On Facebook, just yesterday, I noticed two more of my friends having strokes...both in 30's and 40's. Two in one day!! Please help your friends be mindful of their health after the jabs.

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Be mindful you say..?....really..they should of done their research

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Steve you should update your article with the GiveSendGo link


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So, Ernesto didn't listen to the warnings from others, but he wants others to listen to him after he gets fucked. Yeah, right. Lesson learned, the hard way.

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He also turned down FEMA cash and is risking his life to bring us the full story of how his son died.

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troll... why do you always do this? Oh right... because you ARE a troll. This is about education, support and trying to make sure people are okay. This is about getting out and trying to make change to protect people. This happened very early in the shot introduction. This man thought that he was doing what was right for his son, not hurting him. May all your decisions for your family be the right one, because God forbid people make mistakes or trust anyone. People, early, didn't understand that they are actually trying to kill us. Btw, what have YOU done today to educate people? To be compassionate but firm in not being paid off but in still fighting? He could have sat back and cried - he didn't and hasn't quit. How about you?

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Bless your heart.

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You do realize that Steve Kirsch was double vaxxed with Moderna, right? The MAJORITY of Americans believed the vaccines were safe and effective. It's really hard to believe the CDC, FDA, NIH and Tony Fauci could have lied to us as badly as they did. Many smart, well educated people have been fooled by the Many, the Powerful, and the Near, when they looked good and were in positions of power. The whistleblowers tend to look like the crazy people... until so much of the truth has spilled out, people almost have no choice but to believe it. https://realcovidresearch.blogspot.com/2022/03/really-good-con-artists-who-fooled.html

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Dude, May you get what you give 100 times over. Karma is a bitch. You are a horrible human.

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Dude, you’re a real dick. You know that?

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Not cool.

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There’s a special place in hell for you jerry. God speed.

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Is there somewhere I am able to view this interview?

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RIP Ernesto Jr. We will keep fighting for you and all the other souls lost to this atrocity.

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Does anyone know If Mr Kirsch and his team got the vials back from testing in Nov?

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His son did NOT need the gene therapy. His father killed him.

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His father thought he was following the way of health and life. Steve, that was uncalled for and you should think before you type your arsehole remarks.

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What a nasty thing to say! You are one nasty, mean individual

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And so we add yet another innocent to the list. It's growing way to fast and way too long! My heartfelt prayers go out to Mr. Ramirez and all the others who have lost a child, or a family member to this awful shot. It just saddens me to hear those who think this is the best thing since toilet paper because no one in their circle of friends and family have died or suffered worse, or worse yet, they believe the lies they're told, like " it was a heart attack, or a stroke, or only god knows!👵😇

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How sad!

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Earnest, our hearts and prayers are with you and we pray God will heal your pain and hold these people accountable. If funds are still needed for the autopsy costs, use https://www.givesendgo.com/

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abhorrent story. Fauci et al should die a trillion deaths for each tax caused death

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Ernest Ramires testimony. My heart broke in thousand of pieces when I watched it. How can there be no justice for such attrocity done to this father-and-son family ?


This testimony was made at Sen. Johnson Expert Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries and Federal Vaccine Mandates. All testimonies absolutely terryfying. Also Maddie's mother testified at this hearing.


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Ernesto Jr. needs a GiveSendGo page. I am so sorry Ernest Sr. Your touching sorrow breaks my heart. Ernesto Jr. will be in my prayers.

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Ernest Ramirez is a man of integrity and conviction. He’s also a heartbroken father deeply grieving the loss of his son. The audacity of the authorities who are trying to sully his commitment to the truth of his son’s passing is beyond comprehension.

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I’ve seen Ernest Ramirez tell his story a few times now. Every single time makes me cry. Heart breaking.

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It is the individual's story, like this dad's who so deeply loved his son, that hit the hardest. There is no way of atoning for it. On this side of the grave Ernest Ramirez will never see Junior again. Not a hundred death sentences can make up for his loss. God give him peace, somehow.

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