DHS is now going after COVID misinformation spreaders considering them terrorist threats. Here's my list of people I think they should be investigating.
Trump has the right idea sue them in civil court. Vacs manufacturers have immunity, but many of these other are open game. What the globalist owned media does everyday thru lies that could do great harm to anybody that believes them. Media fake news is no different than yelling fire in a crowded theater, if i was a lawyer i would be all over this.
Could you please make a separate substack article where you list the misinformation spreaders without the info to report it -I don’t want to make it too easy to the people I share this to report the wrong people without being screened first. Thx!
Everyone on this list will be blown out eventually. Thanks Steve for putting this together. Will be interesting to look back on in two years and hold them accountable
It is somewhat disheartening, isn't it, that we little people don't matter? That said, I think it is Deborah "Birx" and she's especially complicit with Fauci. She belongs in the top section.
Don't you know it will really be a "Utopia" with all the back stabbers and their offspring running the world. That will look like Antifa and 911 all rolled into one! There should be proud dying on a regular basis...as we've seen, there is no honor among thieves!! Psychopaths and sociopaths usually beget the same, especially with the training happening early. Good luck with that!!
Thanks for speaking out, Steve. You are a light in the darkness.
The BBC, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft announced on December 10, 2020 that they would form a monopoly on information to control the conversation around COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines.
Which discussions have they censored❓
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-CoV-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Safe and Effective Early Treatments
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Scientist and Doctors
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Age and Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
This is why Nobel Prize winning scientists, Professors from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, and medical doctors safely & treating millions of patients around the world are being censored by the mainstream media and big tech.
This is why 50,000 (now 1 million) scientists and medical professionals can sign a declaration to replace lockdowns with focused protection of the elderly, but we only get to hear the voice of, Dr. Anthony Fauci, big pharma's greatest salesman.
This is why 12,000 Doctors and Scientist have signed the Rome Declaration accusing policy makers of 'Crimes Against Humanity'.
Perpetrators need to be prosecuted for fraud by false representation, relating to “cases”. The article linked below talks about the PCR fraud. Great article. Puts this CaseDemic in context - easy to read. Pretty black and white, and avoids the complexity associated with vaccines. This is where the pandemic rhetoric should have been stopped. It’s all happened before in the USA, a few times already. We need to learn from these.
Great article. Lots of detail. Here is a big picture perspective as to who exactly are the terrorists. I will link back to this article because I barely scratched the surface. Thanks for your continued commitment to the truth Steve.
A further category should be included of all those doctors who stood up risking their careers and good names to tell the truth and save lives; here are some (not comprehensive because I cannot remember them all):
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Marik
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Michael Yeadon
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Urso
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Judy Mikovitz
The lawyers who are working to uncover and bring charges:
Trump has the right idea sue them in civil court. Vacs manufacturers have immunity, but many of these other are open game. What the globalist owned media does everyday thru lies that could do great harm to anybody that believes them. Media fake news is no different than yelling fire in a crowded theater, if i was a lawyer i would be all over this.
Damn this is a great list. Thank you so much for making it.
Could you please make a separate substack article where you list the misinformation spreaders without the info to report it -I don’t want to make it too easy to the people I share this to report the wrong people without being screened first. Thx!
Everyone on this list will be blown out eventually. Thanks Steve for putting this together. Will be interesting to look back on in two years and hold them accountable
How can we reach justice when ALL centers of power are in hands of murderers?
Honorable mention??? More like "special place in hell." When do we start Nuremberg v2.0?
It is somewhat disheartening, isn't it, that we little people don't matter? That said, I think it is Deborah "Birx" and she's especially complicit with Fauci. She belongs in the top section.
Don't you know it will really be a "Utopia" with all the back stabbers and their offspring running the world. That will look like Antifa and 911 all rolled into one! There should be proud dying on a regular basis...as we've seen, there is no honor among thieves!! Psychopaths and sociopaths usually beget the same, especially with the training happening early. Good luck with that!!
Thanks for speaking out, Steve. You are a light in the darkness.
Thank you Mr. Kirsch for the incredible article!
When is the justice going to reach each and everyone of those perpetrators? Let's hope soon.
Dr. Andrew Hill single-handedly prevented Ivermectin treatment
The Trusted News Initiative ‼️
The BBC, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft announced on December 10, 2020 that they would form a monopoly on information to control the conversation around COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines.
Which discussions have they censored❓
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-CoV-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Safe and Effective Early Treatments
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Scientist and Doctors
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Age and Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
This is why Nobel Prize winning scientists, Professors from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, and medical doctors safely & treating millions of patients around the world are being censored by the mainstream media and big tech.
This is why 50,000 (now 1 million) scientists and medical professionals can sign a declaration to replace lockdowns with focused protection of the elderly, but we only get to hear the voice of, Dr. Anthony Fauci, big pharma's greatest salesman.
This is why 12,000 Doctors and Scientist have signed the Rome Declaration accusing policy makers of 'Crimes Against Humanity'.
There needs to be an athlete/entertainer/social influencer category as I mentioned earlier. Make sure and add Sean Penn to that list. What an A-hole!
Perpetrators need to be prosecuted for fraud by false representation, relating to “cases”. The article linked below talks about the PCR fraud. Great article. Puts this CaseDemic in context - easy to read. Pretty black and white, and avoids the complexity associated with vaccines. This is where the pandemic rhetoric should have been stopped. It’s all happened before in the USA, a few times already. We need to learn from these.
Excellent article. Thank you. I wish my family would read it and think about it long and hard.
Great article. Lots of detail. Here is a big picture perspective as to who exactly are the terrorists. I will link back to this article because I barely scratched the surface. Thanks for your continued commitment to the truth Steve.
Throw in Dustin Moskovitz for good measure…thank you for this incredible article!
You forgot Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, but then you'd have to find his hiding spot.
A further category should be included of all those doctors who stood up risking their careers and good names to tell the truth and save lives; here are some (not comprehensive because I cannot remember them all):
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Marik
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Michael Yeadon
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Urso
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Judy Mikovitz
The lawyers who are working to uncover and bring charges:
Thomas Renz
Viviana Fischer
Reiner Füllmich
Leigh Dundas
Media who are telling the truth:
Rebel News
Epoch Times
Platforms allowing the truth to be disseminated :
Individuals and talk show hosts:
Mikki Willis
Robert Kennedy Jr.
Todd Herman
Lars Larson
Stew Peters
Brett Weinstein
Del Bigtree
Yourself (and Thank You!)