I ride Lyft and I do not wear a mask. I won't. The drivers normally have had no issue with this. Most, today, won't wear it when I'm in the car, either. It's good to see.

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Here's a review published in January 2021 that claims to provide "the most up-to-date information on the transmission modes of COVID-19 virus in terms of droplets and aerosols". This review was recently cited on a newspaper comments thread as evidence to support continuing a public indoor mask mandate in South Australia. (The mask mandate is ceasing tomorrow, but some people are against this, and seem to want the entire population to be masked forever...)

Link to the review: How effective is a mask in preventing COVID-19 infection? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7883189/

It concludes: "A conclusion can be reached based on the current studies: correctly wearing masks of all kinds, despite their different designs, functions and effectiveness, will to a large degree reduce the overall risks of COVID‐19 infection and enhance general protection from coronavirus."

Any thoughts?

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No one will ever take the money. Create a donation button so we can add more money on the pile until it's so much, some idiot will try to claim it and burn their nose out with Bear Spray.

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Have you seen this latest study showing that inhalation of microplastics mask-wearing is now showing up in lung tissue? https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/study-shows-mask-wearing-increases-inhalation-of-microplastics-found-in-lung-tissues-for-the-first-time/

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No joke!

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Keep up the great work!

Also, *public . . .

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Steve, I know the masks don't work but for a million bucks you can hit me with the bear spray anyway, lol. And the $$ I spent to be your subscriber, is the best damn money I've spent in a long time. Thanks for all you. :o)

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Steve: see the recent Bhattachayra tweet about debating CDrosten:


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On Twitter they linked to s very interesting recent lawsuit filed by a waitress against NYC for exempting the athletes from the mandates but no one else.


In the article there is of course the happy smiling picture of “Adams with Mets president Sandy Alderson at the announcement of the vaccine exemption on March 24.” No one, of course, wearing masks.

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“Face masks or respirators (N95/KN95s) effectively filter virus- sized particles in laboratory settings.” From the CDC study cited on their website.


While I’ve seen this comment before I’ve never outright challenged it. Isn’t this an absolute lie or am I missing something? Serious question, not sarc.

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You know, I kind of rained on your parade about debating medical students. Sorry. I’m rethinking that. How about, not a debate nor money but a pride challenge to the engineering students at MIT and SJSU to “prove me wrong”. Especially on masks. A challenge to “do your own research and prove your betters wrong”. Kids , especially men (sorry to be sexist but I call it like I see it), like to prove the older crowd wrong.

Hey kids, prove the old man Kirsch wrong, DO N95’s protect? Do surgical masks work.? CDC says they do, prove him or them wrong!”

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My thinking is that every learning institution has been infiltrated and funded by the globalists. They would not allow such debates. Following the NWO rules trumps truth and ego.

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To back up my concerns expressed by commenting earlier, here’s an article by Blaze expressing recent findings regarding those concerns of masking and speech and language delay of children. And shows general developmental delays as a result too! https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-your-mask-harms-my-baby?utm_source=theblaze-breaking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20220413Trending-HorowitzMasks&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%20TheBlaze%20Breaking%20News#toggle-gdpr

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I heard on radio that 8-18 year olds are experiencing much heightened levels and percentages of anxiety. Counseling and possibly drugs were two offered suggestions. May I make my own suggestions. Ditching the masks is only the beginning.....

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Here's a 10 minute video of a professional "Industrial Hygenist". It's his job to keep people safe in the workplace. He knows the technology and knows the research. The masks that we all wore during covid are basically worthless. 10 minute video. Worth a listen in my opinion: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1511368734069379073/vid/640x360/Wm9ZCYFPWyFXZsMK.mp4?tag=14

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Oligarchs like Gates and the folks he funds at the Council on Foreign Relations are just fine with turning the USA into China. Is it true that BlackRock owns CNN *and* Fox News? These guys have this laughable "vaccines and masks are the only things that work" mindset. Hopefully more people everyday are realizing the true meaning of "Cui bono?" It certainly is not in the interest of the majority.

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What about spending a little to stop the mandates? People assume that when the gov does something that it must be constitutional or their legal counsel would tell them they cannot. That is not the case. They do things knowing that they will generally go unchallenged and that if a challenge is made, it will generally be done incorrectly. No mayor or even a governor can survive a challenge to prove their state constitution grants them the authority to impose the covid mandates,

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