why are all the health authorities silent? We all know the answer. Same reason they are silent about 13 million deaths globally from the experimental injections according to analysis done by Dennis Rancourt. (This jibes with estimates of deaths in US ranging from 1 to 3 million based on VAERS under reporting). They are criminals, mass murderers, and they are not going to do anything that might alert the public to that fact. So they ignore it. The media lies by omission, by not reporting on deaths from the injections, excess deaths, and now excess disabilities.

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I love w. W is great for shorthand. If I were to write you a letter, I’d never use w. That wld be rude. But w/o being naughty, I’d like to draw your attn. to Americans and Canadians saying “off of” - that I cannot understand! I’m a 50 yo British woman btw :)

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I honestly think this is why there are so many of certain types of employers having a hard time filling positions. I wonder how many government/medical openings are because someone was vaccine injured and can't work anymore, or just died.

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I made no such claims. What are you talking about?

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The US and UK have been leading the way in sickness and death for decades. Suddenly we're all supposed to get worked into a lather because there's yet another spike??? We lead the world in heart disease, cancers, diabetes, etc. This is nothing new. The vaccine simply functions as a delta agent to expedite what is inevitable.

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Can anyone think of an explanation for what looks like a sharp, −3 Sigma drop in all cause claims In late 2019? It looks really weird... PS 25 sigmas (!!) on blood disorders is insane... would be good to see the absolute numbers for these disabilities in addition to the z-scores.

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I agree with the data. A increase in disability claims given the circumstances is rational. Too bad the American government pretends ignorance while censoring anyone who tells the truth.

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Covid - Certificate of Vaccination ID

Pfizer admitted to the European Parliament, MPs Rob Roos, Christine Anderson, Cristian Terhes and others (MP Mislav Kolakusic also spoke out about the plandemic), that it never even tested whether these 'vaccines' would stop Covid transmission.

So why the crazy push to vaxx everyone, even newborns with 0 risk of serious Covid?

The Covid vaccine was a smart framework for a 5G chip implant, 666.

Advertised now as your digital wallet while banks are being closed and everything is moved online.

See Dr. A.Noack, Carrie Madej and others who have studied these vials. The self-assembling magnetic graphene builds nanostructures in your cells. Blocking your blood vessels and causing blood clots.

With the 5G 666 implant, it will reset all your cells to the grid frequency. That is why there is no way back from the 666 Mark.






Did you know that those vaccines also have a scannable glowing substance in them called luciferase? From the word Lucifer (satan).

Also replace Pfizer logo P letter bow with L bottom. It makes an anagram for Luzifer.


Now that the Covid Great Nephilim 666 Global Reset has failed, the World Economic Forum nephilim, through O. /Biden, are causing a third world war with Russia.

Why? To depopulate the Adamic race.

Depopulation - Revelation 9- 11 - nephilim demons come out of the pit again powered by our soul energy.

And for that millions have to die which can only be achieved through creating WW3.

Obama's we remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger (w is the letter 6 in Hebrew, 666).

Come back from what? From a small aluminum plane mysteriously defying all US advanced air safety and pulverizing a steel skyscraper from top to bottom?

No. Obama is talking about his race coming back from the Great Flood. Genesis 6.4

Goliath, too, was genetically a Nephilim. Almost 3m tall when translating the ancient measures of cubits.

See also, for yourself, the abnormal conical skull of Jacob Rotschields.

Rotschields, Rockfellers, Vanderbilts, Collinses, Warburgs, Onassis, are close to the top of the satanic DNA pyramid, ruled over only by the very top - black ancient egyptian (the same ones who enslaved ancient, pure DNA Israel, not whom we call Israel nowadays), origin nobility - the likes of grey pope Dominico Napoleon Orsini who actually rules over the Vatican, and Aldobrandini family.

Vatican's center, St Peters basilica - nobody has thought to study where the very word basilica comes from, but it means 'royal abode of the basilisk'. King of the serpents. Vatis can - latin - 'divining, soothsaying serpent'.

The Bible specifically prohibits witchkraft and soothsaying, so you can imagine which other side has named Vatican, its capital, the way it is named.

By the way, Obama and his puppet Biden are behind the election software fraud. The software is called Dominion - not a coincidence, as it gives satanic dominion over nations, their future and soul energy.

Google "Jonathan Kleck Obama Sun Rising" (the 666 guy), and "Jonathan Kleck locusts".


Strong's Concordance, hebrew and greek translated by professional linguists with utmost accuracy







Covid -19 was a US Obama led Department of Defence military operation. Confirmed by official government Freedom of Information request response letters.

Also please see this -


Covid plandemic was a DARPA military operation, pre-planned by Obama's run Pentagon - Pentagram. Confirmed by numerous official FOI requests.


P.S. they are banning prayers around abortion clinic sites, notably in England. Even silent prayer is classified as 'offence'.

I wonder why. Maybe because prayer disrupts the human sacrifice soul energy transfer mechanism, and so fails to power hell. Rev 911.





By the way 'novel' coronavirus kits were purchased en masse by most countries in the world already in 2018! Covid pandemic hit in 2019.

Even Space does not exist. See Isaiah 40:22. NASA - ASAN - put in their logo - SATAN - the red forked serpent tongue T lying hidden.

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Where is the 666 from? Any comment on the significance of this number in apocalyptic literature?

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You should write this as your own substack.

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Big Pharma must be tapped out for research funding. Politicians aren’t cheap either….what with inflation and all that.

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Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by Medical Journal Within 24 Hours

Researchers searched all published autopsy and necropsy reports related to COVID-19 vaccination through May 18, 2023, resulting in 678 studies. After implementing inclusion criteria, they chose 44 papers containing 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. A panel of three expert physicians independently reviewed each case to determine whether COVID-19 vaccination was a direct cause or significant factor in each death.

Findings showed the most affected organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system at 53 percent, followed by the hematological system at 17 percent, the respiratory system at 8 percent, and multiple organ systems at 7 percent. Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days—with most deaths occurring within a week of the last vaccine dose.

Of 325 autopsies reviewed, 240 deaths, or 74 percent, were independently adjudicated as “directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”


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Long covid is an urban myth. There is zero evidence it exists. It is a ruse to defect and hide the fact that covid mrna vaccines have caused massive morbidity and mortality.

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Your guess is as good as mine so that means we both are RIGHT on the money. ;)

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There is a downward trend from 2019 to the beginning of 2021. Maye the Trump administration was cracking down of invalid claims. Perhaps the American people didn't want to return to work in 2021 and the Biden administration enabled the higher number of claims?

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So all the extra claims are frauds? And the docs are in it too? It is had to believe the former.

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