The child died from medical malpractice, not the measles. By the way, they don't vaccinate in the community due to all the vaccine injuries they've had from "safe and effective" vaccines.
Poor kid, but seriously, why do people STILL go to hospitals to be saved?! If a kid has some issues that look like they're going to be bad eg the beginnings of bacterial pneumonia, why not try colloidal silver first? It's good against gram negative bacteria, which are the major players in infections. No injections or broad spectrum antibiotics needed most times. You can safely make it at home with a 9V battery system and 2 very good quality stems of silver. LOADS of Vitamin C can also help. There are plenty of natural therapies that can help. Why just run off to hospital??
If your system is already susceptible to measles (and/or is reacting to poisons and then comes out in a maculopapular rash that looks like measles), then your body is already having a tough time for some reasons/s. Going to hospital to invariably suffer malpractice/be a scapegoat (because you already chose not to vaccinate, for instance...which the docs hate!) is very likely. They're not going to treat you nicely and sweetly and perfectly when you've already refused their vaccine cash cow!
No better way to make RFK Jr look bad, and refusing vaccines look bad, by having a kid die from a 'preventable illness', right?! No need to mention it was medical malpractice, of course. But perhaps the doctors involved really were that stupid. It's actually quite possible.
I think the crux of this is: don't let the truth get in the way of a good story! Especially a bad and evil Big Pharma story...
And maybe somewhere in there, if you're planning on going against the medical establishment by not adhering to their insane vaccine schedules, try to do ALL you can naturally first. Hospital really should be a last-ditch effort. And you also have to think about what are they going to DO to you at hospital. You've basically got to be your own physician, and know how to research. After all, hospitals make up their own protocols that are NOT based in science. You just can't trust medical practitioners that work there anymore. And hospitals have so much going on that mix-ups and cross-communications are rife. Problems are BOUND to happen. Do you want that to happen to you?
Tragic about the Childs death and even more tragic that it's been politicized. But about the topic of measles vaccines and measles outbreaks. We need to think clearly about the best course of action to prevent measles outbreaks while ensuring the health and safety of our youth. For this argument, let's assume everything in the Vax vs unVax book is true, that unvaxed kids are healthier. Still, we want to prevent measles outbreaks, correct? If so, here are the options as I see it:
*Vaccinate 'people' later in life. Perhaps before starting High School, goal of >95% vaccination rate.
*Study safety and outcomes when parents vaccinate later. At 4 years, 8 years, 12 years, etc.
*Develop a 'safer' vaccine, but keep the current vaccination schedule.
I would argue that it wasn't a complication of measles at all. If the diagnosis of Mycoplasma Pneumonia (MP) is correct, it was caused by a bacteria spread from the droplets of another infected person she came into contact with 1-4 weeks earlier. That is the only way to catch MP. They call it an atypical pneumonia because the cause is different, and it often has symptoms that aren't just in the lungs, like a rash. That is called Mycoplasma-Induced Rash, which happens in 10-30% of cases. Maybe she never even had measles but this instead. They saw spots and just assumed Measles. We need an autopsy to confirm.
But it is deffinately not the type of pneumonia that sometimes comes after measles.
Fear MONGERING to seniors who still watch MSM crap and might still have sway on their "vaccine hesitant" children or grandchildren. No doubt...
The most unintelligent and misinformed folks in Canada are sitting in their easy chairs right this minute. Watching TV.
They're watching cooking shows and CTV and CBC news. 14 hours a day. When not being escorted to a doctor's or dental office, or an Emergency Room, or to Urgent Care, or to a blood & urine & stool testing lab.
I know this to be a fact as I'm SURROUNDED. On all sides. (Also: observant.)
"5% of the people think; 10% of the people think they think; and the other 85% would rather die than think." Thomas Edison
"I strongly advise everyone in Canada to be vaccinated with two doses of a measles vaccine, especially before travelling," Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam said in a statement.
I was picking up meds for my mother yesterday: People my age, going away for "Spring Break", were being vaccinated.
At Shopper's: You can pick up your meds and have a measles shot. Killing 2 birds...
"No appointment necessary for vaccines." It's right there in front of you, written in bold, on signage you can read while you wait your turn to be served.
Talk about mass hypnosis via TV news, then the not-so-subliminal advertising in the Big Pharm store. You don't even need to THINK about it. Just step right up folks!
"Well sure why not? It's FREE & better to be safe than sorry... I keep hearing about that measles death in Texas."
The media needs to be charged. There is no way that blatant misinformation is legal.
Poor kid, but seriously, why do people STILL go to hospitals to be saved?! If a kid has some issues that look like they're going to be bad eg the beginnings of bacterial pneumonia, why not try colloidal silver first? It's good against gram negative bacteria, which are the major players in infections. No injections or broad spectrum antibiotics needed most times. You can safely make it at home with a 9V battery system and 2 very good quality stems of silver. LOADS of Vitamin C can also help. There are plenty of natural therapies that can help. Why just run off to hospital??
If your system is already susceptible to measles (and/or is reacting to poisons and then comes out in a maculopapular rash that looks like measles), then your body is already having a tough time for some reasons/s. Going to hospital to invariably suffer malpractice/be a scapegoat (because you already chose not to vaccinate, for instance...which the docs hate!) is very likely. They're not going to treat you nicely and sweetly and perfectly when you've already refused their vaccine cash cow!
No better way to make RFK Jr look bad, and refusing vaccines look bad, by having a kid die from a 'preventable illness', right?! No need to mention it was medical malpractice, of course. But perhaps the doctors involved really were that stupid. It's actually quite possible.
I think the crux of this is: don't let the truth get in the way of a good story! Especially a bad and evil Big Pharma story...
And maybe somewhere in there, if you're planning on going against the medical establishment by not adhering to their insane vaccine schedules, try to do ALL you can naturally first. Hospital really should be a last-ditch effort. And you also have to think about what are they going to DO to you at hospital. You've basically got to be your own physician, and know how to research. After all, hospitals make up their own protocols that are NOT based in science. You just can't trust medical practitioners that work there anymore. And hospitals have so much going on that mix-ups and cross-communications are rife. Problems are BOUND to happen. Do you want that to happen to you?
The boy was given the wrong antibiotic…liars!
Tragic about the Childs death and even more tragic that it's been politicized. But about the topic of measles vaccines and measles outbreaks. We need to think clearly about the best course of action to prevent measles outbreaks while ensuring the health and safety of our youth. For this argument, let's assume everything in the Vax vs unVax book is true, that unvaxed kids are healthier. Still, we want to prevent measles outbreaks, correct? If so, here are the options as I see it:
*Vaccinate 'people' later in life. Perhaps before starting High School, goal of >95% vaccination rate.
*Study safety and outcomes when parents vaccinate later. At 4 years, 8 years, 12 years, etc.
*Develop a 'safer' vaccine, but keep the current vaccination schedule.
*Stay with status quo.
*Go full Darwin, survival of the fittest.
The mainstream press lying to us ?
Now there’s a surprise 😂.
Big Pharma Spends $100B-yr. Mandating Vaccines
There is no surprise here.
I would argue that it wasn't a complication of measles at all. If the diagnosis of Mycoplasma Pneumonia (MP) is correct, it was caused by a bacteria spread from the droplets of another infected person she came into contact with 1-4 weeks earlier. That is the only way to catch MP. They call it an atypical pneumonia because the cause is different, and it often has symptoms that aren't just in the lungs, like a rash. That is called Mycoplasma-Induced Rash, which happens in 10-30% of cases. Maybe she never even had measles but this instead. They saw spots and just assumed Measles. We need an autopsy to confirm.
But it is deffinately not the type of pneumonia that sometimes comes after measles.
Horrendous. Heart breaking.
And to politiciz for pharma 🤬
I thought her pneumonia was because of the Measles. What am I missing?
She was intentional left to die by way of the incorrect antibiotic to help push the measles scamdemic?
Keep sounding the alarm, Steve. I so appreciate you tenacity with this important topic.
The CBC is promoting disinformation and spreading lies.
Fear MONGERING to seniors who still watch MSM crap and might still have sway on their "vaccine hesitant" children or grandchildren. No doubt...
The most unintelligent and misinformed folks in Canada are sitting in their easy chairs right this minute. Watching TV.
They're watching cooking shows and CTV and CBC news. 14 hours a day. When not being escorted to a doctor's or dental office, or an Emergency Room, or to Urgent Care, or to a blood & urine & stool testing lab.
I know this to be a fact as I'm SURROUNDED. On all sides. (Also: observant.)
"5% of the people think; 10% of the people think they think; and the other 85% would rather die than think." Thomas Edison
This is what the MSM is pushing in Canada. Non-stop...
This is what they were pushing a year ago:
"I strongly advise everyone in Canada to be vaccinated with two doses of a measles vaccine, especially before travelling," Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam said in a statement.
I was picking up meds for my mother yesterday: People my age, going away for "Spring Break", were being vaccinated.
At Shopper's: You can pick up your meds and have a measles shot. Killing 2 birds...
"No appointment necessary for vaccines." It's right there in front of you, written in bold, on signage you can read while you wait your turn to be served.
Talk about mass hypnosis via TV news, then the not-so-subliminal advertising in the Big Pharm store. You don't even need to THINK about it. Just step right up folks!
"Well sure why not? It's FREE & better to be safe than sorry... I keep hearing about that measles death in Texas."