CT Sen. Richard Blumenthal listened to Lyme patients when he was CT AG and went against the IDSA doctors and by extension, against the CDC. I don't expect him to be open to the vax-injured, but he was at least not brainwashed on something that gets less attention, and many of these same people have been harmed by the vax or don't want to get it.
I rarely see lies so broadly endorsed. This man knows full well the full extent of the deaths and injuries caused by the vaccines. This is intentional! Have you seen Dr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters film "Watch the Water"? It is being posted by many websites today
1) Senator Murphy is not a smart man. 2) That will be proven further if he takes you up on your offer. 3) I'd bet anything he didn't write that himself. 4) Can anyone obtain a list of his donors, aka captors? 5) Thank you for using your money and your voice like sledgehammers....of truth. Keep swinging ... it makes a difference to the members of humanity that will be saved by truth.
(see the 45 minute mark ..remember all those curiously positive early reports from 2020 and then the CDC saying "quit smoking NOW"? They knew it was protective, in this case. EVIL
I’m SO grateful to all the speakers/musicians who took their time to be there, and feeling so lucky to still be able to gather, and be there on behalf of relatives in other countries fighting for medical autonomy!!
Interesting article today on a report written by the National Bureau of Economic Research that concluded that shutting down during the pandemic was 'by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made', in the Daily Mail:
"Proof that blue states DID fail their people during pandemic: Harsh lockdowns caused huge deaths rates, ruined kids' education and destroyed business, bombshell research FINALLY shows - with NY, NJ, CA and IL all receiving an F-grade"
Hey Steve, great to see you at the rally yesterday. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. I cut some screenshots into the video, showing a bunch of your headlines, and the JAMA article you mention about Fluvoxamine. Just posted the video to Rumble, here's the link. -Evan J
Steve, I got this response to my email to Senator Murphy today. Frankly I don't know how to educate our politicians who are not up on the reality of the "vaccines". Also families have stopped communicating over this issue:
Thank you for contacting me about vaccines. Your opinion is really important to me. That's why I receive weekly detailed summaries of the correspondence my office receives each week, and your opinion has been included. I read these summaries very carefully, and I often adjust my legislative priorities accordingly. That said, unfortunately it's impossible to perfectly tailor responses to each letter and email, given that we get thousands every week, so I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a broad sense of where I stand on this issue
First and most importantly, the facts are clear: immunizations have saved countless lives and dramatically reduced the toll of formerly pernicious diseases. Furthermore, the vaccine supply of the United States is the safest and most effective in history due to our stringent safety standards. Meticulous testing is required before a vaccine is licensed and distributed, and vaccines are continually monitored for safety and efficacy once in use.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the outstanding contributions of the scientists, researchers, health care professionals, and thousands of volunteers who participated in COVID-19 vaccine trials. Within ten months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), conducted an open and transparent review process to ensure that all COVID-19 vaccines available today met the FDA’s rigorous standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization. In addition to the FDA process, Connecticut’s Science Subcommittee of Governor Lamont’s Vaccine Advisory Group thoroughly reviewed the COVID-19 vaccines and both entities continue to monitor the vaccines to ensure safety. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and going to save lives – millions of Americans have received COVID-19 vaccines, and these vaccines have undergone the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history. Following the guidance from the Office of the Attending Physician to Congress, I received my COVID-19 vaccine and strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to you. I will continue to work to help ensure that constituents receive a COVID-19 vaccine with equity as the number one priority. Which is why I fought for $20 billion to improve vaccine administration and distribution and over $25 billion to address systemic inequities and promote health equity.
It is true that an extremely small number of people have adverse reactions to vaccines. Just like any other form of medication, vaccines can have an unexpected and negative impact on our bodies, and anyone who is at risk of such an impact is granted a medical exemption. Additionally, vaccine courts have been set up to provide a no-fault system to compensate those who may have been negatively impacted by a vaccine. If an individual is unsatisfied with the ruling of the vaccine court, the individual may then bring their case to a civil court. These vaccine courts were started after lawsuits against vaccine companies threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce vaccination rates, which could have led to a resurgence of preventable diseases.
The dangers of not vaccinating our children are equally clear. Before the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine came into use, approximately 3-4 million people in the United States caught measles annually, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, and nearly 50,000 were hospitalized. The fact that measles is easily preventable and no longer commonly seen as a nationwide epidemic is a testament to the power of widespread vaccination, but recent increases in measles outbreaks are troubling indicators that a disease once declared eradicated is at risk of returning as inoculation rates decline.
I believe that if parents do not want to vaccinate their children, they should be fully aware of all the risks it poses to their own kids, as well as to the people around them. Many people, including very young children, chemotherapy patients, and others who are immunocompromised, are unable to get vaccinated for reasons beyond their control. They depend on herd immunity, where a large enough percentage of the population has become immune to infection through vaccination that it can protect those who are not themselves immune. At the very least, parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids should be aware of the danger it presents to their family and society. That is why I am working to increase the amount of information provided to parents who choose to exempt their children from vaccinations for non-medical reasons.
Thank you again for contacting me about this matter. I appreciate hearing from you and assure you that I will always do my best to represent the views of my constituents in the Senate. In the future, please do not hesitate to call me in my Connecticut office at (860) 549-8463 or in my Washington office at (202) 224-4041.
Experimental therapeutics that skipped the normal 7-10 year drug trials using a technology that was never brought to market because it never made it past animal testing (because the animals died), and is still in trials until 2022/2023. Obscene number of adverse effects. Not safe and effective by any stretch of the imagination.
TomL Christopher S Murphy reply to you is a cookie cutter, generic reply any government agency uses in ANY CONTEXT. it is full of basic thinking errors which he jumps starts with his opening sentence:" I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a broad sense of where I stand on this issue" "Broad sense" is the umbrella under which one creates a perception that meaningless generalisations are acceptable arguments. It is the crude basic level propaganda. In other words "How to Talk Without Saying Anything while Creating the Perception We are Saying Something". Until, we STOP allowing people in Government to hide behind the institutional powers given to them by the very position they occupy - nothing will change. It is time we (USA and Australia) to change the way we do GOVERNMENT. Change our policies and the Powers we give our Ministers
Bibi - how do we get beyond the cookie cutter response especially when thousands write. Please see rightthewrongs.org - here reps are ranked by potential to right the wrongs by state
I feel this. Here's a similarly tone-deaf Dianne Feinstein (CA) response to something I sent (I'm pro-data/health/human rights and anti-mandates/liberticide, of course!):
I share your concerns about COVID-19, which has claimed the lives of more than 5.7 million people around the world, including nearly one million Americans. Throughout the pandemic, I have advocated for implementing preventative health measures we know are effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19, including vaccination, mask use, and routine testing. Additionally, I have supported several coronavirus emergency relief bills, dedicating trillions of dollars for individuals, families, vulnerable communities, small businesses, and the medical community during the pandemic. I was proud to vote in favor of the American Rescue Plan Act, which President Biden signed into law on March 11, 2021. Among other provisions, this law provides $1.9 trillion in funding to speed our recovery from the health and economic effects of the pandemic. You can read my statement on this legislation here: https://sen.gov/V3Z3.
I believe that more must be done to protect public health and to ensure that we are better equipped to respond to future outbreaks. To that end, on September 29, 2021, I introduced the “U.S. Air Travel Public Safety Act” (S. 2888), which would require all air passengers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a negative test result before boarding a domestic flight. In addition, on November 4, 2021, I introduced the bipartisan “National Commission on the COVID-19 Pandemic Act” (S. 3202). This bill would establish a national commission to investigate the COVID-19 outbreak and identify the lessons learned regarding U.S. preparedness, response, and recovery to improve our ability to prevent and respond to future outbreaks. You can read the full text of the legislation here: https://sen.gov/K89Q.
COVID-19 has severely impacted our way of life and caused extreme hardship for millions of people nationwide. Even following the latest Omicron surge, it is critical that we continue to ensure measures are in place to stop the spread of the virus, such as efforts to vaccinate the public and ensure the availability of COVID-19 antiviral medications. We must also be ready to deploy other measures as soon as an outbreak is detected to prevent a larger surge from occurring. If you would like to read more about the actions the federal government has taken to address coronavirus, as well as information about how my office may be of assistance to you during this crisis, please visit my website here: https://sen.gov/V97P.
We have to keep up the pressure on the politicians; they are overwhelmed with demands on their time so rely on staff members to filter the constituent contacts. Why are those way beyond the retirement age not replaced as if there is no one who could fill their shoes?? If we keep up the pressure, the senator's office will be in crisis, that is what we want, people freaking out calling them where that gets to the senator to hold public hearings where we can represent the truth of the danger of the vaccines effectively.
Here is a typical article today in The NY Times I responded to in a way that it should be carried and not deleted:
The US health policy should not be pushed on other countries as if it was good enough to impose on other countries, especially the third world. We have seen how the imposition of Western systems on other countries has been disastrous for maintaining their own healthcare methods based on local needs. I've heavily supported the push for clean air, sanitation and education in less developed countries, however we've seen how the tyranny of good intentions can be deleterious, as in the documentary "Poverty, Inc" covers, just as wise management can be helpful.
There are just too many questions on how the US mismanaged the pandemic, the incompetence is particularly alarming in how the CDC and NIH refuse to release their data in keeping with the law, as one of your articles covered, as they claim it may be "misinterpreted". The censorship, the incompetence and bad policies of pharma friendly agencies have set new lows in their management; to impose that on other countries until the CDC is investigated would be malpractice. In heavily vaccinated countries we are seeing alarming re-infections. Until that is investigated why vaccine efficacy is failing we cannot afford to fund more and more of the same bad policies.
Absolutely insane. Even Count Fauci-la just said they won't lead to herd immunity no matter what. They have been tested less than any vaccine. What a moron Chris Murphy is!
Exactly, the same be over and over again. One would need to go sentence after a sentence and debunk, debunk, debunk. With all that is known (and coming from their own sources) it is absolutely mind boggling how they can spew those dangerous misinformation. How deep are they willing to dig themselves in?
I should apologize for commenting since I'm in Australia, but it is the same here, which includes huge push for inflicting it on very young.
Oh oh, looks like the covid jabs do not follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. Track down the rumble with Karen Kingston on the Stew show for more info.
"FDA may also modify or waive good manufacturing practice and prescription requirements when issuing an EUA."
Maybe I'm naive, but we need to keep writing these people.
This is what I sent Murphy today:
Dear Senator Murphy;
Thanks for responding to my recent email on the covid pandemic and the vaccines. I continue to believe that Americans were victims of gross mismanagement and the CDC and NIH continue to further the incompetence by not releasing data to the public. They appear to be serving Pharma, which we cannot trust to do the right thing without strict regulations. Pfizer and Moderna have in the past been hit with very tough criminal and civil penalties for breaking the law. They should not be shielded from the consequences of their actions. If you remember the FDA and Pfizer fought hard to not have their trial data released for 75 years. Why? Only through the due diligence of consumer and citizen representative attorneys was it mandated the data be released.
This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated as we were told countless times, but continues to be a pandemic of the vaccinated. We have well over a million registered injuries and deaths in the federal VAERS database. This is not indicative of a "safe and effective" vaccine but a high risk experimental shot. VAERS numbers are under-reported by every indication I've seen.
The Democrats have generally dismissed vaccine concerns and the extremely expensive treatments and perverse incentives given to hospitals to record people in their facilities as covid positive though they may have had no symptoms.
The censorship and penalties put on health providers are particularly disturbing, interfering with free speech, a doctor's right to practice medicine by his best lights and patients who have themselves done due diligence to get the care they want or no. Very ugly and heavy-handed penalties have been put on doctors who follow different protocols. Anti-viral drugs which we know have nasty side effects have been pushed on people based on questionable tests when patients may have a psycho-somatic and fear based reaction what they may or may not have.
We know that around 15% of those put on ventilators survive--yet this was made a big priority with federal incentives for hospitals to push them. Huge amounts of money were paid to hospitals for patients they labeled "covid" infected with little in the way of oversight as to their criteria for doing so.
Even Fauci acknowledged that natural immunity was better than the vaccine shots though official government policy all along has been against that. Now Fauci has signaled that they will not be going back to more extreme mandates, which the courts have largely rejected. We have numerous other diseases that the immune system needs to be active to fight, covid is just one of many. And the scientific data is showing the vaccines actually weaken the immune system for other issues.
What is needed are open debates with both sides involved, not just those such as yourself who can be assumed to have large biases due to all the money you get from Big Pharma. Open debates with many scientists would do a lot to clear the air on all the concerns Americans have.
95% of Americans now have antibodies either from vax or natural immunity, what more does he want? If we haven't hit herd immunity with that, we are not going to. More shots won't get us there.
Murphy gets a lot of Pharma money, I heard he is one of the real hogs for their donations which is saying a lot for US senators.
I called their DC office asking for explanation and evidence on his claim that there are actual courts set up to compensate the vax injured, never heard that before. The office lady said she would get back to me on that. Over a million VAERS injured and dead is not safe, but dangerous.
There's the Vaccine Court but it doesn't apply to this vaccine, and there's one system with a very low maximum payout, no one has gotten anything from it despite trying. It's pretty much impossible to get.
Thank you for speaking at the Defeat the Mandates Rally in LA. I watched all of it, start to finish, and thought it was awesome. I was so impressed with all the speakers and musicians. Great to see the kids involved too. It brought some hope to my heart and I am encouraged that the present people in office won't be for long. Goodbye and good riddance to Newsom and Pan. It was also great to see my heroes from the FLCCC there too! All in all, a great rally!! Thank you for being there and standing up for our freedoms!
This event was fantastic and very well organized! It was great to be surrounded by so many people united to stop medical tyranny. The time flew by, and I stayed to the very end. Thank you, Steve for always showing up to fight for this cause and spreading the truth. It was worth going, just to see you speak. You are a gifted, compassionate, and powerful communicator. You are a force they never expected. Steve Kirsch Rocks!
I just sent emails to 5 major news networks asking why they didn’t report anything about the Los Angeles no mandates’ rally. CBS News was the only one I could find that mentioned it on its website.
I watched eight hours straight. The time passed so quickly. Each presenter was unique, speaking from the heart. Thank you to all who stood up for our Constitution, our hard-won Bill of Rights, our freedom. An inspirational event!
Calling from UK. So happy for you all! And they let you do it! Here, in "the home of democracy", they've just passed a new police bill into law that basically bans ALL protest and public demonstrations - unless the govt agrees with it (e.g. Cue Ukraine). Anyone know of any plans for events this side of the pond? This shit ain't going away anytime soon - they WILL be back!!
What's the name of the new police law? That's very troubling. I'd advise looking into For Britain and supporting them in elections when it makes strategic sense.
It's the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill. There have been over 600,000 people sign up against it. We have a power MAD Home Secretary called Priti Patel who is on a mission to control The World. If you think the treatment of the wonderful Truckers was bad? How about 10 years in jail for peaceful protesting! We are on the way to an authoritarian one party state - just like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and all the other WEF acolites countries. Zeig Heil Schwab!!!
These marches/speeches will NOT stop these tyrants from issuing mandates. The ONLY way to stop these mandates is an armed resistance and throw these tyrants in Prison......PERIOD!!!
Yes, but so far, none of them have been Jack Ruby'd. Not even their mockingbird talking heads, who have no body guards, have been Jack Ruby'd. In my opinion, this reality only throws more cold water in the face of the fairy tale they fed us in 1963.
The hatred that exists for these WEF puppets is 1,000X greater within the population than the hatred that could have existed for Oswald. Yet, we're supposed to believe Ruby was so outraged that Oswald killed his president that he was willing to "take one for the team" and do what needed to be done, even though, it was a certainty he'd never get out of prison for murder.
The lies didn't just start in 2020. The mockingbird press still insists Oswald did it all by himself.
In real life, people don't "take one for the team" because the "team" is full of mind controlled idiots who will believe anything and everything their TV's tell them. Why risk it? To be perfectly honest, these mind controlled sheep probably don't deserve freedom, they're too dumb to see that freedom is being taken away and their enslavement is certain. Every man for himself seems to be how real life works.
CT Sen. Richard Blumenthal listened to Lyme patients when he was CT AG and went against the IDSA doctors and by extension, against the CDC. I don't expect him to be open to the vax-injured, but he was at least not brainwashed on something that gets less attention, and many of these same people have been harmed by the vax or don't want to get it.
I rarely see lies so broadly endorsed. This man knows full well the full extent of the deaths and injuries caused by the vaccines. This is intentional! Have you seen Dr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters film "Watch the Water"? It is being posted by many websites today
1) Senator Murphy is not a smart man. 2) That will be proven further if he takes you up on your offer. 3) I'd bet anything he didn't write that himself. 4) Can anyone obtain a list of his donors, aka captors? 5) Thank you for using your money and your voice like sledgehammers....of truth. Keep swinging ... it makes a difference to the members of humanity that will be saved by truth.
100% Agree
(see the 45 minute mark ..remember all those curiously positive early reports from 2020 and then the CDC saying "quit smoking NOW"? They knew it was protective, in this case. EVIL
watching was like a salve for the soul, thank you so much!
I’m SO grateful to all the speakers/musicians who took their time to be there, and feeling so lucky to still be able to gather, and be there on behalf of relatives in other countries fighting for medical autonomy!!
Thank you Steve❤️
Great to see the live link yesterday!
Interesting article today on a report written by the National Bureau of Economic Research that concluded that shutting down during the pandemic was 'by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made', in the Daily Mail:
"Proof that blue states DID fail their people during pandemic: Harsh lockdowns caused huge deaths rates, ruined kids' education and destroyed business, bombshell research FINALLY shows - with NY, NJ, CA and IL all receiving an F-grade"
Hey Steve, great to see you at the rally yesterday. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. I cut some screenshots into the video, showing a bunch of your headlines, and the JAMA article you mention about Fluvoxamine. Just posted the video to Rumble, here's the link. -Evan J
Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding has been complaining on Twitter that he can't get Fluvoxamine.
Steve, I got this response to my email to Senator Murphy today. Frankly I don't know how to educate our politicians who are not up on the reality of the "vaccines". Also families have stopped communicating over this issue:
Thank you for contacting me about vaccines. Your opinion is really important to me. That's why I receive weekly detailed summaries of the correspondence my office receives each week, and your opinion has been included. I read these summaries very carefully, and I often adjust my legislative priorities accordingly. That said, unfortunately it's impossible to perfectly tailor responses to each letter and email, given that we get thousands every week, so I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a broad sense of where I stand on this issue
First and most importantly, the facts are clear: immunizations have saved countless lives and dramatically reduced the toll of formerly pernicious diseases. Furthermore, the vaccine supply of the United States is the safest and most effective in history due to our stringent safety standards. Meticulous testing is required before a vaccine is licensed and distributed, and vaccines are continually monitored for safety and efficacy once in use.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the outstanding contributions of the scientists, researchers, health care professionals, and thousands of volunteers who participated in COVID-19 vaccine trials. Within ten months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), conducted an open and transparent review process to ensure that all COVID-19 vaccines available today met the FDA’s rigorous standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization. In addition to the FDA process, Connecticut’s Science Subcommittee of Governor Lamont’s Vaccine Advisory Group thoroughly reviewed the COVID-19 vaccines and both entities continue to monitor the vaccines to ensure safety. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and going to save lives – millions of Americans have received COVID-19 vaccines, and these vaccines have undergone the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history. Following the guidance from the Office of the Attending Physician to Congress, I received my COVID-19 vaccine and strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to you. I will continue to work to help ensure that constituents receive a COVID-19 vaccine with equity as the number one priority. Which is why I fought for $20 billion to improve vaccine administration and distribution and over $25 billion to address systemic inequities and promote health equity.
It is true that an extremely small number of people have adverse reactions to vaccines. Just like any other form of medication, vaccines can have an unexpected and negative impact on our bodies, and anyone who is at risk of such an impact is granted a medical exemption. Additionally, vaccine courts have been set up to provide a no-fault system to compensate those who may have been negatively impacted by a vaccine. If an individual is unsatisfied with the ruling of the vaccine court, the individual may then bring their case to a civil court. These vaccine courts were started after lawsuits against vaccine companies threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce vaccination rates, which could have led to a resurgence of preventable diseases.
The dangers of not vaccinating our children are equally clear. Before the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine came into use, approximately 3-4 million people in the United States caught measles annually, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, and nearly 50,000 were hospitalized. The fact that measles is easily preventable and no longer commonly seen as a nationwide epidemic is a testament to the power of widespread vaccination, but recent increases in measles outbreaks are troubling indicators that a disease once declared eradicated is at risk of returning as inoculation rates decline.
I believe that if parents do not want to vaccinate their children, they should be fully aware of all the risks it poses to their own kids, as well as to the people around them. Many people, including very young children, chemotherapy patients, and others who are immunocompromised, are unable to get vaccinated for reasons beyond their control. They depend on herd immunity, where a large enough percentage of the population has become immune to infection through vaccination that it can protect those who are not themselves immune. At the very least, parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids should be aware of the danger it presents to their family and society. That is why I am working to increase the amount of information provided to parents who choose to exempt their children from vaccinations for non-medical reasons.
Thank you again for contacting me about this matter. I appreciate hearing from you and assure you that I will always do my best to represent the views of my constituents in the Senate. In the future, please do not hesitate to call me in my Connecticut office at (860) 549-8463 or in my Washington office at (202) 224-4041.
Every Best Wish,
Christopher S. Murphy
United States Senator
The only Dr I can find in CT who is speaking up is Dr. Harvey Risch, MD PhD Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. A small beginning after 2 years. https://www.cthousegop.com/fiorello/2022/01/30/the-emergency-must-be-ended-now-a-town-hall-with-dr-harvey-a-risch-md-phd/
Experimental therapeutics that skipped the normal 7-10 year drug trials using a technology that was never brought to market because it never made it past animal testing (because the animals died), and is still in trials until 2022/2023. Obscene number of adverse effects. Not safe and effective by any stretch of the imagination.
TomL Christopher S Murphy reply to you is a cookie cutter, generic reply any government agency uses in ANY CONTEXT. it is full of basic thinking errors which he jumps starts with his opening sentence:" I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a broad sense of where I stand on this issue" "Broad sense" is the umbrella under which one creates a perception that meaningless generalisations are acceptable arguments. It is the crude basic level propaganda. In other words "How to Talk Without Saying Anything while Creating the Perception We are Saying Something". Until, we STOP allowing people in Government to hide behind the institutional powers given to them by the very position they occupy - nothing will change. It is time we (USA and Australia) to change the way we do GOVERNMENT. Change our policies and the Powers we give our Ministers
Bibi - how do we get beyond the cookie cutter response especially when thousands write. Please see rightthewrongs.org - here reps are ranked by potential to right the wrongs by state
I feel this. Here's a similarly tone-deaf Dianne Feinstein (CA) response to something I sent (I'm pro-data/health/human rights and anti-mandates/liberticide, of course!):
I share your concerns about COVID-19, which has claimed the lives of more than 5.7 million people around the world, including nearly one million Americans. Throughout the pandemic, I have advocated for implementing preventative health measures we know are effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19, including vaccination, mask use, and routine testing. Additionally, I have supported several coronavirus emergency relief bills, dedicating trillions of dollars for individuals, families, vulnerable communities, small businesses, and the medical community during the pandemic. I was proud to vote in favor of the American Rescue Plan Act, which President Biden signed into law on March 11, 2021. Among other provisions, this law provides $1.9 trillion in funding to speed our recovery from the health and economic effects of the pandemic. You can read my statement on this legislation here: https://sen.gov/V3Z3.
I believe that more must be done to protect public health and to ensure that we are better equipped to respond to future outbreaks. To that end, on September 29, 2021, I introduced the “U.S. Air Travel Public Safety Act” (S. 2888), which would require all air passengers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a negative test result before boarding a domestic flight. In addition, on November 4, 2021, I introduced the bipartisan “National Commission on the COVID-19 Pandemic Act” (S. 3202). This bill would establish a national commission to investigate the COVID-19 outbreak and identify the lessons learned regarding U.S. preparedness, response, and recovery to improve our ability to prevent and respond to future outbreaks. You can read the full text of the legislation here: https://sen.gov/K89Q.
COVID-19 has severely impacted our way of life and caused extreme hardship for millions of people nationwide. Even following the latest Omicron surge, it is critical that we continue to ensure measures are in place to stop the spread of the virus, such as efforts to vaccinate the public and ensure the availability of COVID-19 antiviral medications. We must also be ready to deploy other measures as soon as an outbreak is detected to prevent a larger surge from occurring. If you would like to read more about the actions the federal government has taken to address coronavirus, as well as information about how my office may be of assistance to you during this crisis, please visit my website here: https://sen.gov/V97P.
We have to keep up the pressure on the politicians; they are overwhelmed with demands on their time so rely on staff members to filter the constituent contacts. Why are those way beyond the retirement age not replaced as if there is no one who could fill their shoes?? If we keep up the pressure, the senator's office will be in crisis, that is what we want, people freaking out calling them where that gets to the senator to hold public hearings where we can represent the truth of the danger of the vaccines effectively.
Here is a typical article today in The NY Times I responded to in a way that it should be carried and not deleted:
The US health policy should not be pushed on other countries as if it was good enough to impose on other countries, especially the third world. We have seen how the imposition of Western systems on other countries has been disastrous for maintaining their own healthcare methods based on local needs. I've heavily supported the push for clean air, sanitation and education in less developed countries, however we've seen how the tyranny of good intentions can be deleterious, as in the documentary "Poverty, Inc" covers, just as wise management can be helpful.
There are just too many questions on how the US mismanaged the pandemic, the incompetence is particularly alarming in how the CDC and NIH refuse to release their data in keeping with the law, as one of your articles covered, as they claim it may be "misinterpreted". The censorship, the incompetence and bad policies of pharma friendly agencies have set new lows in their management; to impose that on other countries until the CDC is investigated would be malpractice. In heavily vaccinated countries we are seeing alarming re-infections. Until that is investigated why vaccine efficacy is failing we cannot afford to fund more and more of the same bad policies.
"Tyranny of good intentions" - indeed!
She needs to retire.
Absolutely insane. Even Count Fauci-la just said they won't lead to herd immunity no matter what. They have been tested less than any vaccine. What a moron Chris Murphy is!
Exactly, the same be over and over again. One would need to go sentence after a sentence and debunk, debunk, debunk. With all that is known (and coming from their own sources) it is absolutely mind boggling how they can spew those dangerous misinformation. How deep are they willing to dig themselves in?
I should apologize for commenting since I'm in Australia, but it is the same here, which includes huge push for inflicting it on very young.
Certainly don't apologize! This is a global thing, we're all in it together. The situation in Australia is even more terrifying than here.
Oh oh, looks like the covid jabs do not follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. Track down the rumble with Karen Kingston on the Stew show for more info.
"FDA may also modify or waive good manufacturing practice and prescription requirements when issuing an EUA."
Your Senator is a LIAR and IDIOT..........PERIOD
Is he a Liberal/Democrat? If so, than he is a LIAR!
Because ALL Liberals lie.
We know they lie.
They know we know they lie.
We know they know we know they lie.
But they still lie.
Every time a liberal opens their mouth, they’re lying.
Lying is a virtue on the Left and Liberals seem unable to function without lying
TomL; your congressman is an idiot.
Maybe I'm naive, but we need to keep writing these people.
This is what I sent Murphy today:
Dear Senator Murphy;
Thanks for responding to my recent email on the covid pandemic and the vaccines. I continue to believe that Americans were victims of gross mismanagement and the CDC and NIH continue to further the incompetence by not releasing data to the public. They appear to be serving Pharma, which we cannot trust to do the right thing without strict regulations. Pfizer and Moderna have in the past been hit with very tough criminal and civil penalties for breaking the law. They should not be shielded from the consequences of their actions. If you remember the FDA and Pfizer fought hard to not have their trial data released for 75 years. Why? Only through the due diligence of consumer and citizen representative attorneys was it mandated the data be released.
At this point we are very likely on the verge of other surges as we are seeing in other countries. I would recommend Dr. Chudov's overview of what is going on with links to scientific articles. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/aids-like-chronic-covid-is-taking?s=r
This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated as we were told countless times, but continues to be a pandemic of the vaccinated. We have well over a million registered injuries and deaths in the federal VAERS database. This is not indicative of a "safe and effective" vaccine but a high risk experimental shot. VAERS numbers are under-reported by every indication I've seen.
The Democrats have generally dismissed vaccine concerns and the extremely expensive treatments and perverse incentives given to hospitals to record people in their facilities as covid positive though they may have had no symptoms.
The censorship and penalties put on health providers are particularly disturbing, interfering with free speech, a doctor's right to practice medicine by his best lights and patients who have themselves done due diligence to get the care they want or no. Very ugly and heavy-handed penalties have been put on doctors who follow different protocols. Anti-viral drugs which we know have nasty side effects have been pushed on people based on questionable tests when patients may have a psycho-somatic and fear based reaction what they may or may not have.
We know that around 15% of those put on ventilators survive--yet this was made a big priority with federal incentives for hospitals to push them. Huge amounts of money were paid to hospitals for patients they labeled "covid" infected with little in the way of oversight as to their criteria for doing so.
Even Fauci acknowledged that natural immunity was better than the vaccine shots though official government policy all along has been against that. Now Fauci has signaled that they will not be going back to more extreme mandates, which the courts have largely rejected. We have numerous other diseases that the immune system needs to be active to fight, covid is just one of many. And the scientific data is showing the vaccines actually weaken the immune system for other issues.
What is needed are open debates with both sides involved, not just those such as yourself who can be assumed to have large biases due to all the money you get from Big Pharma. Open debates with many scientists would do a lot to clear the air on all the concerns Americans have.
95% of Americans now have antibodies either from vax or natural immunity, what more does he want? If we haven't hit herd immunity with that, we are not going to. More shots won't get us there.
Murphy gets a lot of Pharma money, I heard he is one of the real hogs for their donations which is saying a lot for US senators.
I called their DC office asking for explanation and evidence on his claim that there are actual courts set up to compensate the vax injured, never heard that before. The office lady said she would get back to me on that. Over a million VAERS injured and dead is not safe, but dangerous.
Right... Pfizer has offices and scientists in New London, CT
There's the Vaccine Court but it doesn't apply to this vaccine, and there's one system with a very low maximum payout, no one has gotten anything from it despite trying. It's pretty much impossible to get.
Thank you for speaking at the Defeat the Mandates Rally in LA. I watched all of it, start to finish, and thought it was awesome. I was so impressed with all the speakers and musicians. Great to see the kids involved too. It brought some hope to my heart and I am encouraged that the present people in office won't be for long. Goodbye and good riddance to Newsom and Pan. It was also great to see my heroes from the FLCCC there too! All in all, a great rally!! Thank you for being there and standing up for our freedoms!
This event was fantastic and very well organized! It was great to be surrounded by so many people united to stop medical tyranny. The time flew by, and I stayed to the very end. Thank you, Steve for always showing up to fight for this cause and spreading the truth. It was worth going, just to see you speak. You are a gifted, compassionate, and powerful communicator. You are a force they never expected. Steve Kirsch Rocks!
I just sent emails to 5 major news networks asking why they didn’t report anything about the Los Angeles no mandates’ rally. CBS News was the only one I could find that mentioned it on its website.
I watched eight hours straight. The time passed so quickly. Each presenter was unique, speaking from the heart. Thank you to all who stood up for our Constitution, our hard-won Bill of Rights, our freedom. An inspirational event!
Calling from UK. So happy for you all! And they let you do it! Here, in "the home of democracy", they've just passed a new police bill into law that basically bans ALL protest and public demonstrations - unless the govt agrees with it (e.g. Cue Ukraine). Anyone know of any plans for events this side of the pond? This shit ain't going away anytime soon - they WILL be back!!
What's the name of the new police law? That's very troubling. I'd advise looking into For Britain and supporting them in elections when it makes strategic sense.
It's the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill. There have been over 600,000 people sign up against it. We have a power MAD Home Secretary called Priti Patel who is on a mission to control The World. If you think the treatment of the wonderful Truckers was bad? How about 10 years in jail for peaceful protesting! We are on the way to an authoritarian one party state - just like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and all the other WEF acolites countries. Zeig Heil Schwab!!!
How awful and unreal.
I'm afraid you are right. The shit going on in China is insane.
These marches/speeches will NOT stop these tyrants from issuing mandates. The ONLY way to stop these mandates is an armed resistance and throw these tyrants in Prison......PERIOD!!!
Yes, but so far, none of them have been Jack Ruby'd. Not even their mockingbird talking heads, who have no body guards, have been Jack Ruby'd. In my opinion, this reality only throws more cold water in the face of the fairy tale they fed us in 1963.
The hatred that exists for these WEF puppets is 1,000X greater within the population than the hatred that could have existed for Oswald. Yet, we're supposed to believe Ruby was so outraged that Oswald killed his president that he was willing to "take one for the team" and do what needed to be done, even though, it was a certainty he'd never get out of prison for murder.
The lies didn't just start in 2020. The mockingbird press still insists Oswald did it all by himself.
In real life, people don't "take one for the team" because the "team" is full of mind controlled idiots who will believe anything and everything their TV's tell them. Why risk it? To be perfectly honest, these mind controlled sheep probably don't deserve freedom, they're too dumb to see that freedom is being taken away and their enslavement is certain. Every man for himself seems to be how real life works.
Well said - and articulated. Couldn't have stated the WEF hatred any better either.
The bastards all need to swing from a rope...