BREAKING: Over 25% of elderly residents of a SNF died within a 4-week period after getting the COVID jab in December 2020
If the deaths were caused by COVID, this would be front page news. But when the deaths are from the COVID vaccine, it isn't newsworthy for some reason.

Executive summary
A skilled nursing facility (SNF) administered the COVID vaccines to employees and residents on Dec 28 & 29, 2020.
The CMS data shows there were at least Between Jan 3 and Jan 31, 2021, 28 residents died on an average resident base of 108: a monthly death rate of 26%.
This is quite stunning.
The management had to interrupt the staff’s holiday to call them back to work due to all the deaths.
Here’s the kicker: In all of 2020, this facility had ZERO COVID deaths.
The average in-SNF annual mortality rate at SNFs is 7.8% (see Table 3).
AVV had 7 deaths / wk on average during the period after the vaccine, whereas they normally average about 1 death per week.
>>> poisson.sf(27, 4)
In other words, this is not simply a statistical outlier.
Something killed these people. What was it?
There was no news coverage of this and nobody has ever leaked this story to the press.
Until just now.
Apple Valley Village Health Care Center
The source of my data is from one of their employees.
But this data is public from the CMS Nursing home data
For more information
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This is not an unusual story at all
I just talked to a charge nurse in a facility with 100 residents (half in long term care, half in rehab care). When they rolled out the vax in late 2020, they had 12 deaths over the next 2 months afterwards. There were 65 people in the facility at the time who got jabbed. Normal death rate expected is 7% annually. So they had 12 deaths when there should only have been 1 death.
I’ll be interviewing this charge nurse on video on August 11, 2023.
Got a similar story?
If you have a similar story to this one, please report it here.
Here’s one of the responses I got showing that this nursing home isn’t unique at all:
Hi. I’m filling in this form, as these two cases are significant, in one home 2/3 of residents died, in the other 1/3, shortly after receiving the vaccines. It was blamed on a COVID outbreak, of course. I have no connection to these homes and no inside information, I just remember reading about them - in both homes they had no deaths throughout all of 2020, until the vaccines were rolled out starting in December 2020.
Two-thirds of residents die in Covid outbreak at Lincolnshire care home
(this article followed the narrative)
24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections
The last article cited a whistleblower (James) who came out and exposed that it was the vaccine causing the deaths, including a video).
His video is available here. He testified that:
“After being injected with the mRNA shot, residents who used to walk on their own can no longer walk. Residents who used to carry on an intelligent conversation with him could no longer talk. And now they are dying. “They’re dropping like flies.” (Full article with video.)
Guess what? None of the people who didn’t get the vaccines died. Yeah, that’s right. Only the people who got the vaccines died. Exactly the opposite of what people were told.
Could this data be wrong?
Of course, but if you don’t like that data, there are other, more well known examples to select from with statistically “impossible” effects.
From the comments:
A convent in Kentucky was one of several that had zero Covid deaths until the vaxes were given. That was Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg, and the first vax was given Feb 1; two nuns died Feb 3rd, another on Feb 10th, and I am fairly rsure I came across a later story about 2 more deaths. I wonder how many they have had since then, there were only 35 nuns there.
20,000 doses of the COVID vaccine created 23 new suspicious deaths in Norway which is an excess death rate that matches my often cited 1 in 1,000 excess deaths per dose. This is much less than the current example, but a 1 in 1,000 death rate is far from acceptable; it is 1,000X higher than the “safe” level.
Heath Freedom Ireland video shows these two charts which show an “impossible” rise in deaths if there is nothing new that is causing it.
What this means
There seems to have been this huge rise in excess deaths when the COVID vaccines rolled out worldwide in December/January. That rise in excess deaths is not explainable through normal statistical variations.
Think I’m making this up?
If you trust the authorities and believe that I’m making this story up and you are confident that the vaccines are perfectly safe, you can bet against me here ($25,000 minimum wager).
Fact checkers: Of course I’m wrong! You know that! This is a great opportunity to double your net worth quickly.
You join with others who are confident that I’m wrong and are willing to back their beliefs with cash (which I find is amazingly good at showing whether people truly believe what they say).
Dad ignored my advice, got 3 poison jabs and THEN got covid. 68 years in a health fund, Premium, and he overheard the ward doc & nurse talking about him. "He's old, just send him home". He RECOVERED, tough old goat, only to discover he had turbo cancer & had 8 weeks to live. Huh, died of coincidence... doctors are filthy scum.
I don't know if you guys remember way back to when the jabs were first rolling out, but there were a series of articles that basically said "Don't worry if old people die right after getting the jabs, because old people die all the time."
I about screamed myself hoarse yelling "WHAT ABOUT THE COVID DEATHS, THEN?!?!?!?"