When people argue that people have always died suddenly, we just never paid attention to it my response is this. Maybe the average person didn't pay attention to it, but I will tell you who has paid attention to it. The insurance industry. They have reported a 40% increase in deaths among people 18-64 since the vaccine roll out. 40%, a n…
When people argue that people have always died suddenly, we just never paid attention to it my response is this. Maybe the average person didn't pay attention to it, but I will tell you who has paid attention to it. The insurance industry. They have reported a 40% increase in deaths among people 18-64 since the vaccine roll out. 40%, a number that has never been seen in that industry, never. The insurance industry has a vested interest in these numbers because they are paying out the claims in record amounts of money. How do you explain this surge in deaths? It can't be explained by the lag in medical care in 2020 due to lock downs because young people don't go to the doctors for cancer screenings which begins when people reach the age of 40 for breast cancer and now for prostate cancer and age 45 for colonoscopies. The vaccines are the direct and proximal cause of the increase in sudden death that is occurring throughout the world.
Speak out if your life insurance isn't covering deaths associated with those that got the EXPERIMENTAL C19 shot and/or its boosters. Life insurance companies are the proverbial 'canary in the coal mine' meaning they will react to this uptick in sudden deaths.
When people argue that people have always died suddenly, we just never paid attention to it my response is this. Maybe the average person didn't pay attention to it, but I will tell you who has paid attention to it. The insurance industry. They have reported a 40% increase in deaths among people 18-64 since the vaccine roll out. 40%, a number that has never been seen in that industry, never. The insurance industry has a vested interest in these numbers because they are paying out the claims in record amounts of money. How do you explain this surge in deaths? It can't be explained by the lag in medical care in 2020 due to lock downs because young people don't go to the doctors for cancer screenings which begins when people reach the age of 40 for breast cancer and now for prostate cancer and age 45 for colonoscopies. The vaccines are the direct and proximal cause of the increase in sudden death that is occurring throughout the world.
Speak out if your life insurance isn't covering deaths associated with those that got the EXPERIMENTAL C19 shot and/or its boosters. Life insurance companies are the proverbial 'canary in the coal mine' meaning they will react to this uptick in sudden deaths.