Ha, you're not alone, most people react by telling me I'm crazy because I'm not an "authorized expert".

The authoritative system loves to invent new dis-eases, that's what they do best to keep everybody worried and guessing. I'd never heard of DISH dis-ease, but looked it up and see that it's primarily tied to spinal calcification and ossification.

If you tell me where this is occurring in your body, and more particularly, if your spine, which region of your spine, I can give you more precision above and beyond the generalized "self-devaluation conflict". Each region of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx) as well as other bones all have a specific "self-devaluation theme" associated with them to help you better understand what the cause is/was.

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no, MS is caused by severe self-devaluation.

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interesting. do tell.

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It's a motor conflict, thoughts like, "I'm stuck", "I feel trapped", "I can't move", "I can't get myself out of this situation", "I can't get away", etc. are some examples of the thoughts entertained by an individual, for many months or years on end that eventually lead to an MS diagnosis.

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MS as a psychological problem made physical? What is your expertise on this topic?

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All dis-eases, bar none, are initiated by an unexpected negative life event that the individual is unable to quickly resolve. Said situation triggers a response by the subconscious mind, or psyche, or "autonomic nervous system", take your pick on how you like to refer to the intelligence that operates all bodily processes. The purpose of the psyche's response is to generate an alteration to the tissue/organ/bone to to either temporarily cope with the current negative situation by say improving the associated organ's function or, in the case of MS, to strengthen the tissue/muscle/bone that the psyche associates the individual's figurative thoughts literally. Much like a bodybuilder works out to tear down their muscles so the psyche will build them back stronger to withstand heavier loads, or how the psyche rebuilds a broken bone stronger than it was prior to, the psyche is using the same process to first weaken the muscle/tissue it associates with the individual's figurative ongoing self-devaluation thought-stream. The psyche translates the idea of "movement", or inability to move, with the feet and legs and this is typical with those suffering from MS. As such, it begins weakening the tissue in the feet/legs. The longer the conflicting thought-stream lasts, the greater the weakening of tissue, no different than a bodybuilder continually tearing up say their biceps week in and week out to grow them larger and stronger.

If the conflict remains unresolved, the individual grows weaker and weaker, begins to lose motor control, stumbling, inability to walk well, etc. and runs to a conventional doctor, untrained and unaware of that which Is speak, and thus begins the "unknown cause" and ensuing negative prognosis, leading to further self-devaluations, of the LITERAL type now. And thus the downward spiral begins.

Sometimes the individual resolves their conflict and then experiences extreme motor and movement tremors, spasms, uncoordinated actions, etc. This is the process of the psyche REBUILDING the altered tissue/bone and should not be cause for alarm. But in conventional medicine, the miseducated physician has been trained to order a head MRI/CT to look for plaque in the brain or brain tumor. This natural process of neuroglia accumulation is then misdiagnosed as something evil/frightening and the "diagnosis shock" kicks in, which again leads to further problems. It's a vicious cycle.

Had the individual understood what had happened, or better yet, was made aware of the power of their own thoughts and what symptoms to be aware of when they were actively in conflict, all could be restored to normal. In the case of MS and other motor conflicts, the legs/feet would be stronger and more robust when the cycle completed.

What expertise to I have? I've studied conventional medicine and every alternative modality I've ever come across over the past 20 years and help many people who seek me out. I'm an autodidact through and through, never adhering to orthodoxy or dogma. The missing link in all but one of these modalities I've studied is a scientifically repeatable and provable explanation of causation. None of which exist in conventional medicine of course, which is why our mainstream doctors cannot help with the vast majority of dis-eases. Family history, genetics, bad lifestyle, poor diet, germs, toxins, carcinogens, etc. etc. is all pure pseudoscience. Not a one can be proven, therefore not a one can ever be disproven.

I take the stance that your body/psyche is a perfect machine, infinitely more intelligent than any/all human minds could ever even begin to fathom. The psyche/body is never wrong, doesn't make mistakes, doesn't "mutate out of control", doesn't allow itself to be invaded by invisible critters, doesn't store toxins, doesn't "attack itself" and on and on.

Instead, in addition to breathing our breath, beating our heart, pumping our blood, digesting our food, building new cells 24x7x365, the psyche is also doing everything it can to help us shake-off the unproductive, negative, disempowering, fearful, judgmental thoughts we mistakenly entertain. The more we choose to NOT forgive or forget, the worse things get in terms of "dis-ease". Thus, as can be seen in the word itself, first we entertain "dis-ease" in the mind, which is eventually followed by dis-ease in the body. The longer the negativity in the mind persists, the greater the chances of premature death.

And this, I firmly believe, after open-minded and well-considered research and study for many decades, is how things work. Once you can see this, which takes time I understand, you can see all the warnings against fear and judgment in all of humanity's ancient texts across all cultures. These are the lowest of low energies/frequencies (fear/worry/guilt/shame/concern/grief/etc. & judgment/blame/vengeance/hatred/anger/etc. ) are what ultimately destroy humans. And the most common and prolific form of judgment that ultimately leads to dis-ease is that of self-judgment (feeling stuck/trapped) which ultimately leads to an MS diagnosis.

For the record, I reject 90% of all conventional medicine papers, studies, conclusions, etc. due to their inability to demonstrate causation, a near complete lack of the use of the scientific method or logic and the fact that their outlook is firmly rooted in nonsensical materialism, as are so many other mainstream disciplines today. However, I do place value on allopathic emergency/trauma care, that remaining 10%. You can throw out all the rest and lead a much healthier life in the process.

Have your or someone you love been diagnosed with MS?

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

How do you defeat western civilization without firing a shot? You create a virus, and release it. You engineer a vaccine for that virus that makes the recipient susceptible to a secondary bioweapon component to be released in the future. You don't care that it harms a few hundred thousand people when it is given. You use useful idiots to push your weapon. You buy off politicians and then scare the rest when they find out what has happened. You make it mandatory for the military to take the vaccine bioweapon. At a time and place of your choosing you introduce the secondary part of the weapon. Hundreds of millions die. Society collapses. You simply walk in and take over. The end.

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I was diagnosed with RRMS 18 years ago and have suspected my issues were iatrogenic. As a result I am highly suspicious of all allopathic medicine and have refused to take the pharma drugs prescribed for MS and am treating myself with supplements and diet very successfully. I refused the CV jab and have remained CV less and healthy. Had one slight cold that lasted 4 days from start to finish this past winter, it was the first cold I had in over 10 years.

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I'd check into the Coimbra Protocol. It may help...

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Thanks for the recommendation. Luckily I have the MS in remission for the past 18 years with diet, supplements, sunshine and exercise.

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Covid vax also provide rogue agencies remote control and bullseye for targets. I have uncovered quite a bit of data information to support this.

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I just found out from a family member today that one of my aunts in Australia got multiple sclerosis after the jab and was told by her dr it was caused by the jab. Her husband(my uncle) started losing his vision in one eye and was also told it was due to the vaccine by their dr

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As I have facial palsy from neuro-toxic sodium nitrite (E250) I find the info helpful, thank you. The MS diagram especially so.


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A vast source of information the MSM hides. Please share far & wide. I hope it helps people wake up to the biggest scam in human history. You will need to install tor (internet browser) at:



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MS was listed by the FDA as a potential adverse event to the mRNA COVID jabs before they were granted EU authorizations.

FDA/CBR plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Safety and Effectiveness

Presented by Steve Anderson, PH.D., MPP - Director Office of Biostats and Epidemiology, CBER

October 22, 2020 - Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee(VRBPAC)Meeting

FDA Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines:

Draft Working List of Possible Adverse Event Outcomes

*** Subject to Change***

• Guillane Barre Syndrome

• Acute Disseminated encephalomyelitis

• Transverse myelitis

• Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis

• Convulsions/seizures

• Stroke

• Narcolepsy and cataplexy

• Anaphylaxis

• Acute myocardial infarction

• Myocarditis/pericarditis

• Autoimmune disease

• Deaths

• Pregnancy and birth outcomes

• Other acute demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common)

• Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions

• Thrombocytopenia

• Disseminated intravascular coagulation

So they can't see the signal, yet they warned their colleagues to look for it.

• Venous thromboembolism

• Arthritis and arthralgia/jointpain

• Kawasaki disease

• Multisystem inflammatory Syndrome in Children

• Vaccine enhanced disease

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Multiple Sclerocis! Yet another potential Adverse Reaction to add to the vast list of reasons to avoid Covid and other vaccines!

Apparently, because I felt uncomfortable to accept an ('WARP SPEED' produced EXPERIMENTAL injection (that necessitated a re-definition of the original dictionary meaning for 'VACCINE' - AND because I thought it suspicious that a company could distribute a potentially dangerous heath product with TOTAL IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY for any/all Injuries & DEATHS following the administration of their POISONS, - I am not to be trusted and Covid DEATHS are all my fault!

Most Mis/Dis-information regarding the useless but potentially DEADLY injections has proven accurate. So who determined what we should think, say, profess, broadcast and spread? This is why they need to shut us down - but it's too late. We've told the world what really been going on with Covid, Experimental Injections, No LIABILITY for deadly depopulation injection makers!

World Health Organisation is now totally corrupted by Elite money and influence to 'SELL' dubious and unnecessary dangerous medicines. Bill Gates & Co are the largest contributor to the WHO and Bill says "The most lucrative investments I ever made are VACCINES". That says it all!

Big Pharma enjoy 'No LIABILITY' for their poisonous, unrealistically (in-house) QC'd crap, which seems closer to a DEPOPULATION formula than one formulated for human wellbeing! In house 'QC' and Efficacy means the licence to print money goes unchecked because those that are supposed to 'CHECK' (CDC, FDA, etc, ) receive financial support for their 'blind' cooperation.

Now that most of us know that the WHO is just a New World Order (WEF) instrument to obtain total control of our FREEDOM, the war is starting to turn in our favour. We must not get complacent or stop our NOISY protestations just because the Covid episode is 'history'.

The WHO have the next Scamdemic lined up for release as soon as they obtain their sinister Health Treaty.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Interesting. As a vaccine injured person, I have spent tons of time searching medical journals. There was one I came across from the Journal of Neuroimmunology: A systematic review of cases of central nervous system demyelination following covid 19 vaccine. January 15 2022 volume 362. I didn’t print it and decided later that I wanted to. But, I couldn’t find it anywhere. Maybe, I’m doing something wrong or it was removed.

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For what it's worth I have neuro-logical damage, facial palsy, due to sodium nitrite (E 250) from bacon I ate over a long period,

The vaccines are essentially all neuro-toxic substances so nerve damage in one form or another is inevitable.


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Agreed. They are off the wall sometimes.

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The neurological aftermath of mRNA shots is unprecedented. I have a lawyer friend who had to stop working. He can barely leave his home as he’s wobbly, shaky and extremely dizzy. When he tried getting an appt. with a neurologist back in Dec., Cedars-Sinai said they were booked until July and Mayo Clinic told him June!

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How about a poll about why the CDC and/or the FDA won't admit that the COVID vax causes major injuries? "I don't know" and "I don't care" could be choices. Does the CDC/FDA even care? Have they even looked in VAERS? Might they suspect that any admission on their part must lead to criticism of their behavior in developing, accepting, and promoting the damned thing?

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Another choice would be "I'd like to keep my current job and potentially get a job working for Big Pharma."

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Imagine, a vaccine that was touted as perfectly safe for all ages is now showing the opposite. Transparency is key here, and ethics.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

yep, and legalizing pot is the grandest most wonderful thing to do for society! I do believe you cannot legislate morality, but this whole 'pot is good for all; is the same as pandering to a 5 year old about their gender and to an adult tranny about their logic. It;s all about virtue signaling, power, politics, controlling the weak minded for profit and self-agrandizement. You encourage ppl toward their worst self and you will pay for it if not by karma.

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I wrote an article that lists the 10 largest Covid scandals (they are all massive). Doctoring the data (pun intended) is one of these scandals.


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Hi Steve, I bet The Injections cause Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1992. Similar symptoms to MS with insomnia, panic attacks, muscle spasms, weakness, foggy brain. Today, symptoms have eased considerably. I've had flu shots from 1972 to approx. 2000. No more shots! Of course, I had to take Big Pharma $$$ pills to treat these symptoms!

Also, another disease associated with Fibro is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Another causes sterility in the female, Endometriosis. I have all of these. No more shots! (Maybe I ought to post a review of these on my Substack?).

Take care!

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I think it fairly safe to say vaccines cause just about any internal disease you care to mention, but neuro-logical damage is their speciality.

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