This was DEFINITELY worth mentioning to my poor teenage/early twenties boys who insisted on getting the vaxx! All Pfizer(pfuck Pfizer), and my middle one had to take TWO boosters to enter UCLA the jerks! Those poor kids. NO MORE MADNESS!

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We need either three or four categories. We need to include people who have had covid and possibly a separate category for those who are vaccinated and has covid

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American Vet, Thanks for being sincere and not just making an ad hominem attack on me. I’m often on the rude side in my comments as it is so obvious to me what is going on. You and I are really in full agreement I think. I’m still trying to wake people up when I think they are worth the attempt. I gave you a positive example but I confess my batting average isn’t great. A lifetime of brainwashing isn’t easily overcome. Sigh…

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In relation to the Troponin level, DR.Hiroshi Arakawa, a Japanese scholar living in Italy, introduces a French scholar's paper 2022June25 on short-term myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination.

In particular, inoculation vs. non-inoculation are distinguished in one week.


Graphs that are easy to understand even for amateurs are posted.

We really want a long-term analysis, but it seems that the cause and effect relationship will be difficult.

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I interpreted in the Nature study that the young unjabbed have a worse incidence of death if infected with covid & hospitalized. Doesn’t that counter most other data showing young people have almost NO RISK anyhow. Is this just another one of those fraudulent studies I wonder?? (Its early in the morning so it’s possible I didn’t interpret it 100% accurately.)

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Here is what he(=Dr.Hiroshi Arakawa) says:Used Google Translator.→:::::

“The important point of this study is that we are looking at statistics from immediately after vaccination up to one week. In the previously introduced cohort study, the period up to 2 weeks after vaccination was treated as non-vaccination. In fact, short-term side effects due to vaccination are concentrated during this "magic two weeks" period. If this study also treats the "devil's two weeks" as unvaccinated, it will be concluded that unvaccinated people develop mysterious myocarditis, and that unvaccinated people develop more myocarditis than vaccinated people. Isn't it? In that case, it is also taken as a vicious fraud with a trick to include vaccinated people in unvaccinated. 』←:::::

The data is rather old and dated from May 12, 2021 to October 31, 2021. may be Wohan&δ-era. At that time and even now, the proportion of young people who die from infection is small, but it is not clear that young death is a side effect of jab or not.

Considering the situation of infection death among young people, I think this graph means that young people are more likely to die from Jab than from infection.I think the reason is that younger people have a stronger immune response than older people.

Even Pfizer's initial clinical trial data(at WohanEra) is a fraudulent practice of treating patients as unvaccinated for two weeks after vaccination.

This ensures that early(2weeks) side effects are ruled out.

Another acquaintance of mine died suddenly two days after being vaccinated, but I suspect he wasn't counted among the side effect deaths.

The fact that they(paper authors) were able to collect data from the French government, even if it was just a week shorter, is probably an improvement.

You and I would like to see data analysis from immediately after inoculation wouldn't you.

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I'm going to have to stop looking at all these type of posts--it's getting worse than having to endure prescription drug advertisements on television. I have not been vaccinated, but I have my own problems. I have siblings, in-laws, and friends who have been vaccinated but have no issues that I know of.

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Yes, but all the drug ads on tv list side effects including death and advise if you are pregnant, etc., etc.

I have never seen or heard of the side effects for the jab as it’s all censored and the medical professionals have been fired, silenced, and threatened. Despicable and evil.

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Yes, that's true, so on this is and other substacks we are getting all the disclaimers and side effects and possible side effects, basically, not listed in a reassuring woman's voice or recited speedily, so the effect is the same as or worse than the commercials, which is my point., except one can more easily avoid reading on substack than being ambushed on TV. Has anyone studied the psychological and physical effect of being bombarded with all these commercials about disease and death or disability every day? After drug companies started Direct-to-Consumer advertising of prescription drugs in the mid to late 1980s, then humor columnist for the Miami Herald Dave Barry wrote a column in which he said, "These commercials tell you two things: You need this drug; This drug could kill you."

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My best friend was just discharged from the ICU after a severe MI. One of his vein grafts (post CABG) developed a thrombus. What makes this bizarre is that during angioplasy the thrombus kept reforming despite constant 'removal' of the clot material. No plaque rupture so it's called an NSTEMI. However, the cardiologist HAS NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE WHERE THE THROMBUS KEPT GROWING AND REFILLING THE VESSEL. It's one for the books. This is, I believe, fallout from vaccine shedding and/or a previous COVID illness about two months earlier. This is some scary sh*t.

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As an anesthesiologist I’ve seen countless thrombectomies done. Not one time did I ever see something like that.

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And he was completely anticoagulated during the procedure.

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I can’t explain it. Perhaps there is a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon reading this thread who can.

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Here is a very unscientific statement perhaps, but, what if it has to do with the endothelial tissue or lining being damaged or gone due to spike proteins ravaging them? So the body detects a problem and only knows how to respond by persistent clotting? Please let us know here his progress. I am also wondering of a connection between what the embalmers are finding in those rubbery growths in veins after death? However, if those were present, they would be seen, I would think, during this medical procedure?

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Following a train of thought, I recently read that the movie "The Blob", 1958, was originally going to be titled "The Glob", but that was changed to "The Blob" because "Glob" was used for some consumer product which they erroneously thought would prevent them from using it as the film title. They mean pretty much the same thing, but would "The Glob" have been a better title?

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Although the surgeon said he had never seen this before, could he be covering it up as many in the medical field have been doing regarding “unusual adverse events”? Otherwise, this is just another “rare event”, never seen before oddity. Hmmmm!

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In 475 previous comments, this may have already come up, but a good study shows that high-sensitivity troponin T is best to use, and that the 99th percentile value is 16.8 ng/L (0.0168 ng/mL).

--PMID: 31786204

In contrast, in 9 myocarditis cases after COVID vaccine, the median hs-Troponin T was 700 ng/L (0.7 ng/mL) -- over 40 times the "upper limit of normal" (40 times the 99th percentile).


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My med tech contact in a blood lab of a major hospital tells me that several of these things are way up. But partly because of $$$. They "pay out", as he says. Insurance companies cover them for almost anything. In his hospital they do them on about 75% of the emergency patients. But, he did say that they see higher levels now. They do not even "call them up" anymore. They just count on the nurses to catch them on the screen. He said they used to "call up" anything over 2 ng. Then the hospital changed it to 4 ng. Then the hospital instructed them not to "call up" any. They started ramping up about 5 years ago, but he did say that they went up higher in the last couple years. Same thing with lactic acid tests. They also "pay out" well $$$. They run them on about 50% of the emergency cases. (And they take more work; separate tube, on ice, etc.). This is not anecdotal. I know him very well. And he has been at the hospital for at least 25 years. D-Dimer tests shot up at the beginning of the pandemic. They are still higher than pre-pandemic levels. About 20% of emergency room in his hospital. Also, BNP's are up. He attributes some to the fact that his hospital is in a location with a high amount of seniors (congestive heart failure).

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My 92 yo mom, with FOUR jabs, recently went to the ER for chest pain. her troponin level was over 3600! She s till refuses to believe that her beloved 'vaccines' are the cause of her problems.

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"What I know is that some hospitals are now doing this on everyone and they are surprisingly high."

Who is "they" and what are they high on?

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I get it 😜

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"They" are the troponin tests- a cardiac marker of heart tissue damage- and the levels of troponin that are finding are high. Meaning cardiac tissue damage.

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They will run any test on anyone if they can get paid for it. What this may show is that the insurance companies are willing to pay for it - regardless of what you see on the bill, the settlement amount the payor actually pays is pennies on the dollar - to collect the actuarial data so they can project cash flow. If you want to really find out what the insurance companies really think the future holds, by way of field data, look at their cash flow and expense projections for the next 12-18 months. If there are going to be millions more vaccine injured and dead, these companies are already well aware of it because their board and C-suite are working on ways to mitigate the damage.

You'll see the insiders selling off shares as well as a big increase in lobbying of Democrat and RINO politicians at the state and national level to try and get more and more protections and pork coming their way to subsidize the tsunami.

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Dr. Gundry tested “inflammatory markers” - not troponin specifically but still problematic


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Very interesting,but not surprising.The narrative of the anti-humans will eventually come out...just a matter of time

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If anyone has parents in Brookdale senior living. I think they are the second largest senior community in the US- be beware. I got a text from them regarding my parents. Not only are they pushing for a 5th mrna shot for their residents- but they are also mixing Pfizer and Moderna shots- which I think is tantamount to medical malpractice. Call them and protect your parents.

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If you refuse the covid shot troponin becomes a non-issue Dr. Peter McCullough is the go-to expert when it comes to mrna shot heart damage and troponins.

I have seen way more non cardiac reactions to the mrna shots. Mainly clotting issues such as pulmonary embolisms, deep vein thrombosis. and ischemic strokes.

I think there was a physician in the Midwest that found that 70% of mrna jabbed had abnormal d-dimers within 3-4 days of the shot. This is not good news.

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Early on, Dr Hoffe in Canada discovered and was vocal that 60% of his patients had high D Dimers. His building mysteriously burned down. Some say bc he exposed early on this issue with the jabs.

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Dr. Hoffe has suffered much. He is a hero

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Wow, flashback to the '90s when RCMP gathered evidence that Arizona and Arkansas State Prisons were selling AIDS/Hepatitis tainted blood products (drawn from prisoners) to Canada in the '80s.

The evidence warehouse mysteriously burned down in Canada and a prison doctor's house full of evidence in Arkansas - on the same night. Nothing ever came of it and in fact the whole thing is mostly scrubbed from the internet.

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