He's Assoc. Dean of the MD program at University of Toronto. Is this the role model for doctors at U of T?!? Will any of the doctors at U of T speak out about this? Or will they all remain silent?
Is there a good way to let the students at U of T know what is going on? Maybe I should write a guest op-ed for the student newspaper there? Advertise in the student newspaper? etc.
If they won't print the op-ed hire a group that goes around campus, and town, that hangs fliers. Make a cool flier that catches the eye, get the whole town involved. If they allow fliers in Canada, they are probably illegal there w/Trudy in charge. I used to do it all the time, some stayed up, some came down, but they always worked.
I read 2 themes into this that have nothing to do with Dr. Law who I consider a criminal.
The first is "PATIENT OUTCOMES" and the second is "SCIENCE. " According to the vast majority of media and "science" chiropractic is has no scientific credibility as the concepts of nerve flow interference and spinal subluxations are quackery. Similarly, mainstream "science" says acupuncture has no scientific credibility as there is no evidence that chi/energy and meridians exist. Over 25 years I have a had thousands of patients that had outcomes to chiropractic and acupuncture that were equal or superior to western allopathic medicine. I think we need to redefine the term science..
I have been going to a chiropractor all my life, the one I have now is a gem.
I don't remember his name and don't feel like looking him up, but the guy that invented the incubator was harassed and run out of town by "the profession". He took it to fairs, essentially hawking it and people would secretly bring their newborns to him, and of course they thrived. Eventually mainstream jerks realized they were great and saved babies. The guy went through hell just because he had a different idea from the norm.
Not to mention homeopathy, which cured my son, WITH ONE DOSE, of years of horrible night-time coughing which was bordering on asthma (which started with the one and only polio shot he got).
He does not know it, but Dr. Law has helped medicine. By lying and creating massive distrust in allopathic medicine, he has driven patients away from MD's to chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists etc
Lots of decent doctors, I admit they are in the minority- have been critical of Dr. Law. I'm sure Dr. Law has terminated the careers of many caring physicians. It's like he is a paid hit man that goes after doctors he disagrees with. I guess Canada gave him the power to do this. The problem is Dr. Law despite the last name Law has zero- law full ability to do this. But in Communist Canada he can pull this off. As I doctor, I personally think Dr. Law is a terrible person that should not be allowed to treat patients or train residents and medical students. The massive challenge for the future is to change not just how we select candidates to medical school but how we train medical students and residents. If we change things people like Dr. Law would not even be allowed to enter medical school. When I went to medical
school there were a couple of brief interviews, but acceptance all came down to premed science GPA and MCAT scores. Problem is you can have a perfect GPA and MCAT score and be horrible doctor. Dr. Law is a perfect example of this.
Dr. Laws behavior does not surprise me. I'm a retired family doctor that left Colorado.
My daughter has asthma and needed a new pediatrician. The first two I meet not only refused to treat her. They berated me and accused me of being a irresponsible parent for not giving my daughter the covid shot. I told them the covid shot is not needed and in some cases exacerbates asthma and can cause heart damage. This really made them angry. These doctors were maybe in their late 20s and had minimal experience. I practiced medicine for 30 years. I found a naturopathic doctor that was happy to treat her.
If a lot of the statements on these forums align with the general population, allopathic medicine in Canada and the US are in big trouble. I view surgery as different and essential. I'm not talking about nose jobs or breast enhancement. I'm talking about trauma surgery, burn surgery, things like that. A neurosurgeon changed my life after a motorcycle accident. If it were not for her, I would be paralyzed below the waist and in a wheelchair for life. I don't ride anymore but can take long hikes. But overall covid caused me to lose faith in most "traditional doctors" I say this as a prior urgent care and family physician.
Remember, R. S. M. B. (FEDERATION of STATE MEDICAL BOARDS), they controls all dr. in U. S. A.. This non-gov. group that no one knows nothing about, controls the medical industry with a rod of iron. Wonder who funds the 300+ employees who work out of 400 Fuller Wiser Road Euless, TX 76039 Main Phone: (817) 868-4000. Could this cartel be funded by big Pharma??? This cartel has done more to hurt the medical industry than anything has since 1910, so I have been told.
I have looked into them but unable to figure out their funding. They identify as a nonprofit to the IRS but the top leadership makes in excess of 750,000$ a year. And this organization made over 51 million dollars in 2020 per the IRS. How is this a non profit?
Dr. Law may be an evil arrogant pathetic excuse for a physician, but I have a different take on this whole covid thing and a couple people here seem to agree with me. I know a little about medicine as I was a military enlisted medic. I then become an officer and worked in psychological operations. It is my contention that covid was never a medical issue. It has yet to be properly isolated and the testing for it is fraudulent. My contention is covid is the most comprehensive psychological operation ever conducted on humanity. It was global in scale and most nations responded in lockstep. The main culprits appear to be the Bill Gates foundation, WEF and WHO. All three of these have massive control over most nations. The purpose was to generate mass fear, turn people against each other and destroy local economies to usher in the "global reset" and see how much people would comply to tyrannical authority.
I am not a physician but when I read about this Dr Law it did not surprise me. Even prior to covid we had a massive problem with the concept of medical education. Dr. Law is just another example of how the selection process of physicians was broken and we are paying for it.
I wanted to be a doctor but did some reading first.
There are some reasonable doctors and scientists. Dr. Law is not one of them. I agree with some honest doctors that think Dr. Laws behavior and beliefs have resulted in death and injury. I will never know if he is evil, arrogant or just being paid off, but in any case, he has no right to hold a medical license. I converse with physicians and scientists. They don't have a lot in common other that they shared a lot of undergraduate courses. Good scientists overall are more skeptical than doctors and less like to just believe what they are told. But an example of a terrible scientist is the media darling Niel Degrass Tyson. He and Dr. Law are very similar in their blind allegiance to authority.
I love the term "gelded" as it applies to med students. As a physicist I shared a lot of undergrad courses with pre-med students. They had the charteristics of being gelded prior to medical school. I shared an apartment with a chemistry major and molecular biology major. We did not get along well with pre-med students. They were not dumb, but arrogant, close minded and ruthless. Not qualities I would want in my doctor.
Arrogant and close-minded summarizes most current doctors and med students. Ruthless, only until they get their preferred residency. Disappointed is universal, as the profession has been absolutely ruined.
As i have written on many occasions, Medicare was the beginning of the end of proper healthcare in America. The government control would be bad enough, but it also created the monster of paying more and more for less and less.
Thanks, I'm going to chime in on medical education above. And Medicare was the beginning of the end. At one point I had a good doctor. The final straw for him was government electronic medical record mandates and the loss of clinical autonomy.
You got it! EMRs were a major Trojan Horse. While they led to the very convenient Cloud-based health portals, they absolutely did stifle clinical autonomy. But, they made things so much easier for the third party payers, didn't they? And many documented deaths have been caused by the forced options of EMRs.
The newer EMR upgrades are AI based. They tell the doctor "what the diagnosis is" based on probability. In real medicine a correct diagnosis comes from a good, history, physical exam correlating exam findings with imaging and lab studies. In his final year my doctor did not use an EMR. In exchange the government was fining him big time to punish him.
Yes, you could try, you might slip it through. You, or someone else, could also go there and look for med students to interview. Ask them if they care. There seems to be such an acceptance of atrocities these days but maybe you can find a few sparky ones to light the fire internally.
Excellent ideas Steve. The student newspaper should get the word out. Maybe offer a prize for the best essay on some relevant topic, e.g., harms and benefits of medical censorship, pros and cons of autopsies on deceased vaccinees and suitable autopsy methods etc.
AN EXCELLENT WAY is to arrange massive FLOAT MARCHES and processions from universities with floats depicting death and destruction along the float parade ,imagine fauci dangling from a rope with injections in his hands with covid 19 death shot painted on them , or andrew bourla depicted being run over by a school bus with no vax painted all along the side of the bus... these types of visuals on a parade hit hard.... the interesting thing is would it be allowed ?mmmm free speech will be severely tested on campuses like those of marcus law and company.. again U of T would be severely tested and .... EXPOSED.....
Aseem Malhotra murdered a lot of people by pushing the injections.
But sure. He's a stellar human being.
Why? Because he pushed people into Exploding Gas Tank Pintos and kept doing so until his father blew up in a bumper car race of Exploding Gas Tank Pintos?
And then decided to go ahead and check on the gas tank as people had been telling him to do for how long?
What Aseem Malhotra did was dishonest.
It should be criminal.
The personal gain was that he got to stay on the television with his fellow Gleaming Talking Heads and feed his ego and go to the party and feel pretty.
He abused his position of power. He abused his authority. For personal gain.
It is not remotely complicated. It is cut and paste corruption.
But you like the guy, so dance on some graves.
And one day if Anthony Fauci sees the lights and denounces his malfeasance in pushing death shots, maybe you will perceive him a stellar human being too?
Whats the point of the medical education if your not going to use it. I have been the chairman of the Orthopedic department at Loma Linda University and we trained our residents to think for them selves. To fail to do so makes you no more than a technician. Such arrogance to assume a committee of academicians is smarter than everyone else with real world experience is unethical and inexcusable.
Is this really the case? -> "Dr. Law agrees with the CPSO that requiring doctors to follow guidelines is more important than patient outcomes. Law investigates non-compliant physicians and writes them up if they don’t comply. Patient outcomes are irrelevant."
This is a quote from a substack article by Steve Kirsch, that if true, is very disturbing.
For starters, Guidelines are NOT Standards of Practice, they are suggestions. Why is Dr. Law investigating 'non-compliant' physicians? That is not his job.
Please get back to me with some answers to my questions.
The sooner the masses wake up, the further the mask (of pretence) will fall. And the further it falls, the more quickly we get to see (and feel) the boot of tyranny on our necks.
Stanley Milgram ground breaking book 'Obedience to Authority '. In is the explanation of much of what is wrong in the world is a direct result of misplaced respect and reliance on So called Authorities. Charlatans in a white coat. Dr . Law and Dr A. Fauci are descriptive of the typical fraudulent authority figure.
Nazis come in all races in this timeline it seems. But then did anything happen to the German doctors who euthanized the elderly and disabled? Not even Mengela was punished and he lived to a ripe old age. And the Nazi agenda wasn’t squashed, but imported to America and other countries that could use their skills.
They hung a small number of Nazis as a symbolic exercise to satisfy the public. But yes most ended up in America and South America and lived lives of comfort.
For these types it has nothing to do with money for those saying to follow the money. I work at U of T. This is all about power, with a major tincture of pure arrogance. I’ve had to deal with these types for thirty years. It ain’t good for the blood pressure! Nobody will ever consider even querying his position on patient outcomes as opposed to random and unscientific CPSO guidelines. They relish crushing honest and caring physicians. Sure, they stop a lot of bad ones too but during COVID, I’m presuming from your article that he’s helped destroy good people’s lives ion several levels; both MDs, and patients and their families!
Dr. Howard. You have a recent post that I liked but this forum is a little strange as they posted your comment way down the stack and won't get noticed. This a software glitch. All new recent comments should be on the top of the forum. To fix this. Copy or cut your comment. Then go to the top of the forum and reply to the comment by Steve that has the "pinned" icon. Then paste your comment.
This will place your comment on the top were it belongs.
Any chance you can look into & do an article on the scripted 2025 pandemic that is set to wipe out 30% of our kids? Dr mercola recently had an email about the latest simulation exercise that gates, wef, John hopkins had on Oct 2022. Just like Covid was scripted years before & event 201 was the coronavirus simulation pandemic., this has been scripted for years. I heard about it in 2020, it was called spars then if I recall & now it’s called seers. It’s a respiratory virus & 30% of our kids are supposed to die. If I’m wrong, then great, if not, someone has to do something 2025 is approaching quickly. Don’t take my word for it, find the info, I think mercolas email was a couple of weeks ago.
Not at first. He would do a study and compare long term outcomes between the vaxxed and unvaxxed then conclude that the unvaccinated where more likely to live and reproduce. Long term the vaxxed are not going to do well. A lot that do not die will be infertile. Natural selection.
Is there a good way to let the students at U of T know what is going on? Maybe I should write a guest op-ed for the student newspaper there? Advertise in the student newspaper? etc.
If they won't print the op-ed hire a group that goes around campus, and town, that hangs fliers. Make a cool flier that catches the eye, get the whole town involved. If they allow fliers in Canada, they are probably illegal there w/Trudy in charge. I used to do it all the time, some stayed up, some came down, but they always worked.
I read 2 themes into this that have nothing to do with Dr. Law who I consider a criminal.
The first is "PATIENT OUTCOMES" and the second is "SCIENCE. " According to the vast majority of media and "science" chiropractic is has no scientific credibility as the concepts of nerve flow interference and spinal subluxations are quackery. Similarly, mainstream "science" says acupuncture has no scientific credibility as there is no evidence that chi/energy and meridians exist. Over 25 years I have a had thousands of patients that had outcomes to chiropractic and acupuncture that were equal or superior to western allopathic medicine. I think we need to redefine the term science..
I have been going to a chiropractor all my life, the one I have now is a gem.
I don't remember his name and don't feel like looking him up, but the guy that invented the incubator was harassed and run out of town by "the profession". He took it to fairs, essentially hawking it and people would secretly bring their newborns to him, and of course they thrived. Eventually mainstream jerks realized they were great and saved babies. The guy went through hell just because he had a different idea from the norm.
Not to mention homeopathy, which cured my son, WITH ONE DOSE, of years of horrible night-time coughing which was bordering on asthma (which started with the one and only polio shot he got).
This is the E mail of Dr.Law Bombard them and call for his resignation.
He does not know it, but Dr. Law has helped medicine. By lying and creating massive distrust in allopathic medicine, he has driven patients away from MD's to chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists etc
Lots of decent doctors, I admit they are in the minority- have been critical of Dr. Law. I'm sure Dr. Law has terminated the careers of many caring physicians. It's like he is a paid hit man that goes after doctors he disagrees with. I guess Canada gave him the power to do this. The problem is Dr. Law despite the last name Law has zero- law full ability to do this. But in Communist Canada he can pull this off. As I doctor, I personally think Dr. Law is a terrible person that should not be allowed to treat patients or train residents and medical students. The massive challenge for the future is to change not just how we select candidates to medical school but how we train medical students and residents. If we change things people like Dr. Law would not even be allowed to enter medical school. When I went to medical
school there were a couple of brief interviews, but acceptance all came down to premed science GPA and MCAT scores. Problem is you can have a perfect GPA and MCAT score and be horrible doctor. Dr. Law is a perfect example of this.
"Communist Canada". That is sad to see written that way, but it is the truth.
Dr. Laws behavior does not surprise me. I'm a retired family doctor that left Colorado.
My daughter has asthma and needed a new pediatrician. The first two I meet not only refused to treat her. They berated me and accused me of being a irresponsible parent for not giving my daughter the covid shot. I told them the covid shot is not needed and in some cases exacerbates asthma and can cause heart damage. This really made them angry. These doctors were maybe in their late 20s and had minimal experience. I practiced medicine for 30 years. I found a naturopathic doctor that was happy to treat her.
If a lot of the statements on these forums align with the general population, allopathic medicine in Canada and the US are in big trouble. I view surgery as different and essential. I'm not talking about nose jobs or breast enhancement. I'm talking about trauma surgery, burn surgery, things like that. A neurosurgeon changed my life after a motorcycle accident. If it were not for her, I would be paralyzed below the waist and in a wheelchair for life. I don't ride anymore but can take long hikes. But overall covid caused me to lose faith in most "traditional doctors" I say this as a prior urgent care and family physician.
Remember, R. S. M. B. (FEDERATION of STATE MEDICAL BOARDS), they controls all dr. in U. S. A.. This non-gov. group that no one knows nothing about, controls the medical industry with a rod of iron. Wonder who funds the 300+ employees who work out of 400 Fuller Wiser Road Euless, TX 76039 Main Phone: (817) 868-4000. Could this cartel be funded by big Pharma??? This cartel has done more to hurt the medical industry than anything has since 1910, so I have been told.
I have looked into them but unable to figure out their funding. They identify as a nonprofit to the IRS but the top leadership makes in excess of 750,000$ a year. And this organization made over 51 million dollars in 2020 per the IRS. How is this a non profit?
It's not! It's a for profit cartel.
Dr. Law may be an evil arrogant pathetic excuse for a physician, but I have a different take on this whole covid thing and a couple people here seem to agree with me. I know a little about medicine as I was a military enlisted medic. I then become an officer and worked in psychological operations. It is my contention that covid was never a medical issue. It has yet to be properly isolated and the testing for it is fraudulent. My contention is covid is the most comprehensive psychological operation ever conducted on humanity. It was global in scale and most nations responded in lockstep. The main culprits appear to be the Bill Gates foundation, WEF and WHO. All three of these have massive control over most nations. The purpose was to generate mass fear, turn people against each other and destroy local economies to usher in the "global reset" and see how much people would comply to tyrannical authority.
here here could not have said it better. Great observation! Thank you Earl!
Absolutely correct!
I am not a physician but when I read about this Dr Law it did not surprise me. Even prior to covid we had a massive problem with the concept of medical education. Dr. Law is just another example of how the selection process of physicians was broken and we are paying for it.
I wanted to be a doctor but did some reading first.
It's an old book but
is a seminal book about the failure medical education by an anthropologist that became, an MD. The book changed my mind to change to physics.
There are some reasonable doctors and scientists. Dr. Law is not one of them. I agree with some honest doctors that think Dr. Laws behavior and beliefs have resulted in death and injury. I will never know if he is evil, arrogant or just being paid off, but in any case, he has no right to hold a medical license. I converse with physicians and scientists. They don't have a lot in common other that they shared a lot of undergraduate courses. Good scientists overall are more skeptical than doctors and less like to just believe what they are told. But an example of a terrible scientist is the media darling Niel Degrass Tyson. He and Dr. Law are very similar in their blind allegiance to authority.
Follow the $$$$ to dr. law!
Alas, most of the med students are already gelded. The selection process has assured this.
I love the term "gelded" as it applies to med students. As a physicist I shared a lot of undergrad courses with pre-med students. They had the charteristics of being gelded prior to medical school. I shared an apartment with a chemistry major and molecular biology major. We did not get along well with pre-med students. They were not dumb, but arrogant, close minded and ruthless. Not qualities I would want in my doctor.
Sound's like you are describing Demonrat's I know personally!
The exception is demoncrats are arrogant and ruthless but unlike evil doctors that can be smart, demoncrats are dumb.
Arrogant and close-minded summarizes most current doctors and med students. Ruthless, only until they get their preferred residency. Disappointed is universal, as the profession has been absolutely ruined.
As i have written on many occasions, Medicare was the beginning of the end of proper healthcare in America. The government control would be bad enough, but it also created the monster of paying more and more for less and less.
Thanks, I'm going to chime in on medical education above. And Medicare was the beginning of the end. At one point I had a good doctor. The final straw for him was government electronic medical record mandates and the loss of clinical autonomy.
You got it! EMRs were a major Trojan Horse. While they led to the very convenient Cloud-based health portals, they absolutely did stifle clinical autonomy. But, they made things so much easier for the third party payers, didn't they? And many documented deaths have been caused by the forced options of EMRs.
The newer EMR upgrades are AI based. They tell the doctor "what the diagnosis is" based on probability. In real medicine a correct diagnosis comes from a good, history, physical exam correlating exam findings with imaging and lab studies. In his final year my doctor did not use an EMR. In exchange the government was fining him big time to punish him.
Yes. And maybe a billboard on the 401
Yes, you could try, you might slip it through. You, or someone else, could also go there and look for med students to interview. Ask them if they care. There seems to be such an acceptance of atrocities these days but maybe you can find a few sparky ones to light the fire internally.
You kill enough people and nothing is done about it, it then becomes the new normal.
Excellent ideas Steve. The student newspaper should get the word out. Maybe offer a prize for the best essay on some relevant topic, e.g., harms and benefits of medical censorship, pros and cons of autopsies on deceased vaccinees and suitable autopsy methods etc.
i like your essay writing idea and this could be not just that university but eventually many more. Healthy open debate should thrive, not be buried.
AN EXCELLENT WAY is to arrange massive FLOAT MARCHES and processions from universities with floats depicting death and destruction along the float parade ,imagine fauci dangling from a rope with injections in his hands with covid 19 death shot painted on them , or andrew bourla depicted being run over by a school bus with no vax painted all along the side of the bus... these types of visuals on a parade hit hard.... the interesting thing is would it be allowed ?mmmm free speech will be severely tested on campuses like those of marcus law and company.. again U of T would be severely tested and .... EXPOSED.....
Albert Bourla...........WANTED....by the people for criminal action!
IMO they are all in cahoots across the provinces.
Tough talk:
Aseem Malhotra murdered a lot of people by pushing the injections.
But sure. He's a stellar human being.
Why? Because he pushed people into Exploding Gas Tank Pintos and kept doing so until his father blew up in a bumper car race of Exploding Gas Tank Pintos?
And then decided to go ahead and check on the gas tank as people had been telling him to do for how long?
What Aseem Malhotra did was dishonest.
It should be criminal.
The personal gain was that he got to stay on the television with his fellow Gleaming Talking Heads and feed his ego and go to the party and feel pretty.
He abused his position of power. He abused his authority. For personal gain.
It is not remotely complicated. It is cut and paste corruption.
But you like the guy, so dance on some graves.
And one day if Anthony Fauci sees the lights and denounces his malfeasance in pushing death shots, maybe you will perceive him a stellar human being too?
Whats the point of the medical education if your not going to use it. I have been the chairman of the Orthopedic department at Loma Linda University and we trained our residents to think for them selves. To fail to do so makes you no more than a technician. Such arrogance to assume a committee of academicians is smarter than everyone else with real world experience is unethical and inexcusable.
Canada has been radicalized under the current Federal government, the Trudeau government literally turned Canada into Cuba politically.
Dr. "Law"?
Is that some kind of joke?
Dear Dr. Young:
Is this really the case? -> "Dr. Law agrees with the CPSO that requiring doctors to follow guidelines is more important than patient outcomes. Law investigates non-compliant physicians and writes them up if they don’t comply. Patient outcomes are irrelevant."
This is a quote from a substack article by Steve Kirsch, that if true, is very disturbing.
For starters, Guidelines are NOT Standards of Practice, they are suggestions. Why is Dr. Law investigating 'non-compliant' physicians? That is not his job.
Please get back to me with some answers to my questions.
Edward Leyton MD FCFP MDPAC(C)
World Freedom Rallies on May 20, 2023 - https://www.weareready.world/spread-the-word/
World Freedom Rallies on May 20, 2023 - https://www.weareready.world/spread-the-word/
World Freedom Rallies Tomorrow May 20, 2023 - https://www.weareready.world/spread-the-word/
The sooner the masses wake up, the further the mask (of pretence) will fall. And the further it falls, the more quickly we get to see (and feel) the boot of tyranny on our necks.
Some of them are not going to wake up, they simply do not have the capability.
Stanley Milgram ground breaking book 'Obedience to Authority '. In is the explanation of much of what is wrong in the world is a direct result of misplaced respect and reliance on So called Authorities. Charlatans in a white coat. Dr . Law and Dr A. Fauci are descriptive of the typical fraudulent authority figure.
Nazis come in all races in this timeline it seems. But then did anything happen to the German doctors who euthanized the elderly and disabled? Not even Mengela was punished and he lived to a ripe old age. And the Nazi agenda wasn’t squashed, but imported to America and other countries that could use their skills.
They hung a small number of Nazis as a symbolic exercise to satisfy the public. But yes most ended up in America and South America and lived lives of comfort.
For these types it has nothing to do with money for those saying to follow the money. I work at U of T. This is all about power, with a major tincture of pure arrogance. I’ve had to deal with these types for thirty years. It ain’t good for the blood pressure! Nobody will ever consider even querying his position on patient outcomes as opposed to random and unscientific CPSO guidelines. They relish crushing honest and caring physicians. Sure, they stop a lot of bad ones too but during COVID, I’m presuming from your article that he’s helped destroy good people’s lives ion several levels; both MDs, and patients and their families!
Dr. Howard. You have a recent post that I liked but this forum is a little strange as they posted your comment way down the stack and won't get noticed. This a software glitch. All new recent comments should be on the top of the forum. To fix this. Copy or cut your comment. Then go to the top of the forum and reply to the comment by Steve that has the "pinned" icon. Then paste your comment.
This will place your comment on the top were it belongs.
Any chance you can look into & do an article on the scripted 2025 pandemic that is set to wipe out 30% of our kids? Dr mercola recently had an email about the latest simulation exercise that gates, wef, John hopkins had on Oct 2022. Just like Covid was scripted years before & event 201 was the coronavirus simulation pandemic., this has been scripted for years. I heard about it in 2020, it was called spars then if I recall & now it’s called seers. It’s a respiratory virus & 30% of our kids are supposed to die. If I’m wrong, then great, if not, someone has to do something 2025 is approaching quickly. Don’t take my word for it, find the info, I think mercolas email was a couple of weeks ago.
I wonder: if Darwin were alive, would he get these injections? ;-)
Not at first. He would do a study and compare long term outcomes between the vaxxed and unvaxxed then conclude that the unvaccinated where more likely to live and reproduce. Long term the vaxxed are not going to do well. A lot that do not die will be infertile. Natural selection.
Obedience is doing what you're told regardless of what's right.
Morality is doing what's right regardless of what you're told.
Mercy is not getting what you deserve. Grace is getting what you don't deserve. In my way of thinking-----