Steve Kirsch,

Why are you misrepresenting what is happening in Denmark?

Denmark has suspended the vaccination program because the number of cases have fallen precipitously from 43,499 on Feb 12th to 957 on May 1st; and the vaccination rate has not moved much for the last 3 months from 82.0% on Mar 7th to 82.3% on May 1st, which means that everyone who wanted to be vaccinated has already been vaccinated and the vaccination program is no longer cost-effective. The vaccines remain available, and the suspension of the program simply means they will no longer be sending out invitations from May 15th. They are also ready to resume the program at any time if the need arises.

Their decision has nothing to do with what you are implying.

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Apparently, there is no need for pushing the lethal injections anymore, because the monsters must have found a way to poison all their targets without a freak show. The outcome is the same: population control and democide. No fuss is needed; they are happening.

If you add the artificially-created famine that is coming to your neighborhood soon and, possibly, WW3 on TV without a single shot fired, it will be easy to sell another plandemic and declare martial law.

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Norway is no longer _recommending_ the Covid 19 vaccine for otherwise healthy children, (though Norway does still allow it for children if desired by parents): https://www.regjeringen.no/en/aktuelt/vaccination-of-children-and-adolescents-against-covid-19/id2895513/

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Great for Denmark🇩🇰!!!!!

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According to bible, the end times will be marked by widespread deception, counterfeit miracles, and the appearance of false prophets and each of these evils will contribute to an atmosphere that will deceive an untold number of people throughout the world.

In the last days, people will be fooled because they want to be. Although this seems counterintuitive, it's true. People will believe in the signs and wonders they witness because they want to believe the lies and false promises that accompany them.

Ultimately, a lot of people will be hoodwinked by a master of deception who will feed their itching ears with exactly what they want to hear. In the years leading up to Christ's return, the world will be misled by the greatest false prophet in human history, the Antichrist.

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Yes, that was Richard Nixon, and nothing terrible happened... can you please gae and bile yer heid?

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Ok, I’m a Christian but I’m always bemused as to why deep discussions about science are then jumped on (and someone obsessed with preaching rather than following the Bible) jumps in and makes the first post and then proceeds to go on about brimstone and treacle.

It adds nothing to the conversation. So who is the anti-Christ behind this end of days scenario? I do not believe this is the beginning, middle or end of the end of days.

You basically spam the conversation with a generic answer which if anything will turn non-Christians away from even looking at the Christian faith as your cut and paste comment has nothing in it though her related to the thoughtful piece of journalism. You give Christians a bad name. The sooner you realise it the better. Your actually doing the Devils work, your alienating people towards the Christian faith and so actually making people turn away from it. I even wonder when I see such a post if I am actually part of some sort of cult and should look at Islam or another religion where it’s followers can have their faith but supply some intelligent information to the conversation. Such postings are at the least mis-guided as it suggests Christians are unable to think critically and are blame every disaster on the ‘End Days’, seizing on every world disaster to claim Armageddon is coming like a Jemima Puddleduck. Calm down dear, we will ride out the storm, Armageddon is not knocking at the door yet. If it is t please tell me in your informed position the name f the Ati-Crist, surely if we are that farrow the road you should at least be able to give us a name.

I’m pretty embarrassed to be associated with a faith that has people in that have no understanding of the etiquette of comments threads and clearly could not even be bothered to read the article and have anything intelligent to apply to someone’s hard work informing us of what’s going on in the world. It’s very ungrateful and very un-Christian of you. Please stop disrespecting the Christian God by using HIS word out of context and making us all look like doom mongering zombies. I pray that God might give you some logic and intelligence so you stop ridiculing his word.

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Wow… sounds like you have personal demons to overcome and in the meantime need someone else to blame for your short comings

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Have you seen the Wikipedia description of John Campbell. His videos are informative and backed by facts and figures.

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He could easily have left YouTube and gone to another social media video network and actually told people what is really going on. People seem to have blind faith in this man because he has managed to stay on YouTube, he has done this by skirting around the YouTube policies by not being honest and truthful and does not tell people what’s really going on, he knows the vaccine is dangerous and killing millions of people.

He was pro vaccine and many people got vaccinated because of his opinion, people spent more than a year telling him what was going on in the comments snd he ignored it snd pushed the mainstreams agenda, yes in a moment of clarity he couldn’t explain the governments data or behaviour but only when things had become so rediculous that he wouldnt have been able to hero a straight face as he blurted out his pro vaccine position. i

In reality he has been one of the talking heads that have helped convince people to get the clot shot and is responsible for people dying and becoming severely injured along the way -all the time making money off of his videos and gaining viewers as more logical science based channels were shut down.

Just because he’s allowed on YouTube should tell you a lot about what the man is saying when other people who were much more qualified than him in the subject of immunity snd vaccine science who were open and spoke the truth were all banned off the network.

I don’t like the way he tries to suggest things to get around YouTube‘s policies, it’s leaves it open to misinterpretation and people will continue to believe that the vaccine may still be appropriate for them when it does nothing positive for anybody. YouTube is not the be all and end all of video blog sites.

If he had an ounce of morals in him, he would’ve left YouTube and gone to Bitchute or Rumble or one of the myriad of other video blog networks and actually speak his mind and tell people what’s really going on.

He has a huge following and those people would’ve gone with him and he could’ve really made a difference to opening peoples eyes to other video networks where truthful information is available but instead he choose to stay on YouTube to be a big fish in a small pond and rake in the money, lots of money as he picked up all the people that were lost for information when the real truth tellers were shut down.

He is the face of official paid opposition. Softening the real facts to make them acceptable to the masses and making what appears to be genocide at this point seem like storm I’m a teacup as hell gives the information nice soft edges snd covered in fake fur.

I believe he’s done untold damage to the truth movement and he still won’t say that the vaccines are even dangerous even though he knows they are killing people and now children. The man has no morals. Compare his behaviour to someone like Dr Malone and you will see he is a puppet of the state taking in large amounts of money by suppressing the truth from the masses who, if they know the truth would be out looking for a pound of flesh for the hurt they still don’t realise has been done to them and their loved ones.

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Very true

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Which is exactly why I never bothered to watch him beyond an initial appraising look. His review of published articles presupposed that peer review was sound, the journal was ruthless in its application of ethics, the scientific method, and reviewing all of the data was intense and critical, and there was nothing to sell only to prove or advance.

NEJM shot itself in the foot. And any journal that refers to 'pregnant persons' is auto-ditched as it is clearly preoccupied with virtue signalling over the objective facts of biology and science.

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True to form, the WickedPedo confabulates and obfuscates fact and fiction.

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Its not about vax anymore its about bribes that are gotton from big pharma,Justine Tredeau is typical vax scimmer,wonder how much he has made by now must be millions if not billions.

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This is a huge "Wake Up Call!”

The NWO plan involving the WHO and the top 200 wealthiest companies in the U.S. to subvert our Constitutional rights behind closed doors.


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The link that Sentinel 2020 provides is to an interview with Dr. Peter Breggin. He has been a Warrior for Truth his entire medical career (and he's in his 80s). He and his wife discovered there was something amiss with what was being reported very early on, and they wrote a book about it, jam packed with data: https://www.wearetheprey.com/

Highly recommended.

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There wouldn't be food shortages or medical nonsense right now if we ate our vegetables

instead of electing them.

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So very true!

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Also NH has made Ivermectiin over the counter…. Too bad they didn’t have the courage to do so when it really mattered.

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Mr Kirsch,

I wonder, since none will debate you, if the million on offer might be used in a slightly different manner to accomplish the purpose, which is to demonstrate the inefficacy and the danger of the mRNA experimental injection.

We need to air the central fact of the matter — the fact that forms the basis of the claim that a ‘vaccine’ is needed. It’s a fact that wallows around helplessly in the vast sea of hard evidence that has been systematically suppressed.

The fact is the injection is not needed — not necessary, not appropriate and not effective. It’s a proven fact.

Look at those who have been cured of this moderately severe respiratory condition by everyday medications that have, over many years, been proven safe and effective.

Hundreds of doctors worldwide have publicly announced their stories of success with various protocols based on either Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide etc. There is, therefore, in the records of each of those doctors, a source of real-world, real-time proof positive that people (reasonably healthy people) need no gene-modifying injections to cure or prevent Covid19 sickness and hospitalization and death.

If each of ( if the majority of ) those recovered patients could submit to Congress, and to other relevant Government agencies, an affidavit stating their experience of recovering as a result of treatment by Dr. ….

How many such affidavits could be assembled? Would it be enough to draw back the curtain of censorship and suppression? KB

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My husband lost his job because he was forced to take the vaccine but didn’t want it. I hope every country will follow what Denmark is doing

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My daughter-in-law is facing that at present. She's a much needed carer who's been working herself into the ground because they sacked many of her colleagues. She'll probably get the 4th shot. I fear for her health, it's breaking my heart

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Dr Campbell is one of the 2 doctors I have been following during this pandemic. He is he genuinely a good person and interested in the wellbeing of others. He does not exaggerate things and he is humble to change his mind when he sees things are not ok. He is optimistic and non political I don’t miss any of his you tube posts he has been a great resource.

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For most of the 'pandemic' Campbell was a big pharma shill. On every video, he had a big sign in the background telling everyone to mask & distance. When the wind began to change direction, so did he. An opportunist at best.

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I don’t think that is the case. He was convinced that it worked and that vaccines were safe just like a lot of people until he opened his eyes, you can see his video where he talks about Pfizer and CDC early findings and hidden data and he truly looks upset and disturbed by it. Since then his narrative around vaccination has been very different

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Why wait until the 15th? Means nothing until it ACTUALLY happens.

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There is a HUGE CDC label/link at the bottom of the video. I think given John Campbell's large audience and popularity, YT would be unwise to censor anything he says, because it's likely to bring EVEN MORE attention to that video.

Yes, I believe it's good news, but frightening people in order to control them will continue, because it is effective. So... we can't ever take our guard down, Truth Warriors. :-)

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Steve, You are AMAZING! Your energy and spirit lifts and sustains us all.

I wish I could feel more excited about this - I really do. But this is a just another minor distraction - nothing has changed! The towering overpowering edifice that has masterminded this whole worldwide plot remains in place. And they will return whenever it suits them to finish the job with mandates, digital passports, social credit scoring and digital currency. TOTAL CONTROL!

They have ALL the power, the media, the money - everything! The only things we have are TRUTH and potentially mass numbers. But where is the WILL to do something about it?

Elections will change nothing - they're all bought and paid for. We are up against an incredible EVIL which wants to impose a totally New World Order.

Sometimes in history only a total reset of the system restored power to the people - I'm thinking the French Revolution - THAT is what it will take to take them down!

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CM, we are I believe sliding toward that watershed moment, of pitch-forks en masse at dawn.

Any good or utility remaining in the 'system' has been irretrievably corrupted, degraded, dissected by a thousand cuts and endures perpetual assault from within and without. Dare I say it, all but the most stupid, the most self-interested, the most coerced, the most dependent, and let's not forget the true believers, remain in situ. A swelling majority clearly reject the corporate globalist narrative and yearn to be free, prosperous and happy but have few directions in which to turn, while the tyranny of the Rainbow Swastika borne by WaterMelons, with a Fourth Estate become Fifth Column aligned against them remains constrained and seemingly powerless.

But...there exists a fine line between true powerlessness and powerlessness as a state of mind. It is conceivable that the latter applies here but we need DC conversion paddles to enliven proceedings, a lightening rod if you will. I do not accept former POTUS DJT is suitable. His continued stubborn stance on the injections and claim to fame from them is profoundly misplaced. Perhaps de Santis is a candidate, though I am inclined to give up on all politicians as a crowd of largely self-interested, unprincipled liars.

Perhaps a focus on the legion of willing, over-paid bureaucrat enablers, the collective of spineless ones' who readily cower? Without them the politicians and the corporate globalists are void.

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It is THE SYSTEM - the whole complete structure that has been corrupted - the currency, politics, economy, institutions, media, academia, science, law enforcement, regulators, the law - EVERYTHING! They have already taken it all. They have been gaming this for years and already have the new blueprint ready to take TOTAL CONTROL!

The only thing that gives me any hope is if the mass vaccinated realise what has been done to them, when do many are dying they have to face THE TRUTH that they have been tricked and poisoned - AND that 'THEY' have also damaged their kids!

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What is striking is that it's everywhere, every civilised country except Sweden and Japan. Nowhere to run to!

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As I have written elsewhere the entire system requires an enema of gigantic proportions. It cannot limp along, topple into tyranny, limp along a little longer and then implode or explode. All good things come to an end / sarc, whether the CCP or NKorea. Just a shame we have to endure a descent into murderous farce. Perhaps the vaxx will awaken a few. Not sure. A war perhaps? I have often contemplated the evolution of a giant global civil war played out on a range of geopolitical, sociopolitical religious and cultural axes. What an awful mess has been made by the self-serving bureaucracies and politicians.

Escaped from England 30 yrs ago, I now find myself locked down and devoid of income because of mandated injections in a South Sea gulag run by a Commie Rainbow devotee wedded to the WEF and CCP. NZ snoozes its way to literal oblivion via, division, exclusion and inequality, while we watch the UK on a slightly different trajectory with the same self-evident destination, while all family there remain silent and compliant, as do former colleagues.

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I have been following NZs fortunes throughout - you have my deepest sympathy. 'She' is an absolute first class NUT JOB! It defies belief! Who would have thought it in New Zealand?

However, I have a great admiration for Dr Sam Bailey and her husband Mark (in NZ) who are SO BRAVE and speak out despite great personal risk and sacrifice. Dr Sam is a co author of the book Virus Mania which early on opened my eyes to the skulduggery of big pharma and virology. (She is on Odyssey as Youtube have mostly taken her down. Well worth a look.)

I really don't know how this will all pan out. It's too huge for my little brain: mass poisoning and depopulation, a new world order, social credit scores, total digital control...

In the meantime, I take great comfort that I was RIGHT all along, that I am NOT alone or mad - and I've got all you guys who I value immensely.

And I just try and enjoy every day that I am left alone in peace - until I'm not...

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Thank you for your generous reply CM. It is manifest incoherence in NZ, instigated intentionally by incompetent corporate globalists drunk on their inexhaustible hubris.

Drs' Mark and Sam do a thoroughly excellent job, working very hard at it. We all do our bit at NZDSOS.com to curb the unethical insanity.

There is cold comfort in the knowledge that none of us know how the future will pan out. One thing for certain, the kind of kraptitude spruiked by Yuval Noah Harari, Schwab's sock puppet at the WEF, is no future for humanity.

Davos Man will inevitably founder on the reef of sanity.

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Very well summarized and sadly, very on target in my opinion as well.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Albert Einstein

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Thank you S2020. Question: can we gut the fish then?

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I don't see how we can avoid it. This whole fiasco will go down as "The World-Wide Great Culling of the sheep. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

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I refuse to queue up to be culled. They'll have to drag me kicking and screaming and I vow to take some out on the way.

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Indeed. Then the best way to break the system is to simply gut the bureaucracies. They are the soft underbelly.

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