I don't know.

I just signed in to update my information by adding my June report. There appear to be enhancements but I'm really busy preparing for an important meeting: I merely entered my updated information.

Why not go to vaxcontrolgroup.com and click around to check out the site and its FAQs? I think all your questions will be answered.

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Baby Alex's parents wanted to avoid transfusion with vaxxed blood - hospital gave vaxxed blood after "losing" the unvaxxed donated blood - this story shows that Alex, an infant, got a blood clot after being given vaxxed blood. Apparently babies don't get clots that often, but Alex did, and Alex is dead now. An infant who got vaxxed blood and died soon after. Story is here. I guess one case will not be considered "proof" but it sure gives something to think about. The parents were probably right to hesitate. See the link.


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For those of us who are, and remain, "purebloods", there's the Vax Control Group (https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/).

The goal: having a worldwide control group against which to judge the "safety" and "effectiveness" of the covid injections.

There are two requirements to be a participant:

(1) Be unjabbed; and

(2) File a health update every month.

I've been a study participant since the end of 2021; I file my report for the previous month at the beginning of every month. I've done this for the past year including after my (very mild case of) Covid.

The more of us there are, the better. Join us!

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How much history do they take?

How detailed are the monthly reports?

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If we do not know, then the onus is on those claiming the blood is "safe" to show objective evidence to support their proclamations which at present are simply unsubstantiated.

It is NOT the responsibility of those who raise reasonable safety concerns to show proof the blood is unsafe.

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I was at a hospital in San Antonio Tx 6 months ago for a regular colonoscopy exam. I told the nurse when I had to sign off on the disclosure docs. That I did NOT want vaxxed blood in case I need a transfusion. She looked at me as if I was crazy. But she followed my instructions and I signed a waive of sorts. Thanks Steve

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I feel like I'm living in a dystopia.

When has the exercise of common sense been declared a criminal act ?

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Thanks to everyone who gave me a “heads up” rating/comment. This old gal appreciates your kindness and notifications.

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From a Red Cross email today....very interesting :

You may still donate after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. Knowing the name of the manufacturer is critical in determining your blood donation eligibility.

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Of course the blood is contaminated from the vaccine. It’s really a no brainer.

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And then there’s this...where they are blaming “having long covid” as the cause for “sudden heart attacks!!! I tried to comment but the comment section is “now closed”!!! I wonder why?!?!?!🤬


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Thank you for this. I know that the blood supply is certainly going to be an issue. Out autonomy over our own bodies becomes even more important today, as Bill Gates just got a patent to use human beings as a piece of technology, to wit: Patent No. W0/2020/060606. The application technology would allow for people’s activity to be monitored in exchange for cryptocurrency... "The application is for a system whereby tasks are given to users, which, on participation or completion, can be rewarded with cryptocurrencies. Information is collected from a sensor, coupled with or potentially within the user’s device, to determine whether those tasks have been completed. "

The device has been reported as an injectable or wearable tech...It appears there are many more disturbing trends around the corner for our bodies which includes our blood.

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I have B+ Unvaxxed blood if it helps Baby Will

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I have un vaxxed O+ and would gladly donate it to Baby Will. I’m also extremely healthy, and just donated blood a couple of months ago.

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After a recent surgery I was denied unvaccinated blood. The blood bank told me I would have to “bank” my own blood. Thankfully I did not need any!

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The obvious solution since we are dealing with an insane belief system, is to form a religion which proscribes anything having to do with the frankenvax, including transfusions. We go through all the legal procedures in order to establish our Church of the Unvaccinated.

Then, having changed our argument from reasoning from observable facts, to the more respectable faith in mumbo jumbo (according to THEM), we are automatically exempt from their deadly regulations!

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Wish that would work in Australia, which has no protection of religious liberty. It's not prohibited, but there was no "religious exemption" here. Only medical. And damn few of those.

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Hi Mr Kirsch . I am aware of a research proposal that has potential of changing narrative by showing superiority of an intervention approach to vaccine and thus can stop all mandates. This is from a practicing cardiologist. It is a private proposal that he wanted you to review. He has sent you a request to stevekirsch@substack.com twice requesting information as to where to send you the proposal to be reviewed in a private fashion. He can send it to any email you tell him to use. He is looking forward to hearing from you soon. The idea of the proposal is that that although the limitation of benefit and the toxicity of the vaccine especially in the young population is so evident that the risk benefit ( especially when dealing with omicron ) in the young shows risk outweighs benefit yet they twist the data and the argument goes on. ONLY way that wins big and that the medical industry cannot ignore is a head to head prospective study of vaccine Vs other intervention whereby other intervention beats vaccine in composite endpoint of covid complications and side effects of the approach. This cardiologist has been trying to reach you. Please respond. This approach has the ability to completely change the narrative.

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