I have listened to Wolfgang (fullmich's scientist right?) and he does not seem to understand the issue that no virus including "cov2" has been show to exist as described per the commonly understood definition of "virus" and the commonly understood definition of the word "isolation." He doesn't understand that the processes in virology do not ever confirm that the particle seen in EM and "sequences" created in silico are the cause of disease. If you have a particular presentation from him that you would like me to see, please do share it and I'll be happy to study it. Thanks for your comment. -jeff

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"After all, more people died from the vaccine than the placebo in the Pfizer Phase 3 trial as those of us who actually read the paper know."

Do you have a more detailed article showing that in the linked reference?

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Can't believe people are still acting like there was an actual CoVid 19 virus as it's NEVER been proven it exsist

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The "viruses don't exist" idea is paper thin. There is all kinds of evidence. And it seems that only motivated reasoning can come to another conclusion.

That said, viral exposure does not "cause" disease. The immune system may fight it off in the IGA system, or with the innate system. If the immune system is strong and the innoculum is low. But viruses do exist. And can be manipulated.

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Of course I could send my own critique of a methods section of any paper purporting to have isolated a "virus", but Christine Massey's communications with "the experts" and "authorities is perhaps more telling:



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Do you agree it isolation is necessary to characterize? If you do agree, please enlighten us and show us the methods by which isolation was achieved. Please don't waste our time with papers making the assertion in title or abstract. We need to see the science. When you realize there is no such experiment...will you change your mind? Or is your faith too strong? Trust the science my friend. There is no virus.

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There is a virus it’s called coronavirus. I agree there is no SARS-CoV-2 virus. Look at Wolfgang Wodarg he talks about this fairly extensively. The google machine makes his videos and articles hard to find. Try using a different search engine.

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Poisons exist but current virology theory is fundamentally flawed to put it politely,.

What virologists look at if anything will be the exosome, part of the body's own defense system.


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My thinking is to ensure the progress of international technocracy, it may have been a safety measure for the less human elite to make sure the Silicon Valley population get a safer vax batch.

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In Germany there has been also a covid nurse who achieved to have injected 10,000 citizens who haven't been injured or dead.

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For a more detailed mathematical analysis please look at an article on Igor’s substack. He identifies obvious fraud in the data analysis. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/santa-clara-countys-fake-covid-statistics

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Dr. Sara Cody should be investigated for crimes against humanity. This nitwit isn't intelligent enough to continue as a doctor in a clinical setting. That's why she has been in public health for so long. This bimbo was the one that suggested lockdown first in the US right after Italy. She is the one that helped create the momentum for lockdowns in the USA. There is no way this idiot came up with this plan alone. There is a video of her explaining how they came up with this idea. She said that once they decided lockdowns were appropriate, they never thought the city leaders would approve it. She is either the most successful useful idiot in the history of mankind. Or she has ties to something much more nefarious and should be investigated and charged with a crime. I would not be surprised if she has connections directly or indirectly through the WHO and the CCP.

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Sara Cody sounds rather fishy to me. 'ah cod rays' is anagram of her name as per Wikipedia, Sara H. Cody.

'so AC hydra' is another anagram, so anti-Christ hydra, the monster of the deep. She certainly has ties to something deeper,it is the Great Deep.

She is also an idiot as one can be both. I see she graduated from Stanford University. Enough said.

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Just so you know, the main way that ALL of California localities have been overstating the effectiveness of vaccination is by overestimating the vaccinated population AND underestimating the total population, which results in a severe underestimate of the unvaccinated.

From Santa Clara County's own website:

"The percent of the total population vaccinated is calculated using an estimated County population of 1,927,470 people, the U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates."

But if you look at the actual 2020 census data, the population of Santa Clara County is 1,936,259. And that is as of 2020. The 2010 census had the population of Santa Clara County at 1,781,642, so we would expect the actual current population to be about 2% higher than the 2020 census estimate.

"The number of people not yet vaccinated by demographic group is based in part on estimates from a population-based survey sample, which is subject to limitations. ... For this reason, the displayed percent of residents vaccinated in a given demographic group is capped at 95%."

The REAL reason they cap the demographic data at 95% is because their raw data show over 100% vaccination rate in older demographics! You used to be able to download these raw data for Santa Clara, but I can't find that functionality anymore. However, you can still download the raw data for vaccination rates in San Francisco by neighborhood: https://data.sfgov.org/COVID-19/COVID-19-Vaccinations-Given-to-SF-Residents-by-Geo/ejrc-vnwu

Note that the number of residents vaccinated significantly EXCEEDS the total population in many neighborhoods, including the second row, which is the largely black neighborhood of Bayview. According to the raw data, SF's vaccination rate for residents of Bayview is 41,184 count_vaccinated divided by 37,917 subgroup _population, a vaccination rate of 108.6%!

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You can also still download SF vaccination data broken down by race and age: https://data.sfgov.org/COVID-19/COVID-19-Vaccinations-Given-to-SF-Residents-by-Dem/g8hh-rwgb

Note that the total recipients column significantly EXCEEDS the subgroup population column in many demographics, including first two rows of the data, which are the citywide above 50 and above 65 demographics. According to the raw data, San Francisco's vaccination rate for all residents above 50 is 294,382 total recipients divided by 292,025 subgroup population, for a vaccination rate of 100.8%! And San Francisco's vaccination rate for all residents above 65 is 136,816 total recipients divided by 135,027 subgroup population, for a vaccination rate of 101.3%!

These sorts of clear and undeniably impossible vaccination overcounts and/or population undercounts allow localities all across California (and probably the rest of the world as well) to produce skewed and meaningless graphs, such as the second graph on this page: https://sf.gov/data/covid-19-cases-and-deaths

Basically, if you pretend that only a tiny percentage of your population is unvaccinated (San Francisco is now claiming that a whopping 96.5% of its residents over 12 have received at least one vaccine dose), then you can make the case rates look far better for the vaccinated than for the unvaccinated.

However, if you plot San Francisco's own official published case rates per neighborhood compared to their own official published vaccination rates by neighborhood, you get a very different picture: https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/xg94rm/official_sf_government_data_the_more_vaccinated/

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Thank you very much for keeping us updated.

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Cooking the books as usual. The people we're deaing with have ZERO ethics or morals and are hell bent on destroying this nation and the world

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Quite so. "The people we're deaing (sic) with have ZERO ethics or morals". And some are as dumb as a box of rocks.

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No offence Steve but it may be time to leave the bay area. I grew up their way back when it was farmland. It was a great place to raise a family. I will never return.

Now it is just a concrete cesspool. Completely unaffordable and filled with liberal lunatics.

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FWIW, when CaptainTrips kicked off I heard a physician in Iowa pushing a "shelter-in-place" order [not isolation or quarantine, medical terms, but SIP, a law enforcement term]; I thought she would throw her distinguised credentials away chasing the line [BA Harvard, MD Iowa, MPH Harvard] in addition to the other issues that are now known, primarily economic and social.

When the local school district postponed class start in the fall because the infection percentage was deemed 'too high' by CDC, the public health dept for the county found there were a few thousand missing negative test results that weren't passed to them by a non-profit health center where the physician worked, with her leaving for another job after claiming she had 'nothing to do with testing or tabulation' despite having completed an infectious disease fellowship at UNC-ChapelHill in 2017/18-yep, that UNC-ChapelHill.

She started popping up as a source in news articles on the other side of the state, and after I told the above story to the broadcast company citing her as an expert, TheIntercept ran a story about someone stalking her, and I deleted the googleAlert I set up.

She was elected to the state legislature in 2022. Too many coincidences eliminate chance, IMO.

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By the way what's her name. I have been making a list. We can't forget who these people are.

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I won't forget, and neither will anyone else who's been hurt by this experiment. The bad news for me is that I might have to be what she may not have been if I find myself in a situation where those who've lost more want their druthers-a protector who can look farther and deeper than the spun moment.

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I completely agree. These people have been recruited and are somehow being rewarded for their involvement in contuining to push the COVID-19 narrative.

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How many techies in Santa Clara County believe they are being protected?

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In the 1970's it was a nice place. Nowadays Silicon Valley is a cesspool filled with lunatics. It got so bad that single doctors were quitting kaiser and moving to other states as they could barely afford a 2-bedroom apartment.

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I wonder what the truth is. If you look at howbadismybatch, it shows California as one of the least affected states. Red states got the worst batches, with Kentucky as #1 -- wonder if that's retribution against Rand Paul.


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Steve - I live in corrupt Santa Clara county and I ask myself that everyday. I work with the general public and I do however see more than ever, the triple vaxed sick, having heart attacks, strokes, rare cancers.

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