Tenure is the elephant in his room. Now he needs to be pressed on that statement. How safe? How effective? Based on?

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he said as much on Joe Rogan. he talks about all he knows about the corruption of pharma companies but then says that he's certain the vaccines are good. we've all been told for so long that vaccines are the greatest public health success in medical history that it can be hard to let that go

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About six months ago I read a book called Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre. Even though I already understood the perverse incentives of the pharma industry, it still shocked me. Given the content, I was surprised Goldacre was not one of the main voices in the heroic group of dissenters. When I typed his name into a search engine, all I found was a twitter-handle, Ben-Get-Vaccinated-Goldacre. I looked no further. Deeply disappointing that people who Really should know better have been fooled by what was, to me - a nobody - such an obvious propaganda lie. I heard Abramson speak with Lex Fridman and would have assumed he would know better. Was he fooled or bought? I suppose makes no difference.

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As I have said from the beginning… Follow The Money!!!

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NIH-funded Institutions require their professors/employees to march in lock step. Twenty times higher rate of death among the unvaccinated? Would that be from Covid or Remdesivir? Drs. Atlas, Kuldorff, Bhattacharya, and Ioannides would beg to differ, I think. Even Abramson laments the withholding of data, so how can he be so sure of the (apparently singular?) paper he relies upon? 🤔

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“The first step is to give up the illusion that the primary purpose of modern medical research is to improve Americans’ health most effectively and efficiently. In our opinion, the primary purpose of commercially funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” —John Abramson, M.D., Harvard Medical School

RFK Jr quoted Abramson to start his book “The real Anthony Fauci”. I thought he was a real deal with integrity. This is difficult to swallow.

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In a lump, call it, maybe, shameless chutzpah, a la the NIH-webbed, monolithic mind-and-voice rulemaking: Either toe the line, at least e$$entially, or else -- ie, lose: needed funding, the ability to be published, faculty-appointment, medical-practice licensure/specialty certification, or any mix of these.

' Seems our forked-tongued, trailblazing scout/professor is recognizing a new true north -- via his dopey duplicity, and a natural, below-the-feet feel for a shift in the world's magnetic poles, as it were, if not their complete reversal. If so, welcome the personification of fully actualized academic medicine, brought to you by one and all of the stakeholder-pioneers of the New World Order.

Maybe our scout-inspirer is really seeking more power down the road, perhaps an appointment as a local chief of sorts in the now-materializing, new and solitary regime, no?

Is Dr Abramson on the path, say, to Making the World Safe, maybe More Palatable, for BigPharmaRule? If so, what a pathetic solo-agency he is.

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Obviously he's another doctor who has drank the Koolaid! He's on the take from Big Pharma just like so many others. Has he not read any of the science and medical studies??? I've downloaded close to 100 science and medical studies and reports -- and I'm just a journalist!! Not a doctor!!

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stupid is as stupid does!!!

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Thank you very much, even it is a bit long winded as you say, it's something to start with.

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Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines

Stéphane Le Vu, Marion Bertrand, Marie-Joelle Jabagi, Jérémie Botton, Jérôme Drouin, Bérangère Baricault, Alain Weill, Rosemary Dray-Spira & Mahmoud Zureik

Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 3633 (2022)


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The term "controlled opposition" gets thrown out a lot and I generally prefer to ignore it, but that sure is what this guy seems to be. He's a gatekeeper and controlled opposition, or he is really as stupid, ignorant and ill-informed as he seems to be. It's hard to know which, because I've discovered that a lot of academics and "experts" are amazingly ignorant and ill-informed about the things they pontificate about. Another nail in the coffin of any thinking person's respect for credentials.

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He's a major writer, looking forward to going through his book.

He has solutions to how the US has the worst healthcare in the developed world, absolutely rock bottom with all the sellouts.

Joe Rogan however is a lousy interviewer. A total Philistine, a trash talking, limited vocabulary schlub, a whore, a bald "smart" idiot with a smarmy manner who sells himself to whomever will shell out the $$$!


There are few good interviewers out there.

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Joe Rogan is outstanding. Yours is not the only opinion around.

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Jul 3, 2022
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Just look at Rogan--his persona, his dress as if informality is a badge of his being "with it". The profanity laced dialogue, the very limited vocabulary for a major interviewer with many followers. His rhetoric reminds me of a stew of ideas, meandering from one idea to another without strong scientific, factual or memory-based trains of thought. Compare him to much better and articulate interviewers of which there are many. The guy is a comedian, even Jimmy Dore is a better interviewer.

Plus his flinching and back peddling when the pressure was on with regard to the Dr. McCullough and Malone interviews, he choked like a dog. Another gutless wonder of media in it for the money.

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I guess he is trying to sell book. So he appears to appeal to both sides......all to make a buck!!! Sickening. Here so many of us are very, seriously I'll from this stupid shots. Unable to work. Somedays, most days not able to walk! Cannot afford medical treatments because insurance companies aren't allowed to cover medicines and treatments we need! Our families suffer along with us as our income has been cut by more than half.

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We are now at the point where this fence sitting of “experts” is going to have to stop. I saw a recent interview with David Martin and according to him, as of July 5, things are going to really start happening legally and no one is going to be able to give the excuse “Well I just didn’t know”.

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This is Abramson on Joe Rogan: https://podcastnotes.org/joe-rogan-experience/1756-john-abramson-joe-rogan-experience/

Not sure if he slammed McCullough and Malone directly.

This is almost like if someone is an expert on a criminal drug dealing operation withholds judgment on them after they supposedly are behind a better drug. Leopards don't change their spots.

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