Basically anyone who believes in Germ theory/ Viruses, but knows the CONvid snakeoils are dangerous, is just a GATEKEEPER for Germ Theory lies and bullshit!!

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It wont take long for those MP's to shut that crap down, there are legal ramifications for refusing to provide information to members.

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Nice one Steve. Good article.

I think it will come after the election (likely early May) and not before

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Steve, is there a timeframe within which a response must be provided (regardless of the nature of the response)?

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You missed a category in what do you think they will do?

Cover up by tampering with the data…like ONS changing how they record excess deaths…I.e. hiding the truth that there’s an issue.

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The Electronic Congress

We are Human Beings made in the image of God.

It is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

True Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation and furthered commented that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and the only way to hold them accountable is to inspect their work."

Now, it is a known fact that the voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in any of the typically 100 new laws they vote on each day, every five minutes, while in session.

Approximate facts for example:

a. Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.

b. The representatives are given two weeks to review the laws before they are brought up for the Vote.

c. Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced.

d. Many laws are in excess of two thousand pages.

e. The math demonstrates that the "democratically elected representative" does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.

f. And since the duly elected Representative is incapable of evaluating 200 thousand pages of law speak per day they have all forfeited their delegated obligation to represent us.

So, the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves, The Citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

The Electronic Congress

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL, and said, "it is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government".

This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

Just imagine:

g. We, the People, could actually direct the priorities of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries and local police departments.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

How to implement it:

We talk about it until it is done.

Why shouldn’t your vote really count?

We can acquire the text of a recent law or Supreme Court ruling and have AI parse its actionable elements, apply a questionnaire so that the concerned Citizens can Ratify or Annul it. Then distribute the links.

Can I make money with this?

Websites with traffic can put up the laws they find most egregious for Ratification or Annulment, probably charge a $1 or so per voter for doing it, and watch the evolution in real time.

Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.

When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the result of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall

overcome Evil and then we all live happily ever after.

Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency he would give us The Electronic Townhall.

The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living until the end of time.

We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.

The Electronic Townhall

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Dr. Cartland on the cognitive / personality changes he is seeing in NHS doctor colleagues, how NHS doctors are refusing the jabs themselves but continue to jab patients and how they gaslight jab damaged patients.


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All credit to everyone involved in this push for decent revealing data.

If it wasn't so sensitive (ie. damning against the so-called 'vaccine') there would be no problem releasing everything. If the 'vaccine' was not causing the carnage, they'd release the data in a flash.

And if it was so fantastic, we have to ask WHY were there so many exemptions for people up the chain of command being compelled to take it? You know -- the politicians, scientists, regulatory agencies, military top brass, judiciary, et al.

This rather reminds me of the chosen ones who'd be allowed into the protective nuclear bunkers while the rest of us were expendable.

They've always been two-faced degenerates, but now we can see it if we awaken.

Regards, Andy. 04 Mar. 2024.

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Crypto? For subscribers only?

You are a joke...

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Who is the jokiest? The joke or the joke who follows him?

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Senator Ron Johnson's statement during hearings about the Covid disaster.

Senator Ron Johnson

"The COVID pandemic has opened my eyes to the failure and corruption of the global elite and their institutions, including government. Unfortunately, many eyes remain closed, and the global elite will use all of their power to keep them closed."

“In this case, they overhyped fear over a virus they helped create, in order to push a profitable gene therapy platform and gain greater control over our lives. Along the way, they sabotaged early treatment, denied natural immunity and vaccine injuries, caused trillions of dollars of economic devastation and destroyed an untold number of people’s lives.”

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Wish you luck but I think the 7 MPs will be stonewalled like similar politicians here in the US

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Yes, why, because it is written that all of this shall come to be, however, it is also written in Daniel that the rock cut with the mysterious hand that smashes the divided feet of clay and iron, his kingdom grows and takes over and the other becomes like 'chaff in the wind', so my friends, keep on the good fight! God is with us.

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Fantastic news, Steve!! Thanks deeply for all you do each day to spread truth and to encourage others to do the same.

With continued prayers

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Will this be like the Dutch data where we can see vaxx status? The bit that i have seen, with the analysis and commentary that i have seen, seems to show vaccinated are over represented in the death stats. Argument will be that older people get vaccinated more - but if shown to be true in each age cohort, that should settle things?

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Vaccinated people are older than unvaccinated people so they get higher crude mortality rate, but vaccinated people have lower age-standardized mortality rate than unvaccinated people in the Dutch data: cbs.nl/nl-nl/longread/rapportages/2024/covid-vaccinatiestatus-en-sterfte/3-resultaten, x.com/mongol_fi/status/1764268532546630086, x.com/mongol_fi/status/1764259822923342096.

In the Dutch data if you calculate the percentage of COVID ASMR out of all-cause ASMR, it's also higher in unvaccinated peple than vaccinated people: x.com/mongol_fi/status/1764307747099525195. Unvaccinated people have higher non-COVID ASMR than vaccinated people, which is probably because of the healthy vaccinee effect, but if you divide the COVID ASMR by all-cause ASMR which includes non-COVID ASMR, then it should partially account for the HVE.

In the ONS dataset for mortality by vaccination status, one major flaw is that in Table 2 where the mortality statistics are split by age, it doesn't include an "ever vaccinated" category for all vaccinated people. So you cannot compare vaccinated ASMR to unvaccinated ASMR by age group. However it is possible to compare the total CMR of all vaccinated people against unvaccinated people within age groups if you simply add together the deaths and person-years in all vaccination status groups. Then it shows that within age groups, vaccinated people generally have lower CMR than the general population of England but unvaccinated people have higher CMR: sars2.net/stat.html#Plot_CMR_and_excess_mortality_by_age_group.

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Covid or SARS Cov2 doesn't exist if it helps and as a consequence NO TEST exists

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Thanks. Just to be very precise... is CMR a rate (i assume so) or an age? ie, is a lower cmr a lower rate of death, or a lower age of death?

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Crude mortality rate is the number of deaths per people, or often per 100,000 person-years. But the mortality rates in the Dutch data are adjusted for age and sex so they're not crude mortality rates.

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Mar 12
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Neil and Fenton speculated that in the ONS dataset, people may have been classified as unvaccinated for about two or three weeks after the first jab, but the ONS have answered many times that they count people as vaccinated on the day of vaccination: ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1april2021and31may2023 (search "From the day of vaccination"), ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/vaccinationstatusclassificationandallcausemortalitydata, x.com/SarahCaul_ONS/status/1634184181541478401, osr.statisticsauthority.gov.uk/correspondence/ed-humpherson-to-norman-fenton-martin-neil-clare-craig-and-scott-mclachlan-ons-deaths-by-vaccination-status-statistics/.

There is one dataset published by the UKHSA where people were classified as single-jabbed until two weeks after their second jab: whatdotheyknow.com/request/809588/response/1937479/attach/html/5/1767+FOI+Data+classification+of+those+vaccinated+within+14+days.pdf.html. And there is another dataset published by the ONS where people were classified as single-jabbed until three weeks after the second jab: ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/covid19vaccineeffectivenessestimatedusingcensus2021variablesengland/31march2021to20march2022. But those are different from the ONS dataset for mortality by vaccination status.

The 2-to-3-week cheap trick is not used in the New Zealand data that was released by Barry Young, but there is still a big increase in mortality among single-jabbed people during the same time when the second dose is rolled out. From August 2021 to November 2021 when the monthly person-years of the second dose climbed up from about 6,000 to about 62,000, the excess ASMR of the first dose increases from about -62% to about 102%. And also from November 2021 to March 2022 when the monthly person-years of the third dose climb up from about 500 to about 78,000, the excess ASMR of the second dose increases from about -25% to about 80%: sars2.net/moar.html#Excess_ASMR_compared_to_reported_mortality_data_in_New_Zealand.

This spreadsheet shows that if you count the time from last vaccination to death in Barry's dataset, there are 360 deaths in the first week after vaccination, 571 the second week, 643 the third week, and so on: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17YXdA7pSHHAD3c3CWdxoDzUr4Bav0H8bUKLhCgvnJVw. And the mortality rate is about -63% below the baseline the first week, -41% the second week, -33% the third week and so on, and it takes about 15 weeks until the mortality rate gets back near the baseline.

I have also tried comparing crude mortality rate within age groups in the ONS data against the mortality rate among the general English population: sars2.net/stat.html#Plot_excess_mortality_by_dose. In the ONS data in ages 70 and above, April 2022 was the first month when a large number of people were included under the 4th dose, but in April 2022 people under the fourth dose had about -66% excess mortality in ages 70-79, -73% in ages 80-89, and -59% in ages 90+. After that it took about 4 months for the excess mortality of the fourth dose to reach near zero. However at the same time the excess mortality of people who remained under the third dose increased to over 100% in ages 80-89, because the "unhealthy stragglers" who had positive excess mortality remained under the third dose but the healthy vaccinees with negative excess mortality moved under the fourth dose.

Neil and Fenton's cheap trick is not used in the Medicare "all states subset" sheet that was published by Kirsch a year ago, but there are 573 deaths during the first week from vaccination, 872 deaths the second week, 1063 deaths the third week, and so on, so the cheap trick would work in favor of unvaccinated people (kirschsubstack.com/p/game-over-medicare-data-shows-the#the-medicare-data-that-i-received):



Three months ago Kirsch also published a complete or nearly complete dataset of people who died in the Maldives in 2021-2022 along with the dates of their vaccination. So you can calculate the time from the last vaccination of each person to death manually so that you know that the cheap trick is not being used. However there's 14 deaths on the first week from vaccination, 21 deaths the second week, 32 deaths the third week, and so on, so again the cheap trick would work in favor of unvaccinated people:



I showed these datasets to Martin Neil, but his response was to just block me and delete all of my Substack comments: x.com/mongol_fi/status/1766616346945614219.

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Mar 13
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