Without an autopsy how is anyone supposed to know whether a death was from Covid, the “vaccine”, or some other cause?

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I have friends who definitely took the vax and the booster. One has undergone surgery for blood clots in the leg, and is being treated for a clot in the lung. The other has had a stroke and continues a month after the stroke, to have seizures. In addition, she has be diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor. The cancer is believed to have started elsewhere (?). Anyway, the seizures have kept her from being able to start cancer treatments. Both people were in great shape prior to jumping on the vax wagon.

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When answering 'yes,' I was thinking of some of your previous polls, Steve. Sorry if I was mistaken...

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I worked at a hospital (40yrs) until Aug. ‘22. When the shots were first rolled out at our place, in Dec. ‘20, they were only offered to frontline healthcare providers and community members over 60 yrs of age. At that time, I figured that the shots may help prevent death for the elderly. I never considered that they would prevent spread or even getting the virus. I wondered why there wasn’t more discussion about the treatments that showed some promise around the world (ivermectin, HCQ, steroids, etc.). Most of my co-workers said that they took the jab for non-health reasons: to be able to travel, visit family, go to restaurants, etc. I declined the shot due to my history of GBS. By mid-Jan.’21, the shots were being pushed for ALL adults; I thought this was strange, so I began doing my own research. I soon realized that these mRNA concoctions were different than previous vaccines AND that the trials were significantly too short to find bad mid-term or long-term side effects. I looked at the original data that enabled Pharma, governments, healthcare, etc., to declare the shots effective as in “safe and effective.” 95% effective was the mantra. But that data was only about getting the virus. It did not look at hospitalization and death. Nevertheless, the sales pitch worked. The fear mongering by the government and most medical professionals had most Americans afraid that getting COVID was a death sentence. Consequently, most Americans were sold on the shots, and then making them mandatory. The alternative treatments had to be suppressed in order to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization so that the shots could continue to dominate. Unfortunately, most Americans were sold on a quick fix that has had debilitating and deadly consequences for too many. Lives matter more than money, but the amount of money spent to maintain the Covid shot narrative is gut-wrenching. I pray that all the people who accepted bribes and pay- offs will repent before they die. Eternity is a very long time.

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I'm Japanese and can't read the details of US law, but I remember reading an article that said "Emergency USA Authorization = EUA activation is limited only when there is no other treatment". .

Does anyone know?

If it is true, I think it is natural that ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. were attacked by CDC and NIH, which are organizations under HHS. Otherwise pseudo-mRNA injection could not be used. Of course, there would have been strong support from spies who had gotten into the CDC and FDA due to the revolving door personnel.

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I fear there is some conflating of "I know someone who died from the jab" and "I know someone whom I think likely died from the jab" and "I know someone who MAY have died from the jab."

I know 2 people who died and 2 who got strokes that MAY have been caused by the jab. No way of knowing without investigating. The two who lived were definitely jabbed, and I'd say there's a 95% chance the two who died were jabbed, but don't know. In one case, don't want to upset the family by asking. Then you'd have to compare the number of similar profile people who died of, in their cases, ovarian cancer and lung cancer, both pre-jab and post-jab. Then at best you'd have a % likelihood that the jab was the cause, but no certainty.

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I stole the green meme on "Covid 19 can kill you". Posted it with a caption mostly true but CDC is not sorry. They still want to kill you and your children. Lets hope it goes viral.

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Why do you have to go so far? On that apology you think the CDC should publish, why not leave it about the covid vax? You lose a LOT of people when you make it about all vaxxes. You lose credibility. Even if you are correct, it is too far to push people. (and I'm not saying you are correct. But I have adjusted my view towards that conclusion lately.)

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Difficult to know for sure, as for the numbers of the ones that “died from covid” because most cases and deaths attributed to covid are fake pcr covid.

Also, some of us know persons who were killed by the wrong protocols like the $respirators, and/or by not being administered options that save people from the differentiated symptoms called covid, few, and fake pcr covid, or anything else.

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By now, the evidence that these experimental gene therapy shots are NOT safe and effective is overwhelming. Why are live performance theaters in CA requiring proof of vaccination to enter?

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Hope the free subs can comment again soon.

Steve you were one of the good ones letting us comment for free

Guess we will wait it out

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hahaa ha ! very funny at first... but might set you up for target practice

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Hi Steve, please stop referring to the JABS as vaccines. they are not even remotely vaccines.

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Language is important.


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Steve knows that, but uses the term because he's dealing with a lot of jab believers. I understand if you disagree but at least you know why now.

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Yes I already know that, but we will never get anywhere if the incorrect terms keep being used. The world is being lied to brainwashed, etc...so let's ONLY tell it like it is.

(you know...it's the: if you hear it said enough you'll start to believe it...) PROBLEM !

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Oh, I'm not so sure of that. I avoid using the V word when I speak about these injections, but it occurs to me that at this point, lumping them in with traditional vaccines may help open people's eyes to the dangers of *all* vaccines. After all, SADS is based on SIDS, a medical term invented to explain away and normalize vaccine-caused deaths of babies, an early (unfortunately quite successful) pharma psyop perpetrated on the public. Not distinguishing these shots from the ones inflicted on babies and children may well help people connect some important dots beyond just the covid jabs.

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Well said. I suppose we are also talking what are called cot deaths. It makes me very, very angry these Nazi big pharmacists.

I call injections vaccines as all vaccines are Nazi (sic) and make you sick unless they are just saline. As vaccine derives from vacca, a cow would you stick a cow in your arm? I think not!

And as 'cc se vain' is anagram and all vaccines are vanity and pointless I think I would stick with vaccines.

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Good point, also they changed the definition of vaccine so the whole word is meaningless now.

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false, or pcr pandemic

Alleged virus

Supposed contagion


There IS debate as to these issues, and just establishing

the doubt, and having people find out there are other possibilities helps to invalidate the official discourse and have them consider other causes for some people getting sick with something really different.

Everyone should have all the information possible for real independent informed consent.

Real transparency and choice.

In the 1918 real pandemic there is a study about NO contagion proven.

The causes for people getting sick, may be the same now:


Including mass vaccination, before, Rockefeller jab, now, flu vaccines, and there are several studies including one from the military which says you have a 36% chance of getting a respiratory condition (whatever the real reason, the adjuvants like polysorbate 80) which the study attributes to causes, which include coronavirus.

Also contamination from electromagnetic radiation, in 1918, the advent of the radio

changed the planet’s frequency, which affects the organisms already exposed to vaccine toxicity.

Now, everything, including 5g and even DEW’s; and the

spraying of toxics on the atmosphere.

Dr. Senef, from MIT, mentions glyphosate too. Surely toxicity in food, affects.

It appears to be multifactorial.

And some, even mention the masks, in 1918. If you cover a body orifice, what’s supposed to go out, will go back in, affecting the body’s natural cycle.

And most important, trauma, the fear terrorism, propaganda, people were exposed to.

There’s a study about the many,

many cases of fear covid which I saw, and cannot find now.

The mind is an important factor for health and sickness to be manifested.

And for so much more.

Everything, if we really get into that… But that’s another theme.

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"If you cover a body orifice, what’s supposed to go out, will go back in, affecting the body’s natural cycle."

I had a vision of a cork where it shouldn't be. My mind boggled!

Still, after the explosion the powers that be would probably blame the demolition of the premises the person was in on Covid!

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Well said. Thankyou

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It might be fun to have a T-shirt with "It's NOT a vaccine" on the back a short explanation.

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T-Shirts is a great idea. There are a lot of funny cartoons floating around that with humor drive the point home that the Covid Vaxes are dangerous.

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You are right and in a danish ministery they write jab-vaccines, for the newest, and I for the first 2 vaccines respectively call them "vaccines", and the jabs call the jab, or "jab-vaccines", in my writing to the ministery.

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Looking forward to the removal of bot Dumbass Defender iczezBt. This is the worst attack I have seen on this site

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Thank you, my friend.

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Have you or any of your expert colleagues looked at this study? I’m struggling to interpret the findings. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798

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This is a very important paper. IgorChudov,Jessica,Etc are explaining in this SubStack.


in short

(1) If IgG4 is high, even if Sarscov2 infection seems mild, one day it will suddenly become severe.

(Immune tolerance = not recognizing foreign substances including viruses that have entered the body)

"IgG4 related disease (IgG4RD)

swelling or

It is a disease of unknown cause that causes hardening, and is thought to be related to some kind of immune abnormality.

(JP designated intractable disease 300)

High blood IgG4 levels, marked infiltration of lymphocytes and IgG4-positive plasma cells, and marked fibrosis

As a result, synchronous or metachronous swelling, nodules, hypertrophic lesions, etc.

It is a disease of unknown cause.

Affected organs include pancreas, lacrimal and salivary glands, bile ducts, kidneys, lungs, retroperitoneum, arteries, central nervous system,

Over multiple organs such as thyroid, liver, gastrointestinal tract, prostate, lymph nodes, skin, and mammary glands,

Lesions often involve multiple organs, but may be single-organ lesions.

Symptoms vary depending on which organ is damaged, but the most common ones are:

Obstructive jaundice, upper abdominal discomfort, anorexia, lacrimal/salivary gland swelling, dry eyes/mouth,

Hydronephrosis, asthma-like symptoms, etc.

Steroid therapy is the first choice.

It is an intractable disease that relapses in many cases due to dose reduction or discontinuation. ”

(2) IgG3 decreased to almost 0 after the third treatment.

"IgG3 deficiency also leads to immunodeficiency. Patients are susceptible to bacterial infections, especially Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, and otitis media, bronchitis, and pneumonia are repeated and severe.

It may respond poorly to antibiotic treatment. ”

(3) There is also another important paper on mRNA-Vaxxed and cancer. PD-L1 increased significantly.


"PD-L1 is a protein that T cells use to reduce the attack on host cells (i.e. your own body).

Conversely, inhibition of PD-L1 is the cornerstone of some of the most important and effective cancer therapies developed in the last decade. High PD-L1 levels effectively suppress the very T cells she needs to fight off respiratory viruses. Also, if you are trying to maintain NK cell function (central to tumor suppression),

Elevated PD-L1 expression is undesirable. ”

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Thank you so much for this information; so, still not sure though about safety of mRNA vaccines?

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Avoid like the plague, avoid all vaccines ever like the plague unless you like playing Russian roulette. Here's my reasons why.


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They lied before the first ( . )period. Not worth reading this garbage. Glad you posted it.

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Comment for your next post, "The most likely scenario is that Damar Hamlin was brain dead on the field", I am not a paid subscriber. I am currently supporting Dr. Simone Gold's underwear model boyfriend and their 3.6 million dollar mansion in Florida:)

So how come everyone else that is injured or dies doesn't get this much attention?

Speaking of "brain dead", how many are still getting the boosters?

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I gather Joe Biden is brain dead or has lost his brain, but I doubt he is getting boosted except by something to keep him moving and his lips working.

Doesn't stop him being president or vice president as I gather he is not always too sure.

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It's only temporary, my friend.

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Alex , I think that this vaccine is causing shadow syndrome of immune priming or ADE but in shadow form.

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Bottom line: Pandemic of the mis/untreated and Hospital neglected.

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Although given today's hospitals and the medics left inside, I consider they are safer outside.

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