The CDC is never going to acknowledge that there is graphene in vaccines, so whatever it says is neither true nor relevant.

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and they cover it under the guise of "long COVID" and urge ppl to get more jabs!

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Brother-Law, extremely intelligent, Now He has dementia joe. He used play 18-holes x 2, now struggles 9.

Best Friend , perfect physical condition… now left ventricular heart dysfunction.

4 other friends in heart failure

2 covid injected went to hospital and admitted for guess what…covid.

The list goes on. Logged for 26 suspected adverse events; then, I quit documenting. Zero reporttod to VAERS.

Yay…Safe and effective.Ed

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Another one who completely believed the propaganda has now been red pilled.


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These are same symptoms I had in December 2023 when sick with COVID. I am not vaccinated but did have surgery in Sept 2023.

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Somebody at the CDC should be held liable for their misinformation they spread.

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So. The CDC has finally admitted that the COVID jabz have injured and killed people.

Many. many. many. People.

Well. We knew this all along.

The Truth always outs.

Time to lawyer up.

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Mr Kirsch -

If possible, could you or your team of investigators review this study (just released in the journal "Vaccine") that says the mRNA "vaccines" saved 19 million lives worldwide - but only killed a couple of thousand.

Here's the study:

COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals

There are many things I could quote in the study, but basically it says the "vaccines" were about as dangerous as corn flakes.

Would love to see a dismemberment of this study and find out what distortions, convolutions , and outright lies they used.

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Thanks, good info. Your sarcasm is good humor to those of us familiar with you but does not translate well when we forward to others and so makes this a less useful communication...

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And the study financed by CDC claims the Covid vaccines “ potentially” may be harmful.


Really CDC?

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Feb 20Liked by Steve Kirsch

Doesn't matter. Those who took the heart dart will STILL remain unconvinced. And Big Pharma will continue to push this poison. It's sickening. I know so many people who suffered adverse effects from infertility to diabetes , cancer, etc. and they still remain in denial. "Oh, I had the shot 2-3 years ago, so my allopecia CAN'T be from that" . It doesn't matter if you explain that it never leaves your body.

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We are assured these are all good signs that the vaccine is working.

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Feb 20Liked by Steve Kirsch

This should be devastating … at the time of the rollout, nearly no one was (yet) anti-vax, so there was little to no incentive to politicize/fabricate texts (while easy) was small. I’m sure the analysis will line up with VAERS … like I said, SHOULD BE devastating. Will probably be a “nothing burger” (like the other nothing burger which was really a something burger, but still not admitted in polite spaces)

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The CV-19 is ultra unsafe because of its very toxic ingredients, which destroy the immune system and lodge in the brain. However, all other vaccines have toxic elements in them, which work much more slowly over time...and have lowered the health of all recipients. They do the same dirty work!

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Satanists have some sort of Karmic Duty to tell you, often vaguely but this time overtly, some sort of evil that the Satanist is going to cause to happen to you. They are rubbing these Bio Weapon death statistics in our face while mandating that our children take these Bio Weapons.

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