To be really safe, we could jab the fetuses with the vax in the womb. If we do it immediately before, during and after conception, think of the 0 lives we could save!

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Steve I absolutely love all your work, but I want to let you know that while the vaccine may certainly have killed Caleb Swanigan, it appears he was in awful shape after he was done with the NBA in 2020.

I'd hate to see you lose any credibility over this detail, so you may want to provide this information in an update.

Thanks again for all you do!


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That means, in this era of soaring costs, Senate negotiators decided to further insulate the nation’s largest health care companies from a federal law against accepting “ any kickback, bribe, or rebate” — using a bill that’s supposedly about regulating guns.

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There are many words--even in medicine and law--that don't accurately describe what they are meant to describe. Last week, I observed two people--both on the same side of the climate change argument--nearly go to blows over the term "fossil fuels," because this term is deemed inaccurate. I am told that oil, coal, and gas are not literally derived from fossils. They are more accurately termed "biomass fuels," but few people would know what this was when used in conversation.

Likewise, "death by natural causes" is not accurate. "Natural," assuming humans are part of the natural world, is not a descriptor--although used by coroners and law enforcement--to represent a death other than in the natural way, i.e., like that would occur in nature. And death in nature is a usually violent killing followed by being eaten, not the quiet, peaceful demise in one's sleep that we would all be privileged to experience.

To die peacefully in one's sleep is indeed, unnatural. For accuracy, we need a better word.

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I believe that Mark Twain said something like, "In nature, it's murder all around..."

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crimes against humanity!

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You know something, maybe, just maybe I have led an extremely sheltered life. But being military and moved around the world for 20 years (and a second career with corporate America), nah, I think not. So when this retired NCO from the USAF says I've seen more of our younger generations die from natural causes/SADS etc in the last year or so than in the rest of my 66 year life put together, it becomes painfully obvious there is a vax related thing going on here.

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Why expect anything from the CDC? They are 100% complicit in the scamdemics and, therefore, are the enemy of the people. Scrap the CDC along with the rest of the lying piece of shit government and their criminal agencies.

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Ask Jaylon, oh wait.........

Baltimore Ravens LB Jaylon Ferguson dies at age 26

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How does a guy that's gained 150 lb and now weighs 400 play in the NBA let alone even walk up a hill? It might be the clot shot it might be his weight ...might be a combination of both but weighing 400 does not sound like the picture of good health to me unless you're 9 ft tall

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Can you imagine the headlines if Covid had been killing so many healthy young people?

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Swanigan was already in the NBA for a few years.

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First Tony Siragusa "Goose" -- of SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) at age 55 and now Jaylon Ferguson (26). Has someone got something against the Ravens? We're going to see more and more of this -- as we've been warned.

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When you get past the surface of this issue layer upon layer, it becomes spiritual in nature between the fallen angels and their offspring versus man and Jesus Christ. Problem is man doesn't realize he's going along with the enemy agenda unless he becomes born again and recognizes the roots of the real battle here. Ask those who were in the military or civilians with high level clearances asked to work with aliens. You were not allowed to mention Jesus in their presence. Jesus said unless those days were shortened for the elects sake no flesh would be saved. We are about at that point. Please recognise Jesus Christ came as God in the flesh minimizing his attributes for a time. Some think there is a setup in the New Age doctrine for people to accept antichrist because the good aliens will come. They are like pedophiles offering candy to children. Please wake up people.

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Jesus=Morning Star. Satan=Morning Star. Discuss

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Lucifer was described as the morning star bringing light. After he fell when iniquity was found in him he is no longer. Both Jesus and Satan are also referred to as lions. Simple metaphor but on the case of Jesus ascribed to the tribe of Judah from which the Kings of Israel came except for Saul. We are never to slander Lucifer. When disputing over the body of Moses it is said that Archangel Michael rebuked him. I find it sad that angels who stood in the presence of God decided to go against Him. In this age God is seeking those who are in darkness and choose Him to be in the light. Opposite of the fallen ones. The fallen ones never experienced darkness until they chose to turn away from the Creator. I cannot relate to people who choose to hurt others knowingly, choosing what they know is wrong as a child unless they have been subject to abuse and remember no other way. Lucifer can still appear as an angel of light. One of the apostles warned of Angels bearing another gospel. I think this refers to those that are Fallen.

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Lots of kids die from Wuhan virus in Taiwan https://focustaiwan.tw/society/202206020013

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Since most of these kids weren't vaxxed. It makes me wonder if it's VAIDS acquired through shedding or if there is something different going on. Nevertheless, Taiwan's CDC is not releasing vax status details related to deaths except for saying whether or not the victims were triple vaxxed.

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Federal dollars make the 'world go round'. So much of this fabricated pandemic (see Corman Drosten Review) is about cash, capital, dineros, bucks and the unfortunate who believed the authority of government, big medicine, big pharma are the price. RIP Caleb. You will eventually be vindicated. PU.

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Baltimore football is having a bad day, first Jaylon Ferguson today and then Tony Siragusa, both Ravens.


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