I have a fireman friend who took the JJ shot in early 2021 and still has tinnitus in his left ear, along with facial numbness on the left, and partial numbness of his tongue on that side. Came on within day of the shot. He told me the guy next to him getting the shot passed out and fell face down on the floor.

Safe and effective!

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The CDC is only one of many such bad actors. Another is the military, where reports of aluminum-particle-spraying aircraft obtain a glib reply that the persistent-for-days contrails are passed off as being due to vapor from water injection used to increase boost of fully laden craft. Yet that vapor is visible for a minute or two, whereas the reflectivity of the aluminum particles persist for several days and drop the efficiency of land-based solar panels far more than water vapor is capable.

Get used to it, people. You are the problem. Your government has the final solution.

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"Irrefutable Proof of Self Assembly Structures in C19 Shots - Time Lapsed Videos Show Microchip like Structures Assembling and Disassembling - (Updated Video Links)"

Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz and Electrical Engineer Matt Taylor and Dr. Ana Mihalcea.


"Intra-body nano-network"


"What is in the so-called COVID-19 "Vaccines"? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity"


"BOMBSHELL 'Team Enigma Whistleblower'! 'US DoD Plan to Exterminate Population' - Sasha Latypova"


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"Irrefutable Proof of Self Assembly Structures in C19 Shots - Time Lapsed Videos Show Microchip like Structures Assembling and Disassembling - (Updated Video Links)"

Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz and Electrical Engineer Matt Taylor and Dr. Ana Mihalcea.


"Intra-body nano-network"


"What is in the so-called COVID-19 "Vaccines"? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity"


"BOMBSHELL 'Team Enigma Whistleblower'! 'US DoD Plan to Exterminate Population' - Sasha Latypova"


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Ivermectin: Miracle Reversals – “The More You Give, The Better It Is” [VIDEO]

"I have a colleague in South Africa [who] saw a patient literally reperfuse her body before her eyes." https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/10/ivermectin-miracle-reversals-the-more-you-give-the-better-it-is-video/

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Death Tsunami: “They Found a Way to Slow-Kill People With This” – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny [VIDEO]

"We have over 900 professional athletes now that have died."


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Thanks Steve. I got tinnitus at the age of 26 though not after a vaccine as I haven't had any vaccines as an adult. Some people don't take it seriously but it nearly drove me to suicide.

The British Tinnitus Association shockingly acknowledges this adverse event exists even among the obligatory safe and effective rhetoric

"This means that around 1 in 7,030 people who have been vaccinated are affected which classifies this side effect as ‘rare’[8]."

As per Yellow Card which we know is underreported.


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That sounds awful. I hope you are doing better now.

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There is evidence of covid shots causing tinnitus. But the epidemic of tinnitus started before covid.

The primary cause of this is cell phone towers and electromatic radiation. There are over 150 studies conducted by health physicists and bio medical engineers on this topic. Yet THIS TOPIC IS TABOO IN THE LEGACY MEDIA. TALKING ABOUT IT IS ABOUT AS TABOO AS QUESTIONING THE SAFETY OF THE COVID JABS. The poster below is correct. When I go deep into the wilderness where there is no cell coverage. MY TINNITUS DISAPEARS.

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Steve, you are doing a great job. Your post starts with the partial date "Nov 1". It would be far better to start with the full date, "Nov 1, 2022". Within the post you say Mr. Edmonds got the shot "in January", but shortly thereafter, other information comes out, which would seem to indicate you meant "in January, 2021". I strongly suggest in your excellent work you change from frequently giving partial dates at the beginning of posts, to giving full dates; from giving partial dates for various events told about in the posts, to giving full dates; and from giving no dates in videos to mentioning at the beginning of the video the full date of recording, or having the full date appear as an overlay on the video. No need to indicate why this is important, as I am sure you can see why. Best, Ned Jacobs, St. Croix, USVI

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Found this while searching about Louis Pasteur the founder of cough cough vaccines... Some nefarious names and nefarious data collecting, not for the publics health or help for sure, although they always use that to trick people to get what they want.. They have no issue with lying, its their natural language..


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"he’s now been reassigned to monkeypox"


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I emailed him too. same response. That was hilarious. Monkeypox. I was asking him he should be ashamed of himself and did he give up his humanity? (IMO should be and yes).

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If you like rabbit holes... here you go! Let me ask you, other than on this article, when was the last time you heard or read the term Morgellons? The lid came down on it around 2012 with the release of the CDC report, which was a complete coverup and fraud. . Report released...lies distributed...problem solved. https://rense.com/general96/biden-borg.php

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Thanks Steve for posting about this very impactful topic. Kent Taylor, Founder and CEO of Texas Roadhouse, died by suicide in March 2021 after suffering unbearable tinnitus. I read that it started with Covid and came roaring back after the first shot.

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My Brother is one who developed Tinnitus. Is there a cure? It is driving him crazy

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First try 1000MG/day NAC. (2 X 500 MG). If that doesn't help or doesn't resolve, try GAPS detox protocol (I think the GAPS diet can be found on-line). I am not a doctor. If any health concerns, recommend the diet be under a ND (naturopath) or MD functional medicine M.D. NAC should not be a concern to best of my knowledge at that level but it does mitigate drug damage to liver so if you are taking any other pharmaceutical at all that might get processed by the liver, I suppose it is remotely (unlikely IMO) risky to make the medication inactive. However, your M.D. may be very ignorent about its uses. If it were me, I'd research it myself. I highly doubt NAC is a problem with anything and only helpful. It helps with L-glutathione levels which is something you can also research.

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P.S. FLCCC I think has detox protocols.

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For those that fell for the COVERT SCAM-WOKE POKE, TINNITUS should be the Least of your worries. It was designed to "Depopulate" & many have starting to see the results of it! Things are Not going to get better! This crooked Party in office in D.C. is part of the One World Govt. & they pay Wacko Scientists a lot of money to Fabricate all these diseases which are intended to harm people. Don't believe what they want to sell you! Some folks worship the Devil!

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Going to take verbal abuse for this. But please- those that want covid shots every 3 months- please take them. Keep taking them- they are good for you. Sure, they do not prevent infection, transmission of the virus or hospitalization. But at least you can say "I did what my government and the tv told me to do" In other words you are a moron.

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Dear God,

We thank u for hearing us. We thank u for u are with us. I am sorry that we will be like the widow who knocked on the door until she got her justice. We are here knocking. We know ur kind, loving and almighty. We know that all demons and Satan trembles when they hear ur name. We know that the only thing greater than ur power, is ur love/kindness. Please intercede. Come to our rescue. They are killing us with vaccines and terrorizing us with CO2 reductions. They talk about giving us bugs to eat. They promote wars in Ukraine/Russia/Syria. We need a hug fr. u. I know that we dont deserve it, but the blood of Christ has paid our debts. We are eternally greatful for that. In Christ's name we ask that u intercede and that u stop the demons, Satan and all his servants.

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A BIG AMEN! Well said, George!

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The executive summary at the beginning says it all.

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