This study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33849909/

Title: 'Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes'

Shows that the exercise needed support a horse-drown economy is a likely factor

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The problem here is that most of the Amish who got COVID and died perhaps didn't seek mainstream medical services and get diagnosed with COVID - so how could someone provide names of people who were recorded as dying of COVID if it wasn't recorded as a COVID death? There is evidence that the Amish fared as well as or better than populations that embrace mainstream medicine and vaccines but there isn't evidence that the COVID waves spared them from excess deaths. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34117598/ and https://www.christianpost.com/news/amish-survived-covid-19-better-than-most-by-not-locking-down.html provide some insight into the situation.

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Steve: with your connections and the debate team that you have at your fingertips, I hope some honest, reliable legwork is being done on stats re the Amish. For instance, I recently read claims that the Amish 'suffered excess deaths in 2020 and 2021, due to their fear of technology/the vaccines'... Of course this ignores the fact that they ALSO claim that EVERY community on the planet suffered excess deaths in those years. But aside from that, do they actually have data that shows that the Amish had excess deaths in those years? I'd like to see the real data on this, and if it is because some Amish started taking the jab? Or is it just bunk on all fronts, or what? We need to keep a close eye on the Amish and their birth rates and life expectancies as well. They are the control group, if they did in fact stay completely unjabbed. We need to secure ACTUAL (legit) DATA on these topics before it gets corrupted.

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DOWNLOAD the references to Turtles All the Way Down book https://tinyurl.com/333h6ew5

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Steve, fact checkers sent me this study based on obituaries in a newspaper distributed to Amish communities.

Of cause they seem to be arguing that these religiously observant are a cesspool of viruses that didn't (gasp) social distance, mask, quarantine etc.

What do you make of it?


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I never wore a mask, socially distanced, etc and I never got COVID. I never took their COVID jab either. I do PERSONALLY know 4 people who died from the COVID jab. AND everytime I talk to someone about it, they either tell me how sick they are since they took the jab or how someone they know is sick or dead from it.

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They also don’t have cellular towers radiating into their bodies like the rest of us… perhaps that variable should be considered.

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The two largest worldwide changes in past 2 years were the “vaccine” and 5G. We may be doing humanity a great long-term disservice by ignoring one of the potential variables…

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I NEVER see Amish in our hospital. They are wise to distrust.

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Never mind. Found it

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Can anyone direct me to a copy of “Turtles All The Way Down”? Thanks Jeff Smith

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Can I name 5 Amish people living in Lancaster County who died of Covid? No.

Can I name 5 Amish people living in Lancaster County, period? Also no.

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You should look at Holmes County, Ohio too.

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What are the autism rates among Amish children compared to the national average?

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I don't know if we can find out as the Amish are generally suspicious of outsiders and not likely to participate in a formal study. To this point it's just anecdotal evidence. My Husband and I were allowed to interview an Amish Bishop in Ohio. He was unfamiliar with the term Autism and did not know of any children in his community that had autistic symptoms when I described them. He was sad that a certain percentage of teenagers left the church to be "modern" people. Overall, he said for the most they were healthy and did not suffer from dementia or depression or take any prescription medication. They prefer natural healing, but most will go to a modern doctor if they do not improve.

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They are as suspicious to outsiders as anyone else...matters not what the outsiders are outside of.

You are correct about the studies and why would they participate?

This is how someone else will frame a narrative around them that will lead to an agenda. They know better.

I have found in the community i live amongst that their are many that are knowledgable of autism and other sickness, illness, unhealthyness, but then there are some that have no clue at all as you mention....it can vary....

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Thanks for the insight!

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