covid advisor, Nobel Laureate Stanford icon Dr. Michael Levitt., who had it right from the start. Israel would have beaten Covid without insane llockdowns, mask mandates, protecting the compromised and using HCQ prophylactically for those in risk professions and the combo for those infected as early treatmen. He got screwed royally by Bourla and Fauci and betrayed his own people. His actions specifically targeted the Orthodox. It was shocklngly reminiscent of footage of persecuted Jews in early Nazi Germany. Worse still, he cut a deal with Bourla provided data from the Israeli vaccine recipients. Essentially, the information, though without personal identification provided genetic markers. IBM abetted the Nazis by providing computerized Census info identifying Jews to round up. And the forced vaccinations, green passes and ostecization of the unvaccinated again was a Nazi-like ploy to paint the Jews as unclean disease carriers. But the ultimate betrayal were the vaccines. Experimental. A specific issue that was written into the Nuremberg Code to assure” Never Again!”.
Meanwhile, with all the coercive , extortion from Bourla, Israel was charged triple the price per vaccine than everybody else. And Israel honored Faustus with the prestigious 1 million dollar Dan David Award. With all the pandering and throwing countless people under the bus driven by blind ambition, Bibi lost and Israel now has the most incompetent, incoherent government in her history and breakthrough cases mirroring all the Faustian nations.
Thank God children and pregnant women were exempt.
I’m Jewish, though not terribly observant, always supported Israel. I still do, but have lost respect for the leadership, the leftward lurch and lack of appreciation for Trump acting upon what every prior President promised and building the never even imaginable Abraham Accords.
Palestinians are unvaxxed and celebrating the ruination of Israel! How in the world could Israel have fallen for this shit? Israel is toast!!!
Please post this on World Israel News, thanks for posting it here.
But Israel has its own "Jewish Nobel Prize", and they gave it to Bourla:
Thanks for that. I have been anti vax from the beginning, and I did not know about this travesty.
They’re out of their fucking minds. Israel has taken a far left turn and are literally becoming the architect of their own demise. It’s a contagion. The year before, Fauci was honored with the esteemed Dan David Award. Next, they’ll hold an honorarium for Tedros. Probably name a synagogue for him.
The emails I receive are almost satirical. Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, Israel Times.. even the Jewish Press, an American publication may as well endorse Omar.
World Israel News isn't a lot better, but the comments are golden, just like they are here, the only difference being that Steve's articles are also golden.
But you may still get idiotic replies, it's not a private site or anything, and it takes all kinds, but there are some really good commenters who have been on there for years and " They know stuff"!
What is going on in Israel today boggles my mind, Gail. It breaks my heart. I did know about the Fauci award -- and one million dollars that went with it.
I truly worry about and wonder what is going to happen to the people of Israel...
They are going to be surrounded on all sides, and all the nations will attack, and when all hope is gone and Israel is on the verge of being erased, the Armies of Heaven will intervene, creating a river of Gentile blood as high as a horse's bridle and stretching for 5,000 miles.