Please read my mask of all skams part 1 Sinatana.substack.com

I merely share the perennial mask study of all time and let the data speak for itself and it’s irrefutable.

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The Foegen links in this post to do not work!

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As an engineer I tried to explain this to people about size of the pores in a mask this way. I have a fishing net, with 6 inch spacing. What do you think my chance of catching a fish smaller that 6 inches in a frontal diameter (girth)? Zero. Of course, maybe fishes that are longer that 6 inches will be caught, maybe not.. you would be amazed how people did not get it.. So, went a little more obvious. A golf ball is roughly 1 inch in diameter, and I asked how many golf balls with 1.5 in diameter would you be able to hold? Incredibly, some people said 50%.. My mind literally exploded. Apparently, our country is full of complete imbeciles.

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also an engineer. My analogy has been: "consider how hard it would be for a mosquito to pass through a cyclone fence?" That usually wakes them up. (However, it is probably a white lie by a factor of two!) 0.1 micron vs 0.5 micron holes or 0.2" vs 2" cyclone fence holes.

Exaggeration can be useful to at least cause lucidity in the blind. Later, offer reality.

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Your math was wrong this time. Even if N95 masks are not 100% or 95% effective, still they should reduce the chances of getting infection by 95%. The real problem with most of those masks is that they usually do not fit correctly so the aerosol get inside from sides. The worse are those with ear rubber bands. But those without filter in general are bad, too. I got no COVID with 3M FFP2/3 with filter, maybe I was lucky... but for me they worked

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Nah. There are just too many variables Alberto; you will never really "know" or be able to prove 3M masks "worked."

-- You cannot be sure your environment ever contained even one virion much less millions enough to have a probability of get past the 3M masks "defenses."

-- You have no "control Alberto clone" exposed with NO mask living in the same environment as you for the same period of time exposed to the same stuff.

-- You could have been exposed with or without a mask and never been aware because your immune system had high levels of vit D, C, and A and had no problem fighting it off while presenting zero symptoms alerting you that you got it.

I could go on, but you should get the picture by now!

-- I would hypothesize that if you had been exposed to viral particles your chances of becoming infected would be exponentially higher while wearing a face covering for these reasons: 1) virus particles by 100's or 1000,s enter mask, 2) some are caught in mesh and some pass through, 3) some that pass through continue on into the respiratory system, 4) those that fail and reside on face or between face and covering exposed to a humid-rich breeding ground and multiply, 4) the viral load under the mask increases to a point where the probability of them being drawn into the respiratory system is high, 5) viral load inside body increases and disease process is accelerated.

Masks are useless for reduction of viral particles collecting in your respiratory system.

It is MORE likely masks are negatively efficacious as are the mRNA vaccines!

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Alberto, that is not causative. I never wore a mask, and did not catch C19, so there you go.

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No masks for me either. I would rather catch a cold, which is all Covid is, then to wear a stupid mask that restricts my breathing and makes me look like an imbecile.

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I never saw that video till now, but I reported it as misinformation with 5 links to studies proving our point. Let me know if the video is taken down.

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Good to know quack Jerome Adams is still talking utter rubbish and making a fool of himself. Total moron!

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My immune system's friends: All bacteria, all virus, all microbes. Unless Commies, Muslim, Christian, left-handed, short, or golfers.

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went to the grocery store today in a liberal town nearby. 5 out of 20 or so shoppers had loose masks on. 1 was trying to stay 6 feet away from everyone. Look; they pulled 6 feet out of their arse, masks do nothing against tiny virus particles and why aren't you covering your eyeballs? your immune system needs to be tested daily; it's good for you. also the jabs ARE killing people.

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So cringe

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I had to smile when the BBC (British Bullshit Corporation) announched that various politicians were being investigated by Her, sorry now "His" magestys finest "P.C. plod force" for breaching lockdown restrictions and that they after investigation, could face public prosecution.

Well you see when you know full well it's a scam after terrorising the British people with B.S.and lockdown one can only crack open a few cases of wine and get the 🍕 ordered in.

The bigger the lie the more people believe it as David Icke states. Bang on Dave.👍

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"P.C. plod force" Quite so, although I prefer ""P.C. plod farce" as they are a joke, arresting granny for anti-social distancing (it was never social) and letting the fraudsters like Rishi Sunak (Hi Risk Anus) go free,

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America is a strange place There are states with massive mask use and others were nobody wears them. Even within states things vary. For instance, in Tucson Arizona which is somewhat democratic I noticed that mask use is high. Go north 20 miles to Oro valley which is republican, and nobody wears masks.

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I don't think your comparison is quite "right". It's not America itself or certain states even.

It is rural vs urban; it is big corporation vs little company.

This is a peer pressure phenomenon playing out.

Rural folks see reality and know BS when they see it, and, CALL IT OUT. They are more confident because MORE of them are seen not wearing, more of them protest and object directly, in general their employment is more assured because their employers' have high demand for wage level folks vs salaried. They will NOT be fired for not wearing a mask.

Rural folks are rural folks for a reason: They actually hate the city, big government, loss of liberty, and like the ability to take a gun out in the back yard and shoot at crows. . . or whatever. (This summer I heard huge explosions North of our land. Texted my neighbor and found out his kids were shooting exploding targets with their AR15's; we BOTH laughed!]

Urban folks are afraid to raise a flag because they are FEARful: of embarrassment, of being criticized in public, of reducing their employment status. Urban folks want to fit INTO society and be like others; they are "joiners".

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Covid is the 'flu rebranded. People get the 'flu. Therefore people on a plane may have the flu.

Planes fly and can be said to have flew.

But they do not contain the 'flu!

Masks will never stop the 'flu, but might stop dusts etc. But not any toxins in the air or the many plastics in planes (and possibly the food, but I haven't checked).


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Mask use is a political issue which is bizarre. I'm in Arizona at a Starbucks waiting for my hotel room to be open. I guess only 2% of people are wearing masks. Last week I was in Portland Oregon and mask use was about 70%

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Go to any small town in Arizona. You won't find even 2% wearing; zero.

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The people in Portland are not very bright.

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LMFAO... "Portland." What a hot mess that city is!

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Regarding Megan's claims, I've been saying this for two years, ever since I learned what the "95" in "N95" stands for. I was just too lazy to do the math! But the N95 wasn't made for, nor is it rated for, the prevention of the transmission of airborne viruses. Megan's numbers are actually conservative, because she's considering the N95 masks to be 95% effective at stopping the passage of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, when it is almost certain that it is, in practice, much less effective. The conservative numbers, however, are good enough to prove her point.

Concerning COVID-positive individuals sharing enclosed spaces, remember that asymptomatic transmission is unknown. So unless these "positive" individuals are symptomatic, they pose pretty much zero threat to anyone else on the aircraft.

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You know what else poses pretty much zero threat to (almost) anyone? COVID-19. Unless you're 75+, or 55+ and have let yourself go (fat, no exercise, extra points for being a smoker).

I almost pity the people who still live their lives in fear over this virus. My wife's boss is one. My wife came to work with literally nothing more than some occasional sniffles and the boss said she shouldn't be in the office and should go home. It was a mild cold. 🤦‍♂️😂🤣 This woman has never had C19, so she fears it because it's an unknown (to her). I say "almost pity," because these people are making life difficult for the rest of us, and they're intentionally ignorant: the information is out there if only they would LOOK FOR IT. Steve's substack is a great starting point! Shame that she'll probably never see it.

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COVID 19 is not to be sneezed at!

The COVID 19 cultists should be sent to Cold-itz. :)


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There is a class of those within the ignorant who don't want the information. They won't be looking for it any time soon.

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Moisture grows all kinds of bad stuff. Breathing in that stuff for long periods pushes it down to your lungs. I know nurses who have had bacterial infections they can’t get rid of and they seem baffled. Hmmmmmmm....🤣

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Adams is a Democrat, which is incontrovertible proof the he is an unscrupulous lying sack of dog crap.

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Adams is an vice admiral. 'ACM admiral hem Josee' is an anagram of his full name, Jerome Michael Adams. He was was obviously destined to be an admiral.

He may be an admiral of vice, but his advice has been poor at times. I see he changed his mind on masks according to Wikipedia.

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