I don't know how he can say the virus hasn't been isolated and then go on to describe its spike protein in detail. The virus's spike protein has been isolated but the virus hasn't? It's an engineered virus but it hasn't been isolated? How can you know it's engineered then? Very strange. But otherwise I think he's not far off. I have been skeptical of claims of a human culling project but I'm finding it increasingly plausible the more I learn. The recent revelation that batches of vaccine with hugely variable toxicity are evidently deliberate substantiates the culling hypothesis, as does the discovery of graphene hydroxide in at one/some vials. See Andreas Noack video.

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Dr. Chetty's logic is hard to refute. Whether it is indeed a depopulation tool, or a perpetual profit machine for big pharma, it is not good for humanity.

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I agree with everything except the depopulation, its all about big pharma there going to have new fancy expensive drugs for all the sickness that is coming due to the spike protein.

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That was an amazing Analogy

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Apart from his opinion that the virus has not been identified I find everything else he says consistent and logical. Very true about people going too late to hospital and then being mistreated and denied targeted drugs

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What this pandemic has done is make Conspiracy Theories into Conspiracy Fact. The excess mortality rates show something is going especially at younger age distributions. Add in previous comments by people like Gates regarding population control and this isn't so far fetched. The desperation to vaccinate the unvaccinated (the Control Group they cannot have) is obvious. Many of the vaccinated have likely been duped or coerced into signing their own slow death warrant.

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Dr Chetty made these speculative comments on a Zoom call to a group of doctors. I don't think he ever intended them to be made available to the wider public. He's been very careful in what he has said publicly since then. He clearly has concerns though from the smaller side comments he makes in other videos. He's incredibly bright and a very talented doctor obviously so I'm personally bearing these comments in mind. I don't think it would be wise to necessarily dismiss them out of hand.

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So true! Government officials and health care workers are victims of their own propaganda.

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Thank you for your insightful wisdom.

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or joe rogan

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Get Alex Jones to have this guy on or Steve Bannon

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The process of capture.

Detain - transport - holding - transport - imprisonment.

Any attempt to escape should be made at the earliest possible instance. It is better to escape before being detained than it is to try afterwards.

If not then it is better to attempt before you are transported to a holding cell or camp. If not then before imprisonment.

The more you comply and the further down the chain of capture you will go, the more resources the enemy will command against you.

^^The same principles will apply here to our political escape. It is better now than before widespread use of vaccine passports. And before supply shortages and famine. And before too many vaccines are administered.

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Sounds pretty right on to me

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Everybody should read the Tom Clancy novel "Rainbow Six" - he was (as usual) ahead of the rest of the world in seeing what the future would be. He had a different virus - aerosolized Ebola - instead of Covid, but the plan by the elites was exactly what Dr. Chetty proposes.

In Clancy's book the good guys stopped things just before the evil plan was executed... we had no such "good guys" in this case who could stop it... but there are those trying to mitigate it. Hats off to them!

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What is there to disagree with?

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