Well, a Chinese study showed that there were elevated markers for blood sugars - HbA1c - after covid injections, and they were STILL raised 3 months post-injection:
So yeah, when it comes to the covid injections, there's definitely cause for concern on the diabetes front! I don't know about other injections/vaccina…
Well, a Chinese study showed that there were elevated markers for blood sugars - HbA1c - after covid injections, and they were STILL raised 3 months post-injection:
So yeah, when it comes to the covid injections, there's definitely cause for concern on the diabetes front! I don't know about other injections/vaccinations, but I'm not game to be a guinea pig and find out ha ha.
Well, a Chinese study showed that there were elevated markers for blood sugars - HbA1c - after covid injections, and they were STILL raised 3 months post-injection:
So yeah, when it comes to the covid injections, there's definitely cause for concern on the diabetes front! I don't know about other injections/vaccinations, but I'm not game to be a guinea pig and find out ha ha.