Cold/flu POISON JAB has it done it's job!? COVID and VACCINE SCAM WORDS!

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I personally don’t believe it will ever get the public release of truth. All the murderous horror of it gets hidden in government gunck,and the lying media. The medical side hidden in money and human genetics being so that the side effects show at different times and with different rates of kill.bottom line for me is the master minds behind this want a kill rate.

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How right you are, sherri!

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If I may make a suggestion and having yesterday witnessed another absolute barrage of ignorant abuse from a so called pseudo science buster. Why don’t you replace the word vaccine with homeopathic remedy or chiropractic adjustment or acupuncture procedure and hand them the data. They’ll see the problems and the what the data is showing instantly as they are so intent or paid to debunk anything non pHarma model. Hand it to them let them shriek about it before exposing the truth.

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These injections in my mind we’re never meant to be used as a prevention, so it’s not a puzzle

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Meanwhile in Australia a local council has decided enough is enough and are now looking to suspend the use of the vaccines. https://shorturl.at/Uiai9 Small steps.

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Council members will soon be incarcerated by the murderous government of Australia. You think government will tolerate this impudence?

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Absolutely both are unsafe! Unfortunately many received before we knew the truth… and lately I’ve been hearing about heart valve defects, and people are requiring heart surgery… can’t help but think another jab side effect… the one gal didn’t make it soon after surgery… so lots of what the medical community brush of as unrelated conditions…or worse yet don’t connect the dots…

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A colleague collapsed at work and woke up in hospital after heart surgery. According to him his heart was filled with blood clots. The surgeon told him it was due to the poison.

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Yes I know of two of those incidents. Routine surgeries turned deadly.

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I explain it this way :) The good quacks quit or got fired. That left the poor quacks to do the operations. And in the second case the person got Sepsis and died on routine stomach operation. The other was a heart operation. Precovid these two situations are completely survivable.

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Both deadly. 1 death in a 1,000 is beyond stupid. Is mathematics compromised Steve? Say it ain't so. :)

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Remember the days when mathematics was considered raciss?

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It is great to have data miners such as you to collect the proof of what is really going on. We know instinctively what is happening but lack the proof.

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According to Dr. McCullough, if I understood him correctly, the shots were most dangerous at the beginning of the rollout, for some reason, and the manufacturers made them somewhat safer over time.

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Brian Ferolito: Health Science Specialist Position Description: Bioinformatician/Data analyst at MOD-E-RNA, has five STOCK shares, all were purchased on February 25th, 2020.

Miguel A. Hernan part of MIT Zuck+Chan,

also works for Cytel is a multinational statistical software developer and contract research organization, headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Cytel provides clinical trial design, implementation services, and statistical products primarily for the biotech and pharmaceutical development markets.=> it is like Dominion in Voting business....

also in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ProPublica, the CNN style of 'investigative' journalism

Michael Figueroa Muñiz got money from Trustees of Boston University..

That's some financial connections, not even looking into the data of NEJM, which like almost the entire 'science' these days is BOUGHT up by SPECIAL interests. The injured need to start fight, come on VETERANS!

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Yes Steve both "vaccines" should be withdrawn from the market and it does not matter which one overall was worse. Like you said one is bad and one is worse. The CDC and FDA are both corrupt, and it does not matter which of the two is a little more corrupt than the other. Then there are the hospitals, some with more deadly policies than others, and the same can be said about doctors who betrayed their patients. Does it matter if one doctor betrayed 278 patients and another 178 patients. Most, if not all, were guilty. Greedy corrupted cowards who kept their mouths shut and betrayed their oaths. And then we have the medical societies that took away the licenses or privileges of doctors that did inform their patients of the truth. Let's not leave out the heads of the pharmaceutical companies. Is one worse than the other? The only thing we do not know is how many people world wide will die because they took the jabs, or were they intentionally designed to be bioweapons. I suspect that the different batches were either intentionally contaminated to different degrees to see the differential effects downstream or that they were just sloppy in their manufacture.

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Musk has a harmless mishap, and the FAA gives him a proctal exam.

Airplane manufacturer has a mishap, and the FAA clamps down on production. The FAA went in and the courts followed.

Vaxx makers have turned VAERS into a national flashing neon sign with loss of life orders of magnitude in excess comparatively and the regulators actively carry water for the manufacturers and stonewall transparency pleas and attempts.

If that doesn't frame the flagrant corruption then there really is nothing to discuss, as any naysayer is numb to reason.

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The extent of the fraud and its implications are too severe IMHO. It involves the DOD, billionaires, big pharma, the 3 letter agencies and, if the fraud is acknowledged, the testing process of new drug development will probably have to be removed from the pharmaceutical companies. Their data, methods etc are never revealed or shared. If handed over to an independent contractor, development will take much longer and most existing drugs will most probably have to be removed from shelves. Their marketing approach which involves ghost written articles based on falsified data will end and empires will collapse.

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Is the FDA working to protect the drug companies or the American public?

Dig into the FDA and you'll find it was founded to protect the drug companies, as it subsequent behavior (thalidomide, Swine Flu vax, etc.)

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I agree with you

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It could be an issue of lot variability. Which has already been noted for COVID vaccines and was seen in anthrax vaccines.

Should we call these vaccines "unsafe" or should we use a more explicit term such as "poisonous" or "had various toxicities engineered in" or specify how they increase the cancer risk or the clotting risk? Unsafe is an anemic word for what these vaccines were meant to do

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You can't beat a good adjective. Our choice of descriptive words is too timid, time to lambaste 'em with constructive vituperatives.

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Spot on Meryl ☺️

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Meryl, you know the truth. Poisonous is the accurate term, and why they were created and Gates' role here too.

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With pharmaceuticals, particularly new ones, correlation should be treated as causative until proven otherwise.

Correlation is acknowledged; it is why the correllation does not equal causation jingle has become such a chorus.

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I was just reading on Karen Kingstons substack that there is "...a recently published study in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research (IJVTPR) confirming that there are ‘at least 55 undeclared chemical elements found in the COVID-19 vaccines,’ including toxic metals, radioactive elements, and ‘11 cytotoxic lanthanides (rare earth metals) used in electronic devices and optogenetics.’" this difference in formulation may account for the difference in toxicity. But we know from the howbadismybatch website that there is essentially no quality control from factory to factory. Remember when Fauci said in a 2019 congressional hearing that the vaccines would contain self assembling nano technology? No one challenged him on that. I think it's way past time for him to explain what their purpose is.

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Steve, I find your analysis to be very informative. However, I don't think that this study takes into account the many illnesses and reactions that were erroneously attributed to either vaccine. Case in point...Damar Hamlin. His cardiac arrest was proven to be commotio cordis and this conclusion is supported by some of the most respected doctors in the field. You and your doctor friend wrote this kid off and reported that his autopsy results would show that he died of a Covid vaccine injury. But guess what...he lived. Not only that, he is thriving and has been named a starter on the Buffalo Bills defense this season. Is he a medical miracle...yes...and that is definitely to be celebrated. However, none of that had anything to do with any vaccine.

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Some of the most respected doctors in the field pushed the vaccines. Regarding the multitude of chemical elements found, which is the catalyst and which is the reagent? Do we understand the chemistry behind the presence of these rare earths, etc?

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It wasn't "proven," that's just what the "official" story was that the press let you read ;-). We know that the NFL wasn't letting any unvaxxed players in the door.

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How would you know that. Aaron Rodgers was not vaccinated, for example. He said he was "protected" and the league let that slide because he was Aaron Rodgers. Everything isn't a conspiracy. In this case they told the real story.

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Maybe it was commotio cordis, maybe not.

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Yes, Meryl. There's always been wiggle room for the multitude of explanations we've been exposed to.

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There is no maybe...it was.

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Maybe not due to ONLY commotio cordis and the blow to the chest only compounded the weakened heart that was already harmed by the "vaccines" !!!!!

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Definitely was!!

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It could also be that his condition (due to the "vaccine") was then amplified by the blow to the chest. That is, he was already in a weakened condition.

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All of his doctors...and they were the best...concluded that the blow to the chest caused commotio cordis.

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Janet, Doctors also say the "vaccine" is safe and effective!!!!!!! This event was very well covered in ht media and during the same time that a lot of highly trained athletes died on the field. To say that he died of the jabs meant he could sue the owner of the team for being forced to get jabbed, and things like that. Ask yourself, how many (or %) of doctors were telling their patients the "vaccine" was safe and effective. Medical exams could not prove it was due to commotio cordis.

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