Pretty sure this video is from Steve some time ago. "Industrial Hygienist Tyson Gabriel reveals mistakes in the mask science that no one has seen before now. ( Industrial Hygienists are the worlds experts on exposure sciences. THE Respiratory Protection experts, that train doctors. "

spoiler.. cloth masks are a useless joke for virus but super nice to see the modeling


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Funny how CA govt is requiring masks when we lived in smoke all summer and fall and were told by same govt that surgical masks, bandanas etc don’t work for smoke. Viruses are way tinier than smoke particulates. If anyone should know this is bullshit, it’s Californians. But we (they) keep drinking the koolaid!

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Except for Nancy and Gov Hairdu.

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This is about getting people to think about getting the booster over Christmas. It's a mind-control measure. The sad thing is that people will actually put on the mask. I already noticed maskers this morning everywhere I went.

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People are compliant. For as long as people keep being compliant - this is not going to end. Why would it end? By which mechanism will it stop?

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Haven't worn a mask in months. Nary a complaint.

Keep my distance? Yes. Wear a mask? No.

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Politicians know where the votes are, so must be a lots of ignorant people!

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Failure of incentive based health system,

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I can assume the new mandate will not apply to Gavin if he is out to dinner with friends or Pelosi if she needs to have her hair done.

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I suppose if one suffers from acne, or if one is going to a fancy dress party, or intends robbing a stagecoach ot steam engine then there maybe a point,... yet none of these uses are science based either!! Mmnnhh, what a coincidence.

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Or if one’s lower face has drooped from Bells Palsey or GBS…

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Why does the phrase, “The beatings [in your masks] will continue until morale improves!” come to mind?

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You might want to see this story on Henry Makow's web site, a letter to him from Jacob RothS...

I believe it's legit. Spills all the candy in the lobby.


The masks prove obedience. Taking the injections prove obedience.

Once you allow someone to inject you with who knows what and the government condones it, what else can they do?


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Google: yellow house burrel

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The people in position to set policies or mandates absolutely know and understand that the typical surgical masks being worn are not an effective measure against the spread of viruses or infections. Surprisingly, the fda.gov website hasn't changed their description of surgical mask use to better match the narrative, the site states, "Surgical masks are made in different thicknesses and with different ability to protect you from contact with liquids. These properties may also affect how easily you can breathe through the face mask and how well the surgical mask protects you....While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, it does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face...Surgical masks are not intended to be used more than once. If your surgical mask is damaged or soiled, or if breathing through the mask becomes difficult, you should remove it, discard it safely, and replace it with a new one. To safely discard your surgical mask, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash. Wash your hands after handling the used mask."

It's rare, perhaps non-existent, that anyone discusses the proper way to handle and care for a mask. Many reuse single-use masks, put them in their pockets or purses, store them in a car cupholder, etc...if masks are not even effective when properly used, they certainly are not effective when misused.

Mandating face masks on our society is purely for psychological effect and for a multitude of reasons: fear mongering, creating division, subliminal messaging, compliance conditioning, profiteering and politicizing. It is time to pivot the message and inform these corrupt people in a position of power that we know their true intent behind mask mandates and to stop the mandates or step down.

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Yes. Exactly. They are no longer entitled to our assumption of their good faith. They're not merely mistaken or misinformed. They know exactly what they are doing. It's time for us to start showing them that we know exactly what they are doing, too.

Answer their real agenda, not their sleight-of-hand authoritarian pseudoscience.

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Firefighters ought to ditch the rebreathers and don masks. 'Cause they work like magic! Smoke & viruses cannot penetrate them. Yet oxygen molecules can, I guess.

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Why aren't you people just ignoring this BS at the least, or better yet tarring and feathering those responsible? If you want to act like a sheep, don't be shocked when you get fleeced.

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