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Vax injured in '68, antibiotic injured as an adult with many other medical horror stories. Coincidist is my new term for folks who blame medical harm on coincidence.


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At time 22:15, you said that "I've not seen something .93 in the real world". But when I compared the daily PCR positivity rate in Ohio in 2021 to excess all-cause CMR shifted 10 days backwards, and I took a 7-day moving average of both time series, I got an unsquared correlation of about 0.971: http://sars2.net/debunk.html#Correlation_of_daily_deaths_with_daily_vaccine_doses_and_daily_PCR_positivity. However when I compared daily new vaccine doses in 2021 to excess mortality shifted 10 days to the past, I got a negative correlation for 49 out of 50 states.

So if in August 2021 the vaccines were killing a huge number of people with a delay of 1 to 2 weeks, then why wasn't the same thing happening during other months of 2021?

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I don't get it! Keep pushing the fraudulent PCR test for a disease that doesn't exist.

The PCR test cannot diagnose for CV.

The purpose of the CoronaPrank was to SCARE as many people into false self-preservation so that they would be more compliant to receive untested "Experimental Gene Therapeutics"

to save their material lives.

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This didn't happen because the big pharma got scared, and they started to give placebos to 30% of the recipients.

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I’ve Had Eight Shots

And I Want More !

The More Bizarre The Chemicals

The Better.


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Jan 29·edited Jan 30

A friend of mine who had breast cancer also had Factor V Leiden, a tendency towards blood clotting. But she had not much of a problem with blood clots before her Covid injections. Three days after her 2nd Pfizer injection she got a smaller blood clot on her arm. She thought that this was mere coincidence. Three days after her 3rd Pfizer injections she got a serious thrombosis in her upper thigh. After that she had to take blood thinners until her cancer death. Another man got a thrombosis along the full length of his leg after his 3rd injection. He was very fond of the injections and very convinced of the safe and effective narrative. Therefore he was convinced that he must have had the thrombosis already before his 1st injection 9 months earlier. He had to undergo surgery but has still a problem with the knee. Another friend of mine, triple-jabbed, had her leg amputated above the knee in autumn 2023. She had comorbidities (autoimmune disease) but somehow her health has continously gone downhill with all sorts of health issues since she had her third jab, suffering first from bad blood circulation and muscle issues in the legs, later from vertigo, wounds that would not heal, dementia, and eventually amputation of her leg. A 40 year old Polish cook I met in 2022 could no longer work in the restaurant for more than three hours. Maybe he had some problems with the veins before Covid but after his three Covid injections he got really bad vasculitis, he could actually no longer stand without very much discomfort for more than two hours, and he needed surgery. Another friend of mine started complaining of brain fog, memory loss and shortness of breath not long after his third injection. He was wondering whether he had had Covid or whether it was due to the injections. That was in spring/summer 2022. In autumn they discovered that he had two brain tumors and lung cancer. In April 2023 he was dead. I observe lots of strange health issues around me: three people had something like a fungus, one had his white skin cancer removed, one passed out a couple of days after one of her jabs, one had an asthma attack and a stiff neck after his Astra Zeneca jab, one colleague had shingles, a doctor I met also had shingles, one friend's shingles seem to have gotten reactivated after the 2nd Pfizer injection, the same man also had muscle and joint paints after his fourth injection which was Moderna for several weeks, plus his brother-in-law, his neighbour, and his brother were all diagnosed with turbo cancer last year. Yet another friend needed surgery on the ear. The postman needed surgery. Others have really bad arthritis now. Our caretaker had a stroke and also some problem with the heart. A friend from the Netherlands who had taken part in the Curevac trial and later took 3 times mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna had to deal with a frozen shoulder. One who got his tooth extracted a couple of days after his Moderna injection had to go to the emergency room because the bleeding would not stop. Yet others like my 25 year old son who had three or more injections have frequent infections incl. Covid infections., and usually quite severe Covid infections. Others got skin rashes, and my niece got psoriasis after her third Pfizer. A former neighbour who seemed still enthusiastic when I spoke to her about the jabs last year told me that she had symptoms after one of her three Pfizer injections that could be in line with subclinical myocarditis. My colleague who is a strong believer of the safe and effective narrative despite having suffered quite badly from Covid twice was astonished when her mother got a heart attack not long after her third jab. My employer recently sent an email to all staff stating that it is highly unusual that one department lost three members of staff from mid-November to late December. Two died "suddenly and peacefully" in their fifties/early sixties, one in her twenties died suddenly at home. I feel that the vast majority of colleagues within my particular organisation have been jabbed three times.

Another young employee within the same organisation died already in 2022 (or 2023?). She described online her journey of suffering from a very rare type of serious cancer that had progressed very rapidly but I don't remember her name/cancer anymore, perhaps a certain type of glioblastoma or lymphoma. The daughter of a friend who is in her twenties and received four jabs developped some problem with her hips which is painful and will soon require surgery. Even my father believes that his Covid infection was probably somehow caused by the shingles vaccine that he received two days prior to the onset of his Covid symptoms. He was quadruple-jabbed at the time.

I don't know anybody who died of Covid, nor do I know anybody with long Covid.

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It is amazing how people can explain away the vax issues they are suffering. My mom-in-law died from post vax strokes, my son in law had a 2cm nodule on his pancreas, and he found out only because they were living in Japan at the time. He turned 40 and everyone gets a major physical health check, which included an H-pylori test that came up +, so he had an upper GI scope that found this tiny little nodule that would have turned into pancreatic cancer in time. I thank God my son in law was in Japan, because back here, it wouldn't have been dx'd until after he had full blown pancreatic CA, which few people survive.

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Fabian, I felt it when you said you wondered about getting a fake vax certificate and still having your old life. I see how much you've sacrificed. Thank you for not being a coward. People who had the guts to refuse outright are the only reason we have any freedom left to have these conversations. I believe the fake certificate people are worse than the sucked in true believers. If they'd had spines the mandates would have failed completely.

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This deep dive with Fabian is a Jabbed Masterclass. Fabulous, Steve, thank you.

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Moando: One of my brothers is in the same category; refuses to read anything I send negative about vaccines. He loves his doctor!! He has taken five boosters and is still here...its a miracle!

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Excellent presentation. Very persuasive.

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The vast majority of ALL vaccines are full of toxic poisons and full of animal and human DNA, can be contaminated with animal viruses, etc...they are a cesspool.

See below doc for list of links/studies:


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Then we have all the injuries and those with damaged bodies due to this nasty technology!

A friend said he went to get the pneumonia shot, based on the old technology of an inactive bug. Does anyone know if this is any good?

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I would offer another explanation for the correlation between first dose vaccination and death. John Beaudoin has compared VAERS reports with death certificates where people who reported a vaccine injury in VAERS who later had died had death certificates that listed Covid as the primary cause of death. So it seems possible that it was “policy” to assign Covid as CoD when a person died within 14 days of their Covid shot. This theory could also explain the rise in maternal deaths in 2021 at the beginning of the interview.

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Maybe it's time to take under the loop ALL who are covering up the GENETIC modification aspect of covid inejctions...??? Start with reading and realizing this:

“Cell-free DNA and RNA—measurement and applications in clinical diagnostics with focus on metabolic disorders” in Physiol Genomics 53: 33–46, 2021 => implies, to what extend the medial cartel planned their future, while mentally forcing the genetically modifying covid injections on billions of clueless citizens, ever since the end of 2020, the begin of that universal 'therapy'.

SATNFORD, sorry Stanford, just published proudly an article titled ‘The beat goes on’, in which since 2022 cardiothoracic surgeries are being performed with still beating hearts from cardiac arrest patients (the ones caused by the covid injections?) with astonishing success!!! A new field of ‘morpholome’ was invented, also in Satnford, sorry, stanford, which refers to variety of cell shapes taken on by an organism. Euan Ashley, Maddison Masaeli and Mahyar Salek (google AI expert) while analyzing the HEART CELL MORPHOLOME, want to differentiate deceased cells from others that have been ‘cured’(????) by gene-editing technology (Stanford Meedicine, Issue 3, 2023). The new statistics in the field of heart transplants took off equally in the same time. Like the EKG changed signals of hearts of all the victimized pilots, who NOW have the 3x SLOWER S-wave beat rate, due to what? CONGESTION in the blood vessels, caused by the NEW FOREIGN GENETIC INFORMATION (RNA=COPY of DNA, with covid mod mRNA, a copy of NON-existing code in the DNA of the human body!!!) embedded into their bodies via these injections??? PEOPLE, WAKE UP and STOP calling covid injections 'vaccines', which by the DEFINITION ARE NOT!

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

I knew two people, a mother (age 74) and son (age 43) who died in separate hospitals of COVID, one day apart in November 2020. She had heart problems already. He was mentally deficient, I don't know specifics, but he lived with his mother all his life.

I knew personally one young man who died in his sleep early Thanksgiving morning 2023, having just turned 18 a few days before. Healthy and normal-weight, almost certainly vaccinated since his mother is a nurse practitioner. A healthy, athletic young man (about 19 yo) in our county died in his sleep early Christmas morning. One parent works in a healthcare-related field, so I'm guessing he was probably vaxxed also.

I live in a "red" state where the vax rate was about 52-53% at the time they stopped reporting statistics.

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Do you know if the mother/son that passed in separate hospitals were given the "hospital protocol"?

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I don't know. It would not totally surprise me. OTOH, these are hospitals in/near the capital city of a smaller Southern state, so it may be that we had less of that going on.

My husband and I had had COVID earlier that month. The virus itself was mild, less than a typical flu. But my husband, who has several comorbidities, developed pneumonia about 10-12 days in and was hospitalized (neither of the hospitals the mother/son were in).

He got only one dose of remdesivir, best I can tell. They gave him steroids. They kept up the vitamin D and zinc we'd been doing at home. He was on a high-flow nasal cannula, never ventilated (praise God). I think it helped that the pulmonologist who first saw him in the ER was the one he goes to twice a year anyway, so there was an existing relationship. He spent six days in the hospital; we got him out on Thanksgiving Day.

I asked to stay with my husband on the COVID floor when he was admitted, and at first they said yes. Then they started making up excuses why I couldn't be with him. "You might get sick again." Repeat infections that close together were unheard of [before the COVID vaccine, anyway]. "You'd be endangering the nurses." How? I'm recovered, I feel well, and they're wearing full PPE. They never came up with any answers, just "no."

But it was perfectly fine for me to have spent 14 hours with my husband in the ER bay. I never put on a mask when the doctors and nurses came in (wearing surgical masks, not PPE), and no one complained.

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Thank you.

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Please support Fabian through his substack so he can continue his excellent analyses. Thank you Steve Kirsch for interviewing Fabian. The careful analytical approach is essential if we want to change how pharma operates.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/pervaers this is Fabian’s substack you can support financially.

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