This is John from FuneralCalls.com . I do personally know one older embalmer who privately told me that he saw ONE case of fibrous clots in a decedent who died from AIDS in the 1980s. I think that's significant, and that there's a connection there that nobody has investigated.

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Speaking of the alphabet and mainstream I posted the folowing in the outstanding The Midwestern Doctor: Aristotles says the major problem people usually have is to attribute the wrong meaning to the terms. Hence, if we are coping with a Retorical or a Dialetic paradigm, eg., it is essential to have the Axioms in mind and, furthermore, to keep strongly our beliefs.

Without those, a wile such as weaponizing language will likely misguide everyone. It is worth to mention a seminal book whose author is Maria Benedita Lima Della Torre, “Man and Society, 1977”; I could not help up to remember thereof, the first time I watched Doctor Mathias Desmet eliciting what “the Covid pandemia” was about, three years ago.

I am shocked the myriad of fallacies (like the Petitio Principii that Aristotles explains in The Órganon) the MEDIA and Government broadcast and worse, how lots of my colleagues Doctors cannot tell. I understand “Science” something one can squarely take over, something stablished, defined or understood all together. I mean, I will be the one people can “trust” under no caveats, if I am able to change the color and to sway the rings of Saturn.

I think Doctor Hotez is right when he cites Stalin [in his book "The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science"], after all, lockdowns and mandates have come from the country that has the very same political system thereof.

Beneath our faith and values, “education is the better way” like we can see in The Consilience Project [that The Midwestern felicitously recomend], very interesting, by the way. Because of that, I think the SPA (Socrates-Plato-Aristotles), like I usually say, is pivotal so that the future generations can stand a chance against the bunch of misdeeds we have been witnessing.

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I understand that the "6% embalmers who found 81 - 100%" are remarkable as well.

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The closing question of when “they” will begin paying attention. Easy answer: when it begins happening under their roofs. It will necessitate devastation to their children/grandchildren, spouses and most trusted friends. Sort of like the Republicans and the AIDS epidemic. When it hit within their circles, they finally had an acknowledgement. It simply is reduced to predictable human nature situations.

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I concur. I think Trump had the potential to be a Samson, and could have exposed this entire global covid enterprise for what it is, but the moment he had has been squandered—praying that he has another opportunity.

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If you have an hour with nothing to do, a fascinating recent discussion on Maria Zeee's podcast with Karen Kingston and Ana Maria Mihalcea. The depth of understanding that Mihalcea and especially Kingston have is amazing. Several times, Kingston pointed out observations in various areas of Nanotechnology, and Mihalcea is in effect sitting at Kingston's feet. Kingston's understanding of patents, combined with Biochemistry and Nano technology is amazing.

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Thank you Laura K and Tom H 👍🏼🤗⚔️🙏

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That’s 600,000 for just ONE of the many side effects these have the potential to cause.

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At what point does one stop pretending this is all an accident and one starts to see it as a willfully engineered series of Events which is Accomplishing the 2030 agenda acceleration?

That accountability is withheld and objective Facts spun into counter narratives asserting lies to make sense of those facts, should tell the thinking person that this was an INSIDE JOB by the public/private partnership with all STAKEHOLDER corporations aiding the government in pushing the mandates.

Time for accountability or the second American Revolution.

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They are not blood clots; they are LIFE FORMS... They injected people with some type of ALIEN EGGS...and I got the RECEIPTS..........Intelligence courtesy of your boy!!!!!.....Agent Midnight Rider

see https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dr0ZcAeEfaU?pbjreload=102


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We r proud to be in the 7% who never took the microchipped vax 666 beast needle

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Re the ‘Worldwide embalmer question’ re seeing the blood of infants, I can’t imagine they witnessed the blood of fetuses, stillbirths etc.

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At first hearing about these blood clots, I was significantly concerned. As the blood clot story is now more than a year old and I've yet to see any evidence that a competent lab has worked out an analysis of said clots i am nearing the 'urban legend' viewpoint. Trust does require verification and I find unbelievable that no skilled research can be found.

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Sorry I'm not working and can't get unemployment, since I lost my job. My friend after her shots had to give blood, we saw in the whole, a white spot appeared. But who could I tell.

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Excellent. I've just skimmed the text. Will definitely view. My brother is a pediatrician, and he maintains a supply of EDTA in his office in the event a kid comes in with lead poisoning. I've never had any experience with chelation therapy myself.

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