Does anyone know how to stop this discriminatory employment policies? You can not longer apply and interview for a job without being asked for vaccine status. I thought the supreme court already settled this matter as illegal and in violation of current laws.

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Thats a good question and we need some attorneys to weigh in. If you are not applying to a healthcare job, how is it possible for employer to ask you a personal medical question. Some employers will say we must follow the CDC. The CDC has ho legislative power and can only make "suggestions".

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Apparently, the CDC is the law in the eyes of many corporations. I questioned the policy last year and eventually was removed from my position. I am still fighting but now when applying for work, I noticed everyone asking for the vaccine as a condition of employment. And the politicians and court will not stop the nonsense unless we say "NO".

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There are already two ways to prove that almost 95% of the official Covid-19 deaths (CDC) are wrongly attributed to Covid-19 (not 50%, not 80% but almost 95%). The first way is a very difficult one, but the second one is quite easy and so looks even funny -it is described in the Discussion of:

https://zenodo.org/record/7303827 ...and takes only some sentences:

"if for all persons of the "deaths involving Covid-19 group" it was not their natural time to die in 2020 then Covid-19 should have actively shortened their lives. E.g. at age 75 a group of 75-year-old ones with some conditions (= age-standard/normal number), who would otherwise live, on average, for 13 more years is considerably more difficult (on average) to be killed by an infection than a group of much weaker 75-year-old ones with 10 or even with over 15 conditions, who (those with >15) would otherwise live for <5 more years. So, for a statistically big group of mostly real victims of the infection there should be the considerably increased (against the comparative group) average number of conditions (/while it is not at all visible in the "deaths involving Covid-19 group)!" [data on the correlation between life expectancy and the number of conditions are from the work of DuGoff EH]

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99% of the students and staff have been exposed to covid and hence have natural immunity. The problem is if you give a mrna shot to someone with natural immunity it carries a significant risk of myocarditis or blood clots. This is not going to end well.

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Yeh, Northern Cal?

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So if the jab doesn't stop transmission, isn't the further masking and distancing of the unjabbed with religious exemptions simply religious discrimination?

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It certainly looks like a very hard push to vaccinate is coming very soon.

The playing field has been set in their favor to force them.

After the CDC vote of 15-0 to recommend the covid shot for children 9 months and up, that took EUA off the vaccines and made them FDA approved immediately.

Companies are going to be pressured into forcing the vaccines by their health insurance providers since liability is now not an issue and vaccine damage is not a treatable issue they are required to treat.

If the companies refuse, they will lose their health care coverage.

The government is going to pressure health care providers.

As for the schools, you better hope you live in a RED state and even that is no guarantee your children won't be forced to take it.

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This time around there will be a lot more people that will not comply with new mandates and shot ultimatums. Already enough people, who tend to be smarter, know the shots are lethal and do not protect people against anything except good health. So if the Medical Government Industrial complex tries to pull this sh** again there will be backlash of a degree they have never seen.

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I hope you are correct but I am not so sure. I expect that from Europeans but not from Americans who seat idle waiting for some savior or white hats to save them. It will never happen. if there is a next time and Americans seat around and do not complaint, they will lose everything because the agenda is in full swing whether we like it or not.

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I should clarify that I think a majority of American will do whatever the government mandates, but a sizeable minority has had it with mandates and forced vaccinations and will never comply. This minority is much smarter and more affluent than the average and has the power to stop the madness. I hope I am correct too.

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Twitter hasn’t changed one bit. Al Roker Tweeted he was all F’d up with blood clots. Almost zero replies to his Tweet about the jabs. Twitter censorship still in full effect.

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I was on the White House Web page on Twitter when they reminded people to get their boosters and the backlash was very severe from almost every comment.

I only saw one positive in agreement.

People are pissed off and this argument does not take a left or right slant to it.

I was encouraged to see it.

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This is what the lady at my local post office in Monterey told me too when I asked her why I had to show ID to pick up a package when I present the yellow card that I removed from my PO box:) It is a small town and I have never had to do this anywhere in CAli before:) Her response: "it is protocol." This is the New Control Freak Lingo from the new Fascist generations:( Because I am in charge and you will do whatever I say:(

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Have had to show ID at my local post office for years.

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Hi, Steve, in Google, employees with religious exemption or working remotely without taking the jab can NOT go to any Google office, can Not participate any onsite or offsite Google events (even if the event is held in a venue which does not require the jab, such as Florida, or outdoor ,park), and can NOT meet with any other Google employees!

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Notre Dame University requires it all! Why? No one knows because it certainly isn't about "health and safety" because no one is safe from the toxic vax and it's likely they will never be healthy again. Some won't live to finish college!

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If taking the jab is truly mandated at Stanford among faculty and students does that mean SBF’s parents (both professors) are jabbed? That would be some poetic justice if true...let’s confirm, especially since FTX funded demonization of early treatments through brother’s criminal enterprise. Steve?

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My question is this: if this is Stanford why the hell would anyone want to go there?? In the same vein I would say how can you trust the critical thinking skills of "doctors" who are going along with this patent nonsense. I would say get your children out of mainstream schools, quit university, find mentors who can coax you into unlocking the best version of yourself. And ditch the spineless mainstream doctors.

Steve, we have to create our own educational and medical systems. That is the solution. We need to be quitting these institutions in droves. And we need class action lawsuits against those that have permanently maimed students and faculty.

Looking back, my education stifled rather than encouraged my potential creativity. OK, it gave me some tools to be accepted as a "professional" within the system. Apart from that, no it did bugger - all.

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Yes, the wold is hypnotized by TV and MSM to follow their propaganda without restriction.

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People have to leave organizations which treat them this way. Forcing those experiments on people is wrong.

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I agree, BUT...

We need better support systems (on the job-search front, grants/loans, training, whatever it takes) for those who are faced with this Kobayashi Maru Scenario.

Imagine, for example, being a sole-breadwinner in a family of five (three kids, one disabled), having a job in which you make far more than you "deserve" based on your qualifications, with excellent benefits and a pension you are only a couple of years away from qualifying for.

It was relatively easy for lil ol' me to decide to quit my job. Not so for everyone.

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Wow! That’s nice to know. Always wanted to be a warrior as one of God’s angels. I’m far from perfect in any way.

Both of my children are full of Love. And my only grandchild also full of love like a lil cherub. With a lil spice too. His name is Huntley, named and meaning for both my son-in-law and daughter. My next grandson will have a Native American name..as my grandmother’s mother was Sioux and her father was German.

Family members is very important and the gifts of knowledge given to us needs to be passed down. My other grandparents were all Polish. Loved them all. As I’m sure your feel the same way about yours too.

Thank you, you made my day😊💐🙏🏻

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Another piece of my puzzle... let's assume one of the non profits or pharma's are putting $ into Stanford - that makes this 2-fold. First to find the compliant and to keep out the rabble rousers - meant to confuse the issue and demoralize those that really want a university education. I wonder how many Trade schools get extra, exterior funding and what their requirements are? Here, in northern Canada they are looking for welders and are willing to pay $104/hr. You would get to travel about to interesting places, good food, good accommodations, great wages and are in demand. How many more university Grads does the world need that can't find jobs? And actually, after 4-5 years as a welder, electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc - you may figure out just what you really want to do with your life and have a way of getting there without a huge student loan! Win/win!

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