As a burned out old ophthalmologist of more than 40 yrs experience, it has been evident that DM is associated with higher risks for glaucoma for many many years. Thanks for looking at vaxxx association with this condition. I would not have expected to see a link there other than the increased risk for DM. Appreciate your efforts, Steve!
As a burned out old ophthalmologist of more than 40 yrs experience, it has been evident that DM is associated with higher risks for glaucoma for many many years. Thanks for looking at vaxxx association with this condition. I would not have expected to see a link there other than the increased risk for DM. Appreciate your efforts, Steve!
As a burned out old ophthalmologist of more than 40 yrs experience, it has been evident that DM is associated with higher risks for glaucoma for many many years. Thanks for looking at vaxxx association with this condition. I would not have expected to see a link there other than the increased risk for DM. Appreciate your efforts, Steve!