So after this post, I decided that it was time for me to build this web site. 210 citations of the research demonstrating how vaccines cause autism, going back to 1943. Before Wakefield was born. I finished it on Good Friday. Would love to see how Susan responds to it.


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would the argument here be, that MMR is the most common vaccine, therefore we would expect it to show the highest ratio of correlation with autism? IE, not every kid has a tetanus shot, so there a low number of autistic kids list the tetanus shot in VAERS, but a high number list the mmr?

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Just check it against other Countries. Why does America have such a high rate?

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babble on. There is a link here with many studies showing Carlos is full of shat. Good day little sock puppet.

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Steve Kirsch is a stalwart soldier given to the world to battle a framework of lies, all in service to the granddaddy of all - the Big Lie.

That monstrous edifice - the BIG LIE - is given a powerful, psychologically-based treatise on Dr. Mercola’s platform. It’s a must read for intellectual support needed by us purebloods; edification for the still-believers:


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I stand corrected, thank you for improving my understanding. Saying that, eveyone of them around here does.

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You can disagree asll you want. Dentistry has spent 60 years in this country lying to people about the safety of mercury and fluoride. Poisoning our children.

Fucking scum.

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If vaccines cannot cause autism, why then are the verbal skills of so many kids who shut down after a round of jabs brought back by aluminum detoxification measures, such as drinking lots of Fiji water?

Handley's book was censored because its effectiveness blows their cover. Though it was boneheaded to use the word "cure", because that tends to imply infallibility. Though something like: "Proven Treatments to Reduce the Effects of Autism" doesn't quite have the same catchy ring to it, I'll grant.

My main question now is what the over/under will be for the autism rate before enough people clue in for there to be an earnest investigation into the matter? 1 in 10? 1 in 5? 1 in 3?(!) At this point I'd set it at about 1 in 7 (14%).

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Steve, question for you. If it's a direct causal result, why aren't ALL children who are vaccinated becoming autistic? Isn't it more likely something like Colony Collapse Disorder? It's not just varroa mites but a combination of correct conditions to create the final result, a collapsed colony. Vaccination with the right additional conditions can lead to autism. But the vaccine itself doesn't directly cause it. There must be other factors relevant to cause the condition to develop. This would mean we need to understand more deeply the chemistry involved as well as the genetic factors that might be at play.

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Or stop giving vaccines since they have never, ever been proven in real life studies to be efficacious. They've always been an attempt to disconnect humanity from Our Creator. Read Rudolf Steiner from 1917. The truth has been out there all along. People are just too lazy and afraid to do the work to find it. #proudantivaxxer

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First, thank you for the paper recommendation. Never seen it before.

I don't know... "too lazy" is an oversimplification. If I explained what I do for a living, I think you would be a little confused. It's taken me 25 years to become good at it, but if you want to just step in and do my job because you can "do the work" faster than I, please be my guest. My point is just that fully understanding what you read is easier said than done, assuming you have the time. The world is complex, nuanced. The moment you think you know it all is the moment you have failed as a God fearing human. That is hubris. Regardless, no one should be forced to take something, nor should people be manipulated to do the same. Remember, personal bias is a hard speed bump to overcome on both sides of any debate. I have always been taught to lead by example. Jesus himself let the rich man who asked what he must do to enter the Kingdom walk away with no argument; didn't run after him when he chose not to give everything away follow him. We would all do well to remember that lesson on how to handle people when they don't agree with our thoughts, opinions, knowledge, or beliefs.

The idea behind vaccination is a noble one. Give someone a little of a germ assumed to cause disease, trigger an immune response, and provide immunity such that the worst effects of the disease are never realized. The problem as I see it is with the human trappings surrounding scientific research. When some people in authority are unwilling to debate unknowns, weaknesses in methods used to test, anomalous results that are contraindicating, etc. for reasons of pride, greed, control, and power, then this would be a giant stop sign and change my mind. And it has. And I wish I'd never vaccinated my two children. I made the best decision I could at the time. But my question is still a valid one. My anecdotal observations (and side research on diet, specifically, of autistic kids) of my Autistic daughter versus my Social daughter makes me deduce that it wasn't just vaccination. Her diet and her genetics played a significant role as their mother leans in the autistic direction in many mannerisms but does not have the extreme sensory and social and emotional issues. If there is a trigger I can see vaccination as a strong candidate based on the many studies I've read trying to alleviate autistic traits. But if vaccination alone was the "cause", that is a harder to believe because my other daughter is very social, no sensory issues, etc. I'll save you my speculations. I just wanted to know from Steve what he means by causation.... normally all we have in these studies are statistical probabilities of "causation" which aren't the same as proving the actual mechanism of action and reaction (think bullet from a gun into flesh).

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Good comment, and I wish the best for your daughters. Have you given aluminum detox a shot, like Fiji water, horsetail, etc., which contain silica, which displaces aluminum? The nanoparticle aluminum adjuvants in the shots that are intended to be persistent have been implicated by many, and there are volumes of evidence the aluminum in the jabs can be the straw the breaks the camel's back, in many cases.

But there are also other contributing factors that have been implicated, including glyphosates in most industrially grown foods. I personally don't think there's one cause, but many factors, and jabs are among the most common culprits. A cause, not THE cause, if you will

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Thank you for this. I didn't know silica would replace aluminum. I'd looked at heavy metal detox but really was worried about some of the things I'd found. But you can't get more "harmless" than water with silica. My one daughter is 15 now, and I suppose the neurological damage is done and permanent. I'd been focusing on helping her own body detox with sulforaphane, for example. There was a good study on the use.


She eats a limited diet and I've been trying to expand that as much as possible but she has huge sensory issues... touch, taste, sound. Her mother, my ex-wife, still thinks a diet rich in heavily processed foods isn't bad for her. It's been a nightmare fight to try to improve her future quality of life. She's essentially an Asperger's kid, even though these days that's not truly used anymore. She was more social as a young kid, but has withdrawn even from her sister. I would save her from a life of solitude if I can.

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Hi nice commentary, thanks. Do you know this book? disolving illusions by Suzanne Humphries et Roman Bystrianyk? Best book on the subject. I think that the suceptibility of children to vaccin injuries is variable, the example of your daughter is a good one. But vaccines definetly can cause autism, aluminium does : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64734-6

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Thank you. I'll add them to my list. I have some hope that this third rail of discussion is being de-energized.

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Well, auto accidents can cause death, but not everyone who gets in an auto accident dies. A much better analogy is that there is toxic chlorine in drinking water, but it certainly doesn't have the same effect as if somebody drank a whole glass of bleach. It depends on the dosage and terrain, and evidently there is a threshold of poisoning, which varies from individual to individual, at which one's neurological system goes haywire.

If a vast majority of autistic kids whose onset occurred after they had been verbal right after a round of shots, I'd call the shots the primary cause. The earlier and more frequent jabs given before kids normally develop basic language skills could plausibly indicate an intent to obscure the matter and make it look genetic. But what are the rates among unvaccinated kids? Available figures indicate many times lower.

And perhaps more notable is that aluminum detoxification measures such as drinking Fiji water frequently bring about great improvement in kids who shut down after a round of jabs. One of my friend brought back her kid to fairly normal health and verbal abilities for his age after he shut down verbally fallowing a round of shots. This is perfectly consistent with poisoning by the aluminum in the adjuvants being the primary cause.

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Auto accident is not equal to statistical analysis of probably causation normally captured in most medical studies. Accidents provide easily traceable causation. It is unethical to cut someone up to determine "causation' while they are still alive and dead presents it's own problems. See reply above.

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Information on unvaccinated children is being collected by an admirable ethical doctor. If you’re interested in this subject you’ll find this video fascinating: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HR9vkeez36Eg/

The information is out there in plain sight.

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Ah, Dr. Thomas. I'm well aware of his work. And it's a perfect example of a study that did not last long in a pharma shill journal. A rambling, baseless complaint from a vax shill was all it took to get it retracted, after it had been peer-reviewed. But word is that it is getting reworked and is to be published in an ethical, independent journal that is actually scientific, rather than among the new Inquisition.

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We are back at permitted narratives (vaxxers vs antivaxxers). Why Andrew Wakefield did not state what lot numbers of vaccine were administered to kids who developed autism? Nowhere in original paper and any rebuttals I saw lot numbers and nobody traced vaccines back to manufacturers. Why nobody asked the question of quality of manufacturing? Why nobody checked original batches and documentation? you can't talk about vaccines without analysis of titers and contaminants of administered batches of vaccines. Start asking real questions and stop kayfabe. I think quality of vaccines fell dramatically after 1986 liability protection. Compare vaccines effects in different countries and trace back quality of vaccines back to manufacturers and manufacturing facilities.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

I hear you. You seem like an intelligent individual and qualified to dig into their vested interest and the studies that continue to support their business model. Speaking as someone IN the industry, unbiased studies don’t exist.

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My 16-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with autism on the light/functional end of the spectrum. That said, she has struggled with serious anxiety, ADD and tourrete syndrome since she was a young child. It is beyond frustrating to know that this is borne, not of natural causes, but of the pernicious and pervasive greed of people in the medical/pharmaceutical-industrial complex and corruption, graft and/or willful ignorance of people in positions of power and influence.

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Yes, he is a troll, and he gives low quality thinking a boost just to keep us on our toes me thinks. I hope he keeps taking the shot, so he gets an up close and personal experience.

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MMR caused Autism in my nephew. He changed overnight from an articulate, happy boy to a zombie that did nothing but scream. Thank God with lots of work and changes in diet plus the right supplements, he is doing great.

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Awesome to hear of your nephew's successful detox.

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MMR vaccines do not cause autism. The first symptoms of autism frequently coincide with MMR doses. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/circep.114.001854

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Broken bones frequently coincide with auto accidents. But auto accidents don’t cause broken bones.

Is that the precise non-sequitor you, a persistent vaxx troll, is trying to post??

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Wrong analogy. No biological mechanism exists for vaccines causing autism.

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Are you comparing a peer-reviewed scientific paper to a fact checking? ??? I'm beginning to think you are not able to read a scientific paper. The good thing is that by reading the comment section one can see that your trolling is having zeron influence on people. Maybe ten years ago it would have, but people are increasingly aware of the vaccin falasy. You are making an ASS of yourself, hahaha!

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Tell that to Elisa above, whose nephew succumbed to the Measles-Mumps-Rubella jab, and the millions of parents whose young children "shut down" within hours of receiving metal-based adjuvitant injections.

Your shilling for Big Pharma has an Expiration Date and will soon be ending in total humiliation. You had better weigh your choices seriously, shill!

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Hello Elisa,

My 16-year-old daughter was diagnosed several years ago with autism on the light/functional end of the spectrum. That said, she has struggled with serious anxiety, ADD and tourrete syndrome since she was a young child. It is beyond frustrating to know that this is borne, not of natural causes, but of the pernicious and pervasive greed of people in the medical/pharmaceutical-industrial complex and corruption, graft and/or willful ignorance of people in positions of power and influence.

I wonder if you might have access to the treatment/ongoing protocols that your nephew received to overcome the effects of the jabs.

Kind regards,


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Darren, my sister says to look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdgmLntqlxM Also, if you need more information and need to contact her, use lknowles@nbnus.com Good luck! Elisa

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Hello Elisa,

Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for your kind reply. I will definitely check your recommendation.

With Much Appreciation...


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Darren, These are organizations that help parents address the root causes of autism to help minimize symptoms: TACA, ARI and MedMaps. HTH

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Hello Michele,

Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for your kind reply. I will definitely review these organizations and their programs.

With Much Appreciation...

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We made it quite simple in our family to start and we saw

fast results once we committed. Meat and veg only. It’s easy. You can always have a salad or stew on hand. Also, add in sardines. Not the kind with the heads. Costco has wild caught sardine boneless. Makes a lovely salad. I’m happy to help you if you want. Let me know and we can chat. Marcia

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Glad you've addressed this issue.

Autism didn't exist in my childhood.

Typically people pass that off as "it was called retardation or something else."

After my four daughters were born -- 1990-1992 -- we started hearing about autism, about the time vaccines proliferated.

(My kids were still in the chicken pox party era)

Maybe vaccines don't cause autism. But we never hear any other explanation for the explosion. "Shut up, it's a coincidence" is anti-science; it's typically a sign that we need to fight for answers.

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All kind of neurotoxins including one in vaccines killing neurons. Most of autistic kids have problems with detoxification, one should have a sensitive genetics to be affected. We need to study it deeply but it is too political.

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