That quote says it all.

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Anyone seen the Netflix documentary “Bad Vegan”? I believe that’s what happened to her…and it’s messed UP!!

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Sagan, a devout atheist, was naturally at odds finding 'the truth' among mortals of a fallen world. God Himself said "Am I a man that I should lie?" True, heartfelt faith is our only means of contact.

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You'd think when your own life and your children's lives and health is at stake that people would want to examine every angle, but no, they'd rather play the three wise monkeys.

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They real word/phenomena is called Hypernormalization. Adam Curtis did a documentary about this in 2016. It is a little all over the place, but I did come away with some understanding.

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Sagan's response on the Existence of God is... just watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML4kiFCKZGo

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Interesting that the channel owner has comments turned off, saying:

"Comments are now off, you clowns."

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True enough. That’s why when someone says “God bless you,” I’ve been known to respond, “Thank you! Which one?...” Interestingly enough, the God of the Bible has a name that he commanded his people call him, which appears in the original ancient texts almost 7,000 times, yet it is hidden in nearly all Bible translations. It is YHWH. No one is completely sure how to pronounce it since there are no vowels in ancient Hebrew, but it’s interesting that he wanted his name spoken and I think it’s precisely because there are so many gods that are worshipped by the masses to begin with.

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That reminds me of the dyslexic insomniac agnostic who would stay up all night pondering the existence of dog.

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Indeed, great quote from a great book & scientist. Here's a quote from Sagan re. censorship:

“The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there’s no place for it in the endeavor of science.”



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I've stopped talking about the scam surrounding the vaccines with my friends (all of whom are vaccinated) because Im worried Im sounding like some crazy person discussing conspiracy theories. Ive never been a person who listens to conspiracies, so this is a very odd experience for me.

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I haven't stopped. I try and tone it down but sometimes they repeat the most stupid things from MSM. But I'd describe them as more acquaintances than friends. I'll find out which are friends if I ever need help that inconveniences them.

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I feel the same. I SO want to warn my vaxxed and boosted friends to avoid the second booster. I want to send them Geert vanden Bossche’s latest Substack article warning of their vulnerability to new variants and encourage them to get on ivermectin. But I know they won’t listen since they didn’t heed my warnings all along. These people are very defensive about the jabs and I don’t have credibility with them since I’m not jabbed. Even though they know my father was a world famous pathologist and Spanish Flu expert! Like you said, this is a very odd experience sitting silently while friends possibly kill themselves.

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If they're completely sold on the narrative it's hopeless telling them much. You can only drip feed the odd fact and hope they go and do their own research. If not then too bad, they have made their choice as we have. Just as one says; "live by the sword, die by the sword" the modern version is; "live in ignorance, die in ignorance". There's a reason data (information) is considered the new gold.

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Well said! “Live in ignorance, die in ignorance.” These are not stupid people I’m talking about. But it’s more important to them to “fit in”, “go to Hawaii”, “see the grandkids”, “go to the gym”.

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With 20+ years as a Parent of a Vaccine Injured Son, we were probably 1% of the population. My completely un-scientific guess is we are roughly 8% of the population now. Welcome!! Oh yea, my Dad was an Infectious Disease and Navy MD in a generation that learned from mistakes. I get no joy in this current era of #BigPharma and #CorporateMedicine. The Polio Vaxx took 65 years to get to the current version -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine

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Very interesting. Thing is, I dont revel in being right to reject the vaxx. Two of my friends are pilots and didnt really have a choice. What is really worrying is that people dont want to see the evidence being presented now, showing that they were duped. Its almost like its easier for them to ignore the situation than admit they were conned. I think alot of people out there are in the same position.

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Are your pilot friends doing ok right at this moment?

Check on their well-being.

I’m seeing what could just be anomalies of health concerns. Not enough quite yet but two in very young people. One (heart) I know was triple jabbed. The other? Neurological disease. Not sure if vaxxed.

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It's a huge mistake if they know they were duped. They need to be screaming for research to reverse the damage done.

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I went to Cornell, saw Sagan speak once as a Guest Lecturer, and I have used the Bamboozle quote in the past. Reality is, if you buy a bad used car, you just re-sell it or dump it. If you injected a bad Vaxx, you can't pull it back out. Thus, denial arrives, and Sagan's quote re-surfaces. Human Beings = Complicated!!

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I don’t even have any friends to talk about it with. Maybe one or two online friends who I haven’t talked to in a while but not because we disagree about the vaccine, as I’m pretty sure they do agree in fact.

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Yep, I think its easier to look the other way, than to admit the mistake of getting vaxxed.

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I know I would be downright humiliated if I had gotten the vax. The cognitive dissonance would drive me crazy.

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Your story spurred my new substack you have to search Tom Max to see it!

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I like this one better (Mark Twain I think): "it;s easier to fool people than it is to convince them they've been fooled."

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The only way for them to wake up is to see so many dead body. Sad.

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Or what could be just as bad if not worse, progressive degenerating diseases, autoimmune conditions and acute disabling conditions. I truly think we’re starting to see the first waves of these.

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Carl Sagan not Sarl Sagan

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Bill Nye said that if Ken Ham showed him evidence that the earth was 6,000 years old he would change his mind about how old he thinks the earth is. Would he, though? Does Bill Nye really follow the evidence, or does he believe things in a religious like fashion just as Ken Ham does?

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I’ve used this line here before that I heard in an audio book about the JFK assassination and cover-up, ‘People want to believe in a truth, they don’t want to know the truth.’

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