Not sure that the list of "adverse events of special interest" from the postmarketing document is being interpreted correctly here. Not all of these events were observed in association with the vaccine during their trial.

After all, the document says things like this about the list:

"The company’s AESI list takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from the following expert groups and regulatory authorities: Brighton Collaboration (SPEAC), ACCESS protocol, US CDC (preliminary list of AESI for VAERS surveillance), MHRA (unpublished guideline).

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 [[[and events of interest for vaccines in general.]]]

The AESI list is comprised of MedDRA PTs, HLTs, HLGTs or MedDRA SMQs and can be changed as appropriate based on the evolving safety profile of the vaccine."

(My brackets added, since can't do bold font.)

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Excellent. I agree. Will correct the article to reflect that. After all, if I didn't correct errors, I wouldn't be a true "misinformation spreader" :)

Also, link to the post marketing report is corrected. I had typed http:/.... rather than //. Whoops!

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Comparing the SFS data of today to 30 years ago may also be skewed, because it is so rare- maybe people weren’t even correctly diagnosed with it 30 years ago and were misdiagnosed with something else, instead?

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Then it follows you cd get it as a result of having alpha covid? Concerned it explains what has been happening to my daughter’s

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The jab destroyed the lives of Celine Dion and Justin Beiber. Likely countless less famous people! Not to mention all the young atheletes who have dropped dead! I am not vaxxed. I thank Steve Kirsch, Dr Malone, Dr Chris Martensen, among many other brave leaders who did not back down speaking the truth! History will surely be on their side!!

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>knew about it on Aprile 2021

>they didn’t give anyone informed consent

>Now lets’ look

>The chances she got it from the vaccine is

The most illiteratest man on the internet still cannot shut up. How much time, thought, and reflection do you think someone put into an article that is riddled with embarrassingly basic grammar mistakes? Zilch, that's how much. Like every other article by this clown, this article either the first thing that pops into an idiot's head or an intentional attempt to make our side look stupid.

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>this article either

Ummm…I’ll stay on the opposite side of your grammar.

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If that humor is too subtle for you, this is the perfect substack for you.

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someone should send this article to her so that she can finally get the truth pounded into her thick skull.

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Steve Kirsch you are amazing, thank you for defending the rights of all Americans!

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Rolling up your sleeve to be part of the cult is like hand feeding a 1000 pound salt water crocodile.

Why are so many this gullible? Mass formation psychosis?

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Steve... this article was a little insensitive. Celine is a human being like the rest of us and deserves some compassion.

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I don't think Steve is being insensitive, if fact, he pointing out that she may be a victim of the Jab. I have long Covid, but I had it long before I got the CCP virus, when I got the second and third Jab. If someone pointed that out in an article, I would not be offended one bit.

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The time for sensitivity is over. People need to wake up for their own good, and being polite has not helped get the word out.

Too much of the vaccine policy rested on skeptics being polite and sensitive.

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Don't agree with that. Politeness was not a factor when it came to vaccine acceptance. We don't even know whether CD was vaccinated. Most vaccinated people are victims not perpetrators. Aggressively politicizing the illness of every famous person and treating them all like Tony Fauci is a mistake IMO.

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are you kidding me? Dion is practically a pfizer spokesperson for the vaccine. Now if what you are meaning is that she was just a pusher and got a saline shot instead of the real COVID 19 vaccine, then yes.

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Mark... I guess I missed that. I just find it distasteful when people start diagnosing people at a distance and triumphantly use their tragic ill health to score political points. There is enough medical data to seriously question the "safe and effective" claims made, so to me that is a better focus, rather than playing public doctor and almost revelling in the misfortune of others. Medical data changes minds not kicking people when they are down.

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I think this is helping me diagnose what is happening to my 12 year old daughter. God bless this man

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Dec 21, 2022Edited
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Celine Dion, beloved by millions, and a decent person who has helped many, many people in her life has developed a critical illness that is debilitating. It is so distasteful that she is being treated like a political football. She isn't Anthony Fauci, or Bill Gates, or Albert Bourla. I say leave the poor woman alone.

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I was dx with SPS many years after a flu shot injury. My VAERS report doesn’t even reflect SPS because although I had neurological symptoms other things were dx first. I guarantee many with SPS are injured from other traditional vaccines. I know I am one of them. I told my husband before roll out we would see SPS increase with these Covid shots. The main treatment for this disease is IVIG plasma blood products which is another concern since nobody in the field can tell me how the mRNA, spikes, lipids etc… are being filtered. Agencies aren’t even testing for these things in the supply. IVIG is no cure either and costs 14K-20K per month. Also it’s not a one time infusion but a heavy load monthly for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, I believe we will be seeing a lot more of this.

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she was already stiff before the vaccine.

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Injecting poison like that in already walking skeleton what would one expect?

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I had a little chuckle at that. "dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones etc."

I found a website suggesting "She’s buddies with the Clintons". If so, this explains Dem dry bones!!

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Pfizer knew all the adverse effects and lied that their bioweapon was safe. No report of adverse effects. Of course not. It was the goal of the bioweapon to murder Americans and people globally. 4000 patents for corona virus, several rejected because they were not legit. Resubmitted until they were granted. Dr David Martin has been following the corona virus for 20 years and calling the alarm. Fauci et al committed 5 felonies. Need to be held accountable...20 yrs prison and $100mil fine per incident. Link below to Dr Martin's talk in which he summarizes the history and crimes committed. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x85gg4y

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Strange, I found the email notification for this substack from two days ago in my trash. Now, recently my delete button has become a little sticky and sometimes goes a little past what I want to delete, taking out two or more unintended letters, and I've found a few cases of two emails together going to the trash because of it sticking. I suppose if it were being targeted by Big Tech I either wouldn't get it at all or it might go to the junk mail bin, but probably not trash.

Anyway, I posted this in a reply elsewhere, but I thought I'd repeat an edited version here, standalone:

If the incidence of SPS is estimated at 1 in 1 million people, that would mean about 340 people in this country have it. If you divide that by the average life expectancy in the United States, let's say 80 by the CIA's calculation, which is about a year and half greater than other estimates, since SPS affects people of all ages, that means about 4.25 people a year are diagnosed with it. So if only 4.25 people a year are diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome, and 17 cases are reported in VAERS in two years, which is 8.5 people per year, that is exactly double the estimated background rate. Which means that Celine Dion has a 50% chance of her case case being caused by the vaccine.

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Might be partly your key board with all the hammering it is taking. I sometime wonder about Big Tech though, more along the interference with emails as you suggest.

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I've already replaced the Control, Command, Q, and W keys on the left side which I use for right-click, scroll and close page/tab functions, as the lettering and black had worn off them. Strangely the function key in the bottom left corner, which is used quit a bit, double tapped to turn on dictation, has no such wear on it. One of the replacement keys, the W, is starting wear again. I use the delete button a lot but I think some of the keys in that area had suffered some sort of stickiness from some food particles or something, and I already cleaned a couple of them with a toothpick in a little alcohol--I have to try that with the delete key. I actually use the majority of the keyboard probably less than most because I use dictation for most of my text, except I have to make frequent corrections.

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I'd sure like a clarification on AESI. Here's a link to an interesting article that offers a different perspective.


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Steve, take a look at this:


The CDC was falsifying data about gun related fatalities. If they will lie about guns, would they not lie about COVID death statistics?

Just thought this was a good point.

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Well the CDC do have the Rock angel Wail in the sky in charge so that won't help. But is has been bad before her time too.


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