@candice very true. some would say a spritual battle. evil is being exposed on many levels (transparency) and we all need to become even more aware of everything we hold dear and near.
If the UK is like some US states a lot of these doctors will lose their medical licensees. Sorry state of affairs but. Better to speak up and tell the truth than live in denial.
It is real! The davos crowd all are of the same opinion. Sick,sick,sick, Satan will enjoy their company for eternity. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap/be sure your sin will find you out/I will recompense saith the LORD. GOD will not let them by with these murders.
Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G) = Christopher A Tracy: I was here in New York City with family members when the late Nov 2019 "5Ge" rollout began. I was the last of the 5 to get ill within that 6 week period. (The youngest at 6 yrs old had an upset stomach, wanting to vomit, for about 2 hours, then felt fine.#3.) Then myself, already using the pile of vitamins was the last to get the colds and sweats. Each of our radiation illnesses lasted from 6 to 8 days, as we were hearing from neighbors above or below us in the apartments, getting ill.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/ I share this again. They believe it wasn't/isn't only due to 5G rollout but it accentuated symptoms of vital infection. At least what they say. Thrombogenesis and effective voltage-gated calcium channel. First could effect oxygen levels and second cause heart arrythmia. I am not social but know of 2 cases of young healthy species getting severe problems breathing. I didn't hear of any other symptoms. This was during or shortly after 5G rollout.
No wonder I was having such trouble with finding that video! Sounds like a game of whack-a-mole. Anyway for anyone who wants to see my transcript (made in December 2022, of the version that includes Dr. A Malik and not all but most of the speakers) you can find it here:
Thank you Steve for providing new links for the video! The DoctorsForPatient press release webpage https://doctorsforpatientsuk.com/press-release which provides the embedded video has not been available until recently. My guess is that the UK's intel services do not want this 18 min video to be readily available.
I am glad they have spoken up at last, but about time too. I like others say why did they not do so before. I worked out the scam just from other issues in 2020, the stupid guidance (they were never actually rules you just follow or else) being one of the big clues. This is of the UK but I wonder if it wasn't the case the world over.
I am pretty sure guidance was much the same with some tweaks the world over to make the discerning say 'Hang on, different social distancing requirements in different countries??'
I am sure many of them were being censored. Tess Laurie has been super vocal for several years. A couple of doctors on the video had been kicked out of healthcare already for speaking up.
Better late than never but sheesh. I mean us amateurs called BS on this in early to mid 2020. What was their problem?
1) Embellishing the death count in early 2020. If it was as bad as they say then they would not have to do that.
2) Going to completely unreasonable levels (45) with the PCR test. The levels have been known for over a decade.
3) Crushing early treatments starting with HCQ and onward to Ivermectin etc.
4) The CDC admitted in May 2020 that the IFR was 0.3% and that means nothing done after that was warranted.
I could go on and on, as I'm sure you can too LOL, but if we can see more red flags than a May Day celebration in the old Soviet Union why couldn't they?
technically there are so many red flags that indeed they could, but they won't tell us that, partly because this has been a military operation led by the DoD (i.e. DARPA, BARDA). the joint venture between Pfizer-BioNTech-Fosun (Chinese military) is instrumental in forcing government agencies to do their bidding, and health agencies worldwide have been playing their assigned roles from the beginning. Latypova writes about it extensively - https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their
Getting the right data out of DMED is crucial and it may be why so many have refused to look into it. Matthew Crawford has been agitating for someone to do a FOIA for it and Judicial Watch just answered the call so we'll see what they can get out of the MIC grip.
In order to do a proper, legal advertisement for a drug, the list of potential side effects must be presented in the advertisement.
I wonder if anyone has the guts to make a proper advertisement FOR the covid injectables? Advertise the safe and effective vaccine, then speed-read the 8 pages of known side effects. 🤣
A little reverse psychology might wake people up to the lies.
Interesting. The resulting lawsuit would be hilarious: Don't you dare advertise our product! Neither word of mouth, internet, newspaper, or internet publicity allowed...
the British Library link often leads to factual (rather than narrative-friendly) information, unlike so many others. the Gilder Lehrman link is very interesting too, thnx! Spain at the time of Columbus was in desparate need of gold in order to be able to wage the horrendous and cruel Spanish Inquisition (established in 1478 with papal approval of Pope Sixtus IV) - devastating proxy wars for the Popes, we might say.
It allways has been important to remember, and learn, and understand, by historie. When teenager, back 1960s, we in school only learned about European history, stating i Egyth, but I by myself then read wroute about China and South America history.
I’ve updated links at top of article. Will be adding more shortly.
This is not my comment, but I thought it should be repeated.
"This may anger some atheists, but we are Now in a Biblical battle between good and evil."
I am atheists, but feel and think the same as you, and besides liked to readly in the Bible, when I was child and had time.
I don't have enough faith to be an atheists!
Normaly its written as: persons who have missed faith, have become atheits. Persons like Nietzche.
I don't have enough faith to become an A..
Yes, we are in a battle of good and evil. What, as Christians, are we to do? Ephesians 6:10-16. STAND, he will fight the battle for us.
@candice very true. some would say a spritual battle. evil is being exposed on many levels (transparency) and we all need to become even more aware of everything we hold dear and near.
If the UK is like some US states a lot of these doctors will lose their medical licensees. Sorry state of affairs but. Better to speak up and tell the truth than live in denial.
Albert Bourla says what in this video?
Frightening if this is real and not fake.
It is real! The davos crowd all are of the same opinion. Sick,sick,sick, Satan will enjoy their company for eternity. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap/be sure your sin will find you out/I will recompense saith the LORD. GOD will not let them by with these murders.
I need to reply to you and will post it above hoss.
Don't know if it's real but Bill Gates and other eugenicists also were calling for population reduction, but 50% seems too much.
gates said that if the vax works we can reduce the population by 15%.
When it comes to Albert Bourla the CEO of pfizer. He is ether satanically possessed or not human.
He has a Demon from the god of this earth (satan)
I believe he was and we will never get it back. But, first has to be World War 111.
Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G) = Christopher A Tracy: I was here in New York City with family members when the late Nov 2019 "5Ge" rollout began. I was the last of the 5 to get ill within that 6 week period. (The youngest at 6 yrs old had an upset stomach, wanting to vomit, for about 2 hours, then felt fine.#3.) Then myself, already using the pile of vitamins was the last to get the colds and sweats. Each of our radiation illnesses lasted from 6 to 8 days, as we were hearing from neighbors above or below us in the apartments, getting ill.
Wuhan residents had nicknamed covid as the telephone disease by Feb 2020.
I was told this by people I was working with who had relatives there.
As my wife has electro-magnetic hypersensitivity I've researched and read lots of stuff on it over the years.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/ I share this again. They believe it wasn't/isn't only due to 5G rollout but it accentuated symptoms of vital infection. At least what they say. Thrombogenesis and effective voltage-gated calcium channel. First could effect oxygen levels and second cause heart arrythmia. I am not social but know of 2 cases of young healthy species getting severe problems breathing. I didn't hear of any other symptoms. This was during or shortly after 5G rollout.
Here's a study financed by the NIH:
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
Title when downloaded is: jclintranslres-2021-7-5-666.pdf
666 - bit of a coincidence
No wonder I was having such trouble with finding that video! Sounds like a game of whack-a-mole. Anyway for anyone who wants to see my transcript (made in December 2022, of the version that includes Dr. A Malik and not all but most of the speakers) you can find it here:
Thank you Steve for providing new links for the video! The DoctorsForPatient press release webpage https://doctorsforpatientsuk.com/press-release which provides the embedded video has not been available until recently. My guess is that the UK's intel services do not want this 18 min video to be readily available.
this particular video is available on rumble too - https://rumble.com/v25b7s4-u.k.-doctors-call-for-government-investigation-of-mrna-covid-vaccines.html
Steve the code used for COVID-19 vaccine harm is U.12 i saw you asking for this on twitter.
this one works (the link in the article doesn't have sound).
I managed to play the link, the sound was quiet for a bit but thanks fro the rumble!
Imagine being deaf. Now imagine there is a simple solution used for TV and YouTube.
Now imagine these " Truth Warriors" won't be bothered.
And now you know why I have nothing but contempt for Rumble and the rest.
Any time Sir!
my pleasure. some powerful voices there!
I am glad they have spoken up at last, but about time too. I like others say why did they not do so before. I worked out the scam just from other issues in 2020, the stupid guidance (they were never actually rules you just follow or else) being one of the big clues. This is of the UK but I wonder if it wasn't the case the world over.
I am pretty sure guidance was much the same with some tweaks the world over to make the discerning say 'Hang on, different social distancing requirements in different countries??'
I am sure many of them were being censored. Tess Laurie has been super vocal for several years. A couple of doctors on the video had been kicked out of healthcare already for speaking up.
Better late than never but sheesh. I mean us amateurs called BS on this in early to mid 2020. What was their problem?
1) Embellishing the death count in early 2020. If it was as bad as they say then they would not have to do that.
2) Going to completely unreasonable levels (45) with the PCR test. The levels have been known for over a decade.
3) Crushing early treatments starting with HCQ and onward to Ivermectin etc.
4) The CDC admitted in May 2020 that the IFR was 0.3% and that means nothing done after that was warranted.
I could go on and on, as I'm sure you can too LOL, but if we can see more red flags than a May Day celebration in the old Soviet Union why couldn't they?
technically there are so many red flags that indeed they could, but they won't tell us that, partly because this has been a military operation led by the DoD (i.e. DARPA, BARDA). the joint venture between Pfizer-BioNTech-Fosun (Chinese military) is instrumental in forcing government agencies to do their bidding, and health agencies worldwide have been playing their assigned roles from the beginning. Latypova writes about it extensively - https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their
Getting the right data out of DMED is crucial and it may be why so many have refused to look into it. Matthew Crawford has been agitating for someone to do a FOIA for it and Judicial Watch just answered the call so we'll see what they can get out of the MIC grip.
If this is a US military operation that would explain the reluctance on part of a lot of people to look into it. They kill people for a living LOL.
indeed. thnx for the link, some great writings there :-))
100% agreed. In many doctors minds it is 100% a greed. The love of money etc. etc.
.....and t-is-for-toxic? worldwide the mandates were similar(ly idiotic and tyrannical) and the jabs were toxic by design. per Latypova: “The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the COVID 19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical COVID response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world...” - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/toxic-by-design-researcher-explains-why-us-defense-depts-covid-vax-operation-shows-intent-to-harm/
Thank you.
Please take the UK link off, it's infected with URL fishing
https://www.bitchute.com/video/RRDtH4xLnXtL/ This one works
Many thanks!
You sir, are a service to humanity. Thank you.
Thank you!!
In order to do a proper, legal advertisement for a drug, the list of potential side effects must be presented in the advertisement.
I wonder if anyone has the guts to make a proper advertisement FOR the covid injectables? Advertise the safe and effective vaccine, then speed-read the 8 pages of known side effects. 🤣
A little reverse psychology might wake people up to the lies.
Interesting. The resulting lawsuit would be hilarious: Don't you dare advertise our product! Neither word of mouth, internet, newspaper, or internet publicity allowed...
There is no law stating that bio weapons need to advertise their side effects though.
I would hope not!
Good idea.
Keep um coming Steve.
even in the late-1800s there was remarkable opposition, led by individuals and organisations alike - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Anti-Vaccination_League
I just read it and you deleted!
great comment, TQ.
the declaration of Magna Carta = 1215 - https://www.bl.uk/magna-carta/articles/timeline-of-magna-carta
the British Library link often leads to factual (rather than narrative-friendly) information, unlike so many others. the Gilder Lehrman link is very interesting too, thnx! Spain at the time of Columbus was in desparate need of gold in order to be able to wage the horrendous and cruel Spanish Inquisition (established in 1478 with papal approval of Pope Sixtus IV) - devastating proxy wars for the Popes, we might say.
It allways has been important to remember, and learn, and understand, by historie. When teenager, back 1960s, we in school only learned about European history, stating i Egyth, but I by myself then read wroute about China and South America history.