Hi Steve, its been about seven months since you posted the very informative and important article on gain of function research conducted at BU that was funded by the NIH that produced a CFR (case fatality rate) of 80% by removing spike from Omicron and combining with the Wuhan strain. I see the article has been cited in 11 articles according to Dimensions. The article has also been Tweeted 8030 times, viewed by 225 news outlets, and mentioned in 14 blogs as of today. Is it just me, or has enthusiasm for potential nefarious impact on the global population gone the way of crickets?

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The American Dr Josef Mengele

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8 out of the 10 mice in the study were euthanized by the researchers- that is your 80% fatality rate.

So SCARY! ;)

(like katy perry)

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If contagious disease would exist, nobody would be alive to beLIEve in this nonsense.

If it would be possible to 'catch' the flu or covid, almost everyone should 'get' it. But most people don´t as it is a detox happening mostly in spring and fall, depending on the climate you live in, as temperature are not to extreme, easy for your body and a good moment to detox.

There seems to be a signaling function between people to start these detoxes, just like with laughing and yawning. The symptoms which are called the dis-ease, are the natural healing of the body removing toxins, so it restores a healthy balance. (!)

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Whether that 80% is referring to humans or mice is irrelevant. Does anyone honestly believe we can tell truth from lies coming from our gov. today. If you think they can be trusted then you haven’t learned anything from this plandemic.

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Those are the same 8 mice used to approve the (am)bivalent clot shots for kiddies. Small world.

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I can't verify this, but I read Alex Berenson say that the 80% lethality was in laboratory mice, for whom the original Wuhan strain was 100% lethal. Still, I can't imagine what would make that work worth doing, let alone using tax dollars to fund it. Defund the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA, and replace them with an all new public health administration. These agencies are not redeemable. They must be replaced.

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https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ana.26408 Continued False-Positive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by Electron Microscopy

Virology for you.

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I don't care how virulent this new strain is.. the cure is the same and this post will tell you why.


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So it's possible to design new variants. What does this portend for vaccine stakeholders: great prospects with zero liability!? God help us.

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WOW! Maybe a counteroffensive weapon to be used against those who have already struck down so many of us?

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Is there any proof that this isn't pure propaganda meant to drive people to get vaccinated? Is the laboratory at Boston a level 5 lab? 80% is among the most deadly pathogens in the world, is it not?

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Why and how is this even continuing?? Who and where are the powers that be that can stop this?

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People who do things like that research are evil and need to be locked up to protect humanity. It's an egregious waste of public finances as well as dangerous. Let's put them back into science fiction where they belong, not preying on us and endangering us. They have to be stopped. I'm sick to the stomach with this stupidity.

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The FLCCC docs and nurses said Dr Been's video about this is important .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8RH7z-yGVM

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But...but...2 of the mice DIDN'T die. And compared to other studies where ALL the mice died, this is a very positive result......right?!

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It means they Will cancel experiment in mice and continue it in humans.

Wait, thats what they did with the injections when all mice died, or am I wrong. I readed that months ago in somewhere.

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Oct 20, 2022
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You know I was being facetious, right?! ;-)

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