The reason why Dr Paul Offit seems to have a blind spot regarding mrna injections...

" Penn’s royalties from Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine grow to at least $2 billion after new settlement"


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Sorry Steve, difference is 76x more harm from vaccine not 10 times like you describe in this text... Better studies and comparison method was used for comparison in article:


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+ Autism by

1st certain cow milk casein allergy

2nd desensitization due to intake of milk products "may contain milk"

3rd folic acid receptor clotting by IG4-Antibodies against the cow casein allergy

So use folinic acid, if it resolves symptoms, dig deeper.

Source :


(bovine folate receptor alpha protein in DTap/Tdap vaccines)

also covered there:

+ autoimmunity by ca. 2k human proteins found in astra CoV vax. Uff.

We need aptamers on all the "poisonous junk" BigVaxPharMafia pours into these "vaccines", make mass spectrometry on every 100ths vial and do sequencing. And it is a hedgehog-vs-rabbit race. Only if we become the hedgehogs (by mass applicable sensors or distributed surveillance) we can survive.

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How many kids developed myocarditis pre-Covid?? I'd love to know how many were getting it pre Covid compared to after Covid and jab.

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There are numerous problems with this article.

1. You do *not once* directly addresses the rate at which young males are likely *to die* -- either from either vaccination or COVID -- despite this being your article's principal argument.

2. You use non-matching demographics in your comparison groups.

3. When demographic groups are matched, the data contradicts you.

4. You imply myocarditis is often fatal following vaccination. Available evidence shows the opposite: At least two large scale studies from Israel show a rate of <= 2%.

5. There's some empirical evidence suggests you could be underestimating the incidence of myocarditis following COVID by 50% or more.

The questions raised around risk vs. benefit, especially in 16-17, are critical and valid to debate. And there is absolutely a set of assumptions under which your assertions would be true. However, your argument here does have anything approaching that standard of proof.

A full analysis and discussion with these flaws is here:


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No you're wrong, careful comparison https://fastscience.substack.com/p/paul-offit-on-dr-mike yields 76X more harm from mRNA

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Quoting the Israeli data as a proof to anything is ridiculous, as there is no functioning system to collect data about adverse events. While the numbers that the IMOH reports are much less than what doctors encountered with. The IMHO has actively deleted comments from the public on a Facebook's post it had published in order to encourage people to get the vaccine.

This is another evidence for the IMOH misleading information...


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1. Your assertion that Israel doesn't have a system for reporting adverse events is fabricated nonsense. This is so easy to fact-check that I don't know why you'd claim such a thing unless you weren't interested or capable of checking facts (or both).

It's right here: https://www.gov.il/en/service/covid-vaccination-side-effects-report

2. The Israeli heath care provider network (i.e., patient medical records data) used in the study is actually **very well equipped to accurately capture severe adverse event outcomes**, such as myocarditis resulting in hospitalization or death. That's precisely why Kirsch made a point of mentioning the superior accuracy of the US Optum health network data in his article above. These health care network systems data are **actual patient medical records.**

Finally, here are some interesting facts relevant to this discussion:

US, 2021 calendar year to date, < 29 years old only:

1. COVID deaths: 3186 (378 among <=18 years old)

2. VAERS-reported deaths related to COVID vaccination: 83 (13 among 12-18 age bracket)


1. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-by-Sex-and-Age/9bhg-hcku

2. https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html

Even if you assume 100% of VAERS reports are directly caused by vaccination (which isn't accurate), you'd need a URF of 30-38 to have deaths from vaccination equal or exceed deaths from COVID itself. It's not in dispute that VAERS under-counts mild adverse effects. But is it under-reporting *deaths* by 30-40x?

If so, applying a 30-40x factor increase to the all-ages US YTD VAERS deaths from COVID vaccines (n=5076) would give us an estimate of 152,280 - 203,040 deaths that have been caused by vaccination since vaccination began in 2021.

That would be an absolutely *astonishing* number of excess deaths. Especially if those deaths were broadly distributed across all age groups.

It's a level so high, it would be impossible for it not to show up in deaths per month in 2021; we'd expect to see spikes in mortality levels as people of different age groups began to receive the vaccines (e.g., 65+ early in 2021, then 16+ starting in spring 2021, then in 12+ starting in summer 2021).

But none of this is evidenced in any of the death rate data from 2021. Instead, two things stand out when you look at the data (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm#dashboard):

1. Most 2021 deaths in excess of levels seen in 2020 occurred **very early** in the year, before vaccination started, and in the August-September Delta variant spike. But in Spring and early Summer, while vaccinations were rolling out en mass to 16+, there were virtually no differences in deaths between 2020 and 2021.

2. The 25-45 age group, and <25 age groups show zero evidence of a vaccination-related bulge in deaths, as would be predicted by such high URFs, especially given other evidence that suggests younger males are among those most likely to experience severe adverse effects from vaccines (e.g., myocarditis).

Based on this, the 30-40x URFs proposed for applying to death rates must be rejected out of hand. It's impossible to say for sure, but anything in the double digits is exceptionally improbable.

Even at a 10x URF, there would still be ~4x more COVID deaths in 2021 YTD among < 29 year olds than from vaccination (3186 COVID vs. 830 vaccination).

Even at a truly wild (for serious adverse effects) 20x URF, there would still be ~2x more COVID deaths in 2021 YTD among < 29 year olds than from vaccination (3186 COVID vs. 1660 vaccination).

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Whether the IMOH is reliable or not is a different argument than whether a means to report vaccine adverse effects exists (and has existed since at least Jan 2021).

It's also a totally different argument than whether actual medical records (not run by the IMOH but by care networks) for patients who received vaccines and then went on to have severe adverse effects are reliable or unreliable.

Are you saying the actual patient records are unreliable?

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Then why are all the soccer players dying?

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1. Sudden cardiac death in young athletes happened at astonishing rates long before COVID.

"The incidence of SCD in collegiate athletes has been estimated at 1:50 000 per year."

- Journal of American Medicine, Cardiology, June 2021, "Prevalence of Clinical and Subclinical Myocarditis in Competitive Athletes With Recent SARS-CoV-2 Infection"


No one noticed or cared because it wasn't that political before COVID.

2. COVID itself (even mild cases) causes myocarditis, and a substantial percentage of the population (especially young people) have now had COVID. 20-30% in some countries.

3. Vaccines do cause a big increase in myocarditis cases, especially in young males. But those myocarditis cases that are seen seem to not be very deadly (<=2%).

If you really want to go in deeper, please have a look at the research I linked to in this comment, and the analysis I did on the claims in Mr. Kirsch's article here: https://pdfhost.io/v/M2MkAVAwL_An_analysis_of_claims_made_by_Steve_Kirsch_in_his_Substack__Dr3

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So in your calculation, you estimated that 137.5 is the rate for Pfizer jab induced myocarditis as opposed to Kirsch's 204. I dont think 137.5 is anything to ignore. That is still an alarming & unnecessary risk that no parent should put their child through. Kids & teens r in the lowest risk category for covid. If they do catch it, they quickly get over it like a bad cold.

Really none of us should be having to investigate these "vaccines" if they hadn't declared this war on off label use of drugs to provide early treatment & thus avoiding serious complications & hospitalizations. In their quest for profits, big pharma employed world governments & all mainstream media outlets to discredit & disparage any drugs, studies & individuals that went against their narrative. They sold us Covid as the deadliest airborne virus humanity had ever faced. Half the folks bought it and continue to live in fear to this day. The rest of us started to point out the plot holes in there story & they came after us too.

Now here we are, arguing about math when it's seems to me that the most important thing to do is to get the medical community to remember their hypocratic oath, to do no harm. They should be giving early treatments to newly infected patients. Dont you see? We never needed these shots. Brave doctors who didnt cave to the intimidated, just needed time to come up with a treatment plan. Which many have.

Did u know, hospitals were compensated every time they admitted someone for covid? They then got extra if those patients were put on ventilators. Call me a tinfoil hat wearer but these actions from doctors, hospitals, pharma, media & govt were criminal. Suppressing drugs that other countries were having success with was/is insane.

They've been gaslighting us since the beginning. In 2020, they controlled the narrative, locked us down & scared everyone by saying hospitals were overwhelmed. Yet we got tons of dancing nurse tiktok videos. Remember that? Daily case & death numbers plastered everywhere. Then we find out they've been counting every death who had a positive covid test as covid deaths. HA! But recently, CDC released info stating only about 6% of all C19 deaths had covid as the only cause of death. Other death records listed at least 2.6 other comorbidities.

Anyway, u can make your case for the shots & continue with boosters if u like but covid is pretty much over. It's now an endemic virus that has mutated into a much milder form than its original. It's still sucks but if the medical community would resume doing their jobs properly, we can finally just get covid prescriptions, if we happen to catch it, and go home to recover like normal times.

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It wasn’t “at astonishing rates” before...such incidents were reported before because they were NOT NORMAL

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Steve and readers, we should start emailing lower level FDA, CDC, etc. employees articles like this. It’s clear that those at the top are oblivious or corrupt.

Get the ball rolling from within by convincing the grunt workers.

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Don’t email the educated, email the dumbass employees who are more likely to buy it

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Lol what? Low level public health employees are automatically “dumbasses”?

Surely everyone in a position of authority is “educated” and not simply skilled at navigating bureaucracy.

I’m saying try to convince the lower ranks as they may be more receptive and have the ear of someone in authority.

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Great summation by Dr. McCullough. Short and sweet. Might want to hyperlink this in your article, Steve. https://twitter.com/msandristbuster/status/1455169495962566660?s=21

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Unfortunately, that twitter account has been suspended. The medical fascists are nothing if not efficient.

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Paul Offal

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Great work! And don't worry about Twitter, it is a doomed social platform anyway. Just remind about Gab in Twitter more frequently.

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Actually this should be obvious to all the doctors working in pediatric/ cardiac critical care. Admissions to our cardiac care unit at the Children’s hospital in my city post vaccine for Myocarditis or pericarditis is 22 kids this year. Zero admissions for this problem with COVID. The spokesman (MD) for the hospital has been reporting all about the mild myocarditis admissions on the local TV station. He was a dear colleague when I worked there now I’m just appalled. He looks like he is in an alternate world. I would think the admission data would be available through the children’s hospital network. To add icing to the cake they fired all the nurses from the hospital who applied for religious exemptions to the vax mandate.

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I think you missed one other thing. The rate of myocarditis due to infection applies only to the infected. The rate of myocarditis due to vaccination under a policy of universal vaccination applies to everyone.

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I'm pretty sure that is already factored into it. it compute a rate for a million people on both sides of the equation.

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Hi Steve,

Would you happen to know the long term survival or mortality rates for pericarditis?

I ask, as there seems to be just as many cases of pericarditis, as there is myocarditis. Though that's more just anecdotal and eye balling data.

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Nobody knows... no data. vaccine induced peri is NOT established as to death rate.

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Why are you spreading lies?

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Let go of the fear and break from the hypnosis

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Vickie, Are you using ad hominem attacks because you can't dispute the data or the methodology?

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Why is your cognitive dissonance so painful for you that you cannot understand data points that tell the tale of what is going on with vaccine injury? You are not a nice person.

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Have you looked at the data that he presents? Far from a lie.

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I suspect it's the most dangerous vaccine of all time.

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CORRECT. 800X more deadly than smallpox. Gold star. Nobody on committee figured it out.

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Is there any reason to delineate between the different vaxs (J&J, mRNA) and the results? Or, what about the upcoming Novavax which is different altogether? Would Novavax have the same results?

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the 3 vaccines are similar in nature. Pfizer is the safety based on mortality. too early to tell on Novavax; it has potential to be better.

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I ask because I'm holding out hope for the Novavax to be different, but perhaps that's a false hope?

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That's a great question and one that I've been asking. I've heard both Robert Malone and Peter McCullough talk optimistically about Novavax but both have also been pretty vocal about the spike protein itself being dangerous. Since Novavax is the spike itself vs. turning your own cells into spike factories there should be a couple advantages. First, the amount of spike introduced would be a known controllable quantity. Second your body wouldn't recognize the cells that were producing/displaying spike as "foreign" and becoming a target for T-cell destruction. I've reached out to both Dr. McCullough and Malone asking them to reconcile their enthusiasm with Novavax with their statements about the spike itself being cytotoxic and haven't heard back from either unfortunately. Perhaps someone with more street cred than this here armchair epidemiologist could get an answer?

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Let's play a little analogy game:

kryptonite: superman

dynamite: mountain

iceberg: titanic


What's the answer? (hint: initials are SK)

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