The medical establishment also says anecdotal data and testimonials are irrelevant in successful alternative cancer treatments that have been going on for years in "unregulated" Mexico. They say there must be pharma trials to prove the effectiveness. However pharma will not do trials on these treatments because most of them are vitamins,…
The medical establishment also says anecdotal data and testimonials are irrelevant in successful alternative cancer treatments that have been going on for years in "unregulated" Mexico. They say there must be pharma trials to prove the effectiveness. However pharma will not do trials on these treatments because most of them are vitamins, ozone, laetrile, hoxsey tonic, etc. All of which happen to be natural and can't be patented. See how this works?
yes, patents. intellectual property is theft from the commons really. it actually disincentivises creativity. race to the bottom, £€ to the monopolists.
The medical establishment also says anecdotal data and testimonials are irrelevant in successful alternative cancer treatments that have been going on for years in "unregulated" Mexico. They say there must be pharma trials to prove the effectiveness. However pharma will not do trials on these treatments because most of them are vitamins, ozone, laetrile, hoxsey tonic, etc. All of which happen to be natural and can't be patented. See how this works?
yes, patents. intellectual property is theft from the commons really. it actually disincentivises creativity. race to the bottom, £€ to the monopolists.