Ed Dowd: "Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality"
"It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history." Can you guess what caused it? I think I know...
See also
Unprecedented: Deaths in America for ages 18-64 are up 40%
The Society of Actuaries SOA report:
From page 14 of the report, look at Sept 2021:
From page 23 of the March 2022 report::
Someone sent me this article: Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data and Democide which describes his appearance on War Room.
That article says:
“And the money chart is really Exhibit 4, which shows that the Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.
I called Ed to clarify where he got the chart and then looked for verification of this.
Dowd’s work was replicated using the official CDC numbers.
Then I verified that the deaths couldn’t be explained by the COVID delta variant.
OK, so what caused all the deaths? The only explanation is the vaccine because the deaths are so massive.
CDC dashboard used in Ed’s chart
The CDC page Ed referenced in his post is now archived an no longer being actively updated. But you can visualize from the historical data and verify that in 2021 in Q3 was a massive percentage increase in deaths for ages 45-64 and 25-44:
Here’s a better view on public tableau of the same data:
And a more zoomed view:
So for 25-44 year olds, in week 35, there are 3,558 deaths in 2020 and 2022, but 5072 deaths in 2021. Baseline is 2,729 deaths in the highest baseline year, so an 86% increase.
For 45-65 year olds in week 36, there were 16,631 deaths in 2021 vs. 11,734 deaths in 2020 which is the closest comparator (41% higher) and 10,833 deaths in 2022 (54% higher). Compared to 2015-2019 baseline (10,280), deaths were 62% higher.
Here’s what the CDC excess death data shows
From this CDC site, this is a graph of 50 - 59 year olds showing that ACM jumped to 79.83% higher than expected after the mandates were put in place.
Background plausibility
First, the most important thing is plausibility.
I’ve written extensively about the safety concerns with the COVID vaccines.
Here are five recent data points that are consistent with the vaccines being unsafe:
Dr. John Campbell gets red-pilled as he walks his audience through the Pfizer “safety” data.
San Jose police officer, DeJon Packer, 24, passes away (presumably) in his sleep. Healthy 24-year-olds virtually never die in their sleep. This is the new normal since the vaccines rolled out. The coroner will find nothing because they never suspect the vaccine caused it. So they never look for telltale signs. Your doctor will say that this is bad luck, but way too many people are having bad luck lately, haven’t you noticed?
Strokes are hitting young people like never before.
In this video, I interview Ryan Cole on his analysis of clots extracted by embalmers from people who have died. His conclusion: the clots played a major role in killing these people and were caused by the vaccine. These clots are seen in up to 93% of people who die (from all causes).
Here’s a conversation I had on WhatsApp with Marc Girardot. He believes that the vaccine can, in some people, age your arteries by around 50 years in a few months. This of course would accelerate death. Here’s an excerpt of our conversation:
Consider this tweet. If the vaccines are so safe, how do you explain this?
And here’s a typical day:

The data justifying Ed’s remarks on the excess deaths
Now let’s go over some of the details of what Ed Dowd found and explain why there is no other explanation.
Ed’s friend (who I know but doesn’t want to be disclosed publicly) spent about a week analyzing the CDC data. The graph in the article is from the CDC data, but is plotted by Ed’s friend. He didn’t make anything up.
The work was replicated independently (see also the graphs).
US mortality graphs show a spike in the same time period (Aug to Oct).
These graphs of excess mortality in Europe show things got worse, not better after the vaccine rollout:
The following image (a stacked bar of COVID and other excess deaths) that was created by MiloMac is hard for anyone to explain because the deaths went up when the booster/vax mandates were put in place:
Although the greatest contributor to deaths 25-44 is “COVID,” that makes no sense because the delta wave started in June, 2021 and nothing happened to COVID deaths during that time. If any virus is going to kill massive numbers of people, it would be the highly contagious and hard to treat Delta variant. Yet no significant change in excess deaths from COVID. All the excess deaths peaked in August right after the mandates.
If the huge spike in excess deaths starting in August wasn’t due to the vaccine, what caused it? It couldn’t have been COVID. And why isn’t the CDC saying anything?
Surely, these are great questions that I’d encourage everyone to ask of their blue-pilled friends. Please, let me know what they say in the comments. We’d all love to know what caused this.
I’m sure the mainstream medical community knows the cause. I wonder why they don’t tell us?
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Met a young man today who is extremely busy in his scientific but non-medical field - he hasn't paid much attention to current events, just accepted them. I explained about Doctors Malone, McCullough and others following the scientific method to gain conclusions contrary to the mainstream. I also explained how mainstream media and social media block them.
He wanted to know more so I said to start here and at Rumble, then use non-google search engines to find out more based on what he finds. Welcome!
I mean i just do not know what to say. Boosted wife and i got covid i have no shots. She got a cold and has been hacking away for over a week. I got a slight sore throat and was fine. She is now having heart issues and they think she has an 'electrical issue'. She also got shingles. But i am not supposed to talk about it. Neither of us over 50.