Random question:

Anyone have documented information re what the good drs are doing with the profits from their very helpful book?

I shared the book title with a group of physician friends, and one of them is saying, among other unreasonable things, that she thinks it is dubious that they are profiting from book sales to fund their treatment. Or something like that.

I’m like, if you would actually read the book you would read that these guys have sacrificed their own money and reputations to help their communities. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Anyway, I am going to percolate a response but thought that if anyone happens to have an answer to this, that perhaps would be interesting information.

So tired of doctors saying how exhausted they are treating C0VID patients when (1) they are not actually treating them and (2) they refuse out of hand to even consider something like this. Sooooo tired of it.

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People can cast aspersions about any book author.

Does nobody ask what people are doing with all their vaccine profits at the NIH or other government agencies, or how people in media companies funded with billions of dollars in pharma money spend that money?

As the third author on the book (author of the analysis), I would like to point out that my real money making job is as a quantitative trader where I have a track record that most people wouldn't believe without me opening the books. It is nice to have income from this book, but I suspect the sum of it will approach what I would make trading in an ordinary month or a good week. For me, this was not an undertaking for profit. As for Tyson and Fareed, let's remember that they've risked their professional careers taking a stand. Tyson's license came under attack. In Canada, doctors like Ira Bernstein are under attack for treating patients with similar protocols, and Dr. Nagasse was assaulted in court at the behest of a judge. Hopefully it doesn't get that bad in the U.S.

Nobody stood against the vaccine manufacturers for fun and profit. The idea is pretty absurd.

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Got this email from Amazon today: "The release of the item in the order below has been canceled by the publisher and we have canceled your pre-order. You won't be charged for items that are canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience." I followed their link to the book, which had been removed. So I did a search for the book, which brought up another Amazon link, where I bought the Kindle version and successfully downloaded it. There was also a paperback version available for sale. I have no idea what they are pulling there.

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It appears Amazon has pulled the Kindle edition of this book. I pre-ordered on December 31 but did not receive it on my Kindle on January 24 as promised. When I just looked on Amazon, it said, "This title is no longer available."

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This book also needs to go to number 1!!! They didn't ignore RFK Jr's book after it went to the top! This will knock that idiotic EUA narrative out!!!

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There are a lot of good treatments for treating viruses that doctors have used for decades. My doctor gave me nebulizer treatments for the flu 30 years ago. Back when we they called it the flue. It was very helpful.

Simone Gold was fired from her job in the ER department of the hospital she worked at for, I believe, using HCQ. Something she had done many times in the past. Pierre Khoury testified in front of Congress, in tears, about the usage of Ivermectin and how Fauci and friends had been instrumental in so much fear mongering and so many deaths due to lying about these early intervention treatments.

I admire these doc's who write books like this or put up videos about treatments. The word needs to get out. It helps to deal with the manufactured fear. I thank God for people like this who show courage in the face of this evil.

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P.S. to my reply below about why this article, this substack topic is worthwhile, even though it also is "about selling a book". This substack topic is also about censorship and the entire mainstream media apparently "brought to you by Pfizer." Has anyone seen RFK Jr. on any of these late-night shows or The View or other infotainment trash that presumably would interview best-selling authors...except...not in these times. I think I remember (proving these are meaner times) when Ralph Nader was an emergent best-selling author with quite the anti-corporate best seller, but he also became a celebrity via the popular world of pre-cable TV. It was also a pre-Google world. It wasn't a pre-CIA world but you could thus make the case that fascism (govt.=corporations) and CIA-owned media; neither of them had taken hold yet, they way they have by now.

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So this article is, mostly, about selling a book?

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Ordinarily that might sound like a substack being turned into an ad but....These are not ordinary times. We are fighting censorship and also probing which alleged booksellers are pretending certain things don't exist. I've heard many times that RFK Jr.'s book is #1 at Amazon, didn't make #1 on NY Times best-seller list but there is some gimmick about that not happening if a book sells mostly at Amazon. Anyway, RFK Jr. is a huge popular author if you look at it that way, and then why isn't he on any mainstream media interview-oriented programs? I think we all know.

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And.. ordered!

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9 months before this book came out, my book The Defeat Of COVID showed the same excellent effect of early treatments against COVID, and mine is backed by over 500 clinical studies. Nothing in my book has been disproven, but rather verified with time, and could have saved 10,000's of lives, both at home and hospitalized, if not so ignored.


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"People with high levels of T cells from common colds are less likely to catch COVID, according to a new peer-reviewed study."


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Wish there was a different distribution. I hate Kindle (deleted it), Amazon knows EVERY time you even look at it, what pages, for how long.

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Agree. I looked at ThriftBooks but it wasn’t there. Ended up at Amazon, but at least I had β€œpoints” available and didn’t spend any real $ with them.

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Thank you Steve for all you have done. Please know I appreciate you.

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That's from several months ago. The NIH/FDA shot it down right away.

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They had no business recommending against it in the first place, making it hard to get treatment; same with monoclonal antibodies not allowing them to be used in hospitals. How many hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone may not died except for their interfering policy. And hydroxychloroquine shows some efficacy also but that is still mired in fraudulent studies and stigmatization from the government and media. In fact hydroxychloroquine is part of the Tyson & Fareed protocol.

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Real-time meta analysis of 303 studies favors HCQ strongly for early treatment:


It's much less effective for late treatment because at that point you're no longer fighting the virus - you're fighting the damage, and the body's response.

When Trump spoke in favor of HCQ in 2020, that was the real deal. They discredited HCQ and buried it, not because they needed to oppose Trump, but because the pandemic needed to go on. The NIH treatment protocol is designed for murder and this had to continue.

They still need the pandemic to get people used to infinite injections, but now Omicron is screwing with their plans. So they have to accelerate once again!

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I just ordered it from Amazon, the paperback. Says it was published January 7, and my order will be delivered January 13. I wanted to get it from Barnes & Noble because they pack the books better and sometimes there's a fragrance on things from Amazon lately, but it does not show up on Barnes & Noble.

If you need something right away, here is a webpage article that publishes just the updated protocol from the book.


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"there's a fragrance on things from Amazon lately".....sounds a bit ominous.


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I just came upon this other Amazon questions and answer page with 7 pages of such complaints about fragrance in their packages--the first one I found that only had had 2 pages of complaints. This is apparently a big problem for a lot of people.


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That unethical and probably illegal test gave them some valuable information but what precautions have been or could be taken against such an actual attack. I have it--require all subway travelers to wear N95 respirators--at least they're supposed to be effective against bacteria.

It seems the Amazon fragrance is mostly in the items shipped in the white bubble insulated plastic envelopes, whether they contain it already or the facilities that use them spray the items or the area with some sort of fragranced disinfectant or what, I don't know. Here is an Amazon questions and answers page, where someone posted a question about a smell to a now unavailable product in 2015, and there a few original answers from that time, but most are within the last few months about this new issue of a perfumey smell. Apparently people search the subject and this is what comes up, so they post their complaint there.


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Correct, thanks. Only the Kindle (it turns out) is not available till Jan 24. The paperback (the form I usually prefer anyway) is at Amazon. If I can find it anywhere besides Amazon, I'll post that on this substack.

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Chris Rock nailed it over a decade ago. Ain't no money in the cure:


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NANOSOMA...available US, Europe and Australia (unlocks the bodys ability to heal itself of conditions considered incurable,spray, (gel and cream only available in US) till April2022


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NANOSOMA..is a plant-based nanoemulsion that supports our bodies and immune systems and the body naturally produces Vitamin C and D,it turns on 48 nuclear receptors in the cells, with protocols for Covid 19 and a preventative from the vaccines...

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