Job posting from General Dynamics website. 90+% the same. Mentions VAERS and CDC. This seems fully legit.


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'fewer serious adverse events in the vaccine group for anyone ages 16 to 55 who got at least one shot...: 103 if you got the shot and 117 in the placebo group. ' That's.8% for the shot and .9% for the placebo. Never mind that the difference is insignificant, I want to know what the hell they were using for a placebo. Sounds like nasty stuff.

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still looking - but look at this one! Topic 115 - Development of Diagnostics to Differentiate HIV Infection from Vaccine-Induced Seropositivity

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My first thought was, wouldn’t they just hire someone who would be willing to fudge the numbers so that the problem of adverse events would simply go away?

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What were the placebo group given? How can there be more adverse events reported from them than the vaccine group?

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For almost all vaccine trials, the placebo is a different vaccine.

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Exactly. Some of the studies apparently show significantly lower all-cause mortality (ACM) in those who took the shots than in the placebo group. This is fairly strong evidence of fraud, because it directly suggests that the vaccines are a fountain of youth, preventing or curing diseases other than COVID. They should reduce only COVID mortality. But we KNOW they don't even do that. They disregulate the immune system, making the vaxxed MORE susceptible to COVID, on top of all the horrible neurological and cardiovascular damage.

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Why should anyone take the 30+ minutes to file a VAERS report when they'll probably have to do it on their own time and very few will ever see it, even statistically?

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I think they have to be filed by doctors, not patients, and presumably most doctors are being paid for their time at work.

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The trials, which should have lasted into 2023, were cut short when the control groups were demolished...a quite common big pharma practice for many trials involving other drugs. Apparently the FDA fully approves of fake trials for drugs, vaccines and especially mRNA gene therapy injections. People are dying and being injured in droves and the CDC and FDA sit back and tittle their thumbs. Nothing to see here...move the line for your next injection.

Besides, you will never get anyone from the CDC to see the obvious conclusions of this article because they are either brain dead or bought off by big pharma. Nice try, though. Nothing will change. There are many more boosters to come and it's likely you will need to show proof of having every mRNA injection before entering any polling place come this November. This, of course, will not apply to any of the 5,000 democrat leftist Mules who will be casting millions of fake votes.

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when all these facts and stats pile up on high and can no longer be ignored or denied, what cataclysmic event will be orchestrated by the global elites to erase these facts and stats from memory and perhaps from existence! The "novel virus" of 3/2020 could become a thing of the past while human focus becomes this cataclysmic event, such as nuclear attack. Check out the new video of what New Yorkers are told to do in the event of a nuclear attack. 1) if your OUTSIDE get INSIDE 2) once INSIDE go to your basement if you have one, if you don't have a basement, get into the center of your building and keep away from the windows 3) REMAIN ALERT AND KEEP POSTED TO THE NEWS - how stupid do these global elites think the plebs are? And once you figure out that the global elites regard the plebs as useless eaters, you become aware that those who run the planet as their personal empire are truly psychotic, sick beings that no one should trust let alone, believe. In fact, if they make any statements, you can, most of the time, take to the bank, that they are lying right to your face because they view you now as a "hackable animal" and they don't have any empathy about what they say or what they do or what they are planning for humanity, as long as they are in control of EVERYTHING and EVERY BODY. They have agendas in place to do just that, control everything and everybody. Face it, we've been had since birth and those of us who know this also know that the majority of people don't know they don't know what they don't know. Those few controlling elites count on us many to be sufficiently dumbed down by mass formation hypnosis control because they control us since birth right up to death with their made up narratives, which we march in lockstep to, like herded sheep. I suspect these newest tech mRNA shots are some kind of bio weapon that is experimenting within the human body. What it is doing exactly no one really knows, but I'd wager to bet, at the very least, it could be some form of eugenics weapon causing sterilization, which explains why, in the begining of their tall tale, they wanted and insisted upon "a shot in every arm" globally. Now they're going after the children, toddlers and infants to be injected with the contents of a vile vial they claim is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. Someone needs to start manufacturing guillotines instead of ventilators. After all, these global elites who lie and run the planet as their personal empire and view the rest of us as insignificant lab rats for their profits over people schemes have names and addresses!

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The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control', they called it: in Newspeak, 'doublethink'.

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Perfect, thanks for continuing to expose the truth. It always seemed too good to be true when the government kept repeating “safe and effective”, 98% effective at preventing Covid, then finally it’s not even effective but you won’t die when you catch Covid. Wow what a radical shift in narrative that was, and only because they couldn’t keep lying in face of what’s happening in the real world. Sadly so many still buy their narratives.

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MSM Reporter: "The World Owes Thanks to the People they Tried to mentally Break!" 2 minutes: MUST HEAR! https://odysee.com/@Robert-Self:a0/The-Unvaccinated-Will-Be-Vindicated!:c

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Awesome report, especially when read out in Del BigTree's passionate voice. I almost feel like a hero for the first time in my life! LOL

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My take on this is that the % of worst cases will be removed, only leaving the % of mild cases. This database will then be used publicly to promote that the authorities are providing *evidence* that ONLY mild injuries exist. The higher the number of 'mild only' cases the better, hey?

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Sadly, you seem to have it wrong. I am a proJew antiNazi.

At least early on some Jews chose to work for the Nazis

believing that they would live, or at least be alive longer.

This has been pictured in holocaust movies.


I believe that many now working in the medical field are

deceived about the quackcines or promote them for

their wages' sake. Yeah.

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Searching for this job opening. Sounds like a great opportunity to make a difference. Wonder if it is false?

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Reminds me of the Jewish victims who chose to help the Nazis

in their killing work. They did this believing the Nazis that they would

be safe from harm if they did so.. Does this remind you of what we were

told about the quacksines? YEAH. LIES. LIES. THEN MORE LIES!

STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly on MeWe.


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They are not forgotten, for they are the true wise people despite the eradication plan. Keep faith, and Sabbath, don’t forget Dr. Zalenko.

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Yes I do. Dr. Zalenko was a very wise Jewish doctor.

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The Nazis were already murdering people at that time, so those that "chose" to help them did not necessarily have a "choice," or could reasonably have assumed they didn't. The fact that you felt the need to make that false equivalency and drag Jews into this as a negative example smacks of antisemitism.

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Those who now steadfastly support the COVID quacksines. remdesivir, and other harmful practices may be likened to those long ago Nazis. This time it's not just the Jews, Gypsies, and a few others. It seems that "The Evil They" are now aiming to kill ALL of us little people!

Deceive them by SURVIVING!

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Oooh anti-Semitism. You go gulag. LOL

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