I've worked at a Safary Park for the past 12 months or so. We are visited by between 3 to 4 thousand people daily. Up to now there has not been a legal requirement to get 'vaccinated', have a PCR test, a proven flawed medical procedure (just ask Kary Mullis, if you can talk to the dead), or wear a muzzle that can be fatal, healthwise, in the long run. All the staff (approximately 1,600) mingle in very close proximity as do thousands of visitors with each other. None of us, except for a few that missed a few days work due to having a bad flue, have had any health issues.
What is really happening is a premeditated world plan of mind incarceration by powerful psychological means, a culling experiment and a digital control of humanity. Anyone who still adheres to officialdom (politics and 'science') for their daily dose treatment, are the ones keeping the big plan alive.
It took around 100 years for many to realise what Nikola Tesla meant for this world. Well, hopefully it won't take that long before most realise what this 'Covid' scheme has been all about.
I don't give a hoot how many letters you have before your name and or how eloquently you try to debunk/destroy my comments because you are either very misguided, well paid or plain ignorant.
No one is listening. The general public is brain dead, and that is why they are taking a dangerous vaccine that will kill many of them. Mass murderers couldn't have it easier.
The mask doesn’t block any pathogen which means it doesn’t protect anyone. Every time you or your child wears a mask you are endangering your lives. Masks cause oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) and forced breathing of exhaled carbon dioxide/bodily waste (hypercapnia). Wearing a mask is like wearing a petri dish on your face; within 20min bacteria/mold spores are colonizing the mask.
The nose/lungs are a filtration system to excrete bodily waste; wearing a mask interferes with this filtration/excretory system which also places stress on the kidneys and other vital organs. Wearing a mask causes lung infections, bacterial pneumonia, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, brain damage, etc. and suppresses of the immune system.
The blue manufactured masks are made with PTFEs, the dangerous chemical used in Teflon nonstick cookware. When wearing these masks, you are breathing in plastic carcinogenic nano particles of polypropylene as well as exhaled carbon dioxide/bodily waste and bacteria/mold spores.
btw, medical professionals wear N95s to prevent contamination of the patient and surgical site, not to protect themselves from pathogens (N95s don’t block all pathogens). OSHA oversees the specialized environment in hospital ventilation systems which pump in additional oxygen to compensate for the wearing of masks and medical professionals still report headaches, dizziness and fatigue caused by masks.
The mask mandate is MEDICAL TYRANNY based on the fact that masks are a serious life-threatening heath hazard. ANY mandatory medical procedure (masks, testing, toxic injections included) violates Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and every individual’s sovereign right to bodily autonomy/bodily integrity. Where there is risk there must be choice. Masks are a serious health risk to all and child abuse in children.
Masks are also used in satanic rituals and are symbolic of silencing the masses.
There’s a theme to the UN/globalist genocide agenda and great reset.. George Floyd said, “I cannot breathe”; covid victims say, “I cannot breathe”; mask wearers say, “I cannot breathe”.
Research Operation Lockstep, UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030, Georgia Guidestones, WEF, Great Reset.
Your statements are all based on theory and unproven- although the theoretical dangers of masks could turn out to be true in practice, at this time there is no evidence that wearing a mask increases the risk of illness or death.
Are you implying that masks are more dangerous than COVID? If so, where is your evidence that more people die of masks than COVID?
It is also very odd that you wrote such a detailed post on masks while giving the mRNA vaccines a free pass, even though their dangers are proven with the highest level of scientific evidence that exists. The mRNA vaccines were shown to INCREASE OVERALL DEATHS COMPARED TO PLACEBO- meaning lives cost rather than saved- in the landmark randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download, go to page 7 line 7)
Once vaccinated, you must still wear a mask because the vaccine may not work, and if you wear a mask to protect yourself from Covid-19, you still need the vaccine because masks are worthless and don’t work.
After you are vaccinated you may be required to undergo regular Covid-19 testing using lab methods that don’t work in order to confirm that the vaccine which may not work, has or has not worked. Infecting others by shedding more Covid-19 virus or the new Omicron variant after being vaccinated means that the vaccine may still work for you but not work protecting others.
And remember, dying from Covid-19 after being vaccinated does not mean that the vaccine did not work, but is entirely the fault of all those who are unvaccinated or who are not wearing their face mask.
Ivermectin deniers are responsible for preventable deaths.
Mask deniers are responsible for preventable deaths.
The mRNA vaccines were shown to INCREASE OVERALL DEATHS COMPARED TO PLACEBO- meaning lives cost rather than saved- in the landmark randomized controlled trial (https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download, go to page 7 line 7), but I'll give mRNA vaccine-pushers a break because many of them mean well and don't know about the landmark clinical trial results since the media and corrupt medical establishment have successfully suppressed this information.
I am proud to be in none of the above three groups. I am pro-ivermectin, anti-mRNA vaccine, and pro-mask (in that order), even if it means I have no friends.
I purchased Ivermectin and gave it to 2 friends diagnosed sick with Covid. Their corrupt doctors refused to provide Ivermectin and obviously were more interested in their getting sick enough to need hospital care. Both recovered the day after.
Be careful trusting the medical profession.. Ivermectin overdose is dangerous.
Dr. David Greg Walker, Walker Family Practice, Houston, TX, nearly killed me w/ an Ivermectin overdose in July. Dr. Walker increased the dosage on Day 3, then refilled the prescription beyond the recommended 5-day treatment protocol which nearly killed me.
Disagree with your stance on masks which are a serious health hazard to all that wear one.
FLCCC provides a doseage protocol. Any overdose was likely intentional, just like doctors refusing to prescribe looking for the same outcome. Think about it.
He’s no longer my physician. I’m warning others that Ivermectin overdose is real and may be life-threatening. I’m not saying that Ivermectin is bad, but that one must be careful in the dosage and duration of treatment.
A meta-analysis of 15 randomized controlled trials (the "gold standard" of medical research studies) including >2000 patients showed that ivermectin prevented the majority (62%) of COVID-19 deaths. Several of these trials didn't even allow ivermectin's full potential to be reached as they administered ivermectin fairly late in the course of disease and/or only administered a small number of doses, which is certainly not ideal but much better than no ivermectin.
And then there are several verifiable anecdotes where the families of dying COVID patients on ventilators won court cases to force hospitals to give ivermectin, and the dying patients began improving soon after starting ivermectin and unexpectedly survived. These include Judith Smentkiewicz, age 80; John W. Swanson, age 81; Glenna Dickinson, age 65; Nurije Fype, age 68; and Sun Ng, age 71. In almost all cases where the families won in court and the hospitals followed the court orders to give the full course of ivermectin at the desired dosages without delaying, interrupting, or stopping the treatment, the dying patients survived against the odds.
Where is your evidence that masks are dangerous? The only thing that sounds dangerous is your advice that ivermectin and masks are dangerous. I'm not denying your story but it is absolutely clear that the lifesaving benefits of ivermectin for COVID-19 far outweigh the risks- the medical establishment hates ivermectin because it reduces vaccine demand. Of course the mRNA vaccines are dangerous and their risks outweigh the benefits- they actually INCREASED total deaths compared to a placebo rather than saving lives, in the landmark clinical trial.
Also, whistleblowers from OSHA called the masks out on the dangerous CO2 levels they cause. OSHA would shut down any company operating at these thresholds.
Legal challenge to immediately suspend all emergency use jabs has been filed today against MHRA (the UK's version of the FDA/CDC) thanks to PJH Law on behalf of Dr Sam White and others. The original challenge letter along with many useful links to evidence and expert testimony is here: https://pjhlaw.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/letterMHRA.pdf
Masks don't reduce sars-cov-2 transmission for the same reason they don't reduce tuberculosis or influenza transmission. The infectious viral particles are conveyed by aerosols which aren't filtered by surgical or cloth masks.
I am a physician and presented the argument to a prominent occupational health group yesterday with promising results about lifting its mask mandate.
Dear physician, please don't put theory above practice: in high risk settings like hospitals (pre-vaccine mandates), airplanes, etc. where mask wearing was ACTUALLY ENFORCED, the success rates at preventing deadly COVID transmission were basically 100%. Putting theory above practice is EXACTLY how the corrupt medical establishment has successfully suppressed ivermectin (leading to millions of preventable deaths), by making the fashionable claim that the drug concentrations needed to affect the virus would be lethal and therefore the drug is useless, IGNORING the lifesaving effects shown in randomized controlled trials and in numerous dying ventilator patients who were saved because their families successfully sued hospitals to force ivermectin to be given.
Planes have the most advanced air purification systems around, to my knowledge there have been very few cases of transmission. Airport terminals are a different matter but most transmission does occur in institutional settings.
Do you think all the filtration/purification in the world would be sufficient to protect an unmasked person from the coughs and sneezes of an unmasked COVID patient next to them? Even higher risk than planes is health care settings where COVID patients are treated, and the success rate of masks (in 2020 pre-vaccine) at protecting health care workers treating COVID patients was basically 100% as far as preventing death or hospitalization, and only a small percentage even tested positive.
Of course it is 100% theory that doesn't bear out in practice, unless you can show that masks have failed to protect HCW and air travelers from getting deadly COVID cases, but you can't as of right now. Obviously masks were nearly 100% effective in these settings where they were strictly enforced; otherwise the media would have loved to tell us about deadly COVID outbreaks in health care settings (pre-vaccine) and in airplanes, etc.
We are making our biggest mistake ever by opposing masks (we know they do save lives whether we admit it or not, so we are contributing to deaths by opposing them- next in line for death could be our own mother, brother, wife, etc., unless we tell our family members not to follow our own advice). But even if we don't care about contributing to deaths by opposing masks, we should put 100% of our efforts into two things: 1) opposing the mRNA vaccines which had MORE TOTAL DEATHS THAN A PLACEBO- meaning lives cost rather than saved- in the landmark randomized clinical trial, and 2) promoting lifesaving treatments like ivermectin, fluvoxamine, etc. which are being suppressed by the elites causing millions of preventable deaths around the world. CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES WISELY.
Do you know what's more effective than masks? Healthy vit d levels between 50-80 ng/ml. To each their own. Masks don't make a difference and are causing more harm in our young kids who were never at risk from this virus. Why now focus on risk stratification like Dr. McCullough and other doctors and public health experts keep mentioning?
Vitamin D is excellent, infinitely better than the mRNA vaccines which literally increase overall mortality instead of saving lives. But far too many people in their 50s, 40s, even 30s, are dying after being hospitalized for COVID, some who even talked about the importance of D and other vitamins and ivermectin for treatment, etc, (and some who are even vaccinated). The only explanation I can think of for these deaths is extremely high viral load from being unfortunately exposed to an extremely contagious COVID patient while both were blissfully unmasked. (Interestingly, such deaths are practically non-existent among health care workers, including those in their 60s and 70s, at least since April 2020 once they had a sufficient supply of masks). What is your alternative explanation for the deaths among low-risk seemingly healthy people including those who are informed about Vitamin D, ivermectin, etc. (why do they end up in the hospital/ICU in the first place, where they are subject to the deadly "protocols")?
For starters, many of the covid fatalities came from the long term care facilities. After that, you likely have a high number of retirees and unemployed. Due to lockdowns and other restrictions, these two groups are at risk for more mental health issues. Recent depression and/or anxiety diagnoses increases the risk of a covid hospitalization per the CDC.
The only explanation for deaths of young and healthy people is vax injury: ADEs, cardiac arrest, etc. Look at all the elite athletes that have collapsed and died in the last 6 months. I don't believe that young people are the majority of deaths from covid, at least that's what the data shows. From personal experience, I've been breathing freely since March (I was living temporarily in the Houston metro area). Drove over 2500 miles crossing 5 states to get back home in Oregon, and have attended about 6 rallies with hundreds of unmasked people. Have NEVER gotten sick. None of these rallies ended up in the news nor did they resulted in outbreaks. NONE. Trust me, here in Oregon they would've been top headlines if they had fueled the fear-mongering narrative of Gov. Brown. I only wear masks when absolutely required (hospitals, doctors office). I'm 57 y.o. and used to have occasional asthma episodes. Haven't used albuterol in 2 years!! Have there been massive outbreaks after all those football games with stadiums filled to capacity? Again, risk stratification should be the goal. The best way to slow this virus is to allow the young and healthy to get infected (mostly mild cold symptoms) and acquired natural immunity. There is absolutely NO need for masks for a virus with a 99.8% survivability.
I am well aware of mRNA vaccine dangers and their risks outweighing their benefits, I mentioned it in the first line of my post and about a dozen other times here. But many of the younger people who died of COVID were not vaccinated so the vaccine can't be the cause of their deaths (of course some were vaccinated). I think a significant percentage of these COVID patients actually died from hospital "protocols", which in many cases, unofficially consist of inferior care for the unvaccinated, sadly. But can you deny it was COVID that put them in the hospital/ICU in the first place, where they were then subject to the deadly "protocols"?
At best all the studies have been inconclusive on masks. Source lauralynne.tv interview with Simon Fraser Professor of Economics Douglas Allan. Common sense tells you wearing them for longer periods of time are detrimental to physical and mental health. Why have kids IQ dropped by 22%? That's huge!
You can never study the effectiveness of masks properly in a blinded fashion, leading to fatal flaws in any study. Read about the Hawthorne effect and how it would inevitably favor the unmasked/control group in this case.
Health care workers treating COVID patients day after day with an astoundingly low rate of getting sick or even testing positive, in 2020 before vaccines were available. (When HCW did get COVID it was usually not associated with an outbreak in the health care setting, meaning that they caught it outside of work). And regarding flights, you think all the filtration in the world would be sufficient to protect an unmasked person from the coughs and sneezes of an unmasked COVID patient next to them?
Not sure what you are trying to say. It has been shown that the vast majority of infections in HCW were contracted outside of work where they don't consistently wear masks- outbreaks in the healthcare setting are almost non-existent.
That's called natural immunity not masking. Would you rather have a masked person coughing and sneezing besides you? They shouldn't be flying, that's the only thing that needed to be enforced: making sure people who have symptoms stay home. Masking healthy people is nuts. Time and time again we see people taking off their masks when they cough and sneeze. How is that helpful?
??? The vast majority of the HCW treating COVID patients never tested positive for COVID to begin with (and they are required to test frequently), so what do you mean by natural immunity?
And then the pandemic will go on much longer because it is blatantly obvious that the current vaccines are abysmally ineffective even compared to masks. YAY for Fauci and Big Pharma!
Sure masks are not cool at all but they would prevent nearly 100% of COVID deaths if actually worn properly whenever in contact with non-household members, and that is fully worth it (unlike the mRNA vaccines which increased overall deaths compared to placebo in the landmark clinical trial).
Masks have been nearly 100% effective WHERE THEY WERE STRICTLY ENFORCED (AND WORN PROPERLY COVERING THE NOSE): prime examples are health care facilities and airplanes. Deadly COVID transmission was practically non-existent in those settings (even in 2020 pre-vaccine) in spite of the extremely high risk. I worry for the life of your unmasked mother/father, wife/husband, brother/sister- I hope you are telling them not to follow your own advice. This may be their last Christmas.
Where in the world do you get the idea that they have been 100% effective? That is absolutely ludicrous on its face. If you wanted to try to defend a claim that they are up to, say, 10% effective in one specific setting and in very narrow circumstances, then I'd look the other way. But the claim you are making demonstrates, to put it as generously as I can, extraordinarily poor reasoning.
And that's before we even get to the sheer reality we all have to endure if we want to live even the most minimally social existences, which is that those narrow circumstances in which masks *might* offer a modicum of protection simply are not scalable in any way. So what if you get protection for fifteen minutes here and there, when you have to keep on existing -- and breathing air -- every single minute of every single day, in all kinds of circumstances beyond your (meager attempts at) control?
At best -- at very, very best -- it's like covering up four of the five screen doors on a submarine. The one that remains is all it takes.
Our pen is no match for theirs unfortunately. History has been written in blood, not ink. These 'people' do not negotiate. They do not reason. They will keep doing this over and over again until we make it stop. Thank you and God Bless Steve!
Agreed. But as time progresses we adapt and accept the endemic nature of the virus. People will just forget about their masks and the vaccination effort will subside as people stop coming. The CDC and NIH will return to talking about the next big pandemic and we will act like we are preparing for a time. It's beginning to happen now as people tire of the same, same daily grind.
I've worked at a Safary Park for the past 12 months or so. We are visited by between 3 to 4 thousand people daily. Up to now there has not been a legal requirement to get 'vaccinated', have a PCR test, a proven flawed medical procedure (just ask Kary Mullis, if you can talk to the dead), or wear a muzzle that can be fatal, healthwise, in the long run. All the staff (approximately 1,600) mingle in very close proximity as do thousands of visitors with each other. None of us, except for a few that missed a few days work due to having a bad flue, have had any health issues.
What is really happening is a premeditated world plan of mind incarceration by powerful psychological means, a culling experiment and a digital control of humanity. Anyone who still adheres to officialdom (politics and 'science') for their daily dose treatment, are the ones keeping the big plan alive.
It took around 100 years for many to realise what Nikola Tesla meant for this world. Well, hopefully it won't take that long before most realise what this 'Covid' scheme has been all about.
I don't give a hoot how many letters you have before your name and or how eloquently you try to debunk/destroy my comments because you are either very misguided, well paid or plain ignorant.
Truth is often the thorn crown of a dirty soul.
Masks have some effect, but I don't think it outweighs the costs. https://joesheehan.substack.com/p/mask-cost-benefit-analysis
No one is listening. The general public is brain dead, and that is why they are taking a dangerous vaccine that will kill many of them. Mass murderers couldn't have it easier.
The mask doesn’t block any pathogen which means it doesn’t protect anyone. Every time you or your child wears a mask you are endangering your lives. Masks cause oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) and forced breathing of exhaled carbon dioxide/bodily waste (hypercapnia). Wearing a mask is like wearing a petri dish on your face; within 20min bacteria/mold spores are colonizing the mask.
The nose/lungs are a filtration system to excrete bodily waste; wearing a mask interferes with this filtration/excretory system which also places stress on the kidneys and other vital organs. Wearing a mask causes lung infections, bacterial pneumonia, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, brain damage, etc. and suppresses of the immune system.
The blue manufactured masks are made with PTFEs, the dangerous chemical used in Teflon nonstick cookware. When wearing these masks, you are breathing in plastic carcinogenic nano particles of polypropylene as well as exhaled carbon dioxide/bodily waste and bacteria/mold spores.
btw, medical professionals wear N95s to prevent contamination of the patient and surgical site, not to protect themselves from pathogens (N95s don’t block all pathogens). OSHA oversees the specialized environment in hospital ventilation systems which pump in additional oxygen to compensate for the wearing of masks and medical professionals still report headaches, dizziness and fatigue caused by masks.
The mask mandate is MEDICAL TYRANNY based on the fact that masks are a serious life-threatening heath hazard. ANY mandatory medical procedure (masks, testing, toxic injections included) violates Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and every individual’s sovereign right to bodily autonomy/bodily integrity. Where there is risk there must be choice. Masks are a serious health risk to all and child abuse in children.
Masks are also used in satanic rituals and are symbolic of silencing the masses.
There’s a theme to the UN/globalist genocide agenda and great reset.. George Floyd said, “I cannot breathe”; covid victims say, “I cannot breathe”; mask wearers say, “I cannot breathe”.
Research Operation Lockstep, UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030, Georgia Guidestones, WEF, Great Reset.
Your statements are all based on theory and unproven- although the theoretical dangers of masks could turn out to be true in practice, at this time there is no evidence that wearing a mask increases the risk of illness or death.
Are you implying that masks are more dangerous than COVID? If so, where is your evidence that more people die of masks than COVID?
It is also very odd that you wrote such a detailed post on masks while giving the mRNA vaccines a free pass, even though their dangers are proven with the highest level of scientific evidence that exists. The mRNA vaccines were shown to INCREASE OVERALL DEATHS COMPARED TO PLACEBO- meaning lives cost rather than saved- in the landmark randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download, go to page 7 line 7)
Once vaccinated, you must still wear a mask because the vaccine may not work, and if you wear a mask to protect yourself from Covid-19, you still need the vaccine because masks are worthless and don’t work.
After you are vaccinated you may be required to undergo regular Covid-19 testing using lab methods that don’t work in order to confirm that the vaccine which may not work, has or has not worked. Infecting others by shedding more Covid-19 virus or the new Omicron variant after being vaccinated means that the vaccine may still work for you but not work protecting others.
And remember, dying from Covid-19 after being vaccinated does not mean that the vaccine did not work, but is entirely the fault of all those who are unvaccinated or who are not wearing their face mask.
Ivermectin deniers are responsible for preventable deaths.
Mask deniers are responsible for preventable deaths.
The mRNA vaccines were shown to INCREASE OVERALL DEATHS COMPARED TO PLACEBO- meaning lives cost rather than saved- in the landmark randomized controlled trial (https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download, go to page 7 line 7), but I'll give mRNA vaccine-pushers a break because many of them mean well and don't know about the landmark clinical trial results since the media and corrupt medical establishment have successfully suppressed this information.
I am proud to be in none of the above three groups. I am pro-ivermectin, anti-mRNA vaccine, and pro-mask (in that order), even if it means I have no friends.
I purchased Ivermectin and gave it to 2 friends diagnosed sick with Covid. Their corrupt doctors refused to provide Ivermectin and obviously were more interested in their getting sick enough to need hospital care. Both recovered the day after.
Doctors have raised evil to a new level.
They followed the FLCCC protocol with no issues, no side effects whatsoever.
Be careful trusting the medical profession.. Ivermectin overdose is dangerous.
Dr. David Greg Walker, Walker Family Practice, Houston, TX, nearly killed me w/ an Ivermectin overdose in July. Dr. Walker increased the dosage on Day 3, then refilled the prescription beyond the recommended 5-day treatment protocol which nearly killed me.
Disagree with your stance on masks which are a serious health hazard to all that wear one.
Obviously, if you overdose it will be dangerous. Any drug is like that.
Sounds like your doctor is an idiot.
FLCCC provides a doseage protocol. Any overdose was likely intentional, just like doctors refusing to prescribe looking for the same outcome. Think about it.
Diabolical, but possible. Damn.
He’s no longer my physician. I’m warning others that Ivermectin overdose is real and may be life-threatening. I’m not saying that Ivermectin is bad, but that one must be careful in the dosage and duration of treatment.
OK, so are you implying ivermectin is more dangerous than COVID? It's necessary to "be careful" about ivermectin but not about COVID?
A meta-analysis of 15 randomized controlled trials (the "gold standard" of medical research studies) including >2000 patients showed that ivermectin prevented the majority (62%) of COVID-19 deaths. Several of these trials didn't even allow ivermectin's full potential to be reached as they administered ivermectin fairly late in the course of disease and/or only administered a small number of doses, which is certainly not ideal but much better than no ivermectin.
And then there are several verifiable anecdotes where the families of dying COVID patients on ventilators won court cases to force hospitals to give ivermectin, and the dying patients began improving soon after starting ivermectin and unexpectedly survived. These include Judith Smentkiewicz, age 80; John W. Swanson, age 81; Glenna Dickinson, age 65; Nurije Fype, age 68; and Sun Ng, age 71. In almost all cases where the families won in court and the hospitals followed the court orders to give the full course of ivermectin at the desired dosages without delaying, interrupting, or stopping the treatment, the dying patients survived against the odds.
Where is your evidence that masks are dangerous? The only thing that sounds dangerous is your advice that ivermectin and masks are dangerous. I'm not denying your story but it is absolutely clear that the lifesaving benefits of ivermectin for COVID-19 far outweigh the risks- the medical establishment hates ivermectin because it reduces vaccine demand. Of course the mRNA vaccines are dangerous and their risks outweigh the benefits- they actually INCREASED total deaths compared to a placebo rather than saving lives, in the landmark clinical trial.
This guy's substack is full of information showing masks do not work.
Also, whistleblowers from OSHA called the masks out on the dangerous CO2 levels they cause. OSHA would shut down any company operating at these thresholds.
Damn straight though on Ivermectin. I'm tired of the disinformation campaign against it.
I'm with you except for masks.
Video: The Corona Crisis and the Engineered Destabilization of the Global Economy. Michel Chossudovsky @ https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-michel-chossudovsky-the-corona-crisis-and-the-engineered-destabilization-of-the-global-economy/5745532
Don't miss.
Legal challenge to immediately suspend all emergency use jabs has been filed today against MHRA (the UK's version of the FDA/CDC) thanks to PJH Law on behalf of Dr Sam White and others. The original challenge letter along with many useful links to evidence and expert testimony is here: https://pjhlaw.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/letterMHRA.pdf
steve they took your national caring award from hillary clinton off of the wikipedia page
there is no lower limit for pettiness when it comes to corona cancel culture
Masks don't reduce sars-cov-2 transmission for the same reason they don't reduce tuberculosis or influenza transmission. The infectious viral particles are conveyed by aerosols which aren't filtered by surgical or cloth masks.
I am a physician and presented the argument to a prominent occupational health group yesterday with promising results about lifting its mask mandate.
Dear physician, please don't put theory above practice: in high risk settings like hospitals (pre-vaccine mandates), airplanes, etc. where mask wearing was ACTUALLY ENFORCED, the success rates at preventing deadly COVID transmission were basically 100%. Putting theory above practice is EXACTLY how the corrupt medical establishment has successfully suppressed ivermectin (leading to millions of preventable deaths), by making the fashionable claim that the drug concentrations needed to affect the virus would be lethal and therefore the drug is useless, IGNORING the lifesaving effects shown in randomized controlled trials and in numerous dying ventilator patients who were saved because their families successfully sued hospitals to force ivermectin to be given.
Planes have the most advanced air purification systems around, to my knowledge there have been very few cases of transmission. Airport terminals are a different matter but most transmission does occur in institutional settings.
Do you think all the filtration/purification in the world would be sufficient to protect an unmasked person from the coughs and sneezes of an unmasked COVID patient next to them? Even higher risk than planes is health care settings where COVID patients are treated, and the success rate of masks (in 2020 pre-vaccine) at protecting health care workers treating COVID patients was basically 100% as far as preventing death or hospitalization, and only a small percentage even tested positive.
Decades of research on respiratory virus transmission and infection control is not theory. That's an interesting allegation.
Of course it is 100% theory that doesn't bear out in practice, unless you can show that masks have failed to protect HCW and air travelers from getting deadly COVID cases, but you can't as of right now. Obviously masks were nearly 100% effective in these settings where they were strictly enforced; otherwise the media would have loved to tell us about deadly COVID outbreaks in health care settings (pre-vaccine) and in airplanes, etc.
A year and a half ago, I proved masks don't work at all, here:
And here:
I wasn't the first, and I wont be the last.
Woo hoo. Thank you!
Thank you Colleen. I appreciate you and the other doctors who are speaking out against this muzzle nightmare.
We are making our biggest mistake ever by opposing masks (we know they do save lives whether we admit it or not, so we are contributing to deaths by opposing them- next in line for death could be our own mother, brother, wife, etc., unless we tell our family members not to follow our own advice). But even if we don't care about contributing to deaths by opposing masks, we should put 100% of our efforts into two things: 1) opposing the mRNA vaccines which had MORE TOTAL DEATHS THAN A PLACEBO- meaning lives cost rather than saved- in the landmark randomized clinical trial, and 2) promoting lifesaving treatments like ivermectin, fluvoxamine, etc. which are being suppressed by the elites causing millions of preventable deaths around the world. CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES WISELY.
Do you know what's more effective than masks? Healthy vit d levels between 50-80 ng/ml. To each their own. Masks don't make a difference and are causing more harm in our young kids who were never at risk from this virus. Why now focus on risk stratification like Dr. McCullough and other doctors and public health experts keep mentioning?
Vitamin D is excellent, infinitely better than the mRNA vaccines which literally increase overall mortality instead of saving lives. But far too many people in their 50s, 40s, even 30s, are dying after being hospitalized for COVID, some who even talked about the importance of D and other vitamins and ivermectin for treatment, etc, (and some who are even vaccinated). The only explanation I can think of for these deaths is extremely high viral load from being unfortunately exposed to an extremely contagious COVID patient while both were blissfully unmasked. (Interestingly, such deaths are practically non-existent among health care workers, including those in their 60s and 70s, at least since April 2020 once they had a sufficient supply of masks). What is your alternative explanation for the deaths among low-risk seemingly healthy people including those who are informed about Vitamin D, ivermectin, etc. (why do they end up in the hospital/ICU in the first place, where they are subject to the deadly "protocols")?
For starters, many of the covid fatalities came from the long term care facilities. After that, you likely have a high number of retirees and unemployed. Due to lockdowns and other restrictions, these two groups are at risk for more mental health issues. Recent depression and/or anxiety diagnoses increases the risk of a covid hospitalization per the CDC.
The only explanation for deaths of young and healthy people is vax injury: ADEs, cardiac arrest, etc. Look at all the elite athletes that have collapsed and died in the last 6 months. I don't believe that young people are the majority of deaths from covid, at least that's what the data shows. From personal experience, I've been breathing freely since March (I was living temporarily in the Houston metro area). Drove over 2500 miles crossing 5 states to get back home in Oregon, and have attended about 6 rallies with hundreds of unmasked people. Have NEVER gotten sick. None of these rallies ended up in the news nor did they resulted in outbreaks. NONE. Trust me, here in Oregon they would've been top headlines if they had fueled the fear-mongering narrative of Gov. Brown. I only wear masks when absolutely required (hospitals, doctors office). I'm 57 y.o. and used to have occasional asthma episodes. Haven't used albuterol in 2 years!! Have there been massive outbreaks after all those football games with stadiums filled to capacity? Again, risk stratification should be the goal. The best way to slow this virus is to allow the young and healthy to get infected (mostly mild cold symptoms) and acquired natural immunity. There is absolutely NO need for masks for a virus with a 99.8% survivability.
I am well aware of mRNA vaccine dangers and their risks outweighing their benefits, I mentioned it in the first line of my post and about a dozen other times here. But many of the younger people who died of COVID were not vaccinated so the vaccine can't be the cause of their deaths (of course some were vaccinated). I think a significant percentage of these COVID patients actually died from hospital "protocols", which in many cases, unofficially consist of inferior care for the unvaccinated, sadly. But can you deny it was COVID that put them in the hospital/ICU in the first place, where they were then subject to the deadly "protocols"?
At best all the studies have been inconclusive on masks. Source lauralynne.tv interview with Simon Fraser Professor of Economics Douglas Allan. Common sense tells you wearing them for longer periods of time are detrimental to physical and mental health. Why have kids IQ dropped by 22%? That's huge!
You can never study the effectiveness of masks properly in a blinded fashion, leading to fatal flaws in any study. Read about the Hawthorne effect and how it would inevitably favor the unmasked/control group in this case.
What do you base your opinion on then?
Health care workers treating COVID patients day after day with an astoundingly low rate of getting sick or even testing positive, in 2020 before vaccines were available. (When HCW did get COVID it was usually not associated with an outbreak in the health care setting, meaning that they caught it outside of work). And regarding flights, you think all the filtration in the world would be sufficient to protect an unmasked person from the coughs and sneezes of an unmasked COVID patient next to them?
In a Vietnam study health care workers, all vaccinated wearing PPE - https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00423-5/fulltext
Not sure what you are trying to say. It has been shown that the vast majority of infections in HCW were contracted outside of work where they don't consistently wear masks- outbreaks in the healthcare setting are almost non-existent.
That's called natural immunity not masking. Would you rather have a masked person coughing and sneezing besides you? They shouldn't be flying, that's the only thing that needed to be enforced: making sure people who have symptoms stay home. Masking healthy people is nuts. Time and time again we see people taking off their masks when they cough and sneeze. How is that helpful?
??? The vast majority of the HCW treating COVID patients never tested positive for COVID to begin with (and they are required to test frequently), so what do you mean by natural immunity?
If masks are eliminated, vaccines will be required, it is a ploy
And then the pandemic will go on much longer because it is blatantly obvious that the current vaccines are abysmally ineffective even compared to masks. YAY for Fauci and Big Pharma!
Masks are a symbol of psychological submission. Nothing more. Gaps noted in every poor sap I see wearing one.
Sure masks are not cool at all but they would prevent nearly 100% of COVID deaths if actually worn properly whenever in contact with non-household members, and that is fully worth it (unlike the mRNA vaccines which increased overall deaths compared to placebo in the landmark clinical trial).
Do you really believe that? If so, I really worry for your sanity.
Masks have been nearly 100% effective WHERE THEY WERE STRICTLY ENFORCED (AND WORN PROPERLY COVERING THE NOSE): prime examples are health care facilities and airplanes. Deadly COVID transmission was practically non-existent in those settings (even in 2020 pre-vaccine) in spite of the extremely high risk. I worry for the life of your unmasked mother/father, wife/husband, brother/sister- I hope you are telling them not to follow your own advice. This may be their last Christmas.
Where in the world do you get the idea that they have been 100% effective? That is absolutely ludicrous on its face. If you wanted to try to defend a claim that they are up to, say, 10% effective in one specific setting and in very narrow circumstances, then I'd look the other way. But the claim you are making demonstrates, to put it as generously as I can, extraordinarily poor reasoning.
And that's before we even get to the sheer reality we all have to endure if we want to live even the most minimally social existences, which is that those narrow circumstances in which masks *might* offer a modicum of protection simply are not scalable in any way. So what if you get protection for fifteen minutes here and there, when you have to keep on existing -- and breathing air -- every single minute of every single day, in all kinds of circumstances beyond your (meager attempts at) control?
At best -- at very, very best -- it's like covering up four of the five screen doors on a submarine. The one that remains is all it takes.
Do people take it off for eating and drinking? If yes, more ridiculous
Even if the filters are good, it is a close space where air recirculate. And we all saw that guy breathing through a mask after vaping 🤦🏼♀️
Our pen is no match for theirs unfortunately. History has been written in blood, not ink. These 'people' do not negotiate. They do not reason. They will keep doing this over and over again until we make it stop. Thank you and God Bless Steve!
Agreed. But as time progresses we adapt and accept the endemic nature of the virus. People will just forget about their masks and the vaccination effort will subside as people stop coming. The CDC and NIH will return to talking about the next big pandemic and we will act like we are preparing for a time. It's beginning to happen now as people tire of the same, same daily grind.