It would also be great to see a directory developed listing independent primary care doctors who didn’t bow at the alter of Fauci, the CDC, or the NIH. Many people dropped their PCP over the last 3 years because they were mask and clotshot pushers. There is a huge market out there for docs who are not captured by Big Pharma and the medical cartel groupthink.
It would also be great to see a directory developed listing independent primary care doctors who didn’t bow at the alter of Fauci, the CDC, or the NIH. Many people dropped their PCP over the last 3 years because they were mask and clotshot pushers. There is a huge market out there for docs who are not captured by Big Pharma and the medical cartel groupthink.
Great idea! I’m in the market for a new doctor but my town is the fastest growing in the state and of course there’s a shortage. I’m wondering how many left their profession because they were tired of the pressure to bow to the medical cartel or maybe just regret in pushing the jabs.
It would also be great to see a directory developed listing independent primary care doctors who didn’t bow at the alter of Fauci, the CDC, or the NIH. Many people dropped their PCP over the last 3 years because they were mask and clotshot pushers. There is a huge market out there for docs who are not captured by Big Pharma and the medical cartel groupthink.
Just go to chiropractors, or integrative or holistic or naturopathic or homeopathic or accupuncture or herbalist practitioners etc.
Unfortunately, we’re still in a time where such a directory could just be a target on their backs. But I do agree it would be nice.
Great idea! I’m in the market for a new doctor but my town is the fastest growing in the state and of course there’s a shortage. I’m wondering how many left their profession because they were tired of the pressure to bow to the medical cartel or maybe just regret in pushing the jabs.
And learn self-care: