It would be nice if this group could call out all elected representatives.

The #Butterflyoftheweek broadcast Monday should be shared to EVERY member of Congress... because they're still getting it wrong. Dr. David Martin


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Interesting that the one group who got the OHSHA mandates and Masks off airlines as well as a Utah federal filing and oral arguments against CMS isn’t invited.


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Grateful for the CLC!

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I think of all the places that turned me away or events I could not attend - for more than two years (!) because I was not Vaxxed. Also reminded of the many times I was treated like a pariah because I refused to succumb to an experimental and highly suspect drug.

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We're I not flat broke and homeless I'd probably go.

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Lets not mentally walk away from a 10year plan to prosecute corruption. There has to be resistence. The WHO treaty isn't legitimate just because criminals who bribed and organized it say so. Also the keep in mind there is a UN depopulation agreement that can be prosecuted against. Mandates are not voluntary contradictating the premise of the agreement. Lastly sovereignty starts at the personal level not goverment.

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It will be too late by then. This is all just a staged play. The stupid nations are signing the agreement with the WHO on 2/27.

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How many of you were able to read the 351 pages of UN depopulation agreements from the UN website 3 years ago before it was taken down. 190 nations signed that during Obamas time. The depopulation agreement read voluntary, nondiscriminatory of race, religion or sex. I can't find it anymore. Does anyone no where I can find a copy of that so people realize how long this has been in the works. More importantly how far the nations and global unelected crime organization have strayed from the agreements. Based on that UN agreement hat's something we all can prosecute.

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Historical world wide Organized crime associations need to be outlined exposed and prosecuted. Prosecute for organized crime profit motive and crimes against humanity. Freeze their wealth and admonish any fraudulant debt under their corruption.

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Seems the wealth transfer continues....now includes the lawyers, Drs, book writers, seminar creators, etc etc. The wealth just keeps leaving the pockets of the poor whether jabbed or not jabbed, there is a reason to give-send-go; donate, attend, buy the book.....

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I don't think the WHO will wait another year to ratify the treaty. I think they'll vote on it this May. Then we're dead meat.

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We need a strategy for litigating jab-injury cases in state court, and helping judges to see why PREP immunity should not protect the perpetrators.

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This is AWESOME! Let’s support this project and conference!

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You can have the best and brightest lawyers and still not prevail, due to the CORRUPT judges.

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Thank God that there are intelligent, responsible people still on this planet who see through the thin guise of our - so called "government" that should be protecting us instead of throwing us under the bus. There has never been fraud like what we are experiencing today. There has never been occulting of information nor supression of information like this since the Inquisition, this is not a joke. I hope that the conference leads to action.

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You will have to fight the HHS and DOD. They are the true perps. Watch pfizer wrangle out of the case Jackson vrs pfizer/DOD to be heard on the grounds for dismissal on 3/1/2023 in Texas. This will give us a BIG clue as to how taking any of these medical terrorists to court is going to go.

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