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A lot of times when unprecedented changes happen in society, they occur very very quickly. What is typically not recognized is that a lot of work has to happen beforehand to set the stage for this change to emerge and typically while that work is being done, the individuals who do it engage in a long thankless period of working against the entire system with very little support. Then, one day all the little drops of water that have gone into the bucket hit a critical mass, the bucket starts to overflow and a rapid change is immediately catalyzed and spreads throughout the society (the best metaphor I know of for this is how a dam breaks: initially water pounds against it and nothing happens, then small cracks form in the dam and water trickles through them, then the cracks rapidly expands and the dam fails). One of the best examples of all of this was when the tyrannical Berlin Wall suddenly fell.

Put differently, this process highlights how if you want to make a difference in society, you often have to accept you will never get credit for it because the initial people who lead the charge often do so where it seems as though they are screaming into the winds (often for decades at a time). My own sense with the COVID-19 propaganda war, is that there are now enough cracks in the dam that failure is a realistic possibility. Amongst other things, this means that there will be less censorship online than there has been beforehand and doctors will become more comfortable speaking out publicly as they see others are as well (doctors tend to be extremely hesitant to break from the crowd so they will only join the trend if there are already other doctors who are functioning like trickles of water flowing through gaps in the dam).

To a large extent, the above concept was discussed within the psychology of totalitarianism (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-totalitarianism), where it was emphasized that the only way you can break a mass formation is if you have a group of people who are willing to speak out against it regardless of the risks they take onto themselves. In all of this, I believe you have fulfilled one of the most crucial roles for being the early pioneer (hence why I try to do what I can to support your sub stack), but overall I feel very hopeful with the direction things will change in. Additionally, I also feel very encouraged that much longer-standing issues (e.g. vaccine safety or corruption within the guideline committees: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-corruption-dictates-the-practice) have started to enter the public discourse so something can be done to perform these issues.

Lastly, I am really hoping a new youtube genre is created of interviewing individuals about the vaccines (either to point out the absurdity of their fanaticism to them, or to show the general public thinks what the CDC is doing is ridiculous). Twelve years ago a video was made on the subject of the entire population behaving like vaccine zombies (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/vaccine-zombie-was-a-video-ahead) that has accurately predicted the entire pandemic and I am really hopeful we at last have an opportunity to deal with the vaccine zombie issue.

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Great points about how people who are being brave now may not get the credit, and you’re trying to give credit when you see it’s deserved. I’m with you. Thank you Steve for being brave and courageous... and also for doing difficult interviews and being able to guide people to at least help them receive a tiny bit of truth info about the CDC. Maybe these are cracks in the dams!!

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Nice intentions doc, but people are stupid. 

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I don’t think people are stupid. It’s just that self-preservation is a priority for most people and they are doing what they feel makes them safe. The psychological mechanisms they have used to protect themselves truly are remarkable (because, objectively, the decisions they’ve made, I.e. get the jab(s), are dangerous- so it’s sadly ironic). But as the doc says, holes in the narrative are getting larger and larger and it’s a matter of time before it no longer holds water... at that point we, the strong, will have to help withstand the tsunami. Those who are willing can only do this with love, forgiveness and compassion.

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As usual, well spoken words, doc.

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